What do you name your Soldiers of Arachnos?




Just started a SoA he is a lowbie still. I named him Latrotoxin



My only soldier is a 50 Crab I built when they first came out. Leveled to 50 in 5 days, and somebody halved my time (actually a lot of people beat me I hear, lol) I haven't played him much since, mebbe once.

Anyways, got fortunate with a name, I guess.

Arbiter Death.

beats "Flamsey", which I saw once, and my wife sttill laughs about.



Arbiter Urban. Urban's a name I use in pretty much every MMO where I'm not concerned with any sort of concept or roleplaying considerations. I didn't have an "Urban" in City because it was too much fun to come up with specialized concepts for my characters, so I never used my default 'guy on the internet' character name.

Not only that but the specialized costumes for the VEATs were just too much fun to NOT make him a lore-compliant employee of Arachnos. I mean, Dress him up in white and he looks like those smarmy jacaksses that have told all of my other villains to go out and work hard for the glory of arachnos. That just felt right to me.

I figured our VG could use an arachnos liason. The concept fit. Random guy, give him some stuff and a promotion. Works for the man. It was done!



My widow-Stubborn Widow Girl
My spider-Unbound Operative



Widow - Widow Orphan Annie

Huntsman - Wolfmother



My new soldier is the Injusticiar.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




I always play my SoA's with an undercover personality. For example, my Night Widow is named Solemn Shadow, but his bio suggests that he's just a killer for hire. He only dons his Arachnos persona when on official business.

In contrast, my soon-to-be Bane Spider is named Blood Red Bane, and his bio is opposite to Solemn's. His bio states that he is an elite Arachnos soldier, part of an expert branch of Arachnos. He usually goes around in his Arachnos uniform to enforce recluses will, but he will switch to his alter-ego when the time calls.

Arc ID: 348998 - Becoming a villain
Arc ID: 373341 - To Save a Hero

Got Inf?



I was kind of surprised that there was no Garden Spider on Virtue, so I snagged the name, with the Crab armor in very bright green and yellow.



My main toon's name is Arbiter Praetoria, just like my global name (@Arbiter Praetoria). All of my Soldiers will be Arbiters even if they wear the tradition black Bane Spider Costume and cape.

She's a hero and is at level 28. I'm hoping to get her to 50 soon. I like the Bane Spider (Isn't that what you call the one's that use the Mace?) and I like the original build you start off with (Maybe called a Wolf Spider). I'm going to master building both of those. I do not like Fortunatas though and loathe Crab Spiders. That is, of course, my opinion.

Originally Posted by Aerik View Post
Especially right after launch, the theme for most Crabs/Banes/Huntsmen has been Operative <something>. The majority of Arachnos soldiers in the game are named Operative something. I do believe that Arbiter is a reserved word now, so if you try to create a character with that name, it will fail.

As for my Widows/Fortunatas, I decided to work with the spider theme from a slightly different angle. I went to the Interwebs and found the scientific names for some of the spider families. And so, my two Forts are named Theridae (Black Widows) and Sicaridae (Brown Recluses).

Really, though, by now I think I've seen just about any kind of name for them. I'd suggest you start with a good back story. Once you've got all the details of you character fleshed out, it shouldn't be hard to pick out a very nice name.




i named my SoA miximum force.
i was trying to type maximum force but was very sleepy at the time.
he does not have a back story although i am begining to regret that decision.



I looked at the latin names for spiders and it's classes.

I was amazed by a spider that would eat a bird if it got cought in it's web.
That spider is called the Golden Orb Weaver, so i took the latin name for it: Nephila. My toon is set to huge, tallest possible, and even stretching the legs to top the 8feet mark with the top of his head, my Crab stands out in any crowd, due to the hight added with it's legs of the Crab-pack. His armor is black with golden highlights. And my Crab is a Vigilante.

Dark Energon, Founder of the Freedom Legion SG on Guardian server.
(SG founded on 12-08-'09, Top100: 08-17-'10, Top50: 12-23-'10, Top25: 12-11-'11)
Crab Spider Nephila on Titan Tracker
Weekly events on Guardian: W.A.V.E. & FNFN



When I created my Soldier of Arachnos, I focused less on the Arachnos part and more on the Soldier part. I figured all the good spider-based names were already taken, so I decided I wanted to name her after a gun. After an Internet search I came across an article on a Danish machine gun called a Madsen. Perfect. Named her Madsen and gave her ancestry as Danish in her bio. Also in her bio I paired Madsen with the given name Maren for some comic book style alliteration: Maren Madsen.



Turbo Hussy for my Night Widow. Lord Pthirus Pubis (goggle it if you don't know what it is) for my Crab Spider.



Great Bane



Originally Posted by Unwilling_Hero View Post
My spider-Unbound Operative
Thanks to this I rebuilt my Soldier and renamed her "Untangled Operative"



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
Citizen Bane
Very nice. Like this one.

My Crab is named EtherStrike.

Official Offline Psychopath of PWNZ
"Hey, sneak up, stab someone, and sneak away...or kill them with Iceland at a distance. Either way, no one knows what the hell happened!" -Umbramancer, on Assassin's Boulder
Echo So'kar reference shots ||| Punkicide reference shots



Crypto Spiridium.



I was (and still am) pretty happy with my veat names, especially compared to some others that haven't aged as well:

Crab: Octet (one of my all time favorite name to powerset matches)
Bane: Dungeon (kind of crab and also the whole darkness lurking thing)
Fort: Perchance (fortune->chance->)
Widow: Twylight Widow (the weakest name, but named after my first villain to hit 50 way back in the day - Twylight)

I just rolled up a new veat (in preference to spending the money to trick out secondary builds I just rolled another... maybe not the smartest thing for an altaholic!) and named him Nephropidae. He will be a ranged bane/melee crab.

Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata



Mine's Huntsman Gares. Gares was the first name that came to mind, in all honesty - from Dagoth Gares from Morrowind. First (only? been a while) talking Dagoth you meet except for Dagoth Ur, generally polite, and manages to screw you over with his dying breath.

So what I thought I'd do is return and pretend I can focus on something.



Personally, I would avoid the Arbiter label like the plague. It's overused, and a symptom of players not understanding the game lore and just labeling their characters as whatever they perceive to be at the top of the heap. As if naming them Arbiter or Praetor will make the character more powerful.



Fort: Sunset Shinobi
Widow: Ohnoes

Yes, they have nothing to do with the AT.



I named my bane Collections Dept.



Pleasant surprise to see this at the top of the SoA forums... thanks for posting, everyone! But, of course, please don't stop posting your excellent names for your characters.