84 -
pacts are luckely easy to create (aka fast), but no one knows how more downtime we will be getting after this maintaince. Day 2 so far and i havent even logged on the live servers so far.
servers-server is up, but all servers are closed to the public. Maintaince still going.
Basicly, yes :P
Thats probably because they have to live-test things like the market and paragon points, wich are still not working. -
Well thats because the servers are down, realmserver is up (server-server) but just not open to public.
Strange enough i cant login to my EU forum account now, keep saying invalid password -
So far im kinda lucky.
I'm still '@mika.' (yup, still with that stupid dot..), '@rince mace' (wtf? My tank is called Mace X, not Rince...). But, and thats my happy part:
@SinergyX remains mine -
Is the Global you get permanently? I accidently logged in 1 of my newbie alts (darkicedef), and if i had a clashing Global, it will be called this now?
Luckely tomorow night i'm off, so can hop around on Defiant
Sadly 27th aint gonna work for me, its my birthday on the 29th and have my first party on the fridayBut if you only have to be on the server for a few mins, im sure i can squeez a moment in
Quote:So put the same conditions on this as they have on server transfers, or as they had years ago when you had the option to move from US to EU. Just an character, no SG, no linked goodies to that server whatsoever, im pretty sure its a price quite a few people are willing to pay, most cases the SG on that server doesnt even exist.They have no plans to merge accounts, or allow anything like avatars, bases or SGs to be moved form one account to another, as it's a very complex process.
Everytime they tell you 'they care about you', 'they only want the best for you', 'they are here to give great service', but always i'm the one banging my head against the wall for being yet again stupid enough to even listen. Veteran rewards? Screw your US account that you transfered to US, your own mistake. Perks and goodies? Screw your multiple accounts, we keep our crappy system. Loginnames and globals? Screw you EU players, US gets priority (ironic that both loginnames that 'collide' are mine). 1 global acces to all server? Screw your idiotic idea to continue both subs on your accounts because you have a US and EU account, just continue you pay double idiot, we aint merging ****. Paying 48 a month to keep your character alive? (namenicking) Plain stupid.
All my characters could have been placed on just max 1 or 2 accounts (including veteran slots, i can do with just 1), i then care little on exact wich server the characters will be, i play with anyone i see ingame.
No, they leave you stuck with 5 accounts, no options, no support, nothing. Just your own stupidity for keep hoping for such feature, to believe they do care about those with more accounts (for any reason hey had to). -
What about the 50% off for servertransfer then?
Quote:I always love the irony in those replies. If this game was played by only 9 players, there would be 8 in a team and 1 always solo. Those 8 always say they do TF's and such every day and night and the server is populated, while the last.. well isnt.That's creepy then - who am I running all those TFs and Trials with on Defiant when it's late at night in Europe?
However, as this is a MMO, i would expect something 'more' then a mere 9 players. Those few peeps running on /hide wont really dent the already low numbers on /sea, villainside taken at 2am few weeks ago: 7, 9, 4, 3, 12, 11. I know what you gonna say.. thats at least 3 people to team with! True, if at least 1 would reply or even invite me, or not just gonna log off after 1 wipe or mission..
I play MMO's for the MMO aspect, that means interacting with tons of people. I'm not playing a MMO with 11 people online, i rather would hop on any FPS/race game with even more people in a single race/fight/match then there are people online in Defiant. -
Thank you for still not making paypal properly available, thank you for not responding to my support tickets regarding my not-refunded payments, thank you for giving ZERO information on payment-history (perk perk perk wtf is perk??).
tltr.. Dont advertise if you dont have your systems running properly.
Oh i nearly forgot, thank you for the EU/US currency, ironic that 2 identical accounts have nearly 40% difference in pricing -
I just wanted to say that i missed it too, due some totaly not relevant reason after i read your post.
I lost my dog 2 years ago, i feel your sadness, but i never had the change to say goodbye (car accident). -
Quote:Im going US, Freedom. I already play on freedom alot, there is nothing left for me at Union and Defiant anymore. My Defiant characters are just collecting dust (serious that server is empty), so 1 will act as donkey and transfer all IO's over to my US characters.To the EU Union community:
After the merger, will you migrate, or start a new, a character on one of the NA servers? If so, which one will that be? I have heard that Freedom and Virtue are the two most popular ones; and Positron plays in Justice. But anyway, I am asking just out of interest to see where people will be ending up in.
By the simple basic, Defiant and Union wont increase in population, why would the 'mass' transfer to these 2 while already being on a very populated server? I rather see more Union/Defiants move to Freedom/Virtue, not even gonna mention the Villigance and Zudunkt server.
Missed the party last night though, but i dont mind -
Atago, you happen to have a costume file of those last 2? I'm still running around with the default outfit of my spider and yours look pretty nice.
Quote:Exceptions that confirm the ruleIt is even tough to categorize powersets within ATs . . . Controllers can tank with Phantom Army (and Phantasm's decoy), Animate Stone and Singularity. A Fire/Kin with high Defense should more properly be considered a Damage Dealer.
An Ill/Rad alone can do blasting, controlling, buffing and debuffing and tanking, and is probably strongest at tanking and debuffing.
By default they cant do such, it aint a inherent part of their AT. A blaster with FoN and few toggles can 'tank' too, but only in certain situations (like PA initialy was used for Hami).
Maybe fire/kin is a 'high damage dealer', but the AT controller as whole, just aint. -
I call those:
1. Offensive support
2. Defensive support
Defensive support is buffs, heals, anything done on your fellow teammates to increase survival of effiency of the team. Offensive has the same increase goal, but by affecting your enemies. Stun, immobilizing, lowering hit or damage, degen.
This will rule out the 'healer' class, a thermal troller or defender can heal, but also have lotsa buff and debuffs, so they are mixed support. /TA cant heal at all, it focus completly on debuffing enemies, full offensive support. -
Quote:If your company is partly focused on a different region of the world, they should pay attention to this aspect. There was a day once we had our own office and downtime was often done way outside peak-time of European players.So, your upset that a company, based out of California and Texas is having server maintenance during times where they are in the office, and actually able to see what is going on?
Do you expect them to be up at midnight or later their time (and forgo their families) so that times are more equalized?
If i would be on the US server and downtime occurs (my time around 19.00), i have little to say.. it is the US server. But Defiant and Union have a (EU) behind their name for a reason.. -
Quote:Is there any scrapper setup that would be that terrible, that a random blaster setup would do considerable more? I've played quite some scrappers and blasters, where blasters have a huge range in survivability and damage output throughout the sets, yet scrapper seem to be very consistant on damage output (as in, high, higher, highest).And then you compare an Elec/shield scrapper to an elec/dev blasters and fall off your chair laughing ^_^
Anyway, nothing to see here. If you haven't learned that blasters are crap by now, chances are you never will
Sets like energy/ice, Arch/elec (wich also rely heavy on melee dmg) or rad/dev (yeah stupid set i know), they feel very 'weak' compared to the big boys as Sonic, fire and elec. Where scrapper, i cant really find a real weak set, only dark perhaps on AoE strength. -
I dont really have the funding to load out my char with juicy IO's, so pretty much stuck to the 'base value' of any AT. My best atempt was my nerco/trap versus some mission-AV, but he kept 1 hitting my minions
Ooooh my mistake. What 'tier' is that ACU?
Maybe some day i will defeat a AV all by myself.. i gues around 2062 -
Quote:I think you got lucky there, my Mercs on the first trial was a plain disaster. I flag them out of the melee range of the punches, they attack for 10 sec without issues.. whoomp, 3 run in without a reason, before i could flag them 'passive' they were gone.During combat over the weekend, my Mercs spread evenly out over 180 degrees to the target and didn't cluster when attacking targets. Sometimes, I saw ranged clustered "V" attacks. Also, they didn't just run into combat especially my commando. I was quite pleased.
I just wonder, Robots are base ranged too, but they suffer way less from this 'OMG I WAN MELEE!' problems that mercs have. -
Now without all the summons and temps
Do mind that those descrptions were written way before IO's, sets or bonusses were ever invented. In the time ED didnt exist, where blasters slot 5 DMG SO's (or 6 with acc buffs), they were 'top of the chain' for doing damage but could not take much beating. Where afaik even the inherent power didnt even exist (containment for the ill troller).
So by theme they still are what it written, just by the numberous of modifications on the game, the line got more blurry.