Judgement and blasters

Adeon Hawkwood



This is how I see it.

If (-NUKE-)...




Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
That's great. You should post your times. Its amazing that a blaster is now in the top tier of AV soloists, especially an ice
*laughing like mad* Come on I haven't had my morning coffee yet...But Geez AF you really can't resist any opportunity to troll me can you? Should I feel special? =p Do you see me anywhere in that post saying I'm AV soloing? But fine I'll break down into a context even you can understand since as usual it went right over your head my literally minded friend.

The I'll be over here wrecking the AV is summed up as thus, and the same reason why I don't like aoe damage themed builds. It works great till you hit the AV. Then if you have a person on your team spec'ed for single target target damage you'll find a fight will go a lot faster, and let me bold it just to make sure you get it when the entire team is then taking on the AV Since a good ST chain will outdamage aoe powers against one big target any day of the week. Tin Mage and it's giant AV's of HP doom or our good friend the kahn TF being a perfect example of this. and why I'm not concerned in the slightest about the judgment nukes. As I said we have so much aoe in the game anyway it's just overkill, if I wanted something to be bugged about I'd fall back on the ol nugget of how a fully IO'ed domi can out aoe some blasters, or how elec ones drain mobs into oblivion. If i cared that is.

If you want to play with numbers since you bring up times I'll pull my AF impression for the day and go. "That's great now show me the times where an aoe build will out DPS ice's ST chain boosted with a very rare spiritual alpha and IO sets." =p

Again it's how I build my blasters, not to be AV soloists, but to be AV wreckers while someone else is holding the aggro. Don't get as many kills as some on a team, but I know when it matters I'm laying some hurt, and that's good enough for me.



Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
That's nice, while you guys nuke all the little stuff to heck and back I'll be over here with my ice blaster, my build slotted for recharge proc'ing -res, my defiance bonus, and a nonstop ST attack chain wrecking the AV.
So, you're saying some blasters will fill the ST damage specialist niche. Do you think ST blasters will fill this niche better than, say, scrappers or brutes? Or even MMs and Controllers who can solo a pylon in under 4 min, while bringing other buffs/debuffs/controls to the table? And these are all far more survivable than even a def capped blaster.

Mind you, stats like pylon solo times are made in a solo vacuum. If you're assuming the rest of the team is providing adequate protection (from aggro, through buffs/heals & other mitigation) and debuffs, I suppose a Fire/Elec blaster will output more pure DPS than a high end Claws scrapper (actually, I don't know this for a fact, but I suspect it from just looking at DPA figures).

Still, blasters are best contributors of AoE damage--it's just what they do better than everyone else in the game--and I fear encroachment in that "niche" more than ST damage, which is already crowded enough w/pretty much everyone and his brother able to solo normal AVs. For the buffed AVs in Incarnate content, stacked debuffs (and again, Interface only goes so far) seem to matter far more than who can pump out an extra 10 DPS, just like it has in pretty much every facet of the game so far.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



I don't really understand this whole 'Arrrgghh, xAT is obsolete by y happening' issue. This is a game that DOESN'T need anything. And most people I play with take the first 7 team mates and go with it.

We're not all Min Maxers worried about DPA and DPS etc. I just play to shoot stuff. Blasters do that well from range, others do that well up close, others make it easier for everyone else to do it well. You play what you want to play. Blasters will always have a place cos they don't HAVE to do anything else. I prefer blasters cos I don't have to worry about keeping the rest of the team alive I can just blast. I prefer them over Melee as I often get lost in the powers FX and can't find a target in range.

So I'll keep playing blasters and if people want to take someone else on the team over me cos of it, then I'm fine with that, cos they are to controlling for my liking anyways.



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
I don't really understand this whole 'Arrrgghh, xAT is obsolete by y happening' issue. This is a game that DOESN'T need anything. And most people I play with take the first 7 team mates and go with it.

We're not all Min Maxers worried about DPA and DPS etc. I just play to shoot stuff. Blasters do that well from range, others do that well up close, others make it easier for everyone else to do it well. You play what you want to play. Blasters will always have a place cos they don't HAVE to do anything else. I prefer blasters cos I don't have to worry about keeping the rest of the team alive I can just blast. I prefer them over Melee as I often get lost in the powers FX and can't find a target in range.

So I'll keep playing blasters and if people want to take someone else on the team over me cos of it, then I'm fine with that, cos they are to controlling for my liking anyways.
Pretty much this, I don't care about charts, pylon times, and DPA DPS or anything else that starts with a D. I care about dealing damage in a way I find enjoyable, and build my blasters to suit that style. What other AT's can do or not do better or worse then me has no impact on my enjoyment. Which is another reason I found all that endless whining in a certain thread loltastic. Same with anyone who keeps trying to treat the game like a math exam.

It's not about filling a niche Dave, or who is more or less survivable, or any AT vs AT issue on any front. Either way I'm a blaster, I already know that's gonna be low if I mess up =p If I'm doing my job and putting out numbers to drop a target that much faster regardless of the fact a scrapper or brute is putting out comparable ST damage then I'm being useful. Again that's good enough for me.



Blaster were behind the curve before Incarnate abilities. It looks like they'll be even more behind the curve after Issue 20.

If you didn't mind Blasters' relative shortcomings before, then you're unlikely to mind afterwards. Some people genuinely enjoy the seat-of-your-pants, hard-mode play style that Blasters embody. Hey, the game is pretty darn easy, so I guess it's nice to have the option to play a disadvantaged AT.

But it is a disadvantaged AT, make no mistake. Even if there were no Judgement slot, the recent (and on-going) emphasis on end-game content would be enough to highlight Blasters' weaknesses. They're not particularly good at soloing, and their supposed team purpose (artillery) is all but irrelevant at the high end, where any encounter that doesn't die to a stiff breeze tends to favor buffs/debuffs over straight damage.

Destiny will help. We can finally get some measure of consistent status protection, or we can choose to shore up our near-non-existent defenses. The problem, as before, is that buffs only modify what's already there. To say that Blasters get the most benefit from Destiny is to say that they needed it most. Personally, I think that Destiny favors ATs that already have status protection, because they have the most guilt-free choice.

Your mileage may vary. If you like the AT as it is, in broad terms, then that's great. Still, I don't see how anyone can argue with a straight face that traditional nukes deserve their many, massive penalties, or that certain power sets couldn't use an upgrade here or there. We don't play a game that enforces distinct team roles, and that's a good thing -- but at least Blasters could be a little better as generalists.

Or, heck, maybe Blasters could like, you know, finally become legitimately superior at single-target DPS without having to resort to melee attacks. It's funny; for all these years the devs have apparently been terrified of what a ranged Archetype could do in theory, and yet Blasters don't even necessarily have access to continuous single-target ranged attack chains without IO recharge bonuses. And then the devs went and gave Doms and Widows that very thing, along with monster controls and/or defenses and Blaster-competitive damage scalars.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
Nice build



Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
*laughing like mad* Come on I haven't had my morning coffee yet...But Geez AF you really can't resist any opportunity to troll me can you? Should I feel special? =p Do you see me anywhere in that post saying I'm AV soloing? But fine I'll break down into a context even you can understand since as usual it went right over your head my literally minded friend.
My mistake then. Just for fun I tried to make a couple of ice blaster av soloists it was possible 200+ dps was achievable and survivability was possible as long as the av was tossing out S/L damage without large amounts of mez.

The I'll be over here wrecking the AV is summed up as thus, and the same reason why I don't like aoe damage themed builds. It works great till you hit the AV. Then if you have a person on your team spec'ed for single target target damage you'll find a fight will go a lot faster, and let me bold it just to make sure you get it when the entire team is then taking on the AV Since a good ST chain will outdamage aoe powers against one big target any day of the week.
Unless you were really looking closely or had a team that was a little on the low end side, I doubt you would notice it.



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
I don't really understand this whole 'Arrrgghh, xAT is obsolete by y happening' issue. This is a game that DOESN'T need anything. And most people I play with take the first 7 team mates and go with it.
I used to agree with the idea that the game was easy enough that it shouldn't be a concern. Then brutes got nerfed because it could be argued they were better than scrappers.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
I used to agree with the idea that the game was easy enough that it shouldn't be a concern. Then brutes got nerfed because it could be argued they were better than scrappers.
So all this is because you were bitter that Brutes got nerfed?



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
So all this is because you were bitter that Brutes got nerfed?
hunh ? Was just saying that the devs actions show they don't buy the argument. They took action because literally they were worried that scrappers would be eclipsed.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
hunh ? Was just saying that the devs actions show they don't buy the argument. They took action because literally they were worried that scrappers would be eclipsed.
But only in the mind of Min/Maxers. It wouldn't make much difference to the general population who just take the first 7 to turn up.



*sigh* okay, here's how I see this whole 'x archetype will become obsolete' argument.

Arachnos: excellent defenses, team buffs and some debuffs, very good offense on top of squishiness. With incarnate abilities, gain even better offense, some even stronger team buffs, and a selection of even greater debuffs, and extra pets. (Soldiers can have some already, so even more) Still lack reactive buffs, still have lowish hp when something can get past the defense, lack control except for fortunatas.

blasters: Excellent offense, has the highest ranged damage possible, often has some soft controlls and a good variety of AoE/burst damage options. Gains more aoE with the incarnates, pets to help distract/buff, some strong burst buffs, and excellent debuffs to magnify/augment their excellent offense. Still lack significant self-preservation tools, hard control, big debuffs, and reliable buffs.

brutes: Good toughness, good damage, can control aggro pretty well, lack much range and team buffs/enemy debuffs. Burst damage is okay, but requires prep time to optimize. With incarnetes the gain team buffs, pets to help support them and damage, better burst AoE damage, and get debuffs to magnify their damage. Since their base damage is lowish before fury, -res is very good for brutes as it magnifies their magnified damage, rather than the low base. Still lack reliable range, control, buffs, and much debuffing aside from the procs. Also can attract a lot of aggro with marginal starting armor mods, so they still can get in over their heads at times.

controllers: Good buffs/debuffs, good control, goodish damage, depending on setup. Lack burst damage, have low hp, and often times rely on mez for part of their offense. With incarnation they gain (more)pets to magnify their buff/debuffs, gain even more debuffs, burst AoE damage, and more buffs. Still lack reliable straightforward damage, can still squish if not careful, still have lowish starting damage.

corruptors: Good buffs/debuffs, good ranged damage, excellent finishing damage. Still a bit squishy. Gain pets that can magnify their buffs debuffs, help lay down damage to get scourges faster. Gain better burst Aoe damage for even faster scourging, gain even more buffs, gain even more debuffs. I've always held corruptors to be one of the best AV damage team members, (due to scourge+debuffs) they get even better with the debuff procs. Still have only medium starting damage, lack control, still squishy.

defenders: Best buffs/debuffs in the game, have ranged damage that can debuff foes. Damage starts off a bit 'meh' before buffs/debuffs are taken into play, still squishy. With incarnation they bring even more buffs/debuffs, burst aoE damage, and pets to magnify their buffing/debuffing. Still lack sturdiness, control, and reliable burst damage.

Dominators: Best control in game, excellent offense. Lack buffs/debuffs, rely on mez for survival, often lack burst damage. With incarnation they gain team buffs, debuffs to magnify their offense, and pets to help assist with buffs and damage. Still lack reliable huge booms & buffs, other debuffs, still a bit squishy.

kheldians: Can be pinch hitters for different roles, have good damage. Lack buffs/debuffs. They gain buffs/debuffs, pets, more burst damage. They still lack significant debuffs to fall back on, buffs, controls, and can still require form shifts for setup.

masterminds: Bring good buffs/debuffs, pets for aggro distraction, good offense, and good survival in bodyguard mode. Still require pet survival/cooperation for best performance, and have limited burst damage. Vulnerable to AoE damage. With incarnation they gain even bigger buffs, more debuffs, more pets, and better burst AoE damage. Still reliant on pets for much of their survival and offense, still squishy beneath all their options, and lack control.

scrappers: excellent damage, good survival skills. Lack buffs/debuffs/controls, limited range, only medium hp if damage starts getting through to their hp. Gain even better AoE burst damage, boosts, and debuffs to augment their high offense. Gain pets to help support them and help defeat foes. Still lack reliable buffs/controls, or other buffs. Only so-so at being an aggro distraction.

stalkers: Best burst melee in game, can escape attention when things get 'hot.' Low hp, lack much AoE, control, buffs, debuffs. With incarnate abilities they gain the AoE burst damage they lacked, buffs, and debuffs to magnify their offense. Also pets to support them and pick up aggro away from them. Still lack reliable AoE/buffs/controls, still squishy beneath offenses, still can inadvertently redirect aggro to toe members at times.

Tankers: Highest toughness, excellent ability to be a team distraction, and have melee offense. Lacks burst damage, ranged damage, buffs, lockdown controls, and have limited debuffs. With incarnation they bring burst AoE damage, buffs for the team, debuffs to help their offense, pets for more offense and even better survival. Still lack big damage most of the time, many control options, or buffs for the team.

Pick a team member. Any single one WILL help you, and will help you in a way no other archetype can. With the incarnate abilities, they bring even more options, often magnifying their strength and covering for the limitations they would otherwise have. But if you look at incarnate abilities as a whole, they are still 'burst' abilities, so the team still will be relying the 'core' abilities of that member.You mix and match them, they all bring their own toolkit, magnify or supplementing each other. Blasters are included- while other archetypes can throw out their big booms, blasters can follow up toasting remainders, or just go ahead and mow down the next group. Blasters can become even better against tough foes or in hard situations, as they can pop a big buff to help themselves and the team survive, and their excellent offense can then weaken anything strong enough to survive.

Relax folks, you'll still have a place.

Heck, the way some new stuff benefits from 'death from afar,' and 'kill it quick,' blasters are the difference between a success and a resounding success in my experience.



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
But only in the mind of Min/Maxers. It wouldn't make much difference to the general population who just take the first 7 to turn up.
Except the general population don't take the first 7 to turn up. In my experience, you take the 1st 4-5 that show up, then start looking to fill holes. Mostly, that's debuffs, and a tank/brute if you don't have one. Ocassionally, you'll hear calls for blasters, or just "more damage". Those calls will be drying up w/I20, and that's my concern.

Yes, there are teams that will take any 7 that come forward first, and others that will min/max from the 2nd slot. The great majority are in between, and I do fear fewer places for blasters going forward. Also, I know there are other ATs that are even less desires atm, but their lack of attraction won't be adversely affected by I20, at least not to the extent blasters will be.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



First off, nice analysis of all the ATs' affected by I20, though I may nitpick with the details. However...

Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
Relax folks, you'll still have a place.
Don't take offense, but this is a straw man argument. I don't think anyone is saying blasters have no place in the future. I, at least, am saying blasters will have less of a place. Of course blasters contribute, and a lot, and will continue to do so. The question is, do they contribute as much as someone else, and more to the point, does that contribution decrease overall as I20 kicks in? It's my argument to the latter that they will, and this should be addressed.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
Heck, the way some new stuff benefits from 'death from afar,' and 'kill it quick,' blasters are the difference between a success and a resounding success in my experience.
It is my opinion that this highlights a neutral move for blasters. Blasters are range AND melee damage. That is their design premise and has been since before the game was released. 'Death from afar' is a corruptor/defender role and most of that is focused on AVs, which is where corruptors will obliterate a blasters damage output (and that is before any debuffs, I am just talking straight up damage, scourge is amazing against hard targets).

While I am not opposed to blasters being able to leverage their range half, I also do not find it to be a "strength" that I MUST leverage it because I am too weak to engage the other half of my powers. That is not to say I am against those types of mechanics, I enjoy stuff that forces us to move and I am glad to see the game give the nod towards those with range attacks, which does include blasters, but blasters are a melee AT as well (and generally do their best damage if they can stay in melee range).

When you look at the other range/melee ATs, dominators, VEATs, and Khelds, it is not hard to see that they gave a lot of versatility to those other, later iterations of the range/melee ATs. This is especially true when you look at the current state of affairs, since doms and Khelds were previously not as potent with their damage output.

I am not claiming that fewer people will play blasters nor am I saying that fewer people will allow them to join their teams nor do I even believe that fewer people will look for them when doing searches.

I do believe that Blast set true nukes need to be rethought. I think Judgment simply highlights this fact even further (I think it has been pretty obvious they should be rethought for awhile now, but one more thing has been added to the pile of evidence). I think this is true for blasters, corruptors, and defenders. Would this solve the "blaster dilemma"? No, but it will be a step in the right direction for all three Blast set ATs, IMO.

As for the general "weakness" of the blaster, that is not my concern at this time. I'd rather see how these 5 levels of the incarnate system pan out before any kind of AT assessment is made. But majorly off things such as snipes and nukes, I think they can and should be addressed quickly.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
If you haven't read up yet, check out this long, but excellent description of the first 5 Incarnate slots by dispari. Then look at Judgement. As an example, we have:


Base stats:
428.36 damage
80 foot range
Targeted AoE
25 foot radius
16 targets max
AoE, fire
1.00 activation time
20.00 endurance

That's base damage. T4 w/T4 Musculature will do over 700 pts of damage. W/no crash. From range. W/a 24 target cap.

It's also not scaled for ATs. Which means if defenders do the same damage, but can debuff the crap out of their foes first, they win. Scrappers & tanks w/far superior defenses doing the same AoE damage: win. Controllers are already win machines, and they just get more win (at least no containment, but does that mean no defiance for blasters?).

Granted, it has an unenhanceable 90s recharge. On a team of 8, all w/Judgement, who notices? For long term AoE DPS, will blasters still be king? I *think* so, but the gap will be shrinking, mightily.

Similar arguments may be made for other ATs as we get massive buffs, debuffs, pets, and likely crowd control in the future as well. I still think the AoE damage gap is closed the most w/the addition of the Judgement slot.

And yes, this is 45+ content only, so 1-44, blasters will still rule the damage game, but as we have more and more end-game focused content, I can see less need (insofar as any AT is "needed") for a blaster going forward.

Thoughts? Cries of Dooooooom? Or are we just happy to get more fireballs?
If you're concerned about a single AOE shot that does just 450 damage then you're not playing your blaster right. I was concerned Judgement was too weak to bother spending threads on it with my blaster.

Sorry. I already melt mobs in one attack chain with my fire/en, one more aoe, while nice isn't really going to do much more then add a level of overkill to the pwnage. Might be nice to add one more PBAOE on my dp... but really... barely needed or wanted.



Originally Posted by Sprite Fire View Post
If you're concerned about a single AOE shot that does just 450 damage then you're not playing your blaster right. I was concerned Judgement was too weak to bother spending threads on it with my blaster.

Sorry. I already melt mobs in one attack chain with my fire/en, one more aoe, while nice isn't really going to do much more then add a level of overkill to the pwnage. Might be nice to add one more PBAOE on my dp... but really... barely needed or wanted.

Well, one bonus judgment has over all the other awesome AE's blasters can get is that the very rares seem to have a target cap well over the current agro cap, which means in the right situations it can be used to soften up very large groups and have them feed themselves into the meat grinder that is your AE carnage.

Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
That...was a Herocon 09 exclusive easter egg. The powerset will not have doves associated with it.

Namely because you guys would want to color tint the damn doves, or make them hawks/ravens/flying sharks/etc and that's just a headache I do...not...want...to deal with.



Originally Posted by Sprite Fire View Post
If you're concerned about a single AOE shot that does just 450 damage then you're not playing your blaster right. I was concerned Judgement was too weak to bother spending threads on it with my blaster.

Sorry. I already melt mobs in one attack chain with my fire/en, one more aoe, while nice isn't really going to do much more then add a level of overkill to the pwnage. Might be nice to add one more PBAOE on my dp... but really... barely needed or wanted.
I believe that's the point. This is something that isn't the bees knees for blasters but when you have most of a team having them it marginalizes the blasters place on teams.

What we have gotten from incarnates so far, is content that makes squishies squishier and marginalizes the need for certain types.



Originally Posted by Sprite Fire View Post
If you're concerned about a single AOE shot that does just 450 damage then you're not playing your blaster right. I was concerned Judgement was too weak to bother spending threads on it with my blaster.
You completely miss the point, and you may want to at least skim over the rest of the thread. It's not that 1 AoE shot for 450 (or, you know, 710 w/Musculature) replaces a blaster. It's 8 of them on a team (more on a league). And it's by ppl who can better debuff crowds, or just ignore any return fire, than blasters. So tell me again why a team of 7 nuking defenders/controllers/scrappers/tanks will want a blaster.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
Except the general population don't take the first 7 to turn up. In my experience, you take the 1st 4-5 that show up, then start looking to fill holes. Mostly, that's debuffs, and a tank/brute if you don't have one. Ocassionally, you'll hear calls for blasters, or just "more damage". Those calls will be drying up w/I20, and that's my concern.
I'll conceed that point, it is usually the first 4-5. I still don't think it'll be as big an issue as you think, much as scrappers and tanks are still played even though brutes can go blue side despite assurances that no one would bother once GR came out.

Time will tell, but we also don't know what future content will require and maybe constant ranged damage will be very useful.



Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
You completely miss the point, and you may want to at least skim over the rest of the thread. It's not that 1 AoE shot for 450 (or, you know, 710 w/Musculature) replaces a blaster. It's 8 of them on a team (more on a league). And it's by ppl who can better debuff crowds, or just ignore any return fire, than blasters. So tell me again why a team of 7 nuking defenders/controllers/scrappers/tanks will want a blaster.
Yeah, I think what strikes me most about Judgement is that debuff characters will do more damage with it than Blasters, in some cases a lot more. Blasters' burst advantage is tied to large short-term buffs like Aim and Build Up. Blasters' overall damage advantage is tied to their AT damage scalar, which is the highest in the game (Tied with Scrappers).

Neither one of those things affects Judgement by design. Musculature is great and all, but debuff builds can have a boosted Judgement without having to be pigeon-holed into Musculature. In fact, Controllers are probably the AT best-suited to take advantage of Musculature, because Containment gives them an effective damage scalar on par with Blasters' (0.55 * 2 versus 1.125), and because Controllers generally have less access to consistent damage buffs (like Defiance and cycled Aim/Build Up) -- which means that Musculature represents a higher proportional gain for Controllers.

So a Controller with a typical RES debuff (~30%) and the Musculature boost could potentially deliver 450 * 1.45 * 1.3 = 848.25, or nearly 90% more damage than a Blaster with the far more typical Spiritual or Cardiac Alpha. Every 90 seconds. Crashless.

(BTW, I'm not sure where you're getting 710 if the base damage on Judgement is presumed to be 450. Musculature isn't a ~58% damage bonus. Am I missing something?)

I say all of the above with the understanding that high-level teams already marginalize Blasters. Which isn't to say that Blasters can't get teams, or even that they can't succeed on their own. It's just an observation about an AT that is not particularly good at soloing or teaming, whereas most other ATs are at least very good at one or the other.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
Nice build



Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
You completely miss the point, and you may want to at least skim over the rest of the thread. It's not that 1 AoE shot for 450 (or, you know, 710 w/Musculature) replaces a blaster. It's 8 of them on a team (more on a league). And it's by ppl who can better debuff crowds, or just ignore any return fire, than blasters. So tell me again why a team of 7 nuking defenders/controllers/scrappers/tanks will want a blaster.
Because nuke all you want, a blaster can then kill things about as fast between those 12 second windows faster than all folks, or new spawns. Add in debuffs from interface from the team, blasters' high damage can become astronomical if other team members go with -res procs. Things that debuff a crowd are perfectly setting them up for a blaster. A team of 6 controllers/corrs/defenders/masterminds +2 blasters > 8 controllers/corrs/defenders/masterminds.

Force multipliers are awesome in this game, but when caps start being hit, it helps to have higher forces to be multiplied. Which for big blast damage, is a blaster. Once you have a few people on the team grabbing attention/locking stuff down, the big weakness of a blaster, low self-survival, becomes moot, and they can kill as they see fit.

That being said, when it comes down to it it'll be hard to find a 8 man team where all have judgement, especially at hight level. At least for awhile. Alts, time constraints, etc mean not everyone will make it there. You invite a blaster, you know you're getting something that can kill things quickly.



Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
(BTW, I'm not sure where you're getting 710 if the base damage on Judgement is presumed to be 450. Musculature isn't a ~58% damage bonus. Am I missing something?)
The 710 was from an earlier calculations that I sorta repeated ottomh. Checking back on a screenshot of the T4 pyronic + a T4 Musculature, I seemed to have misremembered. Or did I?

621 (428 * 1.45) would be the "base" damage w/the above evidence, but the T4 offers added Fire DoT damage. As a comparison, check out Void's T4 which shows the same 428 base damage, but states an average damage of 460. I gotta think Pyro's going to be higher than that, so I don't think a base avg of 490 is out of the question, which would make the Musculature buffed total come out to near that 710 figure (and that 710's kinda burned in my brain for some reason--gotta think I saw it somewhere...).

Oh, and also note the 40' radius and 32 targets max for Pyro. All from an 80' range to begin with. W/a 40' radius, you can just aim around a corner to a mob right at the edge of a spawn (while the rest is shielded from you), and hit pretty much everything w/almost no return fire. With an activation of 1s.

Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
Because nuke all you want, a blaster can then kill things about as fast between those 12 second windows faster than all folks, or new spawns. Add in debuffs from interface from the team, blasters' high damage can become astronomical if other team members go with -res procs. Things that debuff a crowd are perfectly setting them up for a blaster. A team of 6 controllers/corrs/defenders/masterminds +2 blasters > 8 controllers/corrs/defenders/masterminds.
As has been mentioned numerously, the Interface debuffs have a hard cap, and it's pretty low. If you really think 6 defenders/controllers + 2 blasters are better steamrollers than 8 defenders/controllers, you haven't been on too many super teams. And that's before Judgement kicks in. Yes, you can find configurations where the blasters will be a better fit--you don't need more than 2 Kin on a team, for example, but you wouldn't replace them w/blasters, you'd just add more Rad/Cold/Son/Dark/etc.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
As has been mentioned numerously, the Interface debuffs have a hard cap, and it's pretty low. If you really think 6 defenders/controllers + 2 blasters are better steamrollers than 8 defenders/controllers, you haven't been on too many super teams. And that's before Judgement kicks in. Yes, you can find configurations where the blasters will be a better fit--you don't need more than 2 Kin on a team, for example, but you wouldn't replace them w/blasters, you'd just add more Rad/Cold/Son/Dark/etc.
As much as I love all Corr teams and the likes, there also comes a point where you don't really need anymore debuffs and adding a dedicated damage dealer will make things go even faster.

I'm not sure what everyone's worried about, I don't invite Blasters to a team for there nukes, just damage in general. Yeah, debuffers may actually be able to get more out of Judgement, but you're talking about Blasters on teams where they'll take advantage of the debuffs too.




Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post
As much as I love all Corr teams and the likes, there also comes a point where you don't really need anymore debuffs and adding a dedicated damage dealer will make things go even faster.
This is a bit of a tangent, but you're absolutely right, you can only stack so much debuffs. Which is why stacked Rads are so popular, cuz they have the most stackable *buffs* in AM as well as debuffs. And you wouldn't want more than 2 Colds any more than 2 Kins, but you can still find other flavors of buffs & debuffs that will better fill out a "super" team than 2 blasters. Still, this is somewhat tangential to this topic, since I'm not just talking about purely optimal teams & blasters' roles in them.

I'm not sure what everyone's worried about, I don't invite Blasters to a team for there nukes, just damage in general. Yeah, debuffers may actually be able to get more out of Judgement, but you're talking about Blasters on teams where they'll take advantage of the debuffs too.
I never said anywhere that blasters won't contribute, won't be wanted (not completely), won't have some role in the future, post I20. My concern, right from the beginning, is a matter of balance. Regardless of how much you think blasters currently contribute to a team, my question to you is, will blasters continue to proportionally once ppl start filling their Incarnate slots w/Judgement nukes? While to what degree can be further debated, I absolutely think blasters will bring less to the table in the future than they do now, and this is the best time for discussion, while I20 is still in beta.

And once again, my very simple "fix" is to allow blasters' defiance to affect Judgement. Applying the full damage scalar might also be an answer though I fear that maybe a bit too unbalancing, favoring blasters & scrappers.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee