Discussion: New Gamestop/Razer Going Rogue Promotion

Adeon Hawkwood



We still don't know if the pre-order code can stack with the pre-purchase, can we?

My 50s:
Tigra Swipe (BS/SR/Dark Scrapper)
Galena Storm (Emp/Ele/Ele Defender)
Master Tolarin (Psi/Fire/Force Blaster)



Originally Posted by Tigra_Swipe View Post
We still don't know if the pre-order code can stack with the pre-purchase, can we?
Just to dot the "i"s and cross the "t"s, I rechecked the FAQ and talked to my new friend at GameStop. The FAQ doesn't say at this point and GameStop doesn't know (yet, they might, but I kinda doubt they will as a rule, individuals working there may find out though).



Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
Because they didn't lie. At the time, there were NO PLANS for incentives at retail stores. This changed later when Gamestop expressed interest in a promotion for Going Rogue, and NCSoft/Paragon Studios saw the value in using it as a way to attract NEW CUSTOMERS, something that people constantly ***** about that NCSoft isn't doing enough of. This is why the new enhancements are designed specifically with new people in mind.

Not only that, AT NO POINT did they ever say that they would never do any other promotions, just that there were no plans to. (And plans can change). So, the information they gave in the beginning was correct and honest. There was no misinformation, no lies, no secret Nemesis plot to screw us. You don't like it? Fine. You feel dissapointed? That's fine as well. But you wern't lied to, screwed over, or any of that other [censored] people want to claim, so get over it for gods sake.
Okay... I'm stepping away from any further converstation. Tired of having you build strawmen, adding stuff to what I am saying. This last spiel of yours has only glancing touches of reality in it.

If you can't understand that "The Complete Collection will not be available for prepurchase, nor are there any incentives for preordering it at retail. " means to most people that there aren't any incentives to preordering, and that people will feel tricked by that when it gets changed, well, then that's a pretty deliberate act of ignorance so you can rant semi coherently at people.

Honestly it's too hard to sort out your rage issues from your hyperbolic and ridiculous discussion ummm lets call them methods. The tone from your writing is nearly frothing at the mouth with the all caps and the **** & all the rest. I think you need to get over (for gods sake!) that people can have a different viewpoint to you without all the masked profanity and trying to make them out to be parnoid crazies seeing nemenis plots.

I'm out of this thread as I'm sure you are just going to scream the same stuff again.



Originally Posted by Merry_Mint View Post
As someone who pre-purchased Going Rogue, and who will not be seeing the benefits of the Gamestop retail incentives, I find this controversy completely baffling. Golden_Girl said it best, I think.
Disregard most of the strawmen and the amount of contravesry drops remarkably.



All I know is that I preordered not to get the new shinnies but because that USUALLY when an MMO does this sort of thing it is so that they can get some cash out of somthing they have made early that way they have capital to either get some overhead out of the way OR to get a head start on the next wave of stuff.

I know they have said in the past that our money for the boosters has helped out alot. While im not gonna stomp and cry about this offer I am kinda dissapointed in its timing. Just tell me up front devs. What am I gonna have to do to upgrade from the preorder to get these goodies?

Psynder LVL 51 Fire/Fire/Scorpion Blaster
KnightWidow LVL 51 NightWidow
Shiver LVL 50 Ice X3 Dominator
Knight'Shade LVL 47 DP/Dark/NRG Corrupter
Currently Marking Out For: Chris Sabin, Player Dos, Daniel Bryan, Portia Perez, CM Punk



You know, adding these preorder-exclusive enhancements to the other stuff included in the Complete Collection Item Pack would probably smooth a lot of ruffled feathers.

Just my two credits.



Originally Posted by Gray_Lensman View Post
You know, adding these preorder-exclusive enhancements to the other stuff included in the Complete Collection Item Pack would probably smooth a lot of ruffled feathers.

Just my two credits.
Not going to happen so all those who've already have asked for this multiple times should stop asking for it.

It would violate their deal with GameStop.

When the period of exclusivity is over, then maybe they can make the GROs available some other way, such as a Vet Reward.

Until then, the only way to get them is through GameStop. Period.

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Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
It's not that. It's that every other thing available has been made available to existing players through an item pack. The only exception I know of is the Collectors Edition Power Slide and Cape for City of Heroes; even the City of Villains pre-order helmets are available to veterans.

So, this is a break with what has happened in the past. Something only available to preorders from a specific company, and no apparent plans to make them available to existing players.

That's disturbing. Even as other MMORPGs are moving towards the "make everything available to existing players" model that City of Heroes has, City itself is hinting that they're moving away from it.
Given that you list 2 specific examples, it is, by definition, not a break with that has happened in the past.

And, given that you don't know if this will eventually become a vet reward, it may be exactly like other store-specific pre-order perks.



Originally Posted by Gray_Lensman View Post
You know, adding these preorder-exclusive enhancements to the other stuff included in the Complete Collection Item Pack would probably smooth a lot of ruffled feathers.

Just my two credits.
Wouldn't that kinda make them not exclusive then?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Not going to happen so all those who've already have asked for this multiple times should stop asking for it.

It would violate their deal with GameStop.

When the period of exclusivity is over, then maybe they can make the GROs available some other way, such as a Vet Reward.

Until then, the only way to get them is through GameStop. Period.

Hey, easy now.

I didn't see anyone asking for this in the thread, though I'll admit I skimmed the first few pages and may well have missed it. TBH, it really doesn't matter to me anyway. I prepurchased, and I would have done that anyway even if I had known that there was something like this coming down the pike for people who preorder. Early access to the new powersets was worth more to me than some nice-but-hardly-essential lowbie perks.

That said, I do think it would have been nice for those to have been added to the item pack. I understand why that might be impossible, but I'm still a little irritated. Gamestop's becoming very annoying with the whole 'exclusive content if you preorder from us' thing to push preorders recently. (Other retailers have hopped on the bandwagon too, but Gamestop's the worst offender, IMO.) I hope there's eventually enough of a backlash to make stores do away with that particular gimmick, but right now I'm not holding my breath.



While I don't want to defend all of GameStop's policies, this one makes sense from their perspective:

If GameStop is selling an item which can also be instantly purchased online for the same price, then who would buy it? And if no one buys it, why should they carry it? And if brick-and-mortar stores won't carry it, how is NCSoft going to get their name out there and bring in new customers?

So, it makes perfect sense for both the profitability of NCSoft and GameStop to provide an incentive for customers to go into the brick-and-mortar stores and for the the store to have *something* which can't be found elsewhere, especially online. That means either a discount, or, exclusive items (and by exclusive, it is not meant to be interpreted in perpetuity... exclusivity deals usually have a shelf life).

If this is an issue of money, well then, welcome to the real world. If you want more goodies, then pay for it.

If this is an issue of completionism, well then, certainly NCSoft can assuage the anxiety of completionists by letting us know the length of the exclusivity and by what means we can get the extra goodies later on. Although, doing that might tick off GameStop since they don't want people saying, "Oh, then I can wait and won't go to GameStop." Which means, NCSoft will most likely not respond at all to any questions about how we can get the extra goodies later on.

That's business. And if you were NCSoft or GameStop, you might be doing the same... or worse!

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A lot of people refer to the fact that this change/addition to purchasing options makes it so that they didn't have all of the information when they made their choice to Pre-Purchase...

And, this is true... Except for the fact that everyone knew there was still more information to come. Namely with the price for the Complete Edition Bonus Pack.

Most assumed they'd charge $10. It could have been more. It's actually for less ($6.99).

So, any one of us who pre-purchased took the early access, gave up the 1 month game time and committed to having to buy the Bonus Pack should they want its contents and liked the price.

Basically... Things were known to be unknown at that time.

I am not trying to flame anyone nor even make a case against anyone feeling a bit perturbed. That's everyone's right.
I just honestly wonder how many people who pre-purchased, truly would have not gone for the early access in favor of the GameStop pre-order.

I'm sure there may be some. If I were a betting man, I'd wager that most of the people jumping at early access would not have held out for this minimal enhancement bonus.

I'm not making universal claims though.

Anyway... It just seems a bit dishonest on the customer side to be stressing how unfair it was for things to turn out this way... when there were already unknown factors back when the pre-purchase was made available.

And I agree with Zombie Man. If you are a completionist, always be prepared to spend more.

Hope it all works out for everyone though

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Disappearing Girl View Post
Okay... I'm stepping away from any further converstation. Tired of having you build strawmen, adding stuff to what I am saying. This last spiel of yours has only glancing touches of reality in it.

If you can't understand that "The Complete Collection will not be available for prepurchase, nor are there any incentives for preordering it at retail. " means to most people that there aren't any incentives to preordering, and that people will feel tricked by that when it gets changed, well, then that's a pretty deliberate act of ignorance so you can rant semi coherently at people.

Honestly it's too hard to sort out your rage issues from your hyperbolic and ridiculous discussion ummm lets call them methods. The tone from your writing is nearly frothing at the mouth with the all caps and the **** & all the rest. I think you need to get over (for gods sake!) that people can have a different viewpoint to you without all the masked profanity and trying to make them out to be parnoid crazies seeing nemenis plots.

I'm out of this thread as I'm sure you are just going to scream the same stuff again.
For a minute there I felt like I was the one she was mad at.

I feel scolded :3

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
I hate to be "that guy" but...

... is this something that people who already preordered the game aren't going to get?

See, 'cuz Gothess got me and her matching Going Rogue Pre-orders in order to play Dual Pistols and experience the other treats. And now we're not getting the skins or exclusive enhancements?

So this is how all the people that created characters before the Isolator badge was released felt...
This is why I didn't preorder. Many people said this would happen and I figured if I can just be patient with new power sets, there's no reason to preorder versus waiting and getting the good stuff



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
Same here.
And for that matter, I'm probably going to pre-order through the regular NCsoft site rather than take this promotion. I'm an established player, I have no real use for these weird mutant (not Origin) enhancements, and I'd rather my money go straight to the studio and publisher than have some of it siphoned off by middlemen/marketing partners.
Are there different bonuses going through NCsoft directly?

I'm all about supporting the game, but I'm not going to turn down free goodies if the price is the same.

Edit: I just checked out the Complete Edition set on Amazon and I can see that there are. Sounds like the best option would be to purchase from Gamestop and add the bonuses for 6.99 each. Then I get all the awesome goodies

I don't suppose anyone has information on the Shadowy Presence invisibility power?



Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
Okay, how was it NOT a fair, open deal? Did NCSoft lie to you? Did they not provide you the bonuses you paid for (Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning) when you pre-purchased Going Rogue? Did they pull a bait-and-switch?

What people have right now is buyers remorse. That's not the same thing as being screwed, or NCSoft being evil, or anything like that. People need to get the hell over it.
Could not agree more. It's an important distinction, but one I suspect is lost upon those complaining.



Originally Posted by Jordan_Yen View Post
Are there different bonuses going through NCsoft directly?

I'm all about supporting the game, but I'm not going to turn down free goodies if the price is the same.

Edit: I just checked out the Complete Edition set on Amazon and I can see that there are. Sounds like the best option would be to purchase from Gamestop and add the bonuses for 6.99 each. Then I get all the awesome goodies

I don't suppose anyone has information on the Shadowy Presence invisibility power?
Preordering through Gamestop gets you everything in the 6.99 goodie pack. The 6.99 goodie pack is for people who prepurchased the basic expansion through NCsoft, so they can get the costume bits and stuff. If you preorder through Gamestop, you don't have to buy anything else to get all the goodies.

Go in game and type [Shadowy Presence].

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Wouldn't that kinda make them not exclusive then?
Golden Girl... As someone who is a very firm (And very vocal) believer of "Exclusive means Exclusive", I can tell you right now that your about to open a very big can of worms that'll get you one hell of a backlash.



Originally Posted by Redbone View Post
Well, personal feelings aside, it is sensible for the Dev's to make them Vet Rewards eventually. It follows every precedent we have thus far, it sooths troubled brows over missing a preorder bonus, it costs the Devs close to nothing to do and they're always looking for "the next Vet Reward."
But in X months, I, as a LOYAL CUSTOMER who pre-ordered the retail via GameStop will be SCREWED and have been LIED TO, because I WILL ALREADY HAVE the special enhancements THAT THE DEVS SAID WERE EXCLUSIVE, and now ANYONE CAN HAVE THEM, so I feel LESS SPECIAL and CHEATED and LIED TO and DECEIVED and SMACKED IN THE FACE!!!

Just watch... it's coming.



Originally Posted by Jordan_Yen View Post
This is why I didn't preorder. Many people said this would happen and I figured if I can just be patient with new power sets, there's no reason to preorder versus waiting and getting the good stuff
You too? Yeah, I could careless about getting early access to stuff that was guaranteed. I am still playing around with too much of the old stuff to try to play around with some new stuff. I was going to wait anyway because I didn't want to pay an extra price to get the included goodies in the complete collection, guess I kinda lost on that one, because it seems like it might have lost on that one, I think it is cheaper to buy online from NC.

From the looks of the enhancements though I see a couple of problems

- Doesn't proc after level 20 (pretty big one)
- Only for new toons (That kinda sucks, also kinda hints that this probably wasn't meant for veteran players)

On a positive note new toons with the enhancements will have some serious advantages.

"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."

"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."

-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp



Originally Posted by Da_Captain View Post
You too? Yeah, I could careless about getting early access to stuff that was guaranteed. I

From the looks of the enhancements though I see a couple of problems

- Doesn't proc after level 20 (pretty big one)
- Only for new toons (That kinda sucks, also kinda hints that this probably wasn't meant for veteran players)
Actually, they came right out and said that the Gamestop deal was to attract NEW customers, hence why the enhancements were designed to appeal more to new players then vets.

So, it's not a problem, they were specifically designed that way for a reason.



Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
Actually, they came right out and said that the Gamestop deal was to attract NEW customers, hence why the enhancements were designed to appeal more to new players then vets.

So, it's not a problem, they were specifically designed that way for a reason.
Considering most vets I know tend to get through the first 20 levels in no time at all, I can't see why anyone would be upset about these enhancements being in a separate purchase. I wouldn't want them, myself, considering they wouldn't be that useful in the IO builds I make. The enhancements, while nice during the first 20 levels, are pretty weak sauce to a lot of vet players. It's nothing to get bent out of shape for.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Preordering through Gamestop gets you everything in the 6.99 goodie pack. The 6.99 goodie pack is for people who prepurchased the basic expansion through NCsoft, so they can get the costume bits and stuff. If you preorder through Gamestop, you don't have to buy anything else to get all the goodies.

Go in game and type [Shadowy Presence].
Really!? Oh joy

I'm so glad I waited for DP and DS



Originally Posted by Da_Captain View Post
You too? Yeah, I could careless about getting early access to stuff that was guaranteed. I am still playing around with too much of the old stuff to try to play around with some new stuff. I was going to wait anyway because I didn't want to pay an extra price to get the included goodies in the complete collection, guess I kinda lost on that one, because it seems like it might have lost on that one, I think it is cheaper to buy online from NC.

From the looks of the enhancements though I see a couple of problems

- Doesn't proc after level 20 (pretty big one)
- Only for new toons (That kinda sucks, also kinda hints that this probably wasn't meant for veteran players)

On a positive note new toons with the enhancements will have some serious advantages.
How did you lose? It's 10 dollars more for a free month and tons of goodies. That puts you at being paid 5 dollars in value for taking the freebies that others have to pay for.

Also, if the only thing the enhancements does is give you a bit of an advantage at the early levels, I still think that's pretty cool. Kind of like the Safeguard/Mayhem travel packs. That really made low level content suck less