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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    Go into your master account, and check the account that's giving you issues. Booster packs (like almost everything else) are listed as "Perk", but there should be a date associated with them. If they don't show up there, check any other accounts you have (including the main account - glitches do happen sometimes).

    If the boosters ARE listed under the proper account, you may just have to wait for them to unlock.
    Done that it is listed as a perk. Usually when you buy a booster it is unlocked right away. I guess today they are having some kind of issue.
  2. Here is a response I got from support


    Please log into your City of Heroes account and let me know if you are still unable to access the in-game content you recently purchased. There have been multiple reports of in-game features taking a few hours before successfully being added to an account, but some players have since let us know that this issue was resolved.

    If you're still unable to access the in-game content, please let me know.


    NCsoft Account Support

    To contact our Billing or Technical Support by phone, please call (512)225-6359.
    • Monday - Friday, 12 PM - 5 PM Central Time (North America)
    • Long distance charges may apply.
  3. I am having the same Issue. I bought the steampunk booster this morning and it is not showing up at all but it is applied to my account correctly. I contacted support I am waiting to hear back from them.
  4. I gotta say I have been around since launch and been to a lot of in game events and by far this has to be the worst one ever. It didn't seem like they planned for anything and just randomly did whatever. Some instances got more codes than others while some instances got WTF?
  5. I was wondering if it is possible to add temp powers to MA missions?
  6. Arc Name: Wrath of the gods
    Arc ID: #482635
    Faction: Heroic
    Creator Global/Forum Name: @Imbalmer
    Difficulty Level: Hard
    Synopsis: Goddess Athena has sent out a cry for help to dimensions parallel to her own. Her father, Zeus, the king of the Gods, lost his patience for a warring and immoral humanity. He is set to destroy all that he has created. Zeus preached to the Gods: "IF YOU ARE NOT WITH ME, THEN YOU ARE AGAINST ME!"
    Estimated Time to Play: Long 1-2 hours max consists of 5 missions
    More Info: Well this is my first Arc. It took me about 3 weeks to finish. I am very pleased with how it came out. This arc is meant to be a challenge. I have done this arc twice now with two full teams of 8 and I have gotten good feedback so far. They say it is hard but fun to play. I was aiming for something epic in scale and worthy of the best teams out there. I myself love a challenge so crafted it for teams of six or more. It can be done solo with the help of the ally npc's I have provided the player in each mission. Some missions Strategy and pulls is a must.
    My arc is based on Greek mythology. I hope you all enjoy the challenge that awaits you! It is a lot of fun with team play. I welcome reviews! thanks again
  7. Imbalmer

    Adding a GM

    I am using one of those outdoor cimerora maps. I will try another thanks a bunch for the answer.
  8. Imbalmer

    Adding a GM

    I am currently working on my first ever Mission Architect Arc and I would like to add a GM to one of my missions. I am not able to do so. The option is gray and has a number 0 next to the option. Since I am just learning the ropes I am not sure what the issue is. Anyone can chime in?
  9. What are some of the public freedom global channels?

    Is there a hami or mothership raid channel?
  10. Just started a SoA he is a lowbie still. I named him Latrotoxin

  11. Thank you all for the feedback it was all very helpful. I decided to go with Energy it best fit my needs. So far I am loving it!

    It does really depend on your build. Thanks again for the help.
  12. Thanks for your feedback, my brute is Em/Invuln and currently he is an end sucker. I am leaning toward Energy Mastery for the endurance help. It is good to hear that you enjoy those powers and that they work well. How damaging is pyre? Did they really water down some of those powers to the point where they are not worth taking? Are they pretty affective with fury and buildup?
  13. I tried to do a search but couldn't find any solid info on how good each set is. Which in your opinions are good sets and which ones should be skipped? I was thinking about going with energy mastery for the endurance powers mostly. How effective are those powers?
  14. You know, I have played my fair share of MMO's. I have yet to encounter a perfect MMO that doesn't suffer from this problem from time to time. Not to be rude but you say you have been playing for 5 years right? Well every time they release a new issue or expansion we get an influx of new players for about a month or two. Then it dies down again and the servers get more stable. Dont worry the excitement will die down soon and it will get better.

    Should the Devs look into upgrading the servers or possibly merging them to help for smoother gameplay?.....Yes

    Why they have not done so after 6 years of releasing content who knows?
    Until then enjoy the game.

    I mean it could be worse right?

    You could be forced to play wearing a banana costume, while a Simian tries to hump your soul!
  15. Imbalmer

    found an old pic

    OMG oh wow! I missed those days

    WTF happened to Stamp?
  16. Well I am still on the look out for an SG. I joined one for a week but left. I only teamed with them once and that was when they recruited me. After that every time I came on and asked in sg chat if there were any teams going, no one would ever respond or even had the decency to say no at least LOL

    My brute Goreguts is now lvl 34 and smashing heads in. He is on hero side and he needs a home to wash his bloody hands

    I am really enjoying the PUG's though on freedom. Having no trouble finding one.
  17. Well I have been farting around on freedom since Going Rogue went live and I am loving it. I am now ready to join an active mature SG that teams together often. I transferred over 1 lvl 50 hero and 1 lvl 50 villain to Freedom from Justice to test the waters. They both need homes. I am mostly running around hero side as of today on a lvl 23 brute which I will be playing often. If any good SG's out there need an extra player PM me on my global @Imbalmer.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DogTags View Post
    Yo whats up! I am a group-aholic so I am always down to hang out. really I am. I only play villains but my sig has my global. So if you are rolling some new alts I would travel across parties with you.

    I will only go Villain but we can group till the time comes to choose sides.
    Sounds cool I have been running around Praetoria on a scrapper named Last Factor. He is 16 now i believe. Maybe i ran into you on a pug who knows. I just transferred over One of my 50s from Justice over to Freedom today who needs an active SG. Anyone wishing to team add my global @Imbalmer and send me a tell.
  19. Just wanted to say hello. I have been playing since coh launch on the justice server and decided to make my first praetorian here on freedom. So far the the players here are very nice. Looking forward to teaming with some of you.
  20. I was able to respec today without any problems. It is pretty random I guess.
  21. I guess it is pretty buggy depending on your situation. I wonder if the devs know it is a known issue.
  22. I hardly listen to music now while I play but if I do it is mostly metal. Oh and boxxy needs to take the ******* **** out of his/her ***.....****
  23. Thanks for all the posts. I guess it could be that I took too long. It didn't seem that I did though. I was not doing the respec on an kheld it was on a scrapper.
  24. Strange I might just go to galaxy and do the respec the old fashion way using the contact to see if it makes any difference. This is just bugging me.