Can't figure this out
I've heard it is an intermittent thing that nobody has ever been able to nail down. It happened to me for the first time recently, though I didn't receive the popup message, simply nothing happened. I suspect it may have something to do with how long you take, as this respec took me MUCH longer than usual (looking things up online during the respec and such).
Strange I might just go to galaxy and do the respec the old fashion way using the contact to see if it makes any difference. This is just bugging me.
It has happened to me before. I waited a hour or so, typed /respec again, and it worked fine. Perhaps it something along the lines of the "Transaction failed, consignment shop too busy" (paraphrased due to my bad memory) error I see once in a while.
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Given that a respec presumably involves making a lot of major changes to your character's data at once, I'm guessing that the 'respec failed' mechanism is a failsafe to prevent your data from being corrupted if something goes wrong.
There was a problem once with Kheldians where you could add slots into powers you shouldn't have yet while going through the respec and would cause the respec to fail. Was this on one of the unlocked ATs by any chance?
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Usually, logging off the client, and logging back in makes it work on the next attempt. As suggested above, it can sometimes happen after taking a long time.
To prevent any issues, use the /respec inside a mission or SG base (where you wouldn't e logged off for inactivity anyway), and use a program like Mids' Hero Designer to plan the build ahead of time. Then it wont take so long to finish the process.
Won't respecs fail (or maybe can't even be started) if done on a TF? This would prohibit respecs in Ouroboros missions and AE missions and even outside them as long as you're still in 'TF mode.'
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Thanks for all the posts. I guess it could be that I took too long. It didn't seem that I did though. I was not doing the respec on an kheld it was on a scrapper.
Thanks for all the posts. I guess it could be that I took too long. It didn't seem that I did though. I was not doing the respec on an kheld it was on a scrapper.
When I do respecs indoors or in a SG base, I haven't had that happen.
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I guess it is pretty buggy depending on your situation. I wonder if the devs know it is a known issue.
I was able to respec today without any problems. It is pretty random I guess.
I have done my fair share of respecs in this game so it is nothing new to me. Today I tried using one of the free respecs one of my characters has under his belt. I typed in /respec in the console and started the normal routine. Once I got to the end and I was all done slotting and selling unused IO's and clicked the final prompt saying all enh will be locked into the powers etc etc thus ending the respec a box popped up saying respec failed. I didn't try it again because I had to log but I am baffled as to why it failed. I have never encountered this before. Can anyone shed some light on this.