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  1. I have it as well, new drivers installed, as I was warned there was a problem. It usually starts for me in Atlas, and gets WAY worse as I move into Atlas Park plaza. There used to be a problem like this many moons ago where a specific costume part caused crashes. I am sure they are looking into it.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Force_ View Post
    Pretty much what I was thinking, I almost made a long post about it myself but decided not to waste my time and just shake my head. He may be right on a few points, but the post is amazingly full of "wowIamsoawesome" that I can't help but laugh.
    Ya know, i didn't see it that way at all. I saw that he actually was trying to say that its all relative. I have played on Freedom and Champion, and have seen the huge difference in culture that they have to offer. And Culture shock is a very apt term for this. Both servers have speed runs, but do them differently, and both servers have the Elitists that say their way is the only way, or best way, even when it may not be for someone else. Exalted is a rare chance where people from every server are coming together and kinda forming the USA of servers, all nations coming together under one roof. I have seen pure attitude from people in chat, but i've seen genuine help from others, i think we all just need to step back, and remember that all the servers have their own ideas, and as Brig said, roll with it.
  3. Purple_Lynx

    Monster Hunts

    I was wondering why it seems people aren't interested in monster hunts on this server. Last night i saw someone advertising for the Pally Construction, and it seemed most people were like "I don't have time for that." As a person that came from Champion, I guess I am used to teams getting formed for monsters fairly fast, even people that already have the badge come out to help. I just hope that this isn't the norm, as monster hunts can be a lot of fun for just a few minutes of your time.
  4. On Champion and Exalted, i have a soldier (huntsman) called Katherine Steel. My only widow is Widow Lynx, on champ. I try and stay away from Operative or Huntsman. As for the Widow, just couldn't get the names i wanted, so went with Widow (part of my global).
  5. Just got back on, looks like a hiccup
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by biff10426 View Post
    How about you let me decide whether or not I want to mission in or out of AE? That'd be nice, thanks.
    My bigest problem is that alomost no one was out of AE, and while I have no problem with AE, I would like to see a bit more content being done instead of everyone just staying in that building.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Talon_Arsenal View Post
    I didn't get as much done as I had wanted. I swear, on Friday I sent out tells asking people if they wanted to team and as soon as I said, no it isn't ae, every single one was like "no thanks, I'm only doing AE."

    I got a few levels solo, and then eventually gave into the AE madness to be able to team.
    I know, having the AE as DXP just sucked. Last time I did this there were people doing the TF's to level, teaming for content, etc. I only saw a few tfs get called out, and those were mostly high level stuff. I have never said in anyway that AE was bad, hell I use it a lot, but having double xp work for it kinda left a serious bad taste in my mouth. I was hoping people would come out and play real content for the weekend. I hope they didable this next time.
  8. It would be nice if they DON'T do this for AE. I was hoping that this would be a weekend where people came out of that building and actually did real content for a change. Seeing that DXP was in AE was a serious letdown. I saw few taskforces forming, fewer teams. Add that to the instability on Champion, made for a not so interesting weekend. I remember when we had these and people would use the task forces to level their toons, and not just running AE missions all weekend long.

    Otherwise I am very glad to see another coming, lets hope that the instabilities have been addressed.
  9. With all the mapservers and such i didnt gte as much done as I would have liked either, plus altitis kicked in, but i got a brute from 20 to 28, a widow from 1 to 26, decided to not scrap my db/wp scrapper and got her from 35 to 36. Kinda wish i had stayed on the widow, might have gotten her more exp. Next time I hope they dont do AE dxp, that was stupid imho, but if they do ill prolly just use my 50 scrapper or brute and make influ, cause i made less than i spent this weekend.
  10. I am interested in this on Amatiste 50th Ma/regen scrapper. I have never done this trial, but I will read up on it, and will listen to instructions.
  11. Gah! Ive playe don freedom redside, moving all my high levels to champ, my original home for heroes. AE made Freedom Cap crazy, and honestly Freedom just isnt as friendly, despite the occasional Drama here
  12. Welcome to Champion this is definatly a fun server, with good people on it
  13. Us angelenoes have a saying, never trust air you cant see
  14. I came in on the end of the convo in BMT, but when i read this on the forums, god i laughed so hard. Awesome MT, and I do certainly hope that the intended got it
  15. If this happens again, I have a ss/wp brute i can bring a long. I have never done LRSF sucessfully, but will listen to instructions
  16. Purple_Lynx

    So Cobalt...

    Happy Birthday, Cobalt
  17. I would be interested Amatiste MA/regen scrapper. Whenever I can be fit in I have never completed the Statesman, but i am willing to listen and learn.
  18. If you plan on doing this again, let me know I am on all hours of the day, and i definatly want to gte the badges, Amatiste is the toon, 50th scrapper (ma/regen).
  19. Since my other question about Dark Astoria has been posted already, I have another that I have been curious about:

    Why is Mercy Island half destroyed? It has never been explained that Arachnos had to attack it, but its massive level of devistation implies one hell of a bombardment.

    And why is St Martial showing the same levels of devistation in some parts? Hell in some cases the buildings look like buildings from RWZ and Boomtown. It would seem that the battles with the Wailers might cause some damage, but not on this level.

    My friend and I were wondering this the other day, and after playing pretty much every story arc in Villains, neither seems to be addressed.

    Also, in CoV you have a mission to stop the rebuilding of Boomtown, is Boomtown going to be rebuilt at some time?