Hating the new market interface so far...




Okay, I had another response up here and took it down because it was not constructive.

Let me try to reiterate the point I initially was trying (and apparently failed to an nth degree) to make.

My initial response was not to the later points that the devs "eventually" listen to people. My use of the fact that they were listening during the changes made in beta was merely a highlight that that the devs were listening all along. Whether you feel they were or not.

My original point was disagreement with the conceit that they put together the initial interface in a vacuum of player input.

Interface design is a a VERY involuted process. Initial iterations are pretty universally craptastic. Even with direct input from end users.


1: Implementing features isn't always straightforward. Even with well written dissertations on what is desired.

2: Some of the things desired aren't always spelled out or neatly and exactingly defined.

3: Sometimes people change their minds about certain things.

"I want feature A".
"Here ya go."
"God! That sucks AND is useless! Maybe what I REALLY wanted was A+Tweakage, or maybe B."

4: Coming up with an initial interface is a piece of cake. Tweaking it into something the users actually want to use is where all the screaming, and beating of heads against walls comes in.

5: Until you actually get it into the hands of end users to play with, you can't get real, cogent feedback, nor do they have the facilities available to them to provide it.

In the initial interface I saw in closed beta, I saw conscious attempts to rectify things that people had been griping about in the original market UI and deliver things that had been talked about.

Yeah, the initial results were horrific and needed serious work (and in some cases still do). But I'll be damned if you're going to tell me the devs just pulled it all out of their *** with no user input.

I apologize if you thought (or still think) I was saying something else. I'm not always as verbally precise in my rhetoric as I should be and shouldn't take it out on you when you misunderstand.

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Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
I did that a couple times last night. Took me a while to figure out why my items weren't selling.
I've done so too. Of course, I did that several times in the old interface too.

As much as it galls me, the admonishment to slow down does have SOME merit.

But you you tell anyone I said this, I'll deny it!

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A few people have already touched on this point, but I thought I'd echo it. I was frankenslotting some of my toons last night when the thought popped up momentarily that the market interface was a PitA to the point where it's almost not worth the effort. Think about that for a second.

It's always an effort to IO up your toon vs. just buying SOs or whatever, and I've always thought this was the biggest barrier to entry player base that simply ignores IOs in general (and let's face it, there are a LOT of 50s out there that don't have a single IO bonus in their power window). Those of us that know & care about the wonders of IOs (whether to frankenslot or go for bonuses) know full well it's worth the effort to craft recipes, buy & sell, earn through drops, etc and get our toons powered well beyond mere SO level.

Now, if crafting veterans look at the new interface as being (almost) not worth the effort, how the hell are new players going to approach it? Again, I do not think the current interface problems are lrn2play (lrn2use) in nature, but more of ergonomics and poor design. What about those "casual" players that barely used the old market? Are they going to want to learn a whole new system or are they going to just chuck it all?

As for marketeering, I'm just glad I'm well & retired w/my fat nest egg full of Fulms. There's no way I'd try to make money off of this system now. I realize this is a point of celebration to many who hate ebil. Your day may have finally arrived, but at what cost?

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
A few people have already touched on this point, but I thought I'd echo it. I was frankenslotting some of my toons last night when the thought popped up momentarily that the market interface was a PitA to the point where it's almost not worth the effort. Think about that for a second.

It's always an effort to IO up your toon vs. just buying SOs or whatever, and I've always thought this was the biggest barrier to entry player base that simply ignores IOs in general (and let's face it, there are a LOT of 50s out there that don't have a single IO bonus in their power window). Those of us that know & care about the wonders of IOs (whether to frankenslot or go for bonuses) know full well it's worth the effort to craft recipes, buy & sell, earn through drops, etc and get our toons powered well beyond mere SO level.

Now, if crafting veterans look at the new interface as being (almost) not worth the effort, how the hell are new players going to approach it? Again, I do not think the current interface problems are lrn2play (lrn2use) in nature, but more of ergonomics and poor design. What about those "casual" players that barely used the old market? Are they going to want to learn a whole new system or are they going to just chuck it all?

As for marketeering, I'm just glad I'm well & retired w/my fat nest egg full of Fulms. There's no way I'd try to make money off of this system now. I realize this is a point of celebration to many who hate ebil. Your day may have finally arrived, but at what cost?
I nearly feel the same way about not using the markets but I am hopeful they are going to address some of the UI problems soon. The longer the issues persist the danger of less market usage grows.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Smurphy View Post
I miss the color coding: A grey item meant it was stored. Green meant an outstanding bid. Bright green meant bought. Blue meant an item was posted for sale. Bright blue meant sold.

Sure, there are tabs that sort stuff but I like to be able to take it all in at a glance. I want to use the All tab to see how everything on my character is doing. Using the various tabs doesn't let me simultaneously monitor how multiple bids, stores, and sales are doing.
This would be nice...and as an extension, not only color code each entry or item on the ALL tab according to "market state", but also the tab's text could be likewise colored (SOLD, BOUGHT, STORED etc.). Much more "neurological resonate" ...or something like that

Repeat Offenders



Good Points: It's really fast

Bad Points: Uhm....everything else?

Chalk me up for 'prefered the old UI, even if it was a three legged mule.' It worked. Why change the bit that worked great to fix the one thing (albeit the thing that was very crippling for people with slower connections, I know it used to be the same for me) that didn't work?

Devs, please...can we have this changed back?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Good Points: It's really fast

Bad Points: Uhm....everything else?

Chalk me up for 'prefered the old UI, even if it was a three legged mule.' It worked. Why change the bit that worked great to fix the one thing (albeit the thing that was very crippling for people with slower connections, I know it used to be the same for me) that didn't work?

Devs, please...can we have this changed back?
My question is was it possible to fix the crippling lag and load-all-of-wents/BM-at-once-while-you-pull-you-f#@$ing-hair-out bug WITHOUT re-creating the entire interface?

Cause I'm really wanting to know WHY we needed an entire UI re-write.

And just to chime in and add, that YEAH what they FIRST showed in beta for the UI would have had people bashing their heads on their keyboards and /facepalming with their screens. It was A LOT worse people.

EDIT: The UI is . . . usable. However, I now dread having to go to the market. It takes ENTIRELY too long to search for things. Some things are just unintiutive and are a bad change.

One specific example: You could click any word in the old interface and it's nested lists would open up. Now you have to VERY specifically click on the + and - sign to open and collapse nested lists. I thought this was just a bug in beta. Turns out its a feature? BWAH?!? NO. Just no.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



I like the new features of this new market UI, however it is clunky, cluttered and ugly.

I'll point out a few things I'd like to see changed once I get home and am able to fool around with it but the above has been my experience so far.

Oh, yes and the new market ate 200mil of my infamy. It's an insiginifanct amount I know, but it was annoying and I'm still having market burps where I will accidently purchase more than one or have to click "get" repeatedly for it to appear in my recipes tray.



Wanted to throw in my two cents on disliking the new interface.

Having your last entered bid show up in your next item annoys me to no end. I may not want to bid 56,333,222 on a Temporal Analyzer, you know?

The vertical listing rakes at my soul like a million boy bands on infinite replay. I dearly miss the old interface with everything listed horizontally where I could see it all at a glance.

It seems clunky overall but I am getting used to it. Having the market down for a period and the new interface contribute to less playtime for me, oddly enough. I never realized how much marketing had supplanted my gameplay until now. I'll adapt and use the new interface, of course. A big plus is that it makes it easier on low-end systems, so some good has come out of this whole ordeal.

Issue 17 to Marketeers as Issue 13 to PvPers? Time will tell.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



After using the new market UI for a bit, I'm thinking about giving up on the whole IO system. Not only the UI isn't fun, but it's frustrating to a point where I feel the negatives outweight the positives.



According to pohsyb in closed beta, much of the reason the new market interface is faster than the old one is because of the autocomplete search feature. As I understand it this feature simply checks your input against a list of items that exist in the game, rather than trying to load the history for every single item as you open it. You can turn off the autocomplete option (as I've done, because with it on I cannot do partial text searches for specific items) but it's still incredibly clunky.

I dislike the new market interface - not as much as the initial version during closed beta, but it's still pretty fugly. I'm just concerned that changes won't be made for quite a while simply because once things go live they tend to stay as-is for a good long time.

The "save last entered bid" feature (using that term loosely here) needs to go away. Unrelated but I've accidentally listed an item other than the one I was intending to sell so I ended up spending 65 million in listing fees because the items that got posted weren't the items I had selected. It'd be nice if the items in the "all" tab were color-coded like the old system so I could tell at a glance which ones where selling, bidding, bought, sold, or just sitting there, instead of having to stop and look at each item to check its status. The ability to use the left-hand lists (recipes, salvage, enhancements, etc.) as sort filters instead of search starters is a necessary change because their current function is completely different than how they used to work. After I've done a search (say, for Thunderstrike pieces) and want to narrow them down to just enhancements, I have to scroll through the list of results to find the enhancements - I can't click "enhancements" on the left side of the window, or it starts an entirely new and unrelated search.

Completely changing functionality, especially when your users are used to a certain way of doing things, is never a good design decision.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
Well, I'm glad the optimized the system for those with PII processors and dial ups. I never had an issue with excessive AH loading, but apparently those that did no longer face this problem. I think all seven of these players are quite happy.
I guess my dual core system on broadband is one of those seven.
Or maybe it was a more common issue than your sanctimonious post suggests.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



I'm hoping that the "clunkiness" I find in navigating the new interface goes away after I get better with it.

In the meantime, one thing that bugs me the most (other than the obvious bugs already gone over in this thread) is that if I hit "info" on a stored recipe, then go over and click "enhancement" along the lefthand side, i'd like the appropriate crafted enhancement to appear in the search window instead of putting the word "enhancement" up there in the search string box and searching on that word. ugh.

Oh, and the ability to minimize the expanded views. Grrrr



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
Having your last entered bid show up in your next item annoys me to no end. I may not want to bid 56,333,222 on a Temporal Analyzer, you know?
Originally Posted by macskull View Post
The "save last entered bid" feature (using that term loosely here) needs to go away.
Yeah, I really don't know what they were thinking. I would guess this is a holdover from when you could only bid on some items individually so it was a time-saver. Now, it's just a liability.

I'm still undecided on the new UI. I see some of the changes as improvements and some as bad decisions.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by macskull View Post

The "save last entered bid" feature (using that term loosely here) needs to go away. Unrelated but I've accidentally listed an item other than the one I was intending to sell so I ended up spending 65 million in listing fees because the items that got posted weren't the items I had selected. It'd be nice if the items in the "all" tab were color-coded like the old system so I could tell at a glance which ones where selling, bidding, bought, sold, or just sitting there, instead of having to stop and look at each item to check its status. The ability to use the left-hand lists (recipes, salvage, enhancements, etc.) as sort filters instead of search starters is a necessary change because their current function is completely different than how they used to work. After I've done a search (say, for Thunderstrike pieces) and want to narrow them down to just enhancements, I have to scroll through the list of results to find the enhancements - I can't click "enhancements" on the left side of the window, or it starts an entirely new and unrelated search.
These things mac listed, especially the "save the last feature" need to be killed with fire.

I haven't lost inf to that . . . "feature" yet. But I can imagine more and more folks RAGING when they do.

We've already had a 1.5 billion error posted elsewhere on the forums related to it.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
On a tangentially related note: now that I have a reason to send emails, I'm getting freshly acquainted with just how utterly terrible the multi-line text box widget is. It's shamefully bad. I have no idea how people manage to write mission architect arcs using this thing.
This explains it (NSFW!)

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You know what's funny?

Waaaaay back in I9's closed beta, I remember thinking, "Wow, the market's interface is about 75 quadrillion times better than the Arena's."

When I first looked at the new interface in OB, I thought, "Sooooo busy."

My second thought was, "Sooooo busy, but ... ummm ... damn ... I really do miss having one bar at the bottom where I can: see what I have for sale; what I've sold; what I'm storing; visual reference for how many open slots I have; drag items from my inventory onto that bar; grab all my inf; make sure if I'm dumping big piles of salvage that I'm consistently pricing everything. All in one freakin' place."

I can see tabs being useful for organizing, say, hundreds of badges.

But not for dealing with 20 on-going transactions.



Originally Posted by BurningChick View Post
You know what's funny?

Waaaaay back in I9's closed beta, I remember thinking, "Wow, the market's interface is about 75 quadrillion times better than the Arena's."

When I first looked at the new interface in OB, I thought, "Sooooo busy."

My second thought was, "Sooooo busy, but ... ummm ... damn ... I really do miss having one bar at the bottom where I can: see what I have for sale; what I've sold; what I'm storing; visual reference for how many open slots I have; drag items from my inventory onto that bar; grab all my inf; make sure if I'm dumping big piles of salvage that I'm consistently pricing everything. All in one freakin' place."

I can see tabs being useful for organizing, say, hundreds of badges.

But not for dealing with 20 on-going transactions.
I know this is not the case (well know is a bit strong but believe with the belief that the sun is going to come up tomorrow morning) but I can see the new UI thing if there was going to be the possibility of multiple markets to access for a single character.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
I know this is not the case (well know is a bit strong but believe with the belief that the sun is going to come up tomorrow morning) but I can see the new UI thing if there was going to be the possibility of multiple markets to access for a single character.
Or the possibility of one market interface across multiple characters?

It's a good point though - if I'm juggling only 18 slots, I don't really need them sorted. 100, probably. It's a feature that may not fit the scale.

Super Packs Done Right
Influence Sink: IO Level Mod/Recrafting
Random Merit Rolls: Scale cost by Toon Level



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
On a tangentially related note: now that I have a reason to send emails, I'm getting freshly acquainted with just how utterly terrible the multi-line text box widget is. It's shamefully bad. I have no idea how people manage to write mission architect arcs using this thing.
With pain, cursing and occasional keyboard brutalising.

...Oh, and thats just the Character detail box. Dont get me STARTED on writing AE arcs.

Whoever is responsible for that little nugget in I14 this is for you. To quote BaBs;

YOU *******!!!

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Interface is clunky, but I'll get used to it after a while. I can't do things fast anymore, big whoop.

Biggest problem I have with the new market is that it's causing ragequits left and right(combined with the other various things that came with I17). Not that it's unjustified to do so. Just hoping they do something and do it quick.




Originally Posted by Angelwing View Post
I can't do things fast anymore
May not seem a big deal to you, but for those people who either use the market a lot, or prefer to simply get in, get their stuff, and get out (I'm both, depending on the day and what my projects are), it's just more layers of frustration when I'm trying to efficiently spend my time.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
Having your last entered bid show up in your next item annoys me to no end. I may not want to bid 56,333,222 on a Temporal Analyzer, you know?
I can live with everything else about the market interface, but maybe I'm just stubborn that way; However, this is too egregiously annoying.

Thanks to a slip up in my market activity yesterday, there is one lucky mother out there who managed to sell a sapphire for 111,000,000-some because I was trying to buy the components to construct the Armageddon piece I just bought.



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
May not seem a big deal to you, but for those people who either use the market a lot, or prefer to simply get in, get their stuff, and get out (I'm both, depending on the day and what my projects are), it's just more layers of frustration when I'm trying to efficiently spend my time.
Oh, I knew that. I was just speaking for myself.

Yeah, I understand that it'll be frustrating for others, but I just do /em shrug and go with the flow. But that doesn't mean I don't want the devs to do something to make it better.
