Hating the new market interface so far...




Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
It was just as tedious when it happened with the old interface. Not quite beyond belief perhaps, but quite tedious. Fortunately the benefits of the new interface vastly makes up for this occasional lag-caused tedium that has nothing to do with the interface itself.
Nope, It's far, far worse than it was on the old one. I suspect the new interface is causing greater load on the Market Server for whatever reason. Previously it was intermittent. Now it's basically on everything I (try) and do.

There's also incredibly stupid and frustrating things with the interface itself, like field tabbing not working at all. If you're required to use a keyboard to enter a figure then you should expect something simple like that to be allowed for also. They also didn't allow for auto-focusing into fields. So for example if I place a Salvage Stack into the MI I've to use the keyboard to specify the quantity. When I hit return then I've to go back to using the mouse to put text focus into that price field before I can type a price. These are beginner mistakes in terms of workflow and all add up to a frustrating experience for an end user (I do this stuff for a living so I know personally how important tiny things like this can be in terms of making a store interface "flow" well).

I cannot see any way of re-minimising an expanded Recipe or Salvage one, which coupled with the vertical listings is really annoying.

Some concepts are nice on it though, the "Find" and "Find all Salvage" links are excellent and total godsends.

* Pity the workflow is still so clunky and the Server seems unable to cope with the workload the new MI seems to be causing it (and I admit I'm making an educated guess based on my observations on that one).



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
It was just as tedious when it happened with the old interface. Not quite beyond belief perhaps, but quite tedious. Fortunately the benefits of the new interface vastly makes up for this occasional lag-caused tedium that has nothing to do with the interface itself.
I never lost millions of inf due to lag with the old interface...



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
I haven't lost millions of inf due to lag with the new interface.

Man, anecdotal "evidence" really is pointless.
Would you like a screenshot of my multiple support tickets where they refunded my lost inf? Because, you know, the fact that the CSRs could find what happened in the logs just a wee more reliable than "anecdotal".

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I'll leave it to other readers to decide what's more likely - that everyone here who's disagreeing with you is actually a moron who can't achieve that same basic level of wit, or your arguments are specious.

The autocomplete behavior forces the market user to seek ease through shortcuts such as those you suggest, whether it's desirable for them or compatible with their market strategy. You've stated that you don't care enough about the actual prices for that to matter to you, and therefore you find the mixture of that with the actual improvements in the new interface fantastic. Bully for you. The interface shouldn't force the rest of us to bid/list like you do.
If you want to call the people posting here morons, that is your prerogative. I wouldn't call people that insist what they like to do is easy and anyone who can't do it is lazy, has a sense of entitlement but when there is slight bit of change go on a whinefest of epic proportions, morons.

Then again I wouldn't claim victory because I told a bunch of people that are clearly whining about something that their whining was justified and they agreed.

As to your claims about the onerous nature of autocomplete, well i ran some missions this morning, received a doctored wounds, efficacy adapter and enfeebled operations recipes. Managed to buy the salvage I needed without having to search for it, crafted them, and then listed. Effort to list, changing one digit between items.

If you can't learn to edit within a field you may just have lost the game at least when it comes to evolution.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
If you want to call the people posting here morons, that is your prerogative. I wouldn't call people that insist what they like to do is easy and anyone who can't do it is lazy, has a sense of entitlement but when there is slight bit of change go on a whinefest of epic proportions, morons.

Then again I wouldn't claim victory because I told a bunch of people that are clearly whining about something that their whining was justified and they agreed.

As to your claims about the onerous nature of autocomplete, well i ran some missions this morning, received a doctored wounds, efficacy adapter and enfeebled operations recipes. Managed to buy the salvage I needed without having to search for it, crafted them, and then listed. Effort to list, changing one digit between items.

If you can't learn to edit within a field you may just have lost the game at least when it comes to evolution.
As usual, you've lost the entire point of things. Just because something is doable in a roundabout fashion does not make it good, especially if there are demonstrably more efficient ways to do it. Those are your 'whiners' and 'morons'.

Your need to be right has led you down a path in which you feel that you have to prove yourself superior even to the point of making ridiculous claims.

The entire point of software is to make things easier for people to accomplish tasks, so trying to force people into a workflow that probably less than 1% of the users are working with is a pretty poor idea. That's just fundamental software design theory. Everything that you suggest flies in the face of it.



look, how about we all just agree to collectively put AF on ignore?

it's reaching the point where I'm tempted to ignore the people who keep feeding him with replies just to avoid accidental exposure to the bad faith, intentionally obtuse and provocative balderdash he posts.

Go yell at the wall if you're desperate for a futile activity to fill your afternoon, it'll make as much difference as engaging AF in "debate".

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
look, how about we all just agree to collectively put AF on ignore?

it's reaching the point where I'm tempted to ignore the people who keep feeding him with replies just to avoid accidental exposure to the bad faith, intentionally obtuse and provocative balderdash he posts.

Go yell at the wall if you're desperate for a futile activity to fill your afternoon, it'll make as much difference as engaging AF in "debate".
Heh, second hand exposure can be fatal.

Sometimes yelling at a wall is cathartic. =D

Part of your voyeuristic nature makes you come into this thread knowing what you're going to find anyhow. >.>



Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
As usual, you've lost the entire point of things. Just because something is doable in a roundabout fashion does not make it good, especially if there are demonstrably more efficient ways to do it. Those are your 'whiners' and 'morons'.

Your need to be right has led you down a path in which you feel that you have to prove yourself superior even to the point of making ridiculous claims.

The entire point of software is to make things easier for people to accomplish tasks, so trying to force people into a workflow that probably less than 1% of the users are working with is a pretty poor idea. That's just fundamental software design theory. Everything that you suggest flies in the face of it.
Actually I just call them hypocrites and that is to the very small intersection of people who posted in the how easy is to make inf thread and then whined about how horrible it is to use the new interface. Uber guy asserted that people who weren't able to pick up simple functionality in a video game were mentally deficient. At the time he was talking about something he felt he was good at, and for some reason or other isn't amenable to the same argument for things he isn't good at.

The entire point of software is to make things easier for people to accomplish tasks,
Well its made it easier for me. I know many people in the game and the only complaints I heard about the new market were when it was down, about lag issues, and the occasional where did this get moved to.

I don't know where you get 1% from or how you got it.

I do know this its measurably easier to craft and sell ios now than it used to be.



Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post

Part of your voyeuristic nature makes you come into this thread knowing what you're going to find anyhow. >.>
I'm not strong enough to stop myself so I want y'all to do it for me!


The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
The entire point of software is to make things easier for people to accomplish tasks
User requests are what computers are for!



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
Okay, I didn't mean to say that it didn't happen. Just that you can talk all about how badly it works for you and I can talk about how great it works for me, but what good does that do?
Well if there are 2 of you and 30 of us it might indicate more problems created than solved.

Frankly I am not sure some of the differences of opinions can be solved but some of the non-optional options (like autofilling the price) are beyond stupid.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
Well if there are 2 of you and 30 of us it might indicate more problems created than solved.

Frankly I am not sure some of the differences of opinions can be solved but some of the non-optional options (like autofilling the price) are beyond stupid.

But people dont post to say "Everything is fine, nothing to see here.".....so one sides position is just as nebulous on that ground as the first. Personally Ive adjusted to the interface. But I would love for it to be entirely manipulatable with the keyboard....is that too much to ask?




Originally Posted by Frogfather View Post
But people dont post to say "Everything is fine, nothing to see here.".....so one sides position is just as nebulous on that ground as the first. Personally Ive adjusted to the interface. But I would love for it to be entirely manipulatable with the keyboard....is that too much to ask?

By that logic, where was the massive outcry to make this UI we were given? People were posting about the lag and disconnects which were caused by pre-loading the market.

I don't accept one side is as nebulous as the other. One side might be fine with it but the objecting side are posting very specific complaints about this thing. You mention an improvement to the UI (entirely manipulatable with the keyboard). People here are mentioning problems with the new UI. That's not the same as like/dislike.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
By that logic, where was the massive outcry to make this UI we were given? People were posting about the lag and disconnects which were caused by pre-loading the market.

I don't accept one side is as nebulous as the other. One side might be fine with it but the objecting side are posting very specific complaints about this thing. You mention an improvement to the UI (entirely manipulatable with the keyboard). People here are mentioning problems with the new UI. That's not the same as like/dislike.
And they are bringing back the Mystic Fortune accept prompt due to a great hue and cry from the players. Meanwhile in the markets...

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
By that logic, where was the massive outcry to make this UI we were given? People were posting about the lag and disconnects which were caused by pre-loading the market.

I don't accept one side is as nebulous as the other. One side might be fine with it but the objecting side are posting very specific complaints about this thing. You mention an improvement to the UI (entirely manipulatable with the keyboard). People here are mentioning problems with the new UI. That's not the same as like/dislike.

Dont mistake me...Im not a fan of the market, Ive adapted but Im not a supporter.

Paraphrasing your statement, if 30 people dislike and 2 people like then clearly the market is a big ball of poo is just not logical. The people that like it arent going to post to tell you so...its human nature. Im neither arguing against you or agreeing with you...

This makes me think of the old news channel polls run on ABC in California where people would call in about a topic and there would always be 2% Undecided no matter what the discussion was. Somewhere someone felt their undecided opinion was so important they had to call in and let the pollster know.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Dear Market Interface,
*Please stop making my actions disappear and needing to be redone 3 or 4 times before they "stick". It's tedious beyond belief watching a bit of Salvage I've bought disappear from the Market Interface but fail to appear in my Salvage and then pop back into the MI 20 seconds later. Makes trying to buy and build a few common a frustation I'd rather not bother with. Taken with all the other crap you pull on me it just makes purchasing anything so frustrating.
I could not agree with you more. I can deal with the fact that clicking on the field titles on the left no longer actually restricts my search to that category. I can deal with having to constantly uncheck Autocomplete, and with automatically filled in bid fields, and with the items I bid on dropping to the bottom of the new vertical layout, and with the fields that pop open when you click them but can't be toggled closed again. But the having to repeat the same action over and over and over again until it 'takes' is what makes me want to put my fist through the screen. And it happens constantly. When I post something, when I try to get something, pretty much every time I try to interact with an object in the market.

This is the one thing that is most likely to make me stop engaging in parts of the game that I have come to greatly enjoy, the marketing and crafting. For the first time, last night, I started thinking about giving up on my plans to IO out one of my main characters, give up on the rest of his crafting badges, and just go with vendoring and SOs. And yes, I realize that's no great tragedy, even within the context of the game; he'll do just fine with SOs. And it may not happen anyway; perhaps upcoming patches will clear this problem up. I'm simply expressing my frustration that this part of the game that was once so enjoyable to me, personally, has now become something distinctly not fun.

And also, if anybody reading this is one of the people whose game used to crash when they opened the market window, I truly am glad that that issue is now resolved for you (or so I hear). I suppose I just wish that problem could have been resolved without introducing so many new ones.



Consistent biddings is obnoxious (the same you bid on the last items stays in the field for the next)

I can't deal with the fact that I can't search for ONLY recipes.

Horizontal listing of items was LEAGUES better than this.

Repeating actions is an old issue but still sucks.

I'm too frequent a market user to be happy with this, it's a rather unattractive jumble of things "trying" to be good, which they can be. But this needs fixing.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
And they are bringing back the Mystic Fortune accept prompt due to a great hue and cry from the players.
Ugh. Are you kidding me? I missed that.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Ugh. Are you kidding me? I missed that.
I wouldn't joke about that.

There's a thread in the General forum of people complaining about it now celebrating the change back and with the other side of people regretting the change back.

Perhaps we need to move our market UI complaint to that forum instead of this ignored backwater seedy underbelly of a forum?

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



I've made my peace with the new UI. I've gotten used to its quirks and I'm having fun playing with the market again.

Soon enough I will have more billionaires. Muhahaha, etc.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
I wouldn't joke about that.

There's a thread in the General forum of people complaining about it now celebrating the change back and with the other side of people regretting the change back.

Perhaps we need to move our market UI complaint to that forum instead of this ignored backwater seedy underbelly of a forum?
I was thinking about sending the devs huge thank you notes, certificates of awesome, and other things for fixing TF difficulty.

Then they made it so my AE works in moronic ways with allies rendering my contest pointless and unfun...
Then they "upgraded" the market so I can no longer search for recipes, no longer can get an at a glance reading of how everything is doing, have to turn off prompts everytime I log into a character, and have to go slowly because their new system auto-fills in fields with numbers I don't type there.
Now they are placing pop ups on my screen that they spent time removing.

What's next? Clippy?



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
I wouldn't joke about that.

There's a thread in the General forum of people complaining about it now celebrating the change back and with the other side of people regretting the change back.

Perhaps we need to move our market UI complaint to that forum instead of this ignored backwater seedy underbelly of a forum?
The biggest thing I've heard from those in favor of getting the prompt back is "I don't like getting randomly buffed," but the operative word there is buffed. With the exception of one, none of the fortune powers come with any debuff, and even then it's a tiny 3% tohit debuff, which is easily countered unless you didn't slot for acc or something silly. As for the people who say "I don't like drive-by buffs anyways, this is no different," well... I'll never understand that.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
The biggest thing I've heard from those in favor of getting the prompt back is "I don't like getting randomly buffed," but the operative word there is buffed. With the exception of one, none of the fortune powers come with any debuff, and even then it's a tiny 3% tohit debuff, which is easily countered unless you didn't slot for acc or something silly. As for the people who say "I don't like drive-by buffs anyways, this is no different," well... I'll never understand that.
I always wanted to defeat my teammate with [Death]. I guess I better get on it before it's too late.