Discussion: New Gamestop/Razer Going Rogue Promotion

Adeon Hawkwood



On second thought why not give us something actually awesome, like Dbl exp Inspirations that last for 12 hours real time and give us 10.

That would be worth whatever the collectors edition is gonna cost.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I'm going to call these new enhancements Going Rogue Origin, or GROs.
  • Even Level DO = 16.66..% enhancement of one aspect.
  • Even Level SO = 33.33..% enhancement of one aspect.
  • Any Level GRO = 16.66..% enhancement of 2 aspects (Dam/Rech) for a total of 33.33..%

So, with regard to the level of enhancement, GROs enhance exactly as much as 1 SO or 2 DOs. The advantages of GROs are...
1. Like IOs, level doesn't matter, they will always be that strong.
2. They split SO level enhancement among two aspects which could just be the perfect enhancement needed for a particular slot.
3. They also have a proc effect.
4. For 20 levels, they're the strongest enhancements available.

The disadvantages of the GROs are:
1. They're all Dam/Rech which reduces flexibility for slotting.
2. They're are only these five.
3. The proc shuts off at level 21.
4. Beginning at level 22, any Dam/Rech IO is stronger than a GRO --at level 35, a Dam/Rech IO is 23% / 23%.

I agree that they shouldn't be downplayed. Until SOs become available at level 22, these are great, but...

  • Any Vet reward attack power (starting with Sands of Mu at 12 months) is worth *a lot* more than these GROs.
  • Levels 1-22 is only about the first 5% of leveling time (and only .4% of XP needed to get to level 50). So, yes, it's the best enhancement available, but only for a rather limited period in the life of a character.

GROs shouldn't be overvalued, nor undervalued -- they're a moderate buff for a limited time.
Agreed on all counts.



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
4. For 20 levels, they're the strongest enhancements available.
Not heroside. At level 10 you can already slot Yin SOs:

- Mutation/Natural gets Damage SOs.
- Science gets Recharge SOs.
- Technology gets Endurance Reduction SOs.
- Magic gets Accuracy SOs.

All my characters are Natural origin, so I have a bunch of low level damage SOs in my SG base storage; as soon as any new character hits level 10, I can slot for way more damage than the 5 enhancements from this promo would allow.
The Yin-Os give a higher enhancement value for a given attribute, but the total enhancement value is the same (for even SOs. +level SOs would give a higher bonus). In addition to this, the GROs have a proc effect (yet to be seen how powerful this will be).

Either way, the GROs are a good complement, since you are unable to gain both Damage and Recharge from the Yin-Os.

The Yin-Os are also limited in that you need to update them, and that you need another character to give them to you if you plan to start using them at level 10 (to unlock them you need to complete an arc given by a contact that starts at level 15). Getting them from another character has become trivial with the new Global email system though...



Just a minor nitpick: the promo enhancements are 16% enhancement, as per theOcho. That's slightly less than DO strength, and 32% total. This is consistent with existing level 20 IOs in the market (dual aspects enhance for 16.0%), and since "level 20 DO strength" doesn't make any sense, I think the promo site meant "level 20 IO strength, almost the same as DO strength".

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Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
-Or- Maybe "he" did...

A bit of gentle insight...

People crying doom and whining = Paying customers voicing their opinions and concerns.

Or as the business savvy would call it.... Valuable customer feedback. This form of customer communication is typical and shouldn't by any means require a negative response from the business owners... unless of course said provider of services plans on not STAYING in business... Which is why there are things such as public representatives to take the heat instead of developers and engineers...<the types that have NO PEOPLE SKILLS> Also see "Kid gloves"

If I ever got on any type of forum and described any of -MY- customers as people "whining and crying" when they had a legitimate concern for the product they purchase- I wouldn't be able to stay home and play video games all day

I'm glad I don't insult my customers. Even when they are belligerent. It only means they either don't understand something or there is a problem with the actual product itself.

99% of the time they simply don't understand something. Providing a service to rude and obnoxious people while being polite, patient and understanding: That's what customer service is.

Did I mention I own my own business?
Of course, I'm a regular player myself, so thankfully I don't have to play nice and can call this what it is: The usual overreactions and tendency of people to want to call screwjob on the slightest little things.



By the way, for anyone weeping and trembling over this as a possible hint at how the Incarnate system will work, Positron said at PAX East that part of the Incarnate system was about unlocking cool stuff for you and your alts - which sounds like it will have some account-wide phat lewt, not just avatar-only phat lewt.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Those 5 enhancers should be IO's that scale as you level.
If you use "standard" IO scaling, then you make them weaker at lower levels (the very area where they're intended to be helpful), and stronger at higher levels (where they're not intended to be a significant benefit).

If you set the scaling so that they keep their current strength at low levels, then they'll become more powerful at higher levels (which again is somewhere they're not intended to be a significant benefit).

Doing that doesn't seem to be consistent with the design parameters.

On second thought why not give us something actually awesome, like Dbl exp Inspirations that last for 12 hours real time and give us 10.
The intent with these enhancements is apparently to make the starting experience more convenient for new players. I highly doubt that giving these new players 120 hours of 2XP is something that's desirable.

Further, they are apparently not intended to be seen as "must have" for veterans. I think this suggestion fails to fulfill that condition too.



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
Just a minor nitpick: the promo enhancements are 16% enhancement, as per theOcho. That's slightly less than DO strength, and 32% total. This is consistent with existing level 20 IOs in the market (dual aspects enhance for 16.0%), and since "level 20 DO strength" doesn't make any sense, I think the promo site meant "level 20 IO strength, almost the same as DO strength".
I've been wondering about that. It's possible that they meant "level 20 IO strength", but it's also possible that they've been truncating the value when they've been talking about it (such things are fairly common).

I'm actually not sure which alternative is more likely.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Basically. Except we don't actually have BoP functionality. The devs just restrict trading/selling/etc on an item/items.
Is there any actual difference in functionality?



They *almost* had me. I had Mr. Boots' credit card in my diminuative paw and was getting ready to order the Complete Collection -- until I read that the enhancers were only for younglings.

(*hands credit card back to Mr. Boots and then skulks away -- head down -- and looks for some fish-stix to ease her sadness*)

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Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
Of course, I'm a regular player myself, so thankfully I don't have to play nice and can call this what it is: The usual overreactions and tendency of people to want to call screwjob on the slightest little things.
Rock on brother!

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
I doubt these are actually bind on pickup, and more like using the same code that Tickets and Merits do. Untradeable, unmarketable, unsellable.
Which is exactly the same thing
Any item that you receive that can't be sold, traded or otherwise removed from an avatar without deleting the item is a bound item.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Stargazer View Post
Is there any actual difference in functionality?
Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Which is exactly the same thing
Any item that you receive that can't be sold, traded or otherwise removed from an avatar without deleting the item is a bound item.
Bind on Pickup is a specific programming function/mechanic/whatever. Castle has said this game does not have BoP.

Restricting trade/sold/etc. mimics BoP, but is not the same. The end result looks the same, but the code is very different. (WoW also has untradeable/unsellable/etc. items: but they are not bound on pickup.)

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Bind on Pickup is a specific programming function/mechanic/whatever. Castle has said this game does not have BoP.

Restricting trade/sold/etc. mimics BoP, but is not the same.
If there is no actual difference in how they behave, then that's merely a semantical distinction.

It also implies that there is a One True Way to implement BoP, and that doesn't seem plausible.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Bind on Pickup is a specific programming function/mechanic/whatever. Castle has said this game does not have BoP.

Restricting trade/sold/etc. mimics BoP, but is not the same. The end result looks the same, but the code is very different. (WoW also has untradeable/unsellable/etc. items: but they are not bound on pickup.)
It's the end result that matters, not the coding - if a player can only use an item on the avatar that received it, then it's a bound item, regardless of the type of code used to tied it to the avatar.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Stargazer View Post
If there is no actual difference in how they behave, then that's merely a semantical distinction.

It also implies that there is a One True Way to implement BoP, and that doesn't seem plausible.
Uh, I never implied there is some mythical "one true way" to implement anything.

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It's the end result that matters, not the coding - if a player can only use an item on the avatar that received it, then it's a bound item, regardless of the type of code used to tied it to the avatar.
No, the function that the game uses definitely matters. It might not matter TO YOU, but it definitely matters to the game. The game doesn't have BoP, end of discussion, finalized by Castle. The only thing it has is restrictions in trades/sales/etc. Because games break in weird ways, a BoP style function would break in different ways than restricting trades/sales/etc.

And believe me, to any game designer/programmer, there is DEFINITELY a difference in BoP and trade/sale/etc. restriction. And we have plenty of those in our midst.

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
No, the function that the game uses definitely matters. It might not matter TO YOU, but it definitely matters to the game.
Not only does it not matter to me, it doesn't matter to any other player either - if they can't remove an item from the avatar that received it without deleting the item, then it's bound to that avatar - it's a bound item

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
No, the function that the game uses definitely matters. It might not matter TO YOU, but it definitely matters to the game. The game doesn't have BoP, end of discussion, finalized by Castle. The only thing it has is restrictions in trades/sales/etc. Because games break in weird ways, a BoP style function would break in different ways than restricting trades/sales/etc.

And believe me, to any game designer/programmer, there is DEFINITELY a difference in BoP and trade/sale/etc. restriction. And we have plenty of those in our midst.
*If* there is no difference between how BoP behaves and what can be done in this game, then for all intents and purposes, BoP is possible in this game.

If Castle said that BoP is not possible in this game, then either
1) There is some difference in what is possible to do with BoP and what is possible to do in this game
2) Castle was making a meaningless distinction
3) Castle was wrong
4) Castle meant that it's not possible to do BoP on enhancements(/recipes), and something has changed (subset of 1) )

Different games implement BoP in different ways. The thing they have in common is what BoP *means* (behavior-wise), not *how* they implement it.

If there are multiple ways to cause the exact same in-game behavior, and you're claiming that only one (some) ways of them count as BoP, then you are in fact claiming that there is a One True Way (or Some True Ways) to implement it.

There is a difference between saying "we don't have a BoP flag we can set" and "we can not do BoP".



Would of been nice to know this before the earlier deal. Dont understand the rose coloured glasses from the people supporting this a a fair, open deal.

So its not really a happy annocuement for a lot of people who prepurchased );

And soul binding tech is now here ): Bet incarnate stuff uses it ):



Originally Posted by Disappearing Girl View Post
Would of been nice to know this before the earlier deal.
Well, as Paragon Studios weren't even aware of this deal when the first GR prepurchase offer was made, that would have been hard

Dont understand the rose coloured glasses from the people supporting this a a fair, open deal.
Rose colored glasses were an exclusive item as part of the super secret pre-prepurchase for GR - I'd lend you my pair, but unfortunately, they're a bound item.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
Sorry; I didn't notice your edit until after posting mine. Maybe I'm an optimist, but I'm sure this will be eventually made a vet reward; we have the precedent of the sprints and the helmets, and the enhancements themselves have generic names that aren't associated with the store prepurchase in any way.
How much of the player base do you really think will see it if it is made a vet reward now? How many years for the 'average' player to get that award.

Being made into a vet reward that you will see in a few months compared to 4-5 years is what make you think optimistically about it.

Better to have a goodies pack like good vs evil in a while.



I hope the no trade items are not a sign of more upcoming no trade items in coh. They already said that in the "end game system" that we would be able to earn stuff to make our characters and our alts more powerful. Hinting that its some sort of item/s.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by Disappearing Girl View Post
Would of been nice to know this before the earlier deal. Dont understand the rose coloured glasses from the people supporting this a a fair, open deal.

So its not really a happy annocuement for a lot of people who prepurchased );

And soul binding tech is now here ): Bet incarnate stuff uses it ):
Okay, how was it NOT a fair, open deal? Did NCSoft lie to you? Did they not provide you the bonuses you paid for (Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning) when you pre-purchased Going Rogue? Did they pull a bait-and-switch?

What people have right now is buyers remorse. That's not the same thing as being screwed, or NCSoft being evil, or anything like that. People need to get the hell over it.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Keep subbing, and keep an eye on your vet rewards
Because in 4 years you might be able to claim it *roll eyes*

Yet another long time vet stating its okay, it will go into vet rewards.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I consider myself a highly ethical person, and if I was in the room when this offer was proposed I would have voted for it in a second and not lost a moment's sleep over it.
Self view of ones own ethics is hardly accurate, and lack of sleep deprivation over making a shakey ethical desicon doesnt imply it was the right choice.

Not staying I think Paragon has been highly unethical but its not excatly a high moral ground to be doing something they said they wouldnt.