A friendly greeting
Welcome to Freedom, Imbalmer! There are quite a few Justice peeps here nowadays (including an old friend of mine who's resubbed for GR who left in 2005 or so), so I'm sure you'll have a nice meeting with new and old faces.
So get out there, make some friends, and keep the blood flowin' and the hospitals busy for your time on Freedom.

@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
Yo whats up! I am a group-aholic so I am always down to hang out. really I am. I only play villains but my sig has my global. So if you are rolling some new alts I would travel across parties with you.
I will only go Villain but we can group till the time comes to choose sides.
Yo whats up! I am a group-aholic so I am always down to hang out. really I am. I only play villains but my sig has my global. So if you are rolling some new alts I would travel across parties with you.
I will only go Villain but we can group till the time comes to choose sides. |
Yes welcome aboard. My original server was Justice too.
@MarvelatMee and @COL Burn
24 - 50s
Too many ALTs
Welcome to Freedom! The players are crazy, the teaming is plentiful, and the TF/SFs are frequent!
Sounds cool I have been running around Praetoria on a scrapper named Last Factor. He is 16 now i believe. Maybe i ran into you on a pug who knows. I just transferred over One of my 50s from Justice over to Freedom today who needs an active SG. Anyone wishing to team add my global @Imbalmer and send me a tell.
You should be 20 soon ..so if you go Villain I have several new lvl 20 alts to run with in Sharkhead Isle.
Hello, hello
Thought I introduce myself as well - be all friendly like.
I'm a returning, mature player (have a wife and 2 cats). Back on the hero side with a cool DP blaster. Looking for groups, TFs and a supergroup with like-minded individuals.
Always friendly and willing to lend a hand.
(current toon - lvl 23 blaster)
Hello, hello
Thought I introduce myself as well - be all friendly like. ![]() I'm a returning, mature player (have a wife and 2 cats). Back on the hero side with a cool DP blaster. Looking for groups, TFs and a supergroup with like-minded individuals. Always friendly and willing to lend a hand. Enjoy, me, Ashtanium (current toon - lvl 23 blaster) |
That goes for anyone returning or is brand spanking new. Just hit me up in game tonight. I will be running teams more than likely.
Just wanted to say hello. I have been playing since coh launch on the justice server and decided to make my first praetorian here on freedom. So far the the players here are very nice. Looking forward to teaming with some of you.