Discussion: New Gamestop/Razer Going Rogue Promotion

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Astroburn View Post
A level 20 DO and people a ******** kittens? Does anyone even USE DO's anymore?
They are not DOs. They are not equivalent to DOs. I don't think that they seem inappropriate, but they are far better than DOs (they give DO-strength bonuses to *two* aspects, and give a proc effect in addition to this). They're "stronger" than SOs, and they're available at level 1. You also don't have to replace them every few levels.

They're not The End of the World, and their main benefit is in a level range that tends to pass fairly quickly, but I don't see why people see the need to constantly downplay what they do.



Nice promotion, but as an European player, I don't really care about it, cause we are not getting any box at all anyway, and even so I bet this boxed thingy comes with the USA serial code, not applicable to EU accounts, so making a pre-order and paying twice (just for goodies that I can get through Plaync when they make available the EU edition) it's just a waste of time and money, IMO.

Proud Coleader of: Fuerza Letal (H), Liga de las Sombras (V), Legion del Fenix (H), Infernal Justice (H), and a happy member of GammaForce (H) and D.O.A. (V).

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Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
I hope to see that CoH will be getting product-facing in GameStops. From the website "exposure", it doesn't look like much "exposure" at this point. I'll probably head to a GameStop and check out what I see and post again.

Nothing on the GameStop main page.
Nothing on the GameStop main PC page.
Not listed in the "with bonus" selections for PC games.
Listed on Page 5 by Release Date with no date listed.
GR does make position 3 under PC>Roleplaying>Massively Mulitplayer (under WoW and StarTrek, and just above Aion). You have to know what you are looking for to get there.
And here's the actual game page from the site :: http://www.gamestop.com/Catalog/Prod...oduct_id=77978
Screen Shots make the game look empty. We need some shots of group battles and Rikti raids. It's nice that they are showing new content, but the shots need to be of new content with full teams.
The Notice section needs to be clear that the information outlined is for the "super booster" as this implies what is with the game and this seems it is very limited what comes with the game.
The "Bonus Details" link doesn't work for me. (EDIT :: oh, that's the mousepad. Don't make much sense unless you know that it is a mousepad. Nothing to indicate that is what it is.)
The Box Cover Art leaves something to be desired to me. After all this time, I would assume it was clear to the people that play this game - if not the DEVs - that the game is about the characters that we make and not about the "signature characters" that we can't play. The game box showing Statesman and Clone-of-Statesman standing back to back like they are defending each other is very fitting for the traitorous Statesman. However, this doesn't express what players will experience in the game. It certainly has no meaning to anyone that isn't familiar with the game. It doesn't express anything heroic or villainous - just cosplay. The cover isn't going to attract attention and I have fear that it will blend in on the shelf. It isn't that the art is bad - it just isn't taking much from the thousands of comic book covers that it could be using for research material. (and I'm not just talking about max-slidered women in "with skin" top - I mean - holy socks! - look at your audience! Two out of two "heroes" are men? Not very much like the composition of the City that I run in around in every day.)

I hope to see more stores carrying and promoting the game.
I'm looking forward to a flux of new players into the game interested in exploring the new content.

Methinks that what with it being a holiday weekend, the updates to the partner sites might just take a day or two.

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



This thread. It feel like people are whining about getting free money, but it not coming in sequential order. Welcome to the forums. I know I'm not getting the Promotion Bonuses, but I got DP and DS early, so I'm just fine with that. If I didn't like it, maybe I should have took responsibility for my own actions and waited, instead of finger-pointing after the fact.

Ware ni tatenu mono mashi!!
[There are none before me who have not been cleaved!!]



Originally Posted by ChaosExMachina View Post
I sounded more negative than I am there. This was a deal they had to make. However, Castle specifically said that there is no equip binding mechanism in game yet, at least with recipes. If there is code to do it included with GR, it does raise the possibility.

The specifics of it should not particularly bother anybody, but it's the precedent. There is rampant speculation about the subscriber numbers and GR with very little info available. NC has a very well documented history of closures. That's a formula for tons of speculation about what every little addition might mean. What I read here and in the response at EU is basically panic mixed with cynicism about the owning company.

They would be wise to release some sort of substantive positive info about GR soon, not to quiet a bunch of silly drama, but to instill some confidence in the population and generate anticipation.
You mean the same Panic mixed with cynicism that's been going on since the game was released? EVERY TIME something happens, people flip out and start singing the Doom song. They cried doom when they fixed Smoke Grenade, with PvP, Base Raids, ED, CO in the works, Limited Edition costume codes at cons, and on and on and on.

When people cry about the end of the world for year after year, eventually someones gonna get lucky, but not because he actually knew what the hell he was talking about.



Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
You mean the same Panic mixed with cynicism that's been going on since the game was released? EVERY TIME something happens, people flip out and start singing the Doom song. They cried doom when they fixed Smoke Grenade, with PvP, Base Raids, ED, CO in the works, Limited Edition costume codes at cons, and on and on and on.

When people cry about the end of the world for year after year, eventually someones gonna get lucky, but not because he actually knew what the hell he was talking about.
-Or- Maybe "he" did...

A bit of gentle insight...

People crying doom and whining = Paying customers voicing their opinions and concerns.

Or as the business savvy would call it.... Valuable customer feedback. This form of customer communication is typical and shouldn't by any means require a negative response from the business owners... unless of course said provider of services plans on not STAYING in business... Which is why there are things such as public representatives to take the heat instead of developers and engineers...<the types that have NO PEOPLE SKILLS> Also see "Kid gloves"

If I ever got on any type of forum and described any of -MY- customers as people "whining and crying" when they had a legitimate concern for the product they purchase- I wouldn't be able to stay home and play video games all day

I'm glad I don't insult my customers. Even when they are belligerent. It only means they either don't understand something or there is a problem with the actual product itself.

99% of the time they simply don't understand something. Providing a service to rude and obnoxious people while being polite, patient and understanding: That's what customer service is.

Did I mention I own my own business?

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



I am not going to read through the wall of text here, it would take far to long. I just got back from game stop and the projected release date is 9/1/2010. What happened to July?



Originally Posted by PhantomRanger View Post
I am not going to read through the wall of text here, it would take far to long. I just got back from game stop and the projected release date is 9/1/2010. What happened to July?
Case in point:

Paying customer voicing a legitimate concern.

Identified as valuable customer feedback.

Requires action.

I sound like a Rikti singer...

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
-Or- Maybe "he" did...

A bit of gentle insight...

People crying doom and whining = Paying customers voicing their opinions and concerns.

Or as the business savvy would call it.... Valuable customer feedback.
Maybe. But even the best news will have some customers whining.
The "business savvy" will try to distinguish between those with legitimate concerns and those who just like to complain.

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I will say that I did prepurch and I also preordered. Not because I'm a tool. But to me have an upto date disk and the free month and the extra items I would buy anyway. That make it worth it for me. This game has been the only game that has been able to keep my attention for years. That said it is also the only MMO I currently play, at least until DCU comes out if I can be a Green Lantern.



Originally Posted by PhantomRanger View Post
I am not going to read through the wall of text here, it would take far to long. I just got back from game stop and the projected release date is 9/1/2010. What happened to July?
From the three I visited yesterday, the September date is NOT a valid release date and is just a filler in their systems. However, that being a definately true statement is put into question by the fact that NONE of the three knew about the GR Preorder promotion until, at one location, an employee looked it up on his iPhone.

Basically GameStop is being gameStop and not being extremely helpful to their employees by having the computers updated and ready for the promotion when it was announced and/or put on their own website.

All that said, they may have pushed it back, but September 1st wouldn't be the date, it's a Wednesday and not a standard software release day from distributors.



does this mean they are introducing bind on pickup ********?



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Maybe. But even the best news will have some customers whining.
The "business savvy" will try to distinguish between those with legitimate concerns and those who just like to complain.
People do like attention. I can understand why. I've also learned that's the only way some people know how to communicate.

Don't chastise them for that. <be the bigger man>

Keeping them talking is keeping them paying.

Would I be completely evil if I said... everything is an opportunity?

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Astroburn View Post
A level 20 DO and people a ******** kittens? Does anyone even USE DO's anymore?

Once again I am appaled by the ramapnt sense of entitlement on these boards. You'd think I'd be used to it by now considering every time they make any kind of announcement there are people who complain that it's not a big enough reward, or that it's not fair or they threaten to rage quit.
They are procs from what i understand. Not sure what
Syndicate Techniques—Chance for minor lethal additional ability triggered.
means. Additional ability???

Also i will rage if this means bind on pickup items are introduced. That **** is bad.



Originally Posted by Stargazer View Post
They are not DOs. They are not equivalent to DOs. I don't think that they seem inappropriate, but they are far better than DOs (they give DO-strength bonuses to *two* aspects, and give a proc effect in addition to this). They're "stronger" than SOs, and they're available at level 1. You also don't have to replace them every few levels.
I'm going to call these new enhancements Going Rogue Origin, or GROs.
  • Even Level DO = 16.66..% enhancement of one aspect.
  • Even Level SO = 33.33..% enhancement of one aspect.
  • Any Level GRO = 16.66..% enhancement of 2 aspects (Dam/Rech) for a total of 33.33..%

So, with regard to the level of enhancement, GROs enhance exactly as much as 1 SO or 2 DOs. The advantages of GROs are...
1. Like IOs, level doesn't matter, they will always be that strong.
2. They split SO level enhancement among two aspects which could just be the perfect enhancement needed for a particular slot.
3. They also have a proc effect.
4. For 20 levels, they're the strongest enhancements available.

The disadvantages of the GROs are:
1. They're all Dam/Rech which reduces flexibility for slotting.
2. They're are only these five.
3. The proc shuts off at level 21.
4. Beginning at level 22, any Dam/Rech IO is stronger than a GRO --at level 35, a Dam/Rech IO is 23% / 23%.

They're not The End of the World, and their main benefit is in a level range that tends to pass fairly quickly, but I don't see why people see the need to constantly downplay what they do.
I agree that they shouldn't be downplayed. Until SOs become available at level 22, these are great, but...

  • Any Vet reward attack power (starting with Sands of Mu at 12 months) is worth *a lot* more than these GROs.
  • Levels 1-22 is only about the first 5% of leveling time (and only .4% of XP needed to get to level 50). So, yes, it's the best enhancement available, but only for a rather limited period in the life of a character.

GROs shouldn't be overvalued, nor undervalued -- they're a moderate buff for a limited time.

Originally Posted by beltzak_ View Post
They are procs from what i understand. Not sure what means. Additional ability???

Also i will rage if this means bind on pickup items are introduced. That **** is bad.
Yes, they have a proc that has a chance to do extra minor damage, or a knockdown effect. http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Ios#Procs

WRT 'bind on pickup', I've seen that come up in another thread, and I don't understand why. It's got to be the dumbest threadjack I've seen since the game already has 'bind on pickup' in regard to: Merits, Tickets, badges, freespecs, Vet Rewards, prestige items from collector's editions (e.g., Slide and Cape of the Four Winds), costume unlocks, emote unlocks, buffs from hundreds of sources, souvenirs, mission temp powers, and prestige.

Besides, these GROs are in no way 'bind on pickup.' Where do you think you're picking them up from? What are you fighting which then dumps a GRO into a power that you have to let be or loose it? It's not going to work like that.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Besides, these GROs are in no way 'bind on pickup.' Where do you think you're picking them up from? What are you fighting which then dumps a GRO into a power that you have to let be or loose it? It's not going to work like that.
Theroy: The term bind on pickup is used in other MMOs. Since this is more a marketing thing than an existing player thing, it makes sense to use terms that other MMO players use.

Arc #345863 - When The Bough Breaks
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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
4. For 20 levels, they're the strongest enhancements available.
Not heroside. At level 10 you can already slot Yin SOs:

- Mutation/Natural gets Damage SOs.
- Science gets Recharge SOs.
- Technology gets Endurance Reduction SOs.
- Magic gets Accuracy SOs.

All my characters are Natural origin, so I have a bunch of low level damage SOs in my SG base storage; as soon as any new character hits level 10, I can slot for way more damage than the 5 enhancements from this promo would allow.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post

WRT 'bind on pickup', I've seen that come up in another thread, and I don't understand why. It's got to be the dumbest threadjack I've seen since the game already has 'bind on pickup' in regard to: Merits, Tickets, badges, freespecs, Vet Rewards, prestige items from collector's editions (e.g., Slide and Cape of the Four Winds), costume unlocks, emote unlocks, buffs from hundreds of sources, souvenirs, mission temp powers, and prestige.

Besides, these GROs are in no way 'bind on pickup.' Where do you think you're picking them up from? What are you fighting which then dumps a GRO into a power that you have to let be or loose it? It's not going to work like that.
Does all that stuff affect powers? My concern is that Castle wanted bind on pick up for pvp ios and said the tech didn't exist. If i understand it correctly it does now. I guess it all depends on how strong they are as procs but still if they are adding a couple of ios with bind on pickup it feels like more are to come.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
OK, then, define how other MMOs use 'bind on pickup' for me please.
For example, in WoW, any item that, once it is in your backpack, is bound to you is BoP. It doesn't matter the source. Crafting, official items from the devs (usually sent by way of an item attached to an email), drops from enemies, etc.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by beltzak_ View Post
Does all that stuff affect powers? My concern is that Castle wanted bind on pick up for pvp ios and said the tech didn't exist. If i understand it correctly it does now. I guess it all depends on how strong they are as procs but still if they are adding a couple of ios with bind on pickup it feels like more are to come.
I doubt these are actually bind on pickup, and more like using the same code that Tickets and Merits do. Untradeable, unmarketable, unsellable.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
For example, in WoW, any item that, once it is in your backpack, is bound to you is BoP. It doesn't matter the source. Crafting, official items from the devs (usually sent by way of an item attached to an email), drops from enemies, etc.
So... merits, tickets, temporary powers, etc. We just don't use the same name.

www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
So... merits, tickets, temporary powers, etc. We just don't use the same name.
Basically. Except we don't actually have BoP functionality. The devs just restrict trading/selling/etc on an item/items.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Furio View Post
I don't think they're a big deal, but new chars get one of each, the site says. And they're procs, not just duo enhs.
Rather crappy sounding procs in my opinion. All minor damage and we have no idea how small the chance to fire will be.

I'm not bothered by this at all really.



Those 5 enhancers should be IO's that scale as you level.

For me, that would be worth the pre purchase I already did... and go BUY the thing from Gamestop. That is worth the price... plus I would be buying in pairs anyways, because if it was that, my husband would want it to.

And you need to offer Those 5 enhancers should be IO's that scale as you level. to the Euro players and any other players out there.