Discussion: New Gamestop/Razer Going Rogue Promotion

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Redbone View Post
You beat me to it before I could edit that into my above post. It specifically says: "nor are there any incentives for preordering it at retail." It does NOT say "nor will there be any incentives for preordering it at retail." (emphasis mine on both)

The first is a statement about the situation at that time (February of this year), the second is a statement about every point AFTER that time (from then until release). That is a massive difference.
Oh, that's why i'm not saying they did something illegel. They didn't. They did something i just consider slimey. That statment, obviously lead people to belive this kind of situation wouldn't happen. There seems to be others besides me to read it that way. And now, low and behold, there are incentives to preordering, well after they already have our money. I've got a lvl 36 DP corr, i can't demand a refund now... dispite this new development. At the time of the first statement, there should have been a caviot. (ie, subject to change, ect. or at this time there is no insentive to perpurches.) There wasn't. And to claim they didn't know Gamestop would want an incentive... there last to products came with perpurches incentives. Hell, i had to chosse which helment i wanted cause it was spread out between... what, 4 different stores? But at least at the time purches i HAD THE INFO i need to make the choice. Not so now.

Again, illegel? Nope. A good business disession? Prolly. I'm sure plenty of sheep out there are going to preorder dispite having gotten it already online. Underhand? IMO it sure as hell is. Like i said, this something i wouldn't be shocked by if Crypitc did it... cause IMO they have already. (don't get me started) But i though better of this developenet team.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



And, as for the soul bound items issue. Oddly enough i have no issues with the concept itself. None tradeable items have never bothered me, assuming they are the rareity and not the norm. (it can add IMO a individual flavor for your alts, IMO of course)

As for weither or not it's a sign of things to come... i doubt they'd code a new game feature like this simply for one promotonal item... just a hunch.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



eeek, its going to cost another $30 for postage if I wanted to buy it ):



Again, just so everyone knows what happened... They didn´t KNOW this deal WOULD exist and they didn´t PLAN anything like this. So, Gamestop came and offered this deal. Cool, let´s make some marketing as the players are always asking we do! What is the answer they get from it?

DOOOM!!!!! TRICKERY!!!!!!!! CHEATERS!!!!!!

Come on guys, there was no way this could have been foretold. At that time they told you everything they knew BY THEN.... NOW things changed. You got your DPs and Demons before anyone else... So stop whining and get over it!

What annoys me is that this deal is not being offered to EU and other foreing players... Not that I would buy it, I couldn´t care less, I´m still waiting for the launch... But again, the lack of "foreing love" upsets me.

"Looks can be deceiving" - Statesman (in Memoriam)



It's been mentioned that other retailers might also end up offering special pre-order bonuses. It has also been mentioned several times that these enhancements may very well end up as Vet rewards eventually.

Taken together, this raises some questions.

If other retailers are going to offer pre-order bonuses, they're probably going to want something comparable to the Gamestop exclusive (they probably wouldn't be too happy about a situation where they can only offer a combined Luck/Enrage insp, while Gamestop offers these 5 enhancements).

*If* there are going to be multiple pre-order bonuses, and *if* pre-order bonuses are going to show up as Vet rewards, then... Do you give all GR pre-order bonuses as Vet rewards, or just one/some of them?

For the CoV pre-order, there were four different pre-order bonuses (Gamestop, EB, Best Buy, others). Imagine if there would be 4 different bonuses similar in effect and scope to these 5 enhancements. That'd sort of have a significant impact on the low-level game, wouldn't it?



Aside from this oddball enhancement thingy, <not really that big of a deal IMHO>

Lets not forget what this is bringing...

something players have been curious about....

Think advertising...

The "gentle push" worked like a charm. All it took was a polite approach...

for my next trick...

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Stargazer View Post
It's been mentioned that other retailers might also end up offering special pre-order bonuses. It has also been mentioned several times that these enhancements may very well end up as Vet rewards eventually.

Taken together, this raises some questions.

If other retailers are going to offer pre-order bonuses, they're probably going to want something comparable to the Gamestop exclusive (they probably wouldn't be too happy about a situation where they can only offer a combined Luck/Enrage insp, while Gamestop offers these 5 enhancements).

*If* there are going to be multiple pre-order bonuses, and *if* pre-order bonuses are going to show up as Vet rewards, then... Do you give all GR pre-order bonuses as Vet rewards, or just one/some of them?

For the CoV pre-order, there were four different pre-order bonuses (Gamestop, EB, Best Buy, others). Imagine if there would be 4 different bonuses similar in effect and scope to these 5 enhancements. That'd sort of have a significant impact on the low-level game, wouldn't it?
Just to clarify, at this point, the natural direction of any theoretical "other preorders" would be more enhancements. These are Dam/Rech+Proc, Best Buy could get Acc/End+Proc, Amazon could get Acc/Rech+Proc and HHGreggs could get Dam/End+Proc and Barnes and Noble could get End/Rech+Proc. There's many combinations possible that would make each agreement just as "good" as any other mechanically and would keep the retailers happy. They could also keep the Dam/Rech enhancements but swap the types procs around (Best Buy's procs buff self, Amazon's Debuff the target and so on).

As for awarding them as a Vet Reward, I see no reason they couldn't be offered as a VERY high level Vet Reward in a similar way to how the Temp Powers are, you get a choice of them, selecting a "set" based on the retailer which locks out the others to that particular alt. With a system like that, they could easily milk a Vet Reward out of each preorder (you still select, but you'd need the same number of Vet Reward awards as there were retailers to claim them all on one alt) but yes, it ocudl get unbalencing in the low-level game quickly to award more than one or two (two because the preorder folks get one right off the bat). The only thing they could not do as a Vet Reward is offer more than 2 "sets" of these types of enhancements to award instantly upon your first login, because there's not enough room in the enhancement tray for more than two groups. They could also make each "set" unique to a power (so if you slot one of them, you can't slot a second of it's group, or the opposite, you slot it in one you can't slot a different "set" of these types into it.

There are other conceivable ways to offer "the same" mechanical benefits for other preorders and loads of conceivable ways to make them Vet Rewards.



Afaik, europe would not get any box-sales right? So basicly, we cant join up this pre-oder bonus thing? (i aint gonna pay a freaking 30 dollar for shipment handling).

edit: What the .. is wrong with the login this time? Why on earth im suddenly posting from my NA account? :S



I'll keep it brief since the thread's getting long.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Think about those three big enhancements they give us in the tutorial. Think about what they could be if they were bound to the player... instead of a large respite, an enhancement that boosts recovery for an entire mission? Or an awaken that works like Soul Transfer?
Too Awesome To Use
Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
Once you get past level 20 (which presumably you plan to do at some point) the darn enhancements are WORSE THAN A LEVEL 21 DUAL ASPECT IO IN EVERY WAY.
Until I create another new character. On GR release day, the prepurchase reward will have exhausted its value (relative to waiting and buying the item pack), while the preorder reward continues to pay off with every new character.
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
The game doesn't have BoP, end of discussion, finalized by Castle.
Each point in this thread that has been made about "Binds on Pickup", which is purportedly not in this game, is equally applicable to "Nonexistent before Awarding and Clingy after Awarding," which is definitely in this game. With the exception of the following point.

"Binds on Pickup" is an attempt at in-universe rationale. "Clingy" is an immersion diluting hack.



I think this is one of those oops we didnt think about those who ALREADY prepurchased the expansion and how they feel about being left out!

I own the game yes, but often when a new version of the game comes out it can be advantageous to buy the game itself instead of just the item pack (game $20 w/ free mo play [$15 value] makes the normal $10 add on $5 instead.)

it was my understanding that the ONLY difference between prepurchasing and buying the complete set (game + expansion) was the goody pack available later (lets face it, its going to be $10) but now I find that I could have gotten Razer Sphex™ City of Heroes Going Rogue Edition Desktop Skin???? (not really caring as much about the enhancements) I totally would have waited to get that but now whats the point? I already own the prepurchase as well as the game so the free month doesnt justify.

please PLEASE tell me we can get our hands on the Razer Sphex™ City of Heroes Going Rogue Edition Desktop Skin some other way??

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Originally Posted by Du Hast View Post
(lets face it, its going to be $10)



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
You're welcome - even amongst the hopelessness, the desolation and the despair of a soul-destroying tragedy like this pre-order offer, I'd like to think that there's still a place for a little humor to lighten the terrible darkness.
I never thought I would say this, but Rock On, Golden Girl.



Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
We pre-ordered directly from them, not some 2nd or 3rd party. We should be rewarded the most and not miss out on anything. That is the general feel of a lot of people here.

People don't want to be left out in such a social game ether. Because of this we all feel compelled to go out and pre-order the game again! Spending another $40. That is a lot of money for something we mostly already have.

Pre-Ordering directly from them shouldn't make us have buyer's remorse. We feel cheated because not once the game comes out we don't seem to be getting anything special for it from that point.
We didn't Pre-Order. We Pre-PURCHASED. Theres a difference. (Pre-Purchasing is where we pay for the entire thing in advance. Pre-Ordering is where you put down a small amount of money to have a store reserve a copy for you with the promise that you will purchase it on launch day).

Also, I'd like to point out that those of us who pre-purchased, us so called "Loyal Customers" got the very reward we were promised: The Ability to use Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning long before anyone else. We got what we were promised, we knew what it would be, and just because theres something else new and shiny that's coming out doesen't mean we should suddendly get it just because we're "Loyal Customers".



Originally Posted by Redbone View Post
Just to clarify, at this point, the natural direction of any theoretical "other preorders" would be more enhancements. These are Dam/Rech+Proc, Best Buy could get Acc/End+Proc, Amazon could get Acc/Rech+Proc and HHGreggs could get Dam/End+Proc and Barnes and Noble could get End/Rech+Proc. There's many combinations possible that would make each agreement just as "good" as any other mechanically and would keep the retailers happy. They could also keep the Dam/Rech enhancements but swap the types procs around (Best Buy's procs buff self, Amazon's Debuff the target and so on).

As for awarding them as a Vet Reward, I see no reason they couldn't be offered as a VERY high level Vet Reward in a similar way to how the Temp Powers are, you get a choice of them, selecting a "set" based on the retailer which locks out the others to that particular alt. With a system like that, they could easily milk a Vet Reward out of each preorder (you still select, but you'd need the same number of Vet Reward awards as there were retailers to claim them all on one alt) but yes, it ocudl get unbalencing in the low-level game quickly to award more than one or two (two because the preorder folks get one right off the bat). The only thing they could not do as a Vet Reward is offer more than 2 "sets" of these types of enhancements to award instantly upon your first login, because there's not enough room in the enhancement tray for more than two groups. They could also make each "set" unique to a power (so if you slot one of them, you can't slot a second of it's group, or the opposite, you slot it in one you can't slot a different "set" of these types into it.

There are other conceivable ways to offer "the same" mechanical benefits for other preorders and loads of conceivable ways to make them Vet Rewards.
Besides the fact that they don't need to be made as Vet Rewards, because people just need to get over this greedy, selfish, "OH GOD IT'S SOOOOO HORRIBLE" mentality?



Originally Posted by KingSnake View Post
This is the part that pisses me off

Only the separate City of Heroes Going Rogue expansion will be available for prepurchase. The Complete Collection will not be available for prepurchase, nor are there any incentives for preordering it at retail.

I take that for what it says. From a red name. I see nothing that says "currently" or "offeres maychange with time." or some such nonsence.
And nowhere does it say "There will never be any incentives for preordering it at retail".



Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
Also, I'd like to point out that those of us who pre-purchased, us so called "Loyal Customers" got the very reward we were promised: The Ability to use Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning long before anyone else. We got what we were promised, we knew what it would be, and just because theres something else new and shiny that's coming out doesen't mean we should suddendly get it just because we're "Loyal Customers".
Yes, if the dvd market has taught us anything, its that there is almost always going to be something newer and shinier coming along in 3-6 months. You can either buy your copy of Iron Man 2 the first day it comes out and get the exclusive mini comic from Best Buy, or you can wait until Christmas when they release the Deluxe Edition with all the fancy dvd extras, or you can wait another six months and buy the Collector's Edition with the Iron Man/War Machine book ends. What you can't do is buy the Best Buy edition and then complain that you were not properly informed about all future plans for all future releases of the product. Well, you can, but it's just as useless as it is in this situation.

The fact that all of these enhancements are damage/recharge enhancements makes me wonder if there is a deal in the works with Best Buy or someone that will come with accuracy/end GROs. Hmmmm...

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by Disappearing Girl View Post
You dont understand how I or others could feel tricked?

I would of brought a different product if I wasnt mislead into thinking I had all the information. That leads to a feeling of having been mislead/tricked.

It really amazes me how this can escape you.

As already said, I understand thier business desicon.

I know next time I will have to examine every possible word as per a legal document.
Because they didn't lie. At the time, there were NO PLANS for incentives at retail stores. This changed later when Gamestop expressed interest in a promotion for Going Rogue, and NCSoft/Paragon Studios saw the value in using it as a way to attract NEW CUSTOMERS, something that people constantly ***** about that NCSoft isn't doing enough of. This is why the new enhancements are designed specifically with new people in mind.

Not only that, AT NO POINT did they ever say that they would never do any other promotions, just that there were no plans to. (And plans can change). So, the information they gave in the beginning was correct and honest. There was no misinformation, no lies, no secret Nemesis plot to screw us. You don't like it? Fine. You feel dissapointed? That's fine as well. But you wern't lied to, screwed over, or any of that other [censored] people want to claim, so get over it for gods sake.



As someone who pre-purchased Going Rogue, and who will not be seeing the benefits of the Gamestop retail incentives, I find this controversy completely baffling. Golden_Girl said it best, I think.

"Cupcake cupcake cupcake; Cupcake. Merry_Mint is the best." - Abraham Lincoln



Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
And nowhere does it say "There will never be any incentives for preordering it at retail".
**edit** Nothing to see here. Just repeating myself. So i'm done. Moving on.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
Because they didn't lie. At the time, there were NO PLANS for incentives at retail stores. This changed later when Gamestop expressed interest in a promotion for Going Rogue, and NCSoft/Paragon Studios saw the value in using it as a way to attract NEW CUSTOMERS, something that people constantly ***** about that NCSoft isn't doing enough of. This is why the new enhancements are designed specifically with new people in mind.
As European i dont think thats a bad thought, NCsoft indeed is just fooking around with them. I wouldnt be amazed that IT personal internaly already call it 'that server full of dust in the basement'.



Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
Besides the fact that they don't need to be made as Vet Rewards, because people just need to get over this greedy, selfish, "OH GOD IT'S SOOOOO HORRIBLE" mentality?
Well, personal feelings aside, it is sensible for the Dev's to make them Vet Rewards eventually. It follows every precedent we have thus far, it sooths troubled brows over missing a preorder bonus, it costs the Devs close to nothing to do and they're always looking for "the next Vet Reward."



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
(clip) The fact that all of these enhancements are damage/recharge enhancements makes me wonder if there is a deal in the works with Best Buy or someone that will come with accuracy/end GROs. Hmmmm...
I'm thinking they went with damage/recharge because it's an attempt to bring in new players. By going with Razer, they're clearly trying to catch the eye of people who are already gamers. And the majority of MMO-style gamers like dealing high damage. (Those big orange numbers are awfully pretty... ) So they picked promo items that let you deal more damage; makes sense. The recharge was chosen, I'll bet, because the enhancements also have a proc - a chance for bonus damage. Sure it's a small chance, but the more often you use the power the more often you get that chance. Nothing says 'I wanna stay' like kicking butt on the bad guys.



Originally Posted by Stargazer View Post
Originally Posted by Casual_Player
This makes me long for the days when Cuppa and Cricket were the marketing staff.
I miss the days when the space penguins were invading Earth. So much fun to be had....
Wait, that didn't happen either?

(Cuppa and Cricket worked with Community relations, not marketing )
Which is my point, thanks for emphasizing it.

A couple of years ago, when marketing consisted pretty exclusively of word-of-mouth and the occasional click-banner, Community Relations at least took on the job of growing the community. Their efforts were to marketing what T-Ball is to pro baseball, but at least they generated an enthusiasm for the game when there was no other marketing to be had.

This promotion for CoH would be related to pro baseball in the same way as scalpers giving out a free bag of peanuts with every double-header. It's good for the first 5 minutes, but then you wonder why you helped keep a scalper in business for a fleeting salty taste in your mouth.

Oh, and a mouse pad.

I submit to you that I would rather attend an enthusiastic game of T-Ball than choke down some salty nuts sold by an unrelated middleman.

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.



Originally Posted by Suspicious_Pkg View Post
This x2 copies for me.
And THIS is exactly why I did NOT preorder the code only. I *want* the box, and stuff, and was willing to wait. My wife, on the other hand, wanted the preorder for her birthday and has been enjoying her Demon Summoning.

The ability to preorder gave everyone the ability to say, and keep saying, "Nah-nah, I can do something most people can't do yet." Nothing wrong with that.

There should also be nothing wrong with choosing to wait, wanting to buy the Collector's Edition, and having an option to get bonuses by purchasing through Gamestop. Probably where I'm going to get mine, now.

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