What do you name your Soldiers of Arachnos?




Captain Imba


"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."



Widow: Miss Kiss N Kill

Bane: Mr. Yuck Macer (originally Operative Able on a duel build)

Wolf/Huntsman: Able Caliber (originally Operative Able on a duel build, now seperate character, all for the sake of name with a theme, I had to roll a seperate Huntsman rather than having it build number 2 on the Bane)

"Thank you Iraq! Goodnight!"



Crab - The Crab Who Shagged Me

Widow - The Tyrant of Candyland

Bane - Jamal from HR

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Fort: Schizo Phrenia
Crab: Sake Bomb

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



I give all of my SoA full names. I try to pick names that are cool sounding, though.

My offensive fort/night widow: Ariella Epstein
My offensive/support bane: Isaac Trescher

And I get so many different nicknames I don't know when people are calling me. Stein, Tre, escher, Ep, Ar, Ike, and zac are some of the names I get while on these two.

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Alexis Bale (my Night Widow) and Operative d'Winter (my Huntsman).



Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
Personally, I would avoid the Arbiter label like the plague. It's overused, and a symptom of players not understanding the game lore and just labeling their characters as whatever they perceive to be at the top of the heap. As if naming them Arbiter or Praetor will make the character more powerful.
Broadly I agree, but with a caveat that without a method for acquiring the title later in the characters career I think this one is unavoidable. At level ten I don't feel like an Arbiter or Operative, but I think at level 40+ you sure have a claim to it if you a solid Arachnos character. There isn't really a way of adding in titles later other than using badge titles that I am aware of, or am I missing a trick here.

My character certainly intends to be an Arbiter, but I could wait until he is more uber if that is an option without buying a rename, or is there a story reason I have missed for why a 'destined one' can never have one of those titles?



There actually is a story reason. By becoming a "Destinied One", you're basically retiring from Arachnos. You move from the regular advancement paths that an Arachnos Soldier would normally be taking (a series of hopefully regular promotions and advances in pay grade) to a fast track that's only loosely associated with Arachnos, and becoming an independent agent.

Mostly, though, I just see people naming their characters 'Arbiter' and 'Praetor' (this is particularly bad in Praetoria) without really comprehending why it just makes most people snigger. For instance, if you're not Mother Mayhem, Neuron, Chimaera, Dominatrix, or Maurader, you're not a Praetor. Period.



Mine is still pretty low level but named my widow after Clothos,
One of the three fates in greek mythology responsible for spinning the threads of human life.
Think it's a good fit RP wise...



Originally Posted by CasualX View Post
My character certainly intends to be an Arbiter, but I could wait until he is more uber if that is an option without buying a rename, or is there a story reason I have missed for why a 'destined one' can never have one of those titles?
If you finish the 5th column strike force, Lord Recluse allows you to claim to be an Arbiter by setting it as your badge title.

For one of my soldier, I gave him a normal name with the intent of setting his rank using badges, starting with Wolf Spider Tac Op at 20 and ending with Marshal.



Originally Posted by CasualX View Post
Broadly I agree, but with a caveat that without a method for acquiring the title later in the characters career I think this one is unavoidable. At level ten I don't feel like an Arbiter or Operative, but I think at level 40+ you sure have a claim to it if you a solid Arachnos character. There isn't really a way of adding in titles later other than using badge titles that I am aware of, or am I missing a trick here.

My character certainly intends to be an Arbiter, but I could wait until he is more uber if that is an option without buying a rename, or is there a story reason I have missed for why a 'destined one' can never have one of those titles?
You CAN acquire the title of Arbiter: Just do the Barracuda SF.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



I named my fortunata Broken Toy to go with origin. Bane spider is Bane of Hope.

Names don't HAVE to related to being a soldier of Arachnos, although Sally the Fortunata does lack a certain something. lol

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



My Blood widow (yes, I said blood widow...those ARE possible using the night path with no psi attacks) is "Black Helix"...so named for the tainted genetic code she has.

My Bane has something a bit more stereotypical for a name: "Slayer Asura" ...pretty self explanatory >.>

@Dispari's Personal Assistant

"I might not be 'l33t', but that doesn't change that you're still a noob..."



Officer Fancypants. Yes, yes they are.



Originally Posted by Ultra_Violence View Post
although Sally the Fortunata does lack a certain something. lol
But isn't entirely out of place; Becky the Tarantula Mistress is a great character.



My widow is Nafila, an alusion to the Nephila family of spiders. But that's the only concession to the term Widow I'm willing to make.

Truth be told, any name fits. I'd refrain from putting the terms Widow or Operative or Fortunata on my VEAT, as plotwise, you go through alot of trouble to create an alias and get that name on the Destined One's list. While doing official Arachnos business, you should never take your helmet off so no one knows your face. You even get a 2nd costume so you can "operate" outside of Arachnos influence and rob banks without the Arbiters finding out who you are (after all, they don't dig too deeply into Destined Ones' affairs).

After all the trouble you go through to create a 2nd identity for your VEAT, just letting everyone know you work for Arachnos sounds abit silly for me. IMHO.



Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
My widow is Nafila, an alusion to the Nephila family of spiders. But that's the only concession to the term Widow I'm willing to make.

Truth be told, any name fits. I'd refrain from putting the terms Widow or Operative or Fortunata on my VEAT, as plotwise, you go through alot of trouble to create an alias and get that name on the Destined One's list. While doing official Arachnos business, you should never take your helmet off so no one knows your face. You even get a 2nd costume so you can "operate" outside of Arachnos influence and rob banks without the Arbiters finding out who you are (after all, they don't dig too deeply into Destined Ones' affairs).

After all the trouble you go through to create a 2nd identity for your VEAT, just letting everyone know you work for Arachnos sounds abit silly for me. IMHO.

Agreed... HOWEVER, I knew com the beginning that I would be playing a Crab Spider and you can't hide the backpack, so I went with the "Operative" thing. It makes sense as a Crab since they kinda CAN'T hide.

My Crab is Operative Netspyder... the hard-light, virtual reality controlled, alter ego of Arachnos technician and weapons designer Alex Von Derkin and his like minded colleagues that were tired of sending weapons into the field and wishing they could be a part of the action. Recluse is, after all, smart enough to not send his technicians into battle... they are far too useful to Arachnos for that.



Widow: Widows Peak
Soon-to-be Bane: Emerald Huntsman
Crab: Christmas Isle Crab

As for that last one? Christmas Isle has huge crab migrations, so I went with the idea that a mutated crab attached itself to the back of an Arachnos soldier.

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



I named mine...


Actually, I had always wanted to make Emgro as a less-human looking alien than was available with the costume designer. As a result, once I unlocked VEATs, I promptly rerolled Emgro as one, with the large mecha arms to be RP'ed as extra limbs. Unfortunately, they were less customizable than hoped, so not as useful as I would have liked.



Arachnos Widow: Dark Widow's Bite
Arachnos Soldiers: Hanansi, and Anansi Noir.

Anansi was taken so I appended it with the french word for black, Noir. Hanansi is a variation of Anansi.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Neuronium is my "villain" counterpart, a Fortunata.
Spidery Regrets is my current Crab Spider.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



I stuck close to the source with mine.

Seer Donata and Huntsman Stone



I kinda ran with the spider theme on my Widow, so I made Orb-Weaver. But with the Brick Johnson missions in Port Oakes (where you get a costume slot), I actually put a little thought into my "hero disguise", and made her an alter-ego, Spinnerette. It's great for taking down thugs with artefacts or technology they don't know how to use properly, or if you ever need to do something that's technically against orders. And aside from that, shouting those cheesy lines about truth and justice is just plain fun.