Discussion: New Gamestop/Razer Going Rogue Promotion

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
If you're a Vet of a year or more, grousing over this needs some honesty here. You're not missing out on anything special; you just feel the need to have *everything*. Be honest about it.
I pre-bought because they told me there would be no bonuses for pre-ordering, and since I was definately goign to buy it anyway, why not?

If they had said at the time: We might have some bonuses for pre-ordering, I'd probably have waited to see. But they didn't, so I didn't.

If a significant amount of people did that, then thats a significant amount of working capital they got up front to help develop GR that they would not have otherrwise got if they had been more straightforward in their dealings (or had just simply been more organised).

I, as a consumer who gave them some money, feel that they haven't been particular forthright with me, and my feedback is that I'll now question their future marketing afforts in the future.

What would I think would fix this?

a) give everyone who pre-purchased before this announcement the pre-order bonus too, thus making their original statement correct
b) offer refunds for anyone who pre-purchased so that they can choose to pre-order instead, thus removing the percieved damage done by the incorrect information
c) make it so that if someone applys a pre-order code to an account that has GR pre-purchased, some bonus is given (like say, 2 free months gametime) to make up for people having bought it twice.
d) somethigng else that indicates they know that some people are unhappy about this and that they want to make it up to them

If they do any of those then I'll be happy. If they don't then I will be unhappy.

Always remember, we were Heroes.



after having read all this I am still not pleased that as some one who prepurchaced GR that people who pre order get the in game stuff but I guess its not that big of a deal :/



Personally I don't see what the big deal is. I have been playing since almost launch, have seen the previous preorders have special perks in that case costume pieces mainly. I honestly think this was a good promo idea. I don't personally care for the enhancements as they hold little true benefit after lvl 20 especially. And from 1 to 20 is a fast run really in the grand scheme of the game so it is truly just short term. It is no big deal.



I hope the ehns can be "claimed" (similar to vet reward) otherwise they will sit in your tray unless you slot or delete them. I also hope you can claim 1 at a time. The procs might be fun to slot in something like brawl, or a pbaoe toggle on an alternate build.

currently reading: A Mighty Fortress (David Weber)



Originally Posted by dsfsafe View Post
Some very naughty things.
A spammer? On the forums? In a redname post?

Wow. They are desparate.




Originally Posted by dsfsafe View Post
RMT spam, in my forum?

It's more likely than I thought.

Save City of Heroes!



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
This is why these are only provided to new characters and cannot be sold/traded/stacked. First, you can’t have enough of them to 6-slot out any power. Secondly, for a L1 character, that 16% damage/recharge boost is nice, but once you hit L20+, IO’s start getting a lot more competitive. The proc rate is low to begin with, and at L21 they won’t even kick in anymore. A L50 character could use these enhancements if they chose to, of course.
As one of the "veterans" you mentioned here, I'm totally okay with this system.

At first I was annoyed, seeing that you get bonuses for the pre-order that I can't get. I already bought Going Rogue. Plus, I never liked GameStops "preorder and get EXCLUSIVES" promotions. I don't like the commercials boasting that if you order the game through them you get advantages other people don't. And as a "loyal" customer who bought it as soon as it went on sale, I miss out. Granted, I'm enjoying my level 45 DP/Dark and 34 DS/Thermal...

However, I looked over the site and saw they're only about as strong as a dual-enhancement IO of level 20. Meaning by the time you're in your 30s there are way better things. They did have a proc component, but that much I wasn't worried about. At this point they were just "slightly better procs."

Now that I hear the proc turns off at 21+, that means these are just low-level tools for new players to have a bit of an edge. Devs have taken a lot of steps to ease the 1-20 levels and get people into the game, and this is a pretty decent attempt. I don't mind not having stuff for low levels, since as a vet I tend to blast through that stuff as fast as possible anyway (hello Stamina).

So I'm all for new stuff and "advantages" for new players and low-level toons. Those of us who have been playing a while don't need these sorts of perks necessarily. As long as they don't start bleeding over into the majority of the game. Good call on this one.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



I think it was a decent idea for a promotion - a little perk that has some value to new players, but not very much value to experienced players.

BUT, if some vet players are interested in them (for some reason...), why not make them available on your website store for purchase instead of aggrivating any of your current customers? Granted, I can't see any reason a vet player would want them, but apparently there are a few that do, so why not make a few bucks and sell them what they want? It won't take away from the fact it's a free bonus if you purchase from the cooperating retailer, and certainly won't make them any less desireable to new players buying the game in stores.



Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
I pre-bought because they told me there would be no bonuses for pre-ordering, and since I was definately goign to buy it anyway, why not?

If they had said at the time: We might have some bonuses for pre-ordering, I'd probably have waited to see. But they didn't, so I didn't.

If a significant amount of people did that, then thats a significant amount of working capital they got up front to help develop GR that they would not have otherrwise got if they had been more straightforward in their dealings (or had just simply been more organised).

I, as a consumer who gave them some money, feel that they haven't been particular forthright with me, and my feedback is that I'll now question their future marketing afforts in the future.

What would I think would fix this?

a) give everyone who pre-purchased before this announcement the pre-order bonus too, thus making their original statement correct
b) offer refunds for anyone who pre-purchased so that they can choose to pre-order instead, thus removing the percieved damage done by the incorrect information
c) make it so that if someone applys a pre-order code to an account that has GR pre-purchased, some bonus is given (like say, 2 free months gametime) to make up for people having bought it twice.
d) somethigng else that indicates they know that some people are unhappy about this and that they want to make it up to them

If they do any of those then I'll be happy. If they don't then I will be unhappy.
While I admit their not knowing they were going to offer a preorder is a problem, they cannot be faulted for not telling you about something that didn't exist. When they were selling CoV they never informed us it would be free to everyone a few years later, when they released the CoH and CoV preorders they didn't tell everyone they would be Vet Rewards 2 years after they came out. They didn't tell us because they had no idea. The same applies here. You were given the same information they had at the time just like we're being given all the information they have at this time. As far as we know, next week Best Buy will get a bug up their rear to do a bonus too and in a month they'll have one as well, but right now, such a thing doesn't exist and they've said as much.

You're suffering the buyers remorse common with "early adopters" who see their neat-o gadget they paid a premium price for quickly surpassed by the newer, cheaper version. It's the same impulse people get when they see the game they preordered a year ahead of time and dropped $80 for on release after camping out in line overnight fall to $19.99 with a hundred on the shelf (or worse, drop to half price within a week of release).

You got your bonus, if you want the other, you have to shell out again. That's the sad truth of the early adopter. You judged the prepurchase bonus to be worth the price and went for it, bully for you, a lot of people agreed.

A subset of the population decided it wasn't worth it and have been patient and now that patience has paid an unexpected dividend (a tiny one, honestly, as most will use the mousepad more than the actual enhancements). To go back and try to renegotiate "the deal," one you were perfectly happy with 48 hours ago, is simply not going to fly with the corporation. You don't see the preorder folks demanding the powersets be unlocked when they preorder because that's not part of that particular deal, or demanding that they be given 2 additional free months because they missed out on the head-start with the powers. You also didn't see the Devs tossing out free months when they gave away a far more expensive product many of us had bought (the CoV collector's edition).

I feel for you, I really do, but you got exactly what was honestly described by the seller. Your purchase hasn't been devalued in the slightest and no refund is required, plus you have already gotten use out of your purchase (unless you'd be willing to have your account rolled back to the date of purchase and even then you've still gotten value out of it via the enjoyment of it).

I know this sounds a lot harsher than intended, but it is nothing but a dispassionate look at the situation. Register your discomfort with the situation, but don't expect the company to do a thing about it, especially outlandish things like your propose, they're within their rights and responsibilities on this one.



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
I think it was a decent idea for a promotion - a little perk that has some value to new players, but not very much value to experienced players.

BUT, if some vet players are interested in them (for some reason...), why not make them available on your website store for purchase instead of aggrivating any of your current customers? Granted, I can't see any reason a vet player would want them, but apparently there are a few that do, so why not make a few bucks and sell them what they want? It won't take away from the fact it's a free bonus if you purchase from the cooperating retailer, and certainly won't make them any less desireable to new players buying the game in stores.
Because if you can buy them elsewhere they are not "exclusive" and that's part of the deal with GameStop, an exclusive item (meaning you can't get it elsewhere). These exclusive periods vary in length, but you can bet part of the agreement is just how long the item cannot be given away or sold in any other form. Even if the Devs wanted to give it to everyone (or sell it) they're contractually obligated not to do so for a set period (possibly indefinately, but that's doubtful). That's how retailers work these things to get you to come to their specific location to buy from them and only them.



Originally Posted by McNum View Post

I thought you guys were better than this. Store exclusive ingame preorder items in a multiplayer game is the worst trend in video games so far. Sure, they're not that powerful, but it's a really bad precedent.

I'm disappointed. I really thought NCSoft were better than this.
well, they did the same thing when the game launched with preorders getting prestige sprints.

and again with CoV with the exclusive costume pieces.

I don't like the practice, but it's been a consistent activity throughout the histoy of the game.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Nice to see some cross promotion even though it wasn't NCSoft's idea. Hopefully it means some Razer ads mention City of Heroes. I'm glad I didn't order yet. I was just going to buy the box when it hit a retail outlet(Best Buy, Wal-mart or Gamestop) but now will go ahead and pre-order.

I can't stand the 1-20 levels anymore so nice to know there is a little perk to make them more bearable.



Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
I pre-bought because they told me there would be no bonuses for pre-ordering, and since I was definately goign to buy it anyway, why not?

If they had said at the time: We might have some bonuses for pre-ordering, I'd probably have waited to see. But they didn't, so I didn't.

If a significant amount of people did that, then thats a significant amount of working capital they got up front to help develop GR that they would not have otherrwise got if they had been more straightforward in their dealings (or had just simply been more organised).

I, as a consumer who gave them some money, feel that they haven't been particular forthright with me, and my feedback is that I'll now question their future marketing afforts in the future.

What would I think would fix this?

a) give everyone who pre-purchased before this announcement the pre-order bonus too, thus making their original statement correct
b) offer refunds for anyone who pre-purchased so that they can choose to pre-order instead, thus removing the percieved damage done by the incorrect information
c) make it so that if someone applys a pre-order code to an account that has GR pre-purchased, some bonus is given (like say, 2 free months gametime) to make up for people having bought it twice.
d) somethigng else that indicates they know that some people are unhappy about this and that they want to make it up to them

If they do any of those then I'll be happy. If they don't then I will be unhappy.
I recall things mentioned such as...

*subject to change and other things mentioned.

Next, it's a preorder perk. Shell out five-10 dollars, preorder the game, get the code and don't purchase it.

And really. It's not that big of a bonus. It's 2-3 hours of play time with the proc. And after that, it's a small DMG/RCH.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I'm pretty much shocked that there is -so- much complaints going on about this perk for pre-ordering the game from Gamestop. In the entire history of video games that I can think of, a store some where will offer something extra special from ordering through them. It's a business tactic plain and simple. It happens and will continue to happen. I saw it said earlier that not all the time do company's know ahead of time -if- they are going to make contractual deals with big name company's to create perks for purchasing products through them. I agree with this statement fully! Sheesh people really?

You can't have everything all of the time. If you were too antsy to play with Dual Pistols and Demon summoning so you purchased via there website then hey look there. You'll have your 50s long before the rest of us even get to see what the powers are like. That was your bonus for contributing to the game ahead of time. For everyone else who was to damn broke at the time or just felt like waiting becuase like me, I wanted the actual box, we too will get a small unexpected bonus for diligently waiting and being loyal.

I just cannot believe there is this much discord over this. Don't expect to be patted on the head and rewarded becuase you counted your eggs before they hatched. Take this as a warning for next time and perhaps wait a little longer next time becuase the rewards might be marginally better if you waited. It's all about patience and realizing that your dealing with not only a game that you like an adore, but your dealing with a big company with lots of money involved; It may be about marketing schemes and cash flow but does it really really matter in the end? Everyone is getting the same game at the end of the day, but some people will have slight variants or little perks.

If this in-store bonus is worth that much to you then you will have to spend the extra money and just get it your self. They aren't going to just give it to you becuase you really, really want it. You reap what you sow people. I'm gonna go ahead and be blunt here. I got no pity for any of this... You got your new Arch types WAY before the rest of us and rushed around like crazy to get them levels and had your fun. Now let the people who waited have there fun too, the moment of glory is over and day of release is impending closer.

Even then, anyone who pre-purchased will get to play first too since the rest of us need to wait for online deliveries or actually get up to the stores and pick up our copies, let alone wait for updating and installation of the game itself. Rest assured, you'll still be first up to plate to see Praetoria.

In closing, I'm sorry that so many people are offended and upset but that's how its gonna go. Learn from the past and use it to judge your future becuase life isn't always fair. This doesn't just apply to the game but it applies to your life as well. What ever.

Anything not nailed down is mine, anything i can pry loose wasn't nailed down good enough.

Criticism is always better when it's constrictive, and not sarcastic ~ Obsidius



Originally Posted by Wuigly Squigly View Post
Meh they suck anyway. Ill keep using my real dmg procs and purples kthx.
Pretty much this.

I can get why the EU people are pissed (and rightly so) but vets?

I mean how long does it take a vet to get from lvl 1-20?

I mean, really? REALLY?

I sooooo think there are more important things to get pissed about.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Redbone View Post
While I admit their not knowing they were going to offer a preorder is a problem, they cannot be faulted for not telling you about something that didn't exist. When they were selling CoV they never informed us it would be free to everyone a few years later, when they released the CoH and CoV preorders they didn't tell everyone they would be Vet Rewards 2 years after they came out. They didn't tell us because they had no idea. The same applies here. You were given the same information they had at the time just like we're being given all the information they have at this time. As far as we know, next week Best Buy will get a bug up their rear to do a bonus too and in a month they'll have one as well, but right now, such a thing doesn't exist and they've said as much.

You're suffering the buyers remorse common with "early adopters" who see their neat-o gadget they paid a premium price for quickly surpassed by the newer, cheaper version. It's the same impulse people get when they see the game they preordered a year ahead of time and dropped $80 for on release after camping out in line overnight fall to $19.99 with a hundred on the shelf (or worse, drop to half price within a week of release).

You got your bonus, if you want the other, you have to shell out again. That's the sad truth of the early adopter. You judged the prepurchase bonus to be worth the price and went for it, bully for you, a lot of people agreed.

A subset of the population decided it wasn't worth it and have been patient and now that patience has paid an unexpected dividend (a tiny one, honestly, as most will use the mousepad more than the actual enhancements). To go back and try to renegotiate "the deal," one you were perfectly happy with 48 hours ago, is simply not going to fly with the corporation. You don't see the preorder folks demanding the powersets be unlocked when they preorder because that's not part of that particular deal, or demanding that they be given 2 additional free months because they missed out on the head-start with the powers. You also didn't see the Devs tossing out free months when they gave away a far more expensive product many of us had bought (the CoV collector's edition).

I feel for you, I really do, but you got exactly what was honestly described by the seller. Your purchase hasn't been devalued in the slightest and no refund is required, plus you have already gotten use out of your purchase (unless you'd be willing to have your account rolled back to the date of purchase and even then you've still gotten value out of it via the enjoyment of it).

I know this sounds a lot harsher than intended, but it is nothing but a dispassionate look at the situation. Register your discomfort with the situation, but don't expect the company to do a thing about it, especially outlandish things like your propose, they're within their rights and responsibilities on this one.
And also THIS!

As the above poster basically stated, I love how some posters expect NCSOFT to be psychic when it comes to think like this. Cause they were magically supposed to know that Razer/Gamestop was going to want to do this deal with them back when they first announced pre-purchase. /end sarcasm.

I know it exists in game, but some folks have to realize that magic and psionic abilities don't actually exist.

EDIT: And that last line is a joke. Relax please.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
well, they did the same thing when the game launched with preorders getting prestige sprints.

and again with CoV with the exclusive costume pieces.

I don't like the practice, but it's been a consistent activity throughout the histoy of the game.
That's true, but this is the first pre-order bonus that has any mechanical effect. The sprints and costume parts are just cosmetic.

Eh, after seeing what they do, I'm not that angry anymore, but I still oppose the store exclusive pre-order thing on principle.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



Originally Posted by StrifeFox View Post
I'm pretty much shocked that there is -so- much complaints going on about this perk for pre-ordering the game from Gamestop...
You are the second person that either seems; shocked, amazed or dumbfounded. I can't help but feel amused. People knew the box set would have extra goodies that the pre-purchase wouldn't have and yet they still purchased so that they could have Demon Summoning and dual pistols "Immediately." It was a great marketing tactic. I'm still taking a wait and see approach as i'm still quite skeptical when the Devs mention "lots of content." badges, to these devs mean content.



Just another typical marketing gimmick, still i dont really see why this has got people so annoyed.
Yes its typical marketing maneuver they were always gonna stick a new shiny in the boxed version but 5x enhancements that are DOs that dont even have the proc effect after level 20 are kinda pointless.. I mean nowadays I get level 20 in a matter of hours. Its not exactly gamebreaking.
Still, it is something they should think about including with the items pack when they list it on the website after release for the prepurchase customers.

Everyone wants the new shiny no matter how useless it is

As for the mousemat.. if thats got you annoyed your a nerd lol its a mousemat nothing more.. and you cant exactly download a mousemat with prepurchase anyway :P



People are annoyed because they gave their hard earned cash to NCSoft as soon as it was available and they are now being shafted.

I thought that was pretty easy to figure out.

On a side note...
I wish it would have been better stuff.



Originally Posted by Lyrik View Post
I love this game and want to give Paragon Studios my money...why do they make it so damn impossible to do that.
Even if I don´t give a crap about these new enhancements (I´m not one of the real oldies here, but to me they are like "Meh".. good for Newbies only I believe) I can agree with you about the lack of "foreing love". I mean, I live in Brazil and we pretty much don´t have access to ANY new shiny from the sellers around here... Last one we had was Cyborg Pack (!), but if you did buy AE edition you could get the Magic one directly from NCSoft.I believe it is pretty much the same through all South America. I also believe Australians would enjoy this stuff, as would Asian or African people. So, I guess it´s not only the EU side of consumers they are being neglected, you know. Seems like CoX has already GONE TO THE AMERICANS™ even without jerk-hacking™...

Besides that, I think it was about time some marketing is done with Going Rogue and applaud the decision to do this... If no other retailer offered anything to them, what´s the big deal in making it happen with Gamestop? And I don´t think we were cheated with this, as this is nothing game-breaking and they actually didn´t know of anything when pre-purchase was announced. Sorry guys, there was NO WAY we could have been givven this as an option... How do you expect them to let us know BEFORE they would close a deal like this NOW? Time traveling? A few other notes on this...

1. Have you checked Razer or Gamestop on the internet? None of them had ANYTHING related to City of Heroes on their front pages... No adds, nothing related to this deal at all. At Gamestop if you specifically look for City of Heroes then it would show up... Nothing on Razer even after searched. This concerns me a little as this is supposed to attract new players and I only know of this because I already play the game...

2. This "exclusive" is probably for a fixed time period, meaning that probably other players could get it either through micro-transations (maybe even in a Time-Card pack from Gamespot, since they´re selling this one? write this one down BP) or veteran rewards...
So if you buy this and enjoy it for the next months or years (or whatever), don´t come whining later that you think it is unfair others got it too. I mean, people did choose to taste DP and Demons months before others could enjoy it but now they´re feeling ripped off because there´s some iffy new shines... Things that were not planned and so could not be announced before. Get a grip guys...

"Looks can be deceiving" - Statesman (in Memoriam)



Originally Posted by McNum View Post
That's true, but this is the first pre-order bonus that has any mechanical effect. The sprints and costume parts are just cosmetic.

Eh, after seeing what they do, I'm not that angry anymore, but I still oppose the store exclusive pre-order thing on principle.
I actually would like more to have my hands on the cosmetics you´re talking about then on these powers... But on the other hand I can not really be upset as I was not here when those were sold, so I am the only one to blame... Correcting, me and the lack of interest from the company that sells NCSoft stuff in Brazil.

Just a little note in editing.. If I could buy this stuff I still would wait to see if they get another deal with another cmpany with different shiny. This is, as said before, "meh" to me.

"Looks can be deceiving" - Statesman (in Memoriam)