Hating the new market interface so far...




Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Well, the new 'improved' interface has now cost me inf. I just lost a 600K listing fee because of the wrong item being posted. Had two recipes sitting stored on the market.
I did this same thing with old interface a few times as well (buying salvage I was trying to sell, listing things for way more than they were worth).

This problem is endemic to interfaces that combine different kinds of data entry fields into the same dialog. Frail humans in a hurry frequently mix up the different input fields.

The old interface was worse for entering the wrong price for an item because it was very common for the item you just put in the market window to be scrolled off to the right and totally out of your view, yet you could enter a number in the price field above the stored items and post it without seeing which item was selected, since the data entry field and the item were disconnected (though the name was displayed by the price entry field). Thus, I posted many many items for the wrong price.

The new interface has the posting price field in the item window itself, so you can always see exactly what it is you're selling. It's directly analogous to bidding on an item -- you enter the bid on the item window itself.

But that still doesn't stop human error: we often assume something is true even when something different is staring us right in the face. The new interface is less prone to error than the old one for this particular problem because the price input field is within the confines of the item window.

That said, there are still many other problems with the new interface that need cleaning up. The designer should look at other well-designed Windows apps that do similar things and take some hints from them.



I said it when I first encountered the UI in beta, and I'll say it again now:

My impression is, the market UI was redesigned by someone who had no actual experience with the feature they were redesigning.

This is not the first time I've had this impression (I'm actually starting to think it's a serious flaw in the development process), but it's the worst example of it so far.

This UI effectively removes what had become a major draw of the game for me. I want nothing to do with it.

The developers did try to accommodate many player suggestions in beta, and I appreciate that, but there was only so much lipstick you could put on that pig.

I still believe the new UI needs to be scrapped. It's a failure. Roll back to the old one and try again.

And no, before someone implies it, this has nothing to do with fear of change or anything like that. It has everything to do with disliking poor design and actually losing functionality with this new version.

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Add another disgruntled customer to the list...

I greatly resent the new market system. It took away everything I got used to with the old system and made even the simplest things like searching for salvage a chore.

My biggest complaint is how they removed the category searching. Like the OP said, I used to be able to go to "Salvage>Invention" and then just type the first three letters of whatever I was looking for. Now, I am forced to type out the full name of the salvage, which just makes things frustrating.

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Originally Posted by concreteshift View Post
now I don't even want to go to the auction house at all.
This is my primary "worry". The new UI, while obviously not really a big hit with some of the forum posting people, how does the "casual gamer" rate it? Is it more or less easy to find the purples they need for their warshades?

Traffic on the black market is already low, if people just delete or vendor everything because they dislike the new UI, it will get even slower. (I try to throw everything up on the market Im not using *right now*, and have a character on red freedom parked in the 30s I try to play at least once a week to generate some mid level stuff.)

Then again, this could just be a case of me over thinking the "problem". The "casuals" might love the new UI to itty bitty pieces.

"And I swear to effing god, that community is .01% nethergoat-level smart and 99.99% completely fascinating varieties of turd-licking idiots" -Talen Lee



Well, I'm glad the optimized the system for those with PII processors and dial ups. I never had an issue with excessive AH loading, but apparently those that did no longer face this problem. I think all seven of these players are quite happy.

Otherwise, add me to the list of players VERY unimpressed with the new market interface.

I initially believed that it was just my unfamiliarity that made the new format feel cumbersome. I now have to manually search for any given item to receive relevant data, and even this takes much longer than it used to due to removal of the old auto-complete and auto-search. Tabbing through data windows doesn't work. I have no idea how slots are aligned because bought and bidding stacks are separated. The list just goes on...

Several SG mates won't even touch the market now and would rather delete or hoard than participate in the economy. They now only use the market as a last resort.



My major fear is this will become one of those things where despite overwhelming player disapproval, it will stay as it is.

I can see making a few changes here and there to make it better, but basically it needs a complete redesign to accomodate the goals I have in mind for an auction UI: the ability to see everything I'm bidding on/selling at once, and the abiliy to quickly bid, remove, and quickly rebid on an item. 'That' is functionality the old market UI had. This one does not.

It doesn't add any features I will use, or find useful. I can see a few people appreciating them, but it removes so many useful, intuitive features that I don't see it adding any net gain. I'd be willing to wait and see for a little while, but this is live now, and I have to use this thing everyday.

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Originally Posted by Smurphy View Post
Thanks for reading his entire post.
I did read his entire post. So turn off the spigot on the snark there Smurphy.

I disagreed with ONE (singular, uno, solo, one-less-than-two, one-more-than-zero) point in his entire post. Therefore I posted SPECIFICALLY about that one point.

The rest of the post I more or less was in agreement with.

But hey, why let that stop you?

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Originally Posted by Shadow Ravenwolf View Post
Hyperstrike, note the emphasis. At first, the Devs did ignore us. Then only after the original CrapSammich of their new UI was thrust in their faces did they actually start listening to us.
And I will reiterate this point. Simply because features were not implemented at the speed YOU felt they SHOULD be doesn't mean you were not being listened to.

I know, I know. A very fine, nuanced point to try to grasp. So why try?

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
I did read his entire post. So turn off the spigot on the snark there Smurphy.

I disagreed with ONE (singular, uno, solo, one-less-than-two, one-more-than-zero) point in his entire post. Therefore I posted SPECIFICALLY about that one point.

The rest of the post I more or less was in agreement with.

But hey, why let that stop you?
I will not turn off the spigot until you learn to think, read, and post like a rational and intelligent being. Let's review what occurred so I can explicitly and clearly state why I commented "Thanks for reading his entire post" with as much sarcasm, meanness, and sneer I could pour into it via my keyboard and internet connection.

Originally Posted by peterpeter View Post
3. Devs ignore them and come up with their own ideas.
8. People make reasonable and concrete suggestions to make it less bad.
9. The devs implement some of those suggestions (it really was much worse before!)
You responded...
Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Originally Posted by peterpeter View Post
3. Devs ignore them and come up with their own ideas.
Okay, I have reservations about the market interface too.

But this is just BS.

Several of the things you see in the market interface are a DIRECT result of suggestions for improvement that were made during beta. While I'm not a huge fan of the new interface, it's still MUCH improved from what was seen under closed beta.

The devs are NOT ignoring people and they ARE trying to be accommodating with the new interface. Simply because all changes don't materialize instantly doesn't mean they aren't listening.

What you said is EXACTLY what peterpeter said in points 8 and 9. You can't quote one line, ignore a line that contradicts it, and call the person a liar. Here's a similar occurrence:

1) I went to the grocery store and bought a sandwich.
2) Then I remembered I forgot to get eggs and milk.
3) I went to the grocery store and bought eggs and milk.

Your response:
I quote peterpeter: "1) I went to the grocery store and bought a sandwich."
I call BS. I saw you at the grocery store. You bought eggs and milk.



Look Hyperstrike, don't look down your nose and talk down to me with some innuendo of entitlement. I could give a dead pedo's corpse about the speed something is implemented.

You stated that several things were put in the design as a direct result of the community's input and called BS on point 3.

All I did was point out that Point 9 agrees with your statement and the post actually agrees with you if you look at it.

Now get off my back. I'm not attacking you.

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Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
I did this same thing with old interface a few times as well (buying salvage I was trying to sell, listing things for way more than they were worth).

This problem is endemic to interfaces that combine different kinds of data entry fields into the same dialog. Frail humans in a hurry frequently mix up the different input fields.
Please note, this was NOT operator error. I've been using the market for two years. I am very meticulous when entering sell or buy prices. Even so, if what happened to me only occurred once, I would have chalked it up as a mistake on my part. However, the same exact thing happened to me twice in a row. The second time around I made 100% sure I entered everything correctly, in the right fields. I double checked before hitting the Post button. It still sold the wrong item.

The market interface does not work correctly. On top of just being a horrible interface, it still apparently has bugs.



Maybe it’s me...

It has to be me...

It must be me...

despite playing around with the new UI on test and offering up some suggestions it still just takes to dammed long to do anything.

Now I know that the newness of anything takes some time and getting use to, but it just seems that it is not as User friendly as the old UI.

I am not a tech head I am just a long time player who enjoys the game for what it is and all the features that the game offers.

This thing (along with he serious lag issues posted on another thread) just is one big frustration @#% up, (IMHO).

I use to be able to run thru all my market toons do what i had to do and go about my business in about 20 minutes and then go and play the other parts of the game.

Last night while trying to buy/sell/remove/add/search etc for about 30 minutes on one toon I just gave up.

Oh well like I said...

It must be me



I like the new interface the only issue I have with it is that I cannot effectly sort between recipes and enhancements lol

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How can an ebil marketeer not like the fact you can bid on stacks of enhancements now???



I used to dread using the market because it would often crash.

The new UI doesn't crash my game. It took me a bit to work out how things had changed, and I discovered that some things are clunkier to do while others are easier and more convenient. So I don't see a huge improvement in the interface itself. I do like the fact that things are more consistently organized and categorized, but having to switch between tabs to track a single transaction can be annoying. Bids are persistent but quantities aren't, and I find that rather stupid. Either both should be persistent or neither should be. Or we should have options to toggle each. So I'm lukewarm about the new UI in terms of organization and layout.

But the fact that I can open this UI and jump right in without fear of freezing up or crashing trumps everything else. KNOWING that I couldn't afford to use the market while anything was happening since I'd likely freeze up for 10 minutes or crash entirely was really frustrating. No, it was beyond frustrating, it was infuriating at times. The new UI allows me to pop into the market between missions, while on teams, whatever. And for that I'm thankful.



I think I've put in enough time with this UI to tell the difference between "It's new" and "I don't like it." I don't like it.

UI design has always been a weak point of mine, so I don't have any constructive advice of my own, but it needs help.

It is also throwing functional errors, as reported by others. (I _think_ I've seen a functional error in my own usage, but I'm not sure enough to report as bug.)

Hopefully it will be fixed right, and soon.

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Originally Posted by Chaos_String View Post
I do like the fact that things are more consistently organized and categorized, but having to switch between tabs to track a single transaction can be annoying.
I'm not sure why you say this. If you leave the ALL tab selected no tab switching is required. You see everything all the time, though you do have to scroll vertically if you have more items than screen space allows.



Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
I think all seven of these players are quite happy.
This is a bit short sighted of you.

I know 7 people in my SG that would face a 50/50 chance of getting DCed when accessing the market, myself included (when on my laptop). This simple change makes a world of difference and allows me to continue playing rather than having to wait for the game to crash, decide if I need to re-verify, and then start the slow process of re-logging in or just giving up for the night.

So while YOU might not find the change all that great, I can vouch for a handful of people in my little circle that think the opposite.

With that said, the new UI needs some TLC to revise some functions.



Originally Posted by Smurphy View Post

1) I want colors as shown above
2) I want to search within categories/within other searches
3) I want an option to disable persistent bids.
You might want to get this stickied into a new thread along with the other two quoters' suggestions.

I don't want to have 3 years of the new UI before they change it.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



I am on the "hate it" side,sorry but to confusing,to time consuming,to ugly.
I will simply buy whatever recipe I want with my merits now,and all salvage/recipes not wanted will be sold at the store.What a waste of resources

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I never realized before how much my playstyle had changed to incorporate the market...until I17 hit.

Instead of playing more, I have been playing less. First because the market was down for an extended period. Rather than change how I stored/sold things, I just played less. Now, because the whole deal feels..."jumbled". Rather than deal with it, I've been playing less.*

I much prefer the old interface. Typical stop would be to open up the interface, drop a bunch of salvage into the slots. I'd see one pop up with a different color and I'd know it had sold so I'd collect the inf. I'd scroll left to see if any old sales/bids went through. Then I'd be on my way. I could very easily glance at an item and know by color and icon what it was and if it was being bought/sold. Not as much now.

Also, with the different tabs...say you want to pick up a piece of salvage. You bid, and you wait. It fills say, 10 seconds later. Is there any point to not be on the 'All' tab? The 'Bidding' and 'Bought' tabs - and the fact that the salvage will move from one to the other - just add unneeded steps here. Unfortunately, if you DO use the 'All' tab you have to deal with a dozen items in the awful vertical scroll (and the icons for the item are much smaller in the vertical display, yes? Not a fan there, as it makes it harder to identify).

I've also mistakenly put bids on things that I want to sell. This is largely due to my shifting focus though; because the selling/buying numbers aren't in the bottom panel, I will click 'Find' to get the display where they do show up. My attention shifts to that area, then by instinct I go to put in the sale price, but I'm really putting in a bid.

Sticky bid values/quantities have also GOT to go. Or at the very least, bring back the slider for the amount. It may not be perfect, but the slider was at least controllable by the mouse - I could grab it and change it w/o taking my hand off of it. The entry box requires me to target it with the mouse, then find backspace/delete/number keys (for whatever reason, I am programmed to look for backspace/delete with my RIGHT hand, not my left).

* I will note that I just got my widow to 50, and I will sometimes have a little lull before latching on to a new character, so there may be a little of that but the market is a larger reason

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Originally Posted by gec72 View Post
I've also mistakenly put bids on things that I want to sell.
I did that a couple times last night. Took me a while to figure out why my items weren't selling.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



I am going for Field Crafter and I have had absolutely no problems with the interface. The alphabetical order on everything is fantastic.
Once you get used to opening the appropriate tabs there are no more mistaken sell or buy bids.
The best thing is it now loads real fast.

My only gripe is all the memorisation tabs are automatically expanded but that has nothing to do with the new interface.