Hating the new market interface so far...




I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one that hates the new market. IMO the new interface is clunky and harder to use.I would have been happy with the old one with a few QOL changes.

1. Not loading all items in existence when loading up the market.
2. Repeat bid option on repeat items.
3. A consolidated salvage needs list for my recipe inventory.

Active 50's
Darklocked (dm/sd Brute)
Wardman (Fire/sd Scrapper)
Congealer (ice/cold Corruptor)
Peroxisome (mind/psi Dominator)
Evil Thing (Fire/Kin Corruptor)

Proud Member of Repeat-Offenders



When I did testing of the new UI, I really hated it. The foremost issue is that it is just ugly. I asked if we could keep the original UI as "basic mode" and the new UI as "advanced." The new UI is just not intuitive, and even fewer people are going to take place in the market because of it.

I am not an ebil marketeer, but I do use the market quite a bit -- this new UI makes me dread it and want to have nothing to do with it.

To be constructive:

Please get rid of the vertical display; that is, put items back in horizontal columns -- please!
Get rid of remembering the last bid. People can just paste in amounts from their clipboards if they need that feature. If it has to stay, please provide a way for those of us that hate it to opt out of it.

I am really trying to approach this with an open mind, but I really wish they had not changed the market interface.



I like it, but then I'm still using Vista, so what do I know. I think it probably suffers the same stigma as Vista; The interface is ultimately easier to use, but the playerbase was so used to the old system that this new one feels needlessly complicated.

That and the crashing for a week after launch, and trying to mate with itself, I'd say it's very much like Vista.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Keep an eye out. The market interface pretty distinctly screwed me this evening. I listed something (an IO) for sale for 14M and change. It informed me (as it insists on doing after every time I zone) that this would cost me 700k and change. I accepted. It then informed me that I had been charged 7M and change. When I looked, it had listed a stack of 10 Rune salvage for 14M apiece. That stack of salvage was at least 4 rows up in my market storage list from what I was selling.

I both bugged and petitioned this. I'm not hugely upset about losing 7M inf, but I am incredibly worried that it will do this again on something much worse, or sell something that I did not want to sell. I had a purple drop I got tonight stored in the market at the time this happened. I would have been really fracking pissed to have listed it for 14M.
I feel your pain, because I had something similar happen to me that did result in selling a purple recipe I had stored at WW. I was selling off some inspirations at 3000 per and the screen did its little jump around routine along with auto populate the last bid (dumbest thing ever!) and poof, listed a purple for 3000.

the good news is that I was debating selling it any way as it wasn't a purple I needed, from the stun set, and you do get the high bidder amount, not what you listed it for. so I did get the current market price of around 25 million.

but still disliking the market a lot. between the lag; the way it jumps things around between tabs and resets which item you are actually focused on; and the auto populating using your last bid amount, just disaster waiting to happen.



Things I like about the new interface:

Recipe and enhancement categories are alphabetized. No more scrolling through looking for say, Defense, which is near the top of Recipes and in the middle of enhancements, and trying to get around other such seemingly random bits of "organization."

The fact that crafted set IOs can be further sorted.

Things I hate:

That persistent last bid.

Those recurring warnings about "large listing fees."

The vertical display. Also, that window keeps shrinking itself.

The opacity of the right-hand displays. I keep my recipe window on the right hand side; with the old market I could see through the interface and see what salvage I needed, with the new one I can't. The inability to shrink the recipe window doesn't help.

It's fugly.

The alphabetization of salvage in the left-hand list. I liked the old style, where it was sorted by type, rarity and level. It was quicker to find the piece I wanted.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
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Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
As far as I am concerned, the new market interface is pretty much a complete failure. It takes more work to do basic & simple stuff than the old interface. Biggest irritant is that apparently we can no longer search by categories of items. This one is driving me crazy. If I click on Recipes, all it does is fill the Search window with the word Recipes. I can't narrow the search at that point. If I type anything in, it just replaces the word Recipes and then searches every damn item in the database.

Terrible design. It's not simple. It's not intuitive. It's not easy to grasp. It will cause new players to avoid the market, in my opinion.
I don't think it will discriminate against the new players. I think it will cause old players to avoid it too.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
The only REAL problem I'm having with the market thus far is the bid persistence. Combined with the lag from the market it's going to start costing people. Bigtime.

With the previous interface, you could enter numerous bids quite quickly and set up a number of sales just as quickly.

Now it's more like Enter sale price SELL Next Item waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait Alter price if needed SELL Next Item waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait...

In short, it's aggravating as #@*&!
Nethergoat used to say the market interface was intended as a time sink. I believe it now.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Fusion_7 View Post
There is one thing I do like so far though that has save me a ton of time. Normally before I place an item to sell, I will usually want to see what kind of bids that current item is getting at the market so I kind of know where to set my selling price. With the "find" feature, it immediately takes you to that item without having to search for it again. This is very nice.
I sorta like that feature too, but I fail to see how it's much of an improvement over just looking at the last five pricing. I mean, if you want to find the same item (same level) in the market to place further bids, that's great, but if you just wanted to know what the last 5 sales went for, you could always do that in the old interface.

BTW, this is sort of a shortcut I've found for myself--if I want to buy more copies of a hard-to-find recipe, and *I happen to have the exactly recipe in my inventory*, I just drag it into the interface and hit "Find". No, that doesn't happen a lot.

Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I like it, but then I'm still using Vista, so what do I know. I think it probably suffers the same stigma as Vista; The interface is ultimately easier to use, but the playerbase was so used to the old system that this new one feels needlessly complicated.
Well, that's one person so far, anyway.

I tried to make it clear in my OP that I really don't think this is any sort of learning curve issue. I've spent many years designing database front ends for Windows, mostly for SPC software. I have a good feel of how things should work ergonomically, and what doesn't; what's intuitive and what's not (tab-shifting focus). I'm also a stickler for efficiency and smooth work flow (love those keyboard shortcuts). I really think the current new interface is clunky and full of bad implementation regardless of how good we get at manipulating it. I imagine many of us will get quite familiar w/the quirks and figure out all the shortcuts, but I still think I'll prefer the old interface, and by quite a bit.

Best solution? Just give us the ability to toggle bet. the old & new. It's just the front end to access the market database--I can't imagine it'd be all that hard to implement. Kinda like giving XP users the "Classic" look option. Please?

Oh, one last suggestion: make the mousescroll useful. Maybe it's just my mouse or drivers, but the amount of movement when I scroll my mousewheel is so tiny that I never use it to scroll down the various lists. This alone would make sorting through the various screens a lot easier. Again, this could just be me.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Since this new system went into affect i find myself selling more things at the store and hording or making other things n saving them in bins.

I know i cant do this forver but i simply do not like and want to avoid this new system as much as possible, i used to seel all my salvage no matter the type for $7.00 i figured i was helping the economy by keeping things low and items flowing.

Now ill sell at a store before i get eye_ache from this mess. Im all for improvements but this sytem was on test im assmuing, didnt anyone say or try to talk them out of going live with it.

Not 1 SG memeber ive spoke to on 3 servers likes it. Sad because i know they wont admit it a mistake and roll it back



Well, you can put me down for hating it too.....
Instead of simply cleaning it up and simplifying it they've managed to muddy it up and complicate some of the simpler things. Im not a fan of this new market.

Doing my marketing takes longer now for obvious reasons. Im still getting used to it. But i dont see myself ever preferring this over the previous rendition.

Classic option please?!?

Note to the designing dev:
Not better, try harder, here's a do over card....and.....don't waste it this time.......



I think the new market UI sucks as well. But that is mostly due to unfamiliarity. I am sure that I will get used to it in time. As far as the player who payed 1.5 billion for common salvage. LOLOLOLOLOLOLROTFLMFAO! No sympathy. Just pay attention to what you are doing.




I had no problem with the old Market UI and am very disappointed we're forced to use this new UI without an option to go for Classic Mode, in this game that is all about customisation.



Signed for not liking it/wanting a "classic" option.

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I like it, but then I'm still using Vista, so what do I know. I think it probably suffers the same stigma as Vista; The interface is ultimately easier to use, but the playerbase was so used to the old system that this new one feels needlessly complicated.

That and the crashing for a week after launch, and trying to mate with itself, I'd say it's very much like Vista.
well I would J/K and say your only taste you might have is in your mouth and its gone bad too. Vista .. Eeewww Joking aside ...

I use some of the other MMO interfaces and the old one was better. Time it takes to use the auto search with complete takes longer to do (3 clicks vs thje old 1 click)

sorry the slate gray makes it look like it is not finished.

tab sorting your slots is nice, but I would rather they be listed the old way, you can see more than 1 item at a time.

Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643

Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.



I too am not liking the new interface.

One question I have is, was there really a large clamoring for changing the interface in the first place? Why the change? Was it necessary for GR?

I thought the outcry was for stuff like dealing with the lack of items redside, the high prices, and for merging the markets.

I really don't remember many saying that the interface outright needed a re-do, but then again I'm getting older.

*scratches head in confusion about the need for a change*

EDIT: With that said it's not 100% unusable. It just needs work.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



There were calls to fix the interface, like its loading everything upon opening. There were requests to make it possible to setup pre-set bids or bid across levels, things like that.

But I don't recall anyone was requesting what it is now.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
There were calls to fix the interface, like its loading everything upon opening. There were requests to make it possible to setup pre-set bids or bid across levels, things like that.

But I don't recall anyone was requesting what it is now.
No, I specifically requested not to be able to search for any PBAoE recipe that has End Red in it. Being able to do things like that were unfair to the players who put the time into clicking their way through the list of enhancements. I'm glad to see the searchers get what was coming to them.



Well, the new 'improved' interface has now cost me inf. I just lost a 600K listing fee because of the wrong item being posted. Had two recipes sitting stored on the market. Crafted and dropped an enhancement onto the market for sale. Entered a listing price of 12 million for the enhancement, hit the Post button, and watched one of my recipes get posted for 12 million instead of the enhancement. Had to pull it right back down and eat the listing fee...



Originally Posted by Myriad View Post
If I had the option to switch back to the old UI I would do it without second thought
Me too.

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Originally Posted by Chriffer View Post
No, I specifically requested not to be able to search for any PBAoE recipe that has End Red in it. Being able to do things like that were unfair to the players who put the time into clicking their way through the list of enhancements. I'm glad to see the searchers get what was coming to them.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Well, the new 'improved' interface has now cost me inf. I just lost a 600K listing fee because of the wrong item being posted. Had two recipes sitting stored on the market. Crafted and dropped an enhancement onto the market for sale. Entered a listing price of 12 million for the enhancement, hit the Post button, and watched one of my recipes get posted for 12 million instead of the enhancement. Had to pull it right back down and eat the listing fee...
GAHHHHHHH! I felt the pain as I read that.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



i agree with the OP. Do not like the new UI at all....

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."



Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
I expected an adjustment period, but the simple fact that I can't seem to sort by recipe/enhancement/salvage *while doing a search* is killing me. Maybe there's a way to do this and I'm being blind, but I would think the intuitive method would be to click down on, say, Recipe, then start typing. The result of the searches should only be for recipes of whatever I type in. But when I click on Recipe, the word Recipe pops in the search window, and any subsequent search is always a global one.
Oh, so glad to learn it's not just me. Ran into that last night. I realized I had accidentally bid on several enhancements when I was sure I had selected "Recipes" then typed in my search parameters. Granted it wouldn't have been any great tragedy, had they filled, but still ... let's just say, it came as a surprise.

Originally Posted by Enots View Post
A consolidated salvage needs list for my recipe inventory.
Love that idea ( so long as memorized recipes were excluded ).

- Crystal



I'm mixed on the UI so far.

It IS bf-ugly in terms of looks - yuck...

I am liking that they finally got recipes and items sorted consistently (hated
that about the old one).

I like the tabbing layout as well (in spite of the ugly looks)

I like the additional items that you can buy in stacks now.

I dislike the way they show market slots - I liked the at-a-glance horizontal
slots of the old layout much better than the vertical one.

I also dislike that I can't close the data box for a particular item once opened
(except by opening up a different one), and I don't like that the UI doesn't
seem to remember sizings and settings from visit to vist...

I too, dislike the persistent bid values - that IS going to bite people on a fairly
frequent basis, I'd bet.

I'd have thought that they'd separate out Common IO's (and their recipes) as a
separate tab as well... They went to all that trouble for salvage categories,
so, Go Figure...

For me, it's still too early to hate it, but I can definitely tell that I'm not jazzed
over it either...


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.