Hating the new market interface so far...
One thing I've found: you can still use "ert" to search for "inert" if you turn off autocomplete.
I'm getting a lot of use out of the "find"/"find salvage" combo. And the ability to sort by level (so all the level 39 [things] are together)
But a lot of things that I used to do seem to be gone. (search within category is one of them.)
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
The Recipes-->Other is still there, it's just that the Recipes category is sorted now, so Other subcategory is down in the center of the list.
And speaking of which, I was very much hoping that they would finally break out the Costume recipes and Temp powers recipes into their own subcategories instead of cluttering up the Common/Generic IO recipes. But I guess it doesn't peeve them as much as it does me.
I agree on the persistent bid amount. Several times, I've retyped my bids due to habit doubled the digits on my bid to a stupendous amount. I've been lucky so far to be able to catch them.
The one thing that really bugs me about this new Market interface is that I can't sort the bottom half of the screen. It wouldn't be so bad if my new bids were on top, but being at the bottom, I lose sight of them almost immediately if I have other stuff. Plus I have to take care not to wontonly click Cancel and accidentally take out something else.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
One thing I've found: you can still use "ert" to search for "inert" if you turn off autocomplete.
The Recipes-->Other is still there, it's just that the Recipes category is sorted now, so Other subcategory is down in the center of the list.
I agree on the persistent bid amount. Several times, I've retyped my bids due to habit doubled the digits on my bid to a stupendous amount. I've been lucky so far to be able to catch them. |
The bottom of the market, I'm writing off as, "I need to get used to." I think I can learn to adapt w/that portion, though I have some grumblings about it right now. The top half is sort of a disaster.
An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee
Agreed. Not a big fan of the new design. It just seems over-complicated and cumbersome compared to the old design... and I'll be damned if it ain't the UGLIEST thing I've ever seen.
As someone who has a minor background in UI design, the new market interface is a perfect example of what NOT to do and I predict many newbie heads exploding when GR hits... not to mention the endless amount of rage posts from them losing a ton of inf with the persistent bid numbers.
I don't like it either. Somehow the new interface actually runs slower for me than the old one, which was running fine after my upgrade which I completed pre-I17.
I don't like the vertical layout of the market slots. I do like the tabs, but would have rather had them with the horizontal layout.
Why does the search bar fill in the name of the category you click on? (I.e., "Salvage" when you expand the salvage category.) I have to delete that before I can even search for anything.
Searches seem to be as fast or faster...but it's tough to tell when text input into the search field is lagged.
This is a pretty big failure. They didn't need to redesign the entire UI (although some of the additions are nice), just change the back end so it didn't load everything at once. That's what was causing the most problems.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
This reminds me of Windows Vista, or the changes to recent versions of Word.
The old interface worked fine for me, the new one's clunkier and uglier. I'm sure I'll get used to it, but so far Im very unsure as to what I've gained, if anything.
Probably my favourite new feature is the persistent bid amount. That makes listing batches of 10 crafted generic IOs much quicker
Keep an eye out. The market interface pretty distinctly screwed me this evening. I listed something (an IO) for sale for 14M and change. It informed me (as it insists on doing after every time I zone) that this would cost me 700k and change. I accepted. It then informed me that I had been charged 7M and change. When I looked, it had listed a stack of 10 Rune salvage for 14M apiece. That stack of salvage was at least 4 rows up in my market storage list from what I was selling.
I both bugged and petitioned this. I'm not hugely upset about losing 7M inf, but I am incredibly worried that it will do this again on something much worse, or sell something that I did not want to sell. I had a purple drop I got tonight stored in the market at the time this happened. I would have been really fracking pissed to have listed it for 14M.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
As far as I am concerned, the new market interface is pretty much a complete failure. It takes more work to do basic & simple stuff than the old interface. Biggest irritant is that apparently we can no longer search by categories of items. This one is driving me crazy. If I click on Recipes, all it does is fill the Search window with the word Recipes. I can't narrow the search at that point. If I type anything in, it just replaces the word Recipes and then searches every damn item in the database.
Terrible design. It's not simple. It's not intuitive. It's not easy to grasp. It will cause new players to avoid the market, in my opinion.
Not sure how something like this goes down, if it's the devs saying ok, we are changing this period, and here you go... or do they talk to the people that have to use this and find out what is the best way to go about this... most likely not the latter....
Not sure if things like this are talked about during beta testing... if not then maybe a steering committee might be the way to go, to better get a feel of how the populace with feel about certain direction the game is going towards sort of like a focus group if you may.... feedback is always a great tool
It's better to save the Mystery, than surrender to the secret...
Finally, the persistent last inf bid is dangerous. If you're buying a bunch of stuff, go low to high. Last thing you want to do is bid 100M on a purp recipe, then decide to buy a Inanimate Carbon Rod and forget to reset the price. Wipe the last bid price please, or at least give us the option to.

I would have to agree with you there. If you are not paying attention and are buying large quantities of items, you can screw yourself big-time. I did it just tonight when was buying some cheap brass salvage. I needed only 10 for my Damage Recipe and bought 20 accidentally because for some reason I wasn't paying attention.
There is one thing I do like so far though that has save me a ton of time. Normally before I place an item to sell, I will usually want to see what kind of bids that current item is getting at the market so I kind of know where to set my selling price. With the "find" feature, it immediately takes you to that item without having to search for it again. This is very nice.
I do agree tough, the interface could be a bit smoother. Of course like anything new, there will usually be some bugs until they can hopefully work them out.

I like it because it doesn't randomly crash CoH for some reason anymore.
One important QOL change that should be made is to highlight the text in edit fields whenever they are automatically filled in. This allows you to simply type a new number instead of having to press DELETE or backspace a bunch of times to erase the current entry.
As others have mentioned, you should also be able to TAB from the bid field to the quantity field when placing a bid, and the quantity should be highlighted automatically so that you can just type the number and not have to erase the existing value first. (There should also be up/down arrows on the quantity field when placing bids, as there are for the level indicators at the top of the market window.)
In short, the designer should look at how other similar dialog boxes work in UI-heavy Windows applications and apply many of the same UI practices that make those applications easier to use.
My main complaints are:
1) the top/bottom scrollbar added to the bottom, thus adding yet more tiny scrollbars to the interface.
2) the inability to see more than 2 things I've purchased/bid on/am selling at a time.
3) the inability to shrink down an item once maximized in the bottom section.
4) the way sold items are displayed in inf per lot, not inf per item, meaning you have to divide if you want to quickly know what you sold more than 1 of something for.
I too am trying to get over adjusting, but it simply seems to add nothing I want, while taking away things I did want. Also, really more scrollbars?
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I really want to like it.
Its very much faster than the old one. You no longer have to worry opening it is going to crash your system or that you should start it up only when its time to take a break. Everything in alphabetical order is a real giant step in the right direction. Its heaven to have the crafted enhancements laid out so you can actually find things.
The problem is it just keeps biting me. I keep finding myself trying to buy things when I want to sell. The persistence of the last price entered is driving me nuts. I see this causing me pain in the future. There is still no rhyme or reason to which stack will get the sale or purchase.
Edit found the hotlink to salvage feature
The loss of the old feature where you could see the time of day sales took place is something I miss. It used to give me just a little extra bit of insight into what was happening with an item.
Finally, there is the bug ??? that the new interface doesn't display the number bidding and selling on an item unless you go to find but shows the price history. I can't see why you need the two separate boxes for this in the first place let alone why they should behave in a different manner.
The new market interface, at least seems to be trying to move in the right direction. I just hope they put a little more effort into it, to finish it.
New market hurts my brain.
The only thing I find useful about it now is the find all salvage options. The rest of it just makes me all uuhhhhhgggg.
Not sure if its a viable option or not to allow players to switch between market modes. i.e current / old style UI modes
My LotG sold for 65mil and I'm spending it all on hats

Blaming others since 2003
The only REAL problem I'm having with the market thus far is the bid persistence. Combined with the lag from the market it's going to start costing people. Bigtime.
With the previous interface, you could enter numerous bids quite quickly and set up a number of sales just as quickly.
Now it's more like Enter sale price SELL Next Item waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait Alter price if needed SELL Next Item waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait...
In short, it's aggravating as #@*&!
Not a fan also.
I had a similiar problem I was selling a glad jav for a lot and accidently sold a glad strike. Not to big a deal but it easily could have been a regtissue or some other.
Also I agree the it feels cumbersome and confusing.
If it aint broke dont fix it. Not sure why they did this...
Finally, the persistent last inf bid is dangerous. If you're buying a bunch of stuff, go low to high. Last thing you want to do is bid 100M on a purp recipe, then decide to buy a Inanimate Carbon Rod and forget to reset the price. Wipe the last bid price please, or at least give us the option to.
That right there sucks huge melons. This needs to be fixed IMO.

- Convenient - //\ - Exile - //\ - AatC -
Classic option pls.
www.repeat-offenders.net now playing GW2 with RO in Crystal Desert
RIP Sailor Rush, September 7th 2010.
Sign the petition to save CoH please.
If I had the option to switch back to the old UI I would do it without second thought and never look back to this failed attempt. The sad thing is, that I can see some ideas I could like IF they were optional (i.e. persistent last inf bids tied to a check box) or working (i.e. right clicking on items to inflate AND deflate details).
The old UI wasn't perfect, far from it. But the new UI seems to be designed by someone ... well, lets just say he or she could have done a better job.
For me the best market UI overall was/is the following ... it is complex, has tons of informations and is still easy to use:
This was mentioned in another thread, where some one said they ended up buying a Pan Soil for 1.5 billion. It was a case where they probably bid 1.5 mil on the pan soil and retrieved it, then went to buy a common salvage for 100, typed it in and clicked bid without realizing they just added 3 digits to the back of 1,500,000.
That right there sucks huge melons. This needs to be fixed IMO. |
Other than that I love the new market, it's pretty

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
The look of the new one, from the little I saw on test (havent gone back to it on Live yet) reminds me of the EVE interface...
And, believe me, EVE warped my head something awful ><
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
I've still been seeing a few bugs with it. I was bidding on low end salvage for a new toon last night, and it would take my bids, and I'd see a purchase. Then I'd click on "get" and the bought listing would disappear, but it wouldn't give me the salvage. I'd see no message or anything either; the listing just disappeared. These were bids for single items, not stacks; it wasn't happening on ever bid, or even most of them, but enough times to be very worrying. The market was very busy last night though, so I decided to give it a day and try again before I submit bug reports.
I really don't like not being able to search within a category. The search field clearly does searches for "A or B or C", which is how it finds salvage for recipes; but it can't do "D and E", such as "Recipes and Melee Damage and Endurance" to find Endurance IO recipes in the melee damage category; variations on I used to do very commonly with the old interface.
I expected an adjustment period, but the simple fact that I can't seem to sort by recipe/enhancement/salvage *while doing a search* is killing me. Maybe there's a way to do this and I'm being blind, but I would think the intuitive method would be to click down on, say, Recipe, then start typing. The result of the searches should only be for recipes of whatever I type in. But when I click on Recipe, the word Recipe pops in the search window, and any subsequent search is always a global one.
Take for example: I'm looking for lvl 30-40 Defense Buff recipes for my memorization badge. Before, I'd click on Recipe - Other, then type "def" and be done. Now, I'm having to select the exact level (30), type "defense", then scroll down until I see "Invention: Defense Buff (Recipe)", which I guess I can start typing and let autocomplete, except it's a useless feature I disabled in the 1st 5 minutes of playing w/the new interface.
I see some good promise for the new interface, but they seem to have zero insight into ergonomics and ease of use. Two things I'd highly suggest to the devs is adding the ability to quickly & easily filter our searches, much like the old way, and also let us use the freakin Tab key to switch from each text box. So if I'm bidding 5000 for a recipe, I should be able to hit Tab and be taken to the quantity box. That'd be intuitive.
Finally, the persistent last inf bid is dangerous. If you're buying a bunch of stuff, go low to high. Last thing you want to do is bid 100M on a purp recipe, then decide to buy a Inanimate Carbon Rod and forget to reset the price. Wipe the last bid price please, or at least give us the option to.
Again, if there's a way to do any of the above that I'm just not seeing, I'd appreciate any pointers, but right now, I'm finding the market interface super frustrating, and not because of any learning curve.
An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee