27 -
Gosh really? Absorb Pain? That seriously seems like thats a slot/power that could be used much more effectively on just about ANY other power short of like Presence-Taunt or something. Personally, I find that to be a useless skill. If you're willing to suicide yourself for the party while they get in way over their heads I guess, but I wouldnt ever take that power on any empath. The whole "cant be healed" thing is just annoying, along w/the way the power is designed.
So was on a PUG last nite, foofer'in around and this convo lead to that convo that led to this basic theme.
"So they're removing knockback for knockup shortly which will be nice for my Eng/blaster"
You find me here asking this simple question; When, where, confirmed, rumor?
I glanced at the forums here but didnt notice anything... So just curious if this is a confirmed item, if there is any word as to a 'general' timeframe that we know of, or was that simply hopeful thinking/general in-game chat rumors? -
I actually saw you guys and saw chat asking for players but was unable to join bcuz of a previous commitment in RL. But, I'd be into this as well when ya'll do so again. It sounded like fun and I imagine was a real giggle-fest once it got into full swing. I look forward to future runs of this type of themes.
Not getting alotta feedback on a thread I have in the scrapper forums so figured I'd look for a lil more here w/br00ts that have maybe more overall experience w/Energy and its highs/lows.
Basic Readers Digest of my thread is, started a WM/energy scrap for the simple reason of I havent tried energy before and I have a decent theme, but am curious what some of the positives/negatives of energy are and what is its major draw and its weaknesses I should pay attention to as I progress.
I've got a kat/wp and had a tanker WM/SD from way back in the day that didnt quite live upto my expectations is why I wasnt all that set on SD (that and Im working up a FM/SD toon which means Im not overly interested in creating a 3rd SD toon).
So just kind of getting some basic thoughts on energy as a whole is why Im posting this. -
So I finally came up w/a theme I thought would be fun to pursue for re-building my WM tank and I choose WM/Energy. Got to going along and yes its very early, but had some good/bad thoughts come into my mind and wanted to make sure I kind of got the gist of what I'm looking for in my secondary. I went w/energy because I havent played it yet and thought the theme was pretty good, and because I have a kat/wp that I really enjoy, but didnt want the two to overlap since I'm much more familiar w/that set and its plus'/minus'.
So basically what Im kind of asking is, whats the good/bad of energy? Whats it major draw more or less? Is it a potentially better choice then say Inv or electric? I've got reg/SR scrappers running as well and I dont really want to duplicate them atm so that I can get some legs under my new project w/out thinkin' "oh, I really like xxx/SR better."
Is there a better secondary for WM I should possibly consider? My tank was WM/SD and ya... he just never became what I was hoping for. Though his life was VERY early in my whole CoH/tank build life. -
I soooooo agree w/this.. I dont get on test server and play there so I had no clue what StJ looked like, nor do I have any clue what the powers do or how they animate. I had to goto youtube so see examples of them and still I was unaware what powers were being used generally nor what they're overall +/-'s were/are.
I got to see how they operate but still am unaware what they're bonuses or descriptions are. Not exactly a scaled example but its like making a purchase of something w/out ever seeing it, how it works, operates or is even compatable w/what it is you're looking for. Certainly makes for a buyer beware mindset when it should be a "look at our shinys, you know you want it!!!" design. -
Its not a downtime.. the hamster died an unfortunate death......
Not sure what the circumstances behind his death are though. -
I realize its not the exact same build or anything, but I dont have Hasten on my Kat/WP scrap, and she does quite well. Maybe even my fastest build for doing solo missions-tips ect, ect.. And, being casual like you are and not AE farming I wouldnt think it would make that much of a difference in your overall enjoyment or advancement of the game.
What I'm asking was whether there are any builds that you happen to be doing on other servers or considering doing on other servers that you dont have on your primary server, or have room for, or are willing to delete one of your exsisting characters. IE, your primary server is Freedom, but you're building say, a earth/kin, DB/FA, elec/DP on Justice to transfer over to Freedom during the cheap transfer period, and if so what alt were you considering doing so with that you didnt/wouldnt do so w/one of your slots.
Quote:I have an ancient sd/mace tank that I love, but never play because his damage is unable to even approach my fire tanks.
However, as a scrapper....
Yeah, I have one of these as well, like my second toon ever...I did enjoy his journey, but I see him in my list and his days offline just keep building. He just doesnt appeal to me like he used to or what could have been like my elec/DA tank does...she's sucha giggle-fest when I play her. -
So Im considering build a few new toons for the extremely cheap character transfers and was curious if others are doing the same, and if so what new alts-characters are you tinkering with?
Personally, I'm probably going to build a new scrapper or two and asked for some suggestions on their forums. But, was also thinking of building either an ice/ice defender or troller, or maybe both and playing them out a little to see how they feel and which one I prefer over the other.
But, the thought of doing cheap transfers got me curious/interested in what else others might be potentially doing. Im debating maybe a new corruptor because I've never actually built one up to a respectable level. So just kind of toss out anything you're considering or are transfering.
I know I have a TA/archer
Those are the ones I know I'm transfering. -
So w/the release this week, Im looking to build a couple of new scrappers to move around and have been tinkering w/wanting to feed my altitis anyway. So kind of getting some just rough general ideas and just kind of fine tune some of my thoughts because I have a real tendency to build toons, run them until the 20's-30's and delete them and retry.
Just real quick, I really like my kat-MA-widow, bcuz of their overall speed of play. Granted MA is ST, but her theme is fantastic. Didnt care for BS bcuz it felt extremely slow.. Like I was playing w/a web grenade effect always on, though I may re-try the build.
So was thinking of a spines/something..... But, I've never played a spines and was curious about just about all of its play style. I'd like to know what it really pairs w/well. I was considering maybe dark, bcuz I'd seen someone mention it here someplace and thought.. "hmm.. that might be fun."
I was considering building another claws scrapper, but was curious whether that might be a fun build for maybe a brute in claws/FA? I realize thats a tension filled suggestion, but what the heck. I "kind" of liked my DM/FA brute, but deleted her for a new concept blaster awhile back.
I've got a FM/SD scrapper going atm, and she's alotta fun, but lets say you were building a new alt.. what would be something you would potentially build atm w/the cheap-cheap transfers coming online?
Just to add to the discussion, I think I'm going to build a ice/ice defender or maybe even a troller as well and play them out a little bit to see which I like more for these transfers.. what else you working on? -
So I'm debating between the two types. I've never made a brute, but I want to try one out and see whats what in person. Few things right off, this is not for AE, I dont AE, and I'm not a big farmer type, so the toon itself isnt going to be used for that type of gameplay and isnt going to be solely used against fire users ect, ect..
But, I am curious if theres anything I should consider between the two that maybe I'm not taking into effect. I do have a SS tank, and love him because of the 'theme' and the heroic aspect visually. I have a DM tank and love his survivability, but not so much his theme. But, I've only dabbled in FA w/a scrapper until around 25-28. Are there any MAJOR things I should consider before I choose one or the other primaries?
Thanks in advance, and yes I know alot of it is simply subjective to individual, but this is my last open character slot so I'm trying to avoid going into the 30's like I usually do and then re-rolling my toon. -
Cold-blooded Widow
Deep blue primary black highlights w/a rounded helmet...
She's very sexy in both the looks and gameplay. I use her pretty much as my primary atm and as my primary attention wise for my money-enh atm as well. -
Boy I dont know about that combo, but it could be fun I suppose. I eat blues not only like they're going outta style but like they're providing minty breath freshness as well. I'm not expert on any of the groupings so dont take this as gospel, but I would think FA is even more END hungry then SR is.
I love my MA/SR, one-because she's a ton of fun to play, and two, because her costume is to me one of the sexiest costumes I've seen on any toon.
But, one of the reasons you may not see too many around in PuGs ect, just guessing here, is because she's so appealing solo. I have much better scrappers, other toons for PuGs, but my MA/SR is alot more appealing to me solo. She does just a ton of damage alone, generally one shotting alot of mobs or close to it, and she moves rapidly. In a PuG she kind of, at least to me, she losses some of her sexiness. Might be just a mis-conception on my part, or prejudice.
Only comment on the BS/ is it just isnt for me. I have one, I like his theme, but I'm saving his theme until I find another scrapper I wish to level up/try. Just didnt move the way I wanted. I like them like against Warriors or say on a team, I think they look great, but I pull him out, play him for like 30mins-an hour, and I'm like.. "bah, lets get something else going here". I guess if I'm driving him I dont like him, he's like driving a diesel, but when he's against me or w/me, I like him because I'm like, "ya, he rawks, glad I'm not looking thru his windshield". -
MA/SR is hellafun once you get in the 30's. Mine is my main (50) for several reasons. Her costume is pure sex and she's a monster in game. But, honestly one of her main appeals and its something you have to decide on for yourself, but one of the reasons I really enjoy playing her, is because she's an active build. By this I mean, its not just hit 1, 2, 3, 1, 4 and re-target or something to that effect. She's more of a 1, 2 (impressive number), 3, eyeball blue END bar (realize everything is fine) agro more for tension and go go go.
I like her because she requires me to have to pay attention instead of just wading in, do alot of chatting w/teammates in chat, or TF channels and repeat through map after map. I go into every map not knowing if this'll be her last fight. But, to be honest, as I slowly and slowly build up her sets and various slots she's becoming more and more invincible.
My kat/wp is extremely boring in comparison. I love her because she's simply indestructible. I mean it.. Honestly, I've been in team wipes where I've never even looked at any of my bars while other self-rez ect, because I know she cant die. I find it fun, but boring as well.
The sad thing is I really havent done much w/her. I dont have really any sets in her. I havent respec'd her for inherent stamina and she is just "God-like". Thus, for me, she doesnt get to patrol the city streets of Paragon like a truly loved hero should. -
Alright, Im gonna kinda necro this page 2 thread because its exactly what my momma told me to do (which is actually based on the fact this is what Im currently working on actually a MA/SR).
So couple of quick questions. Im looking to boost up my build as well and get her END management a little more under control and all but one thing that stuck out was that most of these builds 5 slot focused accuracy w/Gauss' yet Chi is available so much earlier and you can use those 5 there much earlier. Why not just do so there w/a power you're going to have most of your career? I dont know maybe its just me, I play alot of lower level content and do alot of mid-level stuff where FA would be greyed out, or am I missing something about FA-Chi?
Second, I've never actually posted a build from Mids to here so whats the easiest way to do so? Do you just build from memory (alt-tab) and then copy/paste over to here? -
I'm in the need of /respec'ing my NW as well and was glancing through here (thanks for the builds btw and advice). Is there any 'specific' reason ya'll are choosing follow-up over build-up or is it just a preference? Because I've generally always gone w/build but I've noticed over the last couple of posts I've glanced over just about all of them choose follow and wanted to make sure there wasnt something I was missing in say set bonuses no one had asked about or mentioned.
Hell NO!!!!
I wont even walk into a Walmart let alone work for them. And, I'm not even exxagarating. -
Quit, file unemployment under "hostile work enviroment" like I did just a month ago = profit.
For you, you could go w/the whole "they wont let me play my troll'r like I wanna!!! Wahh!!"
Or kick it up a notch and claim a variety of true, and untrue statements. Manager is hitting on me. Manager tries to watch me pee. I can show you on the anatomically correct doll where he touched me.
Or just go w/he's disciplining me all the time for a variety of BS thats not true. -
Thanks everyone, thats EXACTLY the kind of responses I was looking/hoping for!!!
It would have been like lvl 30 I would have realized why/what the differences are and then been frustrated w/the time spent. I do happen to have a TA/archer defender so I dont believe I'll go w/that since I just LOVE playing that toon and dont wish to take anything away from her w/basically an alt to her in a manner of speaking.
I'm fascinated w/the Illusion controller so I'll stick w/that and see what kinda fun it provides. I guess I'll try kinetics in a different supportive set to see if I can build it past my normal 30 mark and continue w/a Ill/rad and see what all the hub-bub is about.
Thanks for the responses again, very helpful.
SaraSparks -
So I'm looking to start a new alt and thinking along the lines of the Illusion line as the title suggested. I see just a multitude of Ill/Rad threads be it for advice, suggestive help, ect, ect.. So it got me thinking since I had kind of started (Lvl 6) an Ill/kin, maybe I was missing something when I got to looking for Ill/Kin threads and found one 5-6 pages back.
So basically what Im asking is just kind of a Readers Digest version of the plus/minus of those two sets. Is Ill/Rad just a much better combo overall for some reason that Im unaware of in the long run over Ill/Kin? I've not gotten a rad or kin much past lvl 35 on any of my other attempts. For whatever reason they just never gained my appreciation as a combo in other sets, so I'm kind of hoping the Illusion set will tilt the scales to finishing one.
Love my Earth/Storms, and love my varying defender types, that have control styles for the most part. So I know its not the 'controller' theme, playstyle or that but would like some thoughts on what the big draw from what I can see is of rad over kin.
Thanks in advance. -
My Kat/Inv is definately a fun, giggle-fest of a set, and w/out question a real serious driving force of any team she's on. Generally capable of saving any squishy having agro problems or to rush in and get everyones attention real quick. Excellent all around toon, and
extremely valuable on any team she's been on so far.
Personally however, I think my MA/SR is a better solo toon then my Kat/Inv by a long shot, just in speed alone. She can stay in a fight, run from spawn to spawn to spawn to spawn SOO much more effeciently and w/out any delay then the Kat can by a long shot. Just in terms of speed through a mission alone, she out does every single one of my other toons.
Im not saying she's necessarily better for the way that you play or anyone else, but if you're going to be factoring solo play along w/your team play like you mentioned, thats something to consider.
But in terms of fun factor, they're both the same, both are just milk thru the nose kinda fun for different reasons and I find myself giggling alot for the different things they're capable of pulling off in their areas of expertise.