I Missed the 7 Year Anniversary Dev Meet & Greet
I just wanted to say that i missed it too, due some totaly not relevant reason after i read your post.
I lost my dog 2 years ago, i feel your sadness, but i never had the change to say goodbye (car accident).
dude, seriously, don't post stuff that sad.
When the Meet and Greet was announced I was quite excited as it was taking place on Union so I didn't have to mess around setting up Test Server access. I was looking forward to meeting the devs and had a few questions for them.
Unfortunately the day darkened for me. It turned out it was to be my dog, Bonnie's last day. She was 16 years old. Her health had been deteriorating for months. Her liver was failing, her front legs were severely arthritic and her back legs had atrophied to the point where she could no longer walk. Watching her try to move was torture for us, knowing that she was in severe pain. We spent the day giving her as much love as we could, to make sure her last day was a happy one. We said our goodbyes before taking her to the vet for the final time. She was smiling as she slipped away. I will miss her deeply. The 7 Year celebrations seem trivial now in light of my grief. But I had hoped to enjoy a tiny ray of light on this dark day. By the time I logged into the game at 7:30pm BST, Pocket D was full. I missed the party, but I miss my dog far more. |
brought a tear to my eye.
I only missed it because I was torturing myself at the gym.
All I wanted to ask was wether any of the devs had heard my CoX inspired orchestrations, and if so, did they enjoy them.

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.
Union: @ominousvoice2059
When the Meet and Greet was announced I was quite excited as it was taking place on Union so I didn't have to mess around setting up Test Server access. I was looking forward to meeting the devs and had a few questions for them.
Unfortunately the day darkened for me. It turned out it was to be my dog, Bonnie's last day. She was 16 years old. Her health had been deteriorating for months. Her liver was failing, her front legs were severely arthritic and her back legs had atrophied to the point where she could no longer walk. Watching her try to move was torture for us, knowing that she was in severe pain.
We spent the day giving her as much love as we could, to make sure her last day was a happy one. We said our goodbyes before taking her to the vet for the final time. She was smiling as she slipped away. I will miss her deeply.
The 7 Year celebrations seem trivial now in light of my grief. But I had hoped to enjoy a tiny ray of light on this dark day. By the time I logged into the game at 7:30pm BST, Pocket D was full.
I missed the party, but I miss my dog far more.
----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.
Union: @ominousvoice2059