Judgement and blasters
Blasters can constantly bring the pain, and when boosted are still your go-to team damage dealer. Oh yes, and they can follow up a nuke on one spawn with a judgement on the next. Your doom is in another castle.
I think the true nukes ought to lose both the -end and the -recovery. I also think the recharge on them should be lowered. But I've thought that for a long time, a long time.
It could be interesting to lower the recharge to 300 seconds for defenders and corruptors but 240 seconds for blasters.
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
And yes, this is 45+ content only, so 1-44, blasters will still rule the damage game, but as we have more and more end-game focused content, I can see less need (insofar as any AT is "needed") for a blaster going forward.
We don't need anything. We never had, and we never will. What I see the incarnate system doing is really leveling the playing field between ATs even more.
I'm happy to get more fireballs.
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The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
Enemies go BOOM!
That is all.
Look up the other powers, specifically Interface and Destiny. Blasters are getting debuffs, why will we need defenders? Blasters can get more defense/resistance or mez protection, why do we need defenders or tanks?
Similar arguments may be made for other ATs as we get massive buffs, debuffs, pets, and likely crowd control in the future as well. I still think the AoE damage gap is closed the most w/the addition of the Judgement slot. |
Buffs aren't perma, but are certainly very good. Mez protected blasters will be great, but so will similarly protected defenders & controllers (who can already get IW). Pets? Not sure how that'll eat into MM territory, and to a lesser degree controllers. I think the Seer pets w/the Fort buffs are the best. As good as a mini Nuke? Don't think so.
But if the blaster community is satisfied w/the status quo (as to be, once I20 hits), I guess there's no point in asking for Judgement to be AT-normalized, or at least give blasters defiance buffs, right?
An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee
If you haven't read up yet, check out this long, but excellent description of the first 5 Incarnate slots by dispari. Then look at Judgement. As an example, we have:
Pyronic: Base stats: 428.36 damage 80 foot range Targeted AoE 25 foot radius 16 targets max AoE, fire 1.00 activation time 20.00 endurance That's base damage. T4 w/T4 Musculature will do over 700 pts of damage. W/no crash. From range. W/a 24 target cap. It's also not scaled for ATs. Which means if defenders do the same damage, but can debuff the crap out of their foes first, they win. Scrappers & tanks w/far superior defenses doing the same AoE damage: win. Controllers are already win machines, and they just get more win (at least no containment, but does that mean no defiance for blasters?). Granted, it has an unenhanceable 90s recharge. On a team of 8, all w/Judgement, who notices? For long term AoE DPS, will blasters still be king? I *think* so, but the gap will be shrinking, mightily. Similar arguments may be made for other ATs as we get massive buffs, debuffs, pets, and likely crowd control in the future as well. I still think the AoE damage gap is closed the most w/the addition of the Judgement slot. And yes, this is 45+ content only, so 1-44, blasters will still rule the damage game, but as we have more and more end-game focused content, I can see less need (insofar as any AT is "needed") for a blaster going forward. Thoughts? Cries of Dooooooom? Or are we just happy to get more fireballs? |
Good reason to revisit the why a blaster thread again.
Granted, it has an unenhanceable 90s recharge. On a team of 8, all w/Judgement, who notices? For long term AoE DPS, will blasters still be king? I *think* so, but the gap will be shrinking, mightily. |
AoE damage is much like survivability once you have enough more is wasted. With the judgment powers I think we will be very near the point where a team of anything has more than enough AoE and more than enough damage in general. The blaster just becomes a less survivable member of the team.
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
I don't know.
I hope you are right, Dechs.
Looking at things at a glance it seems like a 90 second crashless nuke for all is more extreme than the other powers coming along...
However, I could be totally wrong. Maybe the other powers match up to providing every AT with a Tier 9 level power from another AT?
And yeah... my first thought was Two Nukes for me!!
Then I thought about a team of 8, all with said nukes...
And, I hate to say it, but I find myself thinking along the same lines as Another_Fan.
For normal content/foes, at least.
Maybe with the other Incarnate Powers factored in, it will balance things out.
EDIT: For the record, I haven't been mulling this over and feeling bummed by it or anything.
Although... now that I've been thinking about it... the future game could be rather odd (and not necessarily the kind of odd I enjoy, haha!).
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
One nuke every ninety seconds that can't be enhanced for recharge and can either be enhanced for damage or accuracy is not hedging into blaster territory any more than -25% resist is hedging into defender territory.
How about 8? How about 16 in a league on a trial?
It is not one nuke every 90 seconds. It is one crashless nuke every 90/team size seconds.
That -25% is ten stacks of Interface and seems small. Do ten stacks of Judgment seem as small as -25% resistance?
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
One nuke every ninety seconds that can't be enhanced for recharge and can either be enhanced for damage or accuracy is not hedging into blaster territory any more than -25% resist is hedging into defender territory.
Everyone can "nuke" for 400~710 pts of damage every 90 sec. If you spread that out on a team of 8, it's 2 ppl nuking every 22.5s to clear pretty much everything in their paths except maybe bosses and higher. At this point, why is any AT necessary, I know, but why especially an AT whose biggest contributions are their AoE damage?
Compare that to how "everyone can debuff" with Interface. Except to get to the Interface debuff caps, you have to stack effects, which takes time. Compare that to a defender/corr/controller just laying down FR, Sleet, Tar Patch, etc every fight (say just before a Judgement nuke). Why even bother setting up your Interface debuffs at that point other than w/hard targets? Also consider most Interface debuffs will stack w/all other defender/controller debuffs which already stack nicely while Interface by itself has a hard cap. Now tell me again how much Interfaces hedges on defenders.
So most things being equal, and speaking purely for performance issues, if you have a spot open for an Apex run, do you want a blaster or a defender for that last role? Even now, I think most ppl know what the politically incorrect answer is. Imagine once defenders get Judgement. Or hell, corrs.
Edit: See StratoNexus's post for the tl:dr version.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee
By the same token...
If a team of 8 all with these Judgment AOEs is really all that (And I'm thinking it will be)... it's not really just Blasters that it "trivializes".
What's the point of any debuffs, controls, resistances/defenses when you have that fire power?
Anyway... I'm not going to let my brain wonder into doomville.
Even if things get that ridiculously skewed... hopefully I'll still have a bunch of fun! I'll let others worry about it!
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
If you're going to be multiplying these Judgment Nukes by eight, then be sure to do the same for the other powers. Those interface debuffs will reach full stacks right away. Eight people alternating Destiny powers will negate the need for buffs. Why take anything but blasters if you can softcap and have heavy resistance buffs, and be able to stack -res and -regen on the AVs full time?
Incarnate powers are going to trivialize content, not team roles or ATs. Anyone running a full set Very Rare abilities is going to be a god in our normal content. That's why the raids are going to get much harder. We're going to get trials that require these abilities. You're going to need the blasters on your team buffing your tank with Destiny so he can survive. You're going to need the controller nuking every 90 seconds because your team won't have enough damage otherwise. The blaster is still going to be doing more damage than anyone else on the team, he's still going to be as needed as he is now.
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
Incarnate powers are going to trivialize content, not team roles or ATs.
Anyone running a full set Very Rare abilities is going to be a god in our normal content. That's why the raids are going to get much harder. We're going to get trials that require these abilities. You're going to need the blasters on your team buffing your tank with Destiny so he can survive. You're going to need the controller nuking every 90 seconds because your team won't have enough damage otherwise. The blaster is still going to be doing more damage than anyone else on the team, he's still going to be as needed as he is now. |
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If you're going to be multiplying these Judgment Nukes by eight, then be sure to do the same for the other powers. Those interface debuffs will reach full stacks right away. Eight people alternating Destiny powers will negate the need for buffs. Why take anything but blasters if you can softcap and have heavy resistance buffs, and be able to stack -res and -regen on the AVs full time?
Is Judgment similarly limited on low damage ATs the way the buffs are limited on low mitigation ATs?
Is Judgment similarly limited on buff/debuff ATs the way the debuffs are limited in Interface?
I'll give you Destiny. That has me concerned in a way similar to Judgement, and for the same reasons, but likely not for your reasons.
You say Destiny obviates the need for armored ATs, but the armored ATs can generally make better use of Destiny (higher caps or more hit points), plus getting all the benefits of high damage from the other Incarnate abilities.
Judgment lets ATs blow away the "damage cap". Destiny does not let me violate the HP or resistance cap. Interface does not let me bypass debuff caps, but it does help me add even more damage, so I see that ability more directly encroaching on damage ATs as opposed to buff/debuff ATs.
Lore has buffing and healing, but once again does not help me bypass my caps, but the damage dealing pets once again help us bypass our own damage limitations.
Yes, the Incarnate system causes encroachment everywhere (wait until the AoE Incarnate holds come out that are better than Controller/Dom controls

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
If you're going to be multiplying these Judgment Nukes by eight, then be sure to do the same for the other powers. Those interface debuffs will reach full stacks right away. Eight people alternating Destiny powers will negate the need for buffs. Why take anything but blasters if you can softcap and have heavy resistance buffs, and be able to stack -res and -regen on the AVs full time?
Again (for like the 4th time), this isn't about how *just* blasters are becoming marginalized. All ATs are really losing focus as everyone can do pretty much everything. It's who loses their identity most. If everyone can do everything similarly well, why not take someone w/natively higher HPs & aggro control (tanks/brutes/scrappers)? Or can do their specialty far better than what Incarnates offer (debuffing defenders/corrs/MMs/controllers)?
An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee
Again (for like the 4th time), this isn't about how *just* blasters are becoming marginalized. All ATs are really losing focus as everyone can do pretty much everything. It's who loses their identity most.
If everyone's a jack of all trades that doesn't pay for their versatility, what the hell is a Peacebringer?
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
Good reason to revisit the why a blaster thread again.
Imagine a team of 8 each with one of these nukes. Every 12 seconds somebody takes a turn and fires off their nuke, all the minions and lieutenants drop, then the boss is promptly dispatched. AoE damage is much like survivability once you have enough more is wasted. With the judgment powers I think we will be very near the point where a team of anything has more than enough AoE and more than enough damage in general. The blaster just remains the least survivable member of the team. |
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
(Said to a fake team)
That's nice, while you guys nuke all the little stuff to heck and back I'll be over here with my ice blaster, my build slotted for recharge proc'ing -res, my defiance bonus, and a nonstop ST attack chain wrecking the AV.
Not as flashy mind you as more fireballs, but it's what I built for, have no shame in doing things that way, and I'm not really afraid of other team members having a nuke at all. Of course that's my playstyle and the fact I build blasters to be ST monsters over aoe ones. So maybe it's my bias impacting an opinion *shrug* After all I've been watching a good steamroller team walk over current content before judgment and usually only leaving me a couple seconds to pound on anything smaller then an EB. So in my opinion judgment powers are just delightful overkill whoever uses them.
That and even if you stacked 24 of them on a new incarnate AV you honestly think it'd take them down? Or dent the HP bar for that matter? Might be really useful though for clearing out the mobs in the BAF if the ambushes are allowed to get out of control, that or those stupid commandos, hey look tanks you have a moment of useful!
So yep, doom is firmly in another castle, as for the why a blaster thread, please please let that die. =p
not to mention the fact that while we're busy gaining these incarnate abilities, the enemies are also going from 54 upwards, who's to say whats to come? after these trials it could be upwards to 55+ and villains who need that kind of debuffing and damage from a team to be defeatable!
@one and only
Devil Claw lvl 50 Claws / Regen Scrapper
DC MK4 lvl 50 Granite / Energy Melee Tank
Devil Claw Awoken lvl 50 Human / Dwarf PB
Brutalise-DC lvl 50 Elec / Dark Brute
If you haven't read up yet, check out this long, but excellent description of the first 5 Incarnate slots by dispari. Then look at Judgement. As an example, we have:
Base stats:
428.36 damage
80 foot range
Targeted AoE
25 foot radius
16 targets max
AoE, fire
1.00 activation time
20.00 endurance
That's base damage. T4 w/T4 Musculature will do over 700 pts of damage. W/no crash. From range. W/a 24 target cap.
It's also not scaled for ATs. Which means if defenders do the same damage, but can debuff the crap out of their foes first, they win. Scrappers & tanks w/far superior defenses doing the same AoE damage: win. Controllers are already win machines, and they just get more win (at least no containment, but does that mean no defiance for blasters?).
Granted, it has an unenhanceable 90s recharge. On a team of 8, all w/Judgement, who notices? For long term AoE DPS, will blasters still be king? I *think* so, but the gap will be shrinking, mightily.
Similar arguments may be made for other ATs as we get massive buffs, debuffs, pets, and likely crowd control in the future as well. I still think the AoE damage gap is closed the most w/the addition of the Judgement slot.
And yes, this is 45+ content only, so 1-44, blasters will still rule the damage game, but as we have more and more end-game focused content, I can see less need (insofar as any AT is "needed") for a blaster going forward.
Thoughts? Cries of Dooooooom? Or are we just happy to get more fireballs?
An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee