Hating the new market interface so far...




Originally Posted by Mandur12 View Post
(the good news is that lag seems to be getting cleaned up slowly, so hopefully that ceases to be a cause eventually)
That depends on why the lag was there and why it is decreasing. It may not mean the interface is working better it might mean it is simply working less which would crash and burn if usage increases.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
I am pretty sure that is standard operating procedure for a certain type of inTeRnet pOsting LoLer that many have lumped him under the category of.

Doesnt mean I shouldnt point it out....someone reading the last page may think this is the totality of the counter-argument....

I for one think most complaints fall under "just get used to it and itll be fine" but being that disingenuous is not the way to get ones point across.

Oh and make the market interface keyboard-manipulatable....k? Theres a point to "Tab" that does not involve a poor tasting soda



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
There's really no point in discussing/debating anything with him. You're wasting your time. You'd have better luck teaching a rock to fly while singing.
Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking. I blame the new market UI for my lapse in judgement. Won't happen again.

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Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking. I blame the new market UI for my lapse in judgement. Won't happen again.
Damn that new UI!

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Frogfather View Post

There are far more legitimate complaints about the interface in this thread...you just cherry picked the nonsensical ones.....good job
I just picked the first ones off the first page of this thread. So far on this thread the complaints have broken down into

1. Legitimate complaints about things that were not working as intended.
2. Whining complaints
3. Complaints where the user has either failed to learn how the new interface works or doesn't care to change their habits.
4. A very small number of legitimate complaints.

That very small number of legitimate complaints about the current interface is vastly outweighed by the number of problems with the old interface. As a personal note I always thought the old interface was designed by fischer price.

On the subject of 3 I have actually gone out of my way to show people how to better use it. Really quite a thankless endeavor in a thread filled with people that mostly want to b**** and moan.

Originally Posted by Mandur12 View Post
Generally that's a good thing, sure. But consistency shouldn't regress usability. You fit the tool to the job, not the job to the tool.
I actually find I can get more done in less time with this interface than the old one. Thanks to the new interface and global email I actually have the marketing activities of my 100 and some odd characters well coordinated for the first time. The fact you can resize the interface to make best use of the screen is an incredible plus to usability that just can't be overstated.

Those people didn't come in droves to the forums to complain about it. So while "never" is probably too strong a word, "significantly less" could be an understatement. (the good news is that lag seems to be getting cleaned up slowly, so hopefully that ceases to be a cause eventually)
There was a consistent drone of it with the old interface. I don't know if the threads still exist but there was always something going on how to terminate a bid so you didn't actually make a mistake. Once a week give or take there would be the look at what this went for thread etc. The new interface is producing a spike of complaints from people that are in the process of adapting

Drilling down using the tree was the slow way to navigate the market. I only used the tree in the old interface when I was researching potential niches, which was like once a month maybe. Otherwise there were faster ways to get where you want if you knew what you were looking for. Not everyone uses the market in the same manner. The new interface makes some methods more cumbersome than they used to be (I'm looking at you Mr. Click-on-the-Recipe-Filter-and-it-Fills-the-Search-String-With-"Recipe" function), and the alternative methods to navigate are still not as fast as the old way.
This is without a doubt so. Any user interface will have advantages and disadvantages.

Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking. I blame the new market UI for my lapse in judgement. Won't happen again.
Good to see you had something of substance in your reply.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post

I've gotten VERY used to "put recipe in market/find/find salvage", though.
if that were the only change they'd made in the market I would be singing the praises of the new interface from the rooftops.

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I came back to the game after a stint elsewhere, not knowing that the market interface had been redesigned. I personally don't see what the fuss is about, but I could have missed the bugs that came along with the release. I did have one issue where I listed salvage for much more than I meant, but on the whole, I don't mind the redesign. As long as I can still move my wares, life is good.



This is absurd.

I can't even use the market casually now. I am routinely running into a situation where I can't post anything.

And judging by shrinking supplies, I'm guessing I'm not the only one experiencing this.

This thing needs to burn in fire.

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The only serious complaint I have is that it sometimes takes 20 or MORE attempts to register a bid or list something. No wonder there's little salvage on the market- who wants to spend 20 minutes trying to list anything but rares? Due to the atrocious and inexcusable market system (the part having zero to do with the AI) I spend almost as much time listing and placing bids as I do running missions. :P

Get the system running at an acceptable level of performance, and a lot of the UI frustration would be forgiven. I can't see how NCNC expects to handle any more traffic when GR hits, if they can't handle the player and market traffic they have now. A large part of the money spent on GR will be wasted if people log in and have skating mobs, and can't list or bid on the market after entering the numbers in a dozen times.



When I see someone having such severe problems with the market, I really have to wonder if it's something at their end or in the connection between them and the servers. I have NEVER had that kind of problem and I marketeer heavily.

Could it be a local problem? Maybe the market interface acts differently if you're in a consignment house that's really crowded?

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After using the new market for a couple of weeks, I'm pretty cool with it. Only thing I can complain about is how the market will sometimes select one of my already stored items when I store something new in the market.




Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
When I see someone having such severe problems with the market, I really have to wonder if it's something at their end or in the connection between them and the servers. I have NEVER had that kind of problem and I marketeer heavily.

Could it be a local problem? Maybe the market interface acts differently if you're in a consignment house that's really crowded?
Just Virtue for me but even in an empty market. It was much better the last few days though.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



OK, I haven't read through all the previous posts, but has anytbody experienced this flat out bug: (I've now had it twice, the first time I assumed I'd made a mistake and didn't petition, the second I was sure it wasn't me and got the cash back).

You have a stack of 10 salvage in storage amongst a load of other things.

You move an enhancement you want to sell into storage.

You put the cursor to the price box of the enhancement you want to sell.

You type 7,999,999, the numbers come up, you hit enter.

The "large listing fee" dialog box comes up with the correct 5% amount of the price you're listing for (399,999).

You accept the listing fee, and find that you've spent 4M and it's listed the stack of salvage at 8M each.

Had you actually tried to list the salvage, it would have multiplied the listing fee shown in the dialog box by the number of salvage in the stack, so you clearly were not typing in the wrong box as it showed 399,999 in the large listing fee box not 10x that.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Yes, it's a "known issue" among players, but we have no specific acknowledgement of it from the devs. (GMs are working petitions on it, and seem to be familiar with the issue.)

Always disable the new warning prompts without performing a transaction. Click the "don't tell me again" radio and use the "No" button to abort the transaction that gave you the prompt. Then re-execute what you were doing, which should now go through with no prompt. Since I have taken to doing this, this bug has never again bitten me.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



OK, a request:

If anybody gets the bug I described 2 posts back, can you report exactly what you did please.

I've been talking to Avatea, and QA haven't managed to replicate it yet.

As far as I remember I had a stack of salvage in my top BM slot.

A mixture of other stuff in the next few slots, and tried to list an expensive (so as to trigger the "large listing fee" dialog box) in my last slot. When the dialog box appeared, I clicked the hide dialog box button and accepted the listing, at which point it listed the salvage instead.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
A mixture of other stuff in the next few slots, and tried to list an expensive (so as to trigger the "large listing fee" dialog box) in my last slot. When the dialog box appeared, I clicked the hide dialog box button and accepted the listing, at which point it listed the salvage instead.
To the best of my knowledge, since I wasn't specifically tracking the bug when it happened, that matches what I was doing.

I was also told by a GM that my hair-brained notion that it might be related to the prompts was consistent with what he saw in the logs when working people's tickets on sales gone wrong. I have no way to know exactly what he meant he was seeing, however.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA