Discussion: New Gamestop/Razer Going Rogue Promotion

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
Considering most vets I know tend to get through the first 20 levels in no time at all, I can't see why anyone would be upset about these enhancements being in a separate purchase. I wouldn't want them, myself, considering they wouldn't be that useful in the IO builds I make. The enhancements, while nice during the first 20 levels, are pretty weak sauce to a lot of vet players. It's nothing to get bent out of shape for.
I agree that they did a good job having something fun that doesn't hurt the regulars. That's why it's a GOOD thing you can't sell or transfer them.



Does anyone know with certainty if reserving a copy at Gamestop for $5 counts towards this pre-order deal or not?

I can't get an accurate answer out of Gamestop. The store manager says yes and if not they'll switch it over, the customer service dept. seems to think it doesn't as they said they haven't released promotion codes to the stores yet as they can't without an official release date.

I reserved a copy on 5/28 which is after the announcement for the promotion came out.



Originally Posted by Tannim222 View Post
Does anyone know with certainty if reserving a copy at Gamestop for $5 counts towards this pre-order deal or not?

I can't get an accurate answer out of Gamestop. The store manager says yes and if not they'll switch it over, the customer service dept. seems to think it doesn't as they said they haven't released promotion codes to the stores yet as they can't without an official release date.

I reserved a copy on 5/28 which is after the announcement for the promotion came out.
Yeah, reserving a copy will grant these perks. My good friend and off-and-on SG mate is a Gamestop manager, and I often go through him to get these Gamestop-related perks. Reserving a game from them should be all you need. I'm reserving two copies today through my friend.



Originally Posted by Tannim222 View Post
Does anyone know with certainty if reserving a copy at Gamestop for $5 counts towards this pre-order deal or not?

I can't get an accurate answer out of Gamestop. The store manager says yes and if not they'll switch it over, the customer service dept. seems to think it doesn't as they said they haven't released promotion codes to the stores yet as they can't without an official release date.

I reserved a copy on 5/28 which is after the announcement for the promotion came out.
The "official" answer seems to be "no, it will not work towards this promotion." The reason is without a set release date GameStop can't (or won't) officially start the promotion. Once that date is set, they will officially start the promotion and you'll be able to get the proper receipt (printed with the code and instructions). So, both answers you received are likely correct. The company as a whole has not started the promotion, therefore there is no way for your current preorder to count towards it, but the individual store can make it count towards it when the promotion does officially start.

Individual stores tend to be nice about these things and will switch the existing preorder for the product with the "proper" preorder for it, but you will very likely have to return to the store and tell them, in person, to make the change and receive the right receipt. However, not every store is that nice. As I said earlier, two of the three GameStops closest to me that I visited the day of the announcement warned me off preordering until the promotion starts to make absolutely sure I get the proper preorder.

To play with the wording a bit, what you have now is more accurately a "reserve." You've told them to reserve you a copy and the individual store is tracking that reserve. What you want is the "Preorder" which is the same as the reserve with the exception that the main corporation is aware of your wanting it.



Originally Posted by Jordan_Yen View Post
Edit: I just checked out the Complete Edition set on Amazon and I can see that there are. Sounds like the best option would be to purchase from Gamestop and add the bonuses for 6.99 each. Then I get all the awesome goodies
Additionally, if you read down the page on Amazon, ordering through them also gets you $5 of mp3 download credit. So someone who buys music through Amazon will pay 39.99 - 6.99 (item pack) - 15 (one month of game time) - 5 (music credit), or about $13, for the Complete Edition. With free shipping, if you don't need it fast, or free fast shipping if your wife accidentally didn't cancel her free trial of Amazon Prime.

I'd seriously consider that option for the second account and my wife's account if I didn't want desperately to be able to play with the new shinies as soon as they go live.

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Originally Posted by Jordan_Yen View Post
Are there different bonuses going through NCsoft directly?

I'm all about supporting the game, but I'm not going to turn down free goodies if the price is the same.

Edit: I just checked out the Complete Edition set on Amazon and I can see that there are. Sounds like the best option would be to purchase from Gamestop and add the bonuses for 6.99 each. Then I get all the awesome goodies

I don't suppose anyone has information on the Shadowy Presence invisibility power?
That might be a bad idea. From the Going Rogue FAQ: "The Complete Collection Item Pack is included as part of the City of Heroes Going Rogue: Complete Collection."

I take this to mean that the Gamestop Complete Collection also has the item pack, in addition to its special bonuses. If you bought both and the item pack, you wouldn't be able to use a code, or would have wasted $7.00.



So I went to GameStop today and reserved my copy with a $5 deposit. The manager was very clear that the 9/1/10 release date in his system was not a placeholder; their placeholders are something like 12/31/9999.

I hope it turns out that he does not know what he is talking about....

Go Team Venture!



Originally Posted by BlackSun17 View Post
So I went to GameStop today and reserved my copy with a $5 deposit. The manager was very clear that the 9/1/10 release date in his system was not a placeholder; their placeholders are something like 12/31/9999.

I hope it turns out that he does not know what he is talking about....
That seems to go against what GameStop's CS department is saying since they cannot start the promotion without a release date and they do not have one yet (they also do not have 9/1 listed on their website for the product even though they have some with release dates into December). Additionally 9/1 is a Wednesday, and not a standard release date for retailers to receive products especially new products.



Any plans or intentions of making these available in some way to already existing pre-purchase customers who did not know these would be available?

Because I want them, even if they don't change the landscape of post-20 gameplay.

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Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
Any plans or intentions of making these available in some way to already existing pre-purchase customers who did not know these would be available?

Because I want them, even if they don't change the landscape of post-20 gameplay.
Wouldn't make GameStop very happy when their "exclusive" promotion is given out in other ways.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
Yeah, reserving a copy will grant these perks. My good friend and off-and-on SG mate is a Gamestop manager, and I often go through him to get these Gamestop-related perks. Reserving a game from them should be all you need. I'm reserving two copies today through my friend.
Wait, you're saying all that's required to receive these perks is to pre-order? So $5 for the perks only?

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Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
Wait, you're saying all that's required to receive these perks is to pre-order? So $5 for the perks only?
That's what I'm waiting to find out. That wouldn't get you the mouse pad, sorry, "desktop skin" or the $5 Razor coupon I'm pretty sure, but if it works like these gamestop pre-order goodie codes have in other MMOs, the pre-order code alone would be enough to get you the in-game items.

I'm hoping someone can tell us for certain soon.

My 50s:
Tigra Swipe (BS/SR/Dark Scrapper)
Galena Storm (Emp/Ele/Ele Defender)
Master Tolarin (Psi/Fire/Force Blaster)



Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
Wait, you're saying all that's required to receive these perks is to pre-order? So $5 for the perks only?
No one will know until someone tries it, which no one can until Going Rogue comes out or until NCSoft says so.

It is possible to have the codes "locked" into a specific set of game codes (IE won't work with the prepurchase codes, and won't work unless a box code is applied and it's even possible, though doubtful in this case, that it could be tied to a specific subset of box codes that only GameStop will receive). While that can be done, they may not do it, and it's not extremely common to do it.

Basically, it's a bit of a gamble unless someone at NCSoft verifies it can be used alone or with the prepurchase codes or someone tries to apply it after the perk goes live.



Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
Wait, you're saying all that's required to receive these perks is to pre-order? So $5 for the perks only?
On the website, it says in-store pre-orders will obtain the receipt with the special offer code when the box in purchased. So no, you can't just get the pre-order stuff by putting $5 down, you have to end up buying the box.

Which may explain the confusion as the $5 receipt (that I have at any rate) does not have any code on it, but it also doesn't contain any specific language that pertains to this exclusive offer either.



Originally Posted by Tannim222 View Post
Which may explain the confusion as the $5 receipt (that I have at any rate) does not have any code on it, but it also doesn't contain any specific language that pertains to this exclusive offer either.
That's because, for about the sixth time, the promotion has not officially started at Gamestop for some reason, as per a previous poster speaking directly to Customer Service for Gamestop.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post

What is the Goal of this Promotion?

This is why these are only provided to new characters and cannot be sold/traded/stacked. First, you can’t have enough of them to 6-slot out any power. Secondly, for a L1 character, that 16% damage/recharge boost is nice, but once you hit L20+, IO’s start getting a lot more competitive. The proc rate is low to begin with, and at L21 they won’t even kick in anymore. A L50 character could use these enhancements if they chose to, of course.
This is not clear on the website.
Procs are from IO sets. Once you slot an IO set Proc it works - never expires.
If what you are saying is true and these Procs expire at 21, that needs to be made clear ... it isn't clear.

I would have bought the Complete Collection regardless as it comes with a month's free play-time and the Super-booster, so you can say "cha-ching" now, I put down my loot on the pre-order.

I don't think it was a "slap in the face" of people that bought the pre-purchase and have access to Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning. They knew what they were doing when they bought it. They wanted to be L337 and on the cutting-edge - and they were at least one of the two.

If they feel bad about pulling their "guns" too soon, then I guess they should learn some patience and use it next time. Pokemon fever isn't going to get you good deals in the in-game markets either.

And to those that said people were cheap for wanting to wait to get the free month,
e/ plot
My master plan is working! And soon there will be new players in the City!

And, yeah, I'm still not teaming with anyone that has Dual Pistols or Demon Summoning on the live-servers until GR drops live. (If I'm lucky enough to test stuff, I'll check it out on the test server). You can thank the jerks that said people were cheap, etc. for not purchasing the pre-purchase vet-version.

And, yeah, I'm still teaming - often with full or nearly full teams. I've only had to quit three teams because a DP or DS showed up on the team and I had already told the leader that I would drop without a fuss if one joined. Otherwise, I think I've passed up less than 1/3 of the team invites because there was already a DP on the team (I mostly play heroes). And, of course, when I run a team, DPs and DSs aren't invited - and, just to make it fair, (especially since I usually run "no tanker/no scrapper" teams) I've been running "no blaster/no defender" teams instead. (sure I'll let a blaster or defender join if they send a tell or are a friend of someone on the team, but only if they aren't Dual Pistols).

I swore the oath.
I'll stand by it.

There are a lot of us that are still REALLY hurting because of the economic down turn. Anyone that mocks people because they are poor are jerks.

I'll stand by that as well.

I also stand by the fact that the more sales that go through stores will give stores more of an incentive to "face" product in their stores. I want to see a CoH presence in GameStops. One way to make sure is to purchase the game through a store and not a website.



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
This is not clear on the website.
Procs are from IO sets. Once you slot an IO set Proc it works - never expires.
If what you are saying is true and these Procs expire at 21, that needs to be made clear ... it isn't clear.

I would have bought the Complete Collection regardless as it comes with a month's free play-time and the Super-booster, so you can say "cha-ching" now, I put down my loot on the pre-order.

I don't think it was a "slap in the face" of people that bought the pre-purchase and have access to Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning. They knew what they were doing when they bought it. They wanted to be L337 and on the cutting-edge - and they were at least one of the two.

If they feel bad about pulling their "guns" too soon, then I guess they should learn some patience and use it next time. Pokemon fever isn't going to get you good deals in the in-game markets either.

And to those that said people were cheap for wanting to wait to get the free month,
e/ plot
My master plan is working! And soon there will be new players in the City!

And, yeah, I'm still not teaming with anyone that has Dual Pistols or Demon Summoning on the live-servers until GR drops live. (If I'm lucky enough to test stuff, I'll check it out on the test server). You can thank the jerks that said people were cheap, etc. for not purchasing the pre-purchase vet-version.

And, yeah, I'm still teaming - often with full or nearly full teams. I've only had to quit three teams because a DP or DS showed up on the team and I had already told the leader that I would drop without a fuss if one joined. Otherwise, I think I've passed up less than 1/3 of the team invites because there was already a DP on the team (I mostly play heroes). And, of course, when I run a team, DPs and DSs aren't invited - and, just to make it fair, (especially since I usually run "no tanker/no scrapper" teams) I've been running "no blaster/no defender" teams instead. (sure I'll let a blaster or defender join if they send a tell or are a friend of someone on the team, but only if they aren't Dual Pistols).

I swore the oath.
I'll stand by it.

There are a lot of us that are still REALLY hurting because of the economic down turn. Anyone that mocks people because they are poor are jerks.

I'll stand by that as well.

I also stand by the fact that the more sales that go through stores will give stores more of an incentive to "face" product in their stores. I want to see a CoH presence in GameStops. One way to make sure is to purchase the game through a store and not a website.
I have to say, I agree with you on almost every point and support you most strenuously on the money front. Let's face it, this game gets expensive in the long run and deciding to wait for the complete collection to come out is just SMART. I wouldn't quit a team because of someone's AT, but that is just me and obviously you are welcome to do so if that is what you want. I just wish more people could look at the game this way, would be a lot more fun if they did.



Originally Posted by Ice9_ View Post
I'm not asking for an exact date... but, could we know a month? The Devs put out "July" and it that's changed, fine, say so. Info being available from NCSoft websites and their retailers that varies from July, to Summer, to September (which is Fall I don't care which calender you're using) leads to speculation and confusion.

Please Ocho (et al), think of the children and throw us a bone here.
And think of us who want to try to time Going Rogue with their work vacations. I still have two weeks paid vacation to burn, and I would love to use some of it exploring the new content and powersets.


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



My better half and I both pre-purchased the evening it was announced....I had a stress filled day at work and felt like I very badly needed a treat. Instead of instantly buying it, I called him at work, and told him all the pros and cons of pre-ordering with the result he had me fire up his computer and pre-purchase for him too.

The decision was done calmly, and with everything considered...or so we thought at the time

And now, I find these special enhancements.

I do not zoom to level 20 like all you do, and in Pretoria I will be starting from scratch with no sugar mommy older toons to help with influence, so I might be a good candidate for these special enhancements...and a box with the game discs is always handy...

Hmmm, so nobody knows yet if the codes for this GameStop Special Promotion will play nice with the pre-purchased edition?

Oh, and will they drop like vet rewards do on every new toon you make???

Lisa-Wondering if my furry kids (My cats) might buy this for me as a birthday present

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
Hmmm, so nobody knows yet if the codes for this GameStop Special Promotion will play nice with the pre-purchased edition?
I see no reason why it wouldn't 'play nice' with the pre-purchase. It wouldn't make any sense to do it otherwise. Pre-pruchase/pre-order/complete collection, it's all the same game when it comes down to it. They have made all the previous codes (special editions, pre-orders, digital and boxed versions) compatible with eachother so it would be really dumb to change that now.

So you can get the pre-purchase and add the codes from the boxed set (with or without pre-order bonuses) without problems. It's what I would've done. But I'm in the EU so I don't get a boxed version, let alone a pre-order, so they're not getting any pre-purchase money out of me. I'll wait for the digital Complete Collection edition. I'm vindictive like that.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
I see no reason why it wouldn't 'play nice' with the pre-purchase. It wouldn't make any sense to do it otherwise. Pre-pruchase/pre-order/complete collection, it's all the same game when it comes down to it. They have made all the previous codes (special editions, pre-orders, digital and boxed versions) compatible with eachother so it would be really dumb to change that now.

So you can get the pre-purchase and add the codes from the boxed set (with or without pre-order bonuses) without problems. It's what I would've done. But I'm in the EU so I don't get a boxed version, let alone a pre-order, so they're not getting any pre-purchase money out of me. I'll wait for the digital Complete Collection edition. I'm vindictive like that.
Well, doubling up on Preorder codes for CoV didn't play nice, you used the second code and wasted it for no gain. Applying multiple codes for an existing edition also doesn't work (you can't apply 2 CoV Collector's Editions and get the free months or two GvE Codes and get the free month, for instance). So, it is possible that the Prepurchase codes will not be compatable with the CE code or the preorder code.

Again, better to ask and get an answer from Customer Service than to spend the money and find out it will not work.



Originally Posted by Redbone View Post
Well, doubling up on Preorder codes for CoV didn't play nice, you used the second code and wasted it for no gain. Applying multiple codes for an existing edition also doesn't work (you can't apply 2 CoV Collector's Editions and get the free months or two GvE Codes and get the free month, for instance). So, it is possible that the Prepurchase codes will not be compatable with the CE code or the preorder code.

Again, better to ask and get an answer from Customer Service than to spend the money and find out it will not work.
The CoV preorder codes were designed so you could only have one.
That you can't add the same edition twice is also working as designed and quite logical if you ask me.

The pre-purchase code and the Complete Collection codes are compatible, that's confirmed. Somewhere ... I can't seem to find it, might've been during one of those ingame Q&A's or faq's. The Gamestop pre-order code is just an extra seperate code from the standard Complete Collection code.

It would be REALLY dumb if for whatever reason they decided to make the preorder code not work with the pre-purchase. It would prevent people from buying both the pre-purchase for early acces and a boxed version to collect. There's plenty of people who do things like that and it's exactly what marketing hopes to accomplish by releasing seperate editions like that.

EDIT: But you're right. I've your not convinced it can never hurt to ask. I'm willing to bet a bunch of inf that this is the way it'll work though.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
The CoV preorder codes were designed so you could only have one.
That you can't add the same edition twice is also working as designed and quite logical if you ask me.

The pre-purchase code and the Complete Collection codes are compatible, that's confirmed. Somewhere ... I can't seem to find it, might've been during one of those ingame Q&A's or faq's. The Gamestop pre-order code is just an extra seperate code from the standard Complete Collection code.

It would be REALLY dumb if for whatever reason they decided to make the preorder code not work with the pre-purchase. It would prevent people from buying both the pre-purchase for early acces and a boxed version to collect. There's plenty of people who do things like that and it's exactly what marketing hopes to accomplish by releasing seperate editions like that.

EDIT: But you're right. I've your not convinced it can never hurt to ask. I'm willing to bet a bunch of inf that this is the way it'll work though.
Exactly, better safe than out $40.



I bought prepurchase to play Dual Pistols early, but I'm also going to buy Complete Collection for a different reason: my internet connection is 200Kbps (rural town) with a "Fair Access Policy", and downloading Issue 17 made my ISP charge me $95.00 when I was downloading it in April on top of the regular $60 monthly fee.

Even at $40.00, Complete Collection's DVD's are cheaper for me than to download against my town's access limits. Plus, I can hang on to the key so if a friend is interested, they can play City of Heroes free for a month. Go Team Venture!



Originally Posted by Tahquitz View Post
I bought prepurchase to play Dual Pistols early, but I'm also going to buy Complete Collection for a different reason: my internet connection is 200Kbps (rural town) with a "Fair Access Policy", and downloading Issue 17 made my ISP charge me $95.00 when I was downloading it in April.

Even at $40.00, Complete Collection's DVD's are cheaper for me than to download against my town's access limits. Plus, I can hang on to the key so if a friend is interested, they can play City of Heroes free for a month. Go Team Venture!
Just saying, but using the key yourself will get you a free month and the Complete Collection item pack.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.