What do you name your Soldiers of Arachnos?




Fortunata : Fortuna Victrix
Crab Soldier : Arachne Phobos



My Night Widow

Etherweb----She was a computer hacker before, and then sent to prison.

She went rogue-ish. But She is super neatorific!!!!



Originally Posted by mhmtrm View Post
Fortunata : Fortuna Victrix
Crab Soldier : Arachne Phobos
Did you play a game that involved a certain barbarian?



I named my Widow, Widow Black. Her last name is Black so it just fits.

My Soldier is Hard 2 Kill, but he is only loosely tied in with Arachnos now, rp'wise.



Fortunata: Operative Phrase

I don't have a bane/crab yet.



As I am rather unimaginative... Crab Spider Beorn and Huntsman Beorn are my VEAT spiders, and I don't have a Fortunata, but my widow is Black Widow Hexie (something I am going to rename when I get the 10 bucks to do so) in honor of my (ex)wife.



My fort is named Perchance.

@Dysc, on virtue:
Virtue blues: Overnight (DP/MM), Kid Ridiculous (FC/rad), Panorama (Ill/time)
Virtue reds: Block Party (SS/SD), Goldcrush (earth/fire), Deadwire (claws/elec), Snowcrush (ice/kin)



My Huntsman, which has been my main for at least a few months, I named Huntsman Herzog. I also have a Crab spider named "Torturantula", which started life as a Bane before switching half way through. Finally, I have a newish Bane spider named "Operative Reinhardt" that I'm having trouble mustering the interest in lately. Not sure why, although my Huntsman has more than dominated my playtime for quite a while.



My Bane is named Chikatilo. He was a Russian serial killer.



I named my fortunata Mindweb.

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



Crab: Operative Chrome
Bane: Operative Darkstrike
Widow: Shimmer Sting



I stuck to the lore for naming my SoAs, though I used less-common 'titles' since 'Arbiter' and 'Operative' are so ubiquitous.

Crab: Longfang Dyers
Bane: Executioner Trent

Now both are going through a rename because of advances to their individual stories.

Crab: He's dead so the toon is going to be recycled for an Arbiter character.
Bane: Operative Trent

Go go ubiquity. :P



Also forgot my huntsman Agent Chastaine, whom I may rename once she hits 24 and goes bane spider.

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



Originally Posted by Vypress View Post
I stuck to the lore for naming my SoAs, though I used less-common 'titles' since 'Arbiter' and 'Operative' are so ubiquitous.
Mine was for an IC reason, since right now she's parading around in Arbiter garb pretending to be an Arbiter and Recluse hasn't swatted her down for her impudence yet.

That said, I'm strongly considering paying for a name change, simply because A- the arbiter thing isn't a strong portion of her identity, and B- it /is/ crazy ubiquitous.

Also, I named my Crab "Huntsman Lyme" and then realized Huntsmen were Bane Spiders. Eff Em Ell. XD

Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.



Cold-blooded Widow

Deep blue primary black highlights w/a rounded helmet...

She's very sexy in both the looks and gameplay. I use her pretty much as my primary atm and as my primary attention wise for my money-enh atm as well.



Crab/Huntsman: Renegade Operative
Bane/Huntsman: Operative Wolfsbane (originally a Wolf Spider Soldier/Bane Hybrid, now sadly retired on an inactive account)
Fortunata: Telepathik



Widow: Poison Tomorrow
Crab: Annie Hill-Layton (Annihilation)

UNION @Flitz 50, Lead Hose 50, Red Rag 50
DEFIANT Rose Bloodthorn 34
VIGILANCE Captain Caledonia 20 - Yeah, I made toons on the French server coz we only had 4 back then (might have to transfer/recreate them on one of the US servers)
..and many more!



Widow: Golden Orb

Honestly, I'm shocked the name wasn't yet taken. Her costume is black with golden yellow trim to match the spider. Since the spider is famed for spinning bright golden yellow silk, she's a blonde. Go figure.



Male widow: Poisonous. (The period on virtue is considered lowgrade *sigh*)
Female widow: Anastasia

Female SoA: Blue Violent (and I was desperate so I'm not in love with this name.)

My pet peeve is people who refuse to acknowledge it when I tell them my character has unlimited power. If I rp attack them they are of course disintegrated beyond the ability of any hospital or magic to restore. Yet despite this they refuse to delete their characters and still keep playing them as if nothing happened. ~Mandu, 07-16-2010



I have a male widow, I have called The Human Swarm. He has insect wings and a bee costume, and the firefly aura.


Founder of A.G.O.N.Y. Supergroup on Victory
Member of Thought Sanctum VG on Victory
Member of St0rm Batallion SG on Guardian



On Virtue I started Fortunata Romonova, the granddaughter of Anastasia, the lost Russian princess. She has a complicated lineage, but she is a Recluse loyalist through and through. I play her as an intense, suffer-no-fools leader. Good times.



On Infinity, I have a brand new Night Widow that I've started (my first SoA, actually) with a different background than my other characters.

He's old, like 70 years old, and got hooked up with Arachnos mostly because retirement was driving him nuts. His name is Knight Widower, and his bio reads:

"Social Security isn't.
Medicare doesn't.
I hate golf, and I don't fish.

So retirement sucked.

I tried to 're-enter the work force' after six months of enforced boredom, but nobody wants to hire a guy pushing 70 years of age - even if he's in better shape than most guys in their 20s. I got so frustrated over it, I ended up in a fight outside of a bar. I whipped everyone who wanted a piece of the action, including the first four cops who tried to break it up. Then a guy in a cape showed up and put me down hard.

The judge gave me eight months in jail, which turned out to be the end of my retirement problems, and the start of a new career.

You see, I met this guy in the joint, who was 'recruiting' for an outfit that doesn't really give a damn about your age, as long as you've got what they're looking for . . ."

So far, he's been a lot of fun to play!

Teamsaver (Earth/Rad controller) and his trusty hench-boulder, Rocky
RezQ (Emp/Dark defender) member of Paragon City Search & Rescue
iTeam (Robotics/FF mastermind) with apologies to fans of "The A-Team"
Globally, I'm @Teamsaver, on the Infinity server



I named mine Bob. Night Widow Bob.

Be Well!



Victory Underhill

[not sure if anyone will get the reference]



Agent cake