What do you name your Soldiers of Arachnos?




My Bane is named Portiana (derived from the Portia genus of spiders).



My Fortunata is named Scarlet, and she is RPd as having Spider-based powers, her immobilizes and holds are webs trapping her opponents and the confuse powers are pheromone-based. I really like her



I have a non-Crab named Blue Rocket, which is one of the many names given to the plant 'Wolfsbane.' I'm glad the server I was playing on didn't already have it.

I have a Widow named Menarche. I felt it was an appropriate name.

I'm trying to come up with a name for a Crab, because I don't want to deal with the costume issues on Blue Rocket, who will not ever be a crab.

I think I'm going to use a "regular" name, like 'Eric Brown.'

The game ends at 50. Smilegasm
Do not ever give Mind Control a pet. We need more control sets without pets.
My characters are not "toons". They are all project characters, though.
Global chat @Lxndr My servers: Defiant, Liberty, Pinnacle, Virtue



Tarantula Commander, because it was more of a "haha, let's see if this works" moment, and it apparently wasn't taken.

Back story is a Weblord (A rank I made up, higher than a Webmaster) who was asked by Mako himself to find a way to improve the Crab Spider troops. TC's new backpack, called "Tarantula Model: Final," more commonly called a Spiderbite by those who use it, was swiftly implemented onto the most promising Crab troopers.

Seven years of heroism. Seven years of friendships. Seven years of saving the world. Seven years of virtuous selflessness.

You will return, for you are the mighty City of Paragon, the City of Heroes.



Probably not much help, but my Widow, an escaped product of mad science, is named Oougel (which she can pronounce aloud with her bizarre mouth structure), and my Crab is Nurse N33dl3z (she's a Meat Doctor, not an actual Arachnos operative).

Much earlier, I made a Night Widow named Charlotte Aranea, but she doesn't exist anymore.

{}... .-



Dosadi, cribbed from the eponymous warrior planet in the novel by Frank Herbert. The name was the gift of a friend who snagged it back around CoV release and who later purchased a name change so I could use it.

"He may be arrogant, but he happens to be correct" - Ellis
"The server is full of crazies" - New_Dark_Age

Rainbow Arcana / Diamond D: Legion of Freedom - Virtue



Cobalt Arbiterean, to go along with my Cobalt ____-ean theme.

And he's a Bane. Fun times.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



My Crab Spider on Justice is Operative Clarke.
At the time I was creating the character there was a copy of Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke on the bookcase beside my PC.



My new Crab Spider is Cupid's Shadow; he'll be going heroic and I wanted something with a bit of change of pace in the name.



my bane/huntsman is Executioner Adan. have been throwing around ideas for a fortunata, but nothing has stuck so far.

Chat Handle: @Aether Crash -- Guardian
Zkorva the Exiled (50) , Squallshot Maiyamin, Aether Crash, Vhogge the Skyshaper

Villains: Katsuo Tentei (50), Lumilian Dhosan, The Cobalt Tempest, Executioner Adan



Crab Spider Beorn
Huntsman Beorn
Husky Eraser Widow
PvP Pixie Widow
Black Widow Hexie
The Platinum Widower

I gots bunches... 'cept I've never made a fortunata...



Sexton Hardcastle on Virtue . Level 35 non Bane/Crab and waiting to run Patron arc , though I could see him going hero . Basically this is my "Metroid theme" toon , so he is stripped down to the basics and has no symbol on the chest . Love playing this toon .



Originally Posted by NovaFactor View Post
Sexton Hardcastle
Great name.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



my crab-based Soldier is named Thomas Iscariot. I'm somewhat proud of this:

crab spiders are the 'thomisidae' genera
also some members of the Sicarius genera are sometimes called crab spiders, and that genus includes the recluse spider

so... 'iscariot' and 'sicarius' are related linguistically, both referencing assasins.

The game ends at 50. Smilegasm
Do not ever give Mind Control a pet. We need more control sets without pets.
My characters are not "toons". They are all project characters, though.
Global chat @Lxndr My servers: Defiant, Liberty, Pinnacle, Virtue



On Champion and Exalted, i have a soldier (huntsman) called Katherine Steel. My only widow is Widow Lynx, on champ. I try and stay away from Operative or Huntsman. As for the Widow, just couldn't get the names i wanted, so went with Widow (part of my global).

@Purple Lynx
Heroes - Circle of Light
Villians - Ultimate Supremacy



(same character)

Crab- Previewing

Fortunata- Previewed



Originally Posted by Aerik View Post
I do believe that Arbiter is a reserved word now, so if you try to create a character with that name, it will fail.
I can confirm that as not true, as I was able to name my soldier on Exalted "Arbiter Jones".

As of a week or so ago, "Wolf Spider Hunstman" was not taken, which would be an interesting name. I named my widow "Three Eyed Widow", because I used the third eye costume piece. SUPER original, I know.



My spider is named Arachno Red!

.......clearly because I am part of an evil VEAT power rangers team.



My Fortunata/Night Widow (Dual Build - gotta love it) Is 'The Widow of Windsor' After the Kipling Poem, it was a nickname for Queen Victoria

The Crab is Rogue Operator



Originally Posted by Gruntle View Post
My Fortunata/Night Widow (Dual Build - gotta love it) Is 'The Widow of Windsor' After the Kipling Poem, it was a nickname for Queen Victoria

The Crab is Rogue Operator
Great name.

(On a side note, great forum avatar.)

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Huntsman, armor shaded blue - Operative Caboose (capped at level 41)
Bane/Crab - Agent Nevyn (Welsh for "No one", and pronounced as such)
Widow/Fort - St. Alia (also known as The Abomination)

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



Named my VEAT Widow, Heart Widow

In the Grand scheme of things people don't know when to shut up.

Elprede- 50 Blaster Ice/elec
Flaron Llothren- 50 Tank Ice/SS
Technic Flame- 50 Controller Fire/kin
Lance Indalen- Brute 50 Em/elec
Heart widow- Widow 50



My Arachnos Soldier is called Furious Survivor, because he escaped from Project FURY before he could be turned into an Arachnoid and is now pretty pissed off at Arachnos.

I also plan on making a widow called Sister Serpent, who is named so because she has a birth mutation that makes her skin reptilian, and because screw the spider motifs