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  1. HaloBlue

    Hello there

    Hello, hello

    I too am returning after a duration of time. I've found the "Going Rogue" expansion enjoyable. The new Incarnate System looks interesting as well - looking forward to building my toon around this system.

    Speaking of toons, my current toon is a lvl 50 Scrapper - name is elixir x.

    I play most nights and always available for enjoyable team action. I have experience with several mmo games and raid events over the years (yes, I raided in WoW - but now relax with COH).

    Feel free to whisper me in-game. Looking for regular players for team action and general enjoyment of the game.

    And last, notice the atmosphere, or lack of, of Atlas lately. I think I'll stay away and hang out somewhere else.

    Thanks all. Enjoy.

    elixir x

    (global handle is @SunAfar)
  2. Hello, hello

    Thought I introduce myself as well - be all friendly like.

    I'm a returning, mature player (have a wife and 2 cats). Back on the hero side with a cool DP blaster. Looking for groups, TFs and a supergroup with like-minded individuals.

    Always friendly and willing to lend a hand.



    (current toon - lvl 23 blaster)