Hating the new market interface so far...




Originally Posted by BurningChick View Post
I can see tabs being useful for organizing, say, hundreds of badges.

But not for dealing with 20 on-going transactions.
I gracefully disagree.

My three favorite features of the new market UI are;

Auto-fill prices
Vertical layout for the bottom pane

The reason is this; I don't spend a lot of time in the market place. I run by, collect all the pending inf I have, review my bids (to see if I should cancel anything), then drop my salvage in there.

I drop all of my common salvage in for the same price; 250 or 300 inf. I drop all my uncommon in for the same price; 1000 inf. I also drop all of my rare for the same price (unless the going price is much higher than my default price which is slightly above vendor).

The three features above make this process take less time.

There are some times when I play the market a little (find stuff that can be vendored for more than 3x the market price or craft stuff to sell), but for the most part this is how I use the market.

I can see some of the problems that people are complaining about, but most of them don't affect me often enough to complain. Put me down for pro new market.

Oh, the one thing that I'd like to see changed the most is if the all tab actually showed everything at once, much like the previous version of the UI.



Originally Posted by Smurphy View Post

What you said is EXACTLY what peterpeter said in points 8 and 9. You can't quote one line, ignore a line that contradicts it, and call the person a liar. Here's a similar occurrence:

1) I went to the grocery store and bought a sandwich.
2) Then I remembered I forgot to get eggs and milk.
3) I went to the grocery store and bought eggs and milk.

Your response:
I quote peterpeter: "1) I went to the grocery store and bought a sandwich."
I call BS. I saw you at the grocery store. You bought eggs and milk.
This post pwns, Smurph- I was gonna chime in, but if this doesnt get through, I doubt anything will.

Maybe the new interface is the 'Fix' for the market imbalance- make it so WW is just as unpopular as the Black Market...



Originally Posted by gec72 View Post
Instead of playing more, I have been playing less. First because the market was down for an extended period. Rather than change how I stored/sold things, I just played less. Now, because the whole deal feels..."jumbled". Rather than deal with it, I've been playing less.*
This is exactly how I feel. I've always used the market and the IO system since the day I first started playing. It is (or was) a major source of enjoyment in the game for me. Now, it has just become a source of frustration that sucks the fun out of the game for me. I'll log on, start playing and having fun, then run to the market to sell some drops or grab some IO's for a new character, and the fun just comes crashing down. I end up just logging out and doing something else.

This is the first time in two years I am seriously thinking about taking an extended break from City of Heroes due to problems with a new issue.



Another vote for the "I don't like the new market UI". You know...it's my fault, the one thing I didn't bother to check out in closed and open beta is the one thing I really should have been complaining about.

I LIKED the old interface...as Alpha mentioned, it was a three legged Mule but it worked and I do missing having all the information on one bar running along the bottom. Glad I haven't started IOing out any new characters through the new UI yet...oh the joy that's going to be...

For some reason it actually takes AGES to load certain recipes and really quick others, I'm honestly confused if there's none of some recipes for sale (it seems like there's only 3 out of the 6 Basilisk's gaze recipes appearing) or if it's just me...



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
May not seem a big deal to you, but for those people who either use the market a lot, or prefer to simply get in, get their stuff, and get out (I'm both, depending on the day and what my projects are), it's just more layers of frustration when I'm trying to efficiently spend my time.
AMEN sister

My LotG sold for 65mil and I'm spending it all on hats

Needlepoint and Hobbytex Champion 1984

Blaming others since 2003



Originally Posted by MrNoj View Post

I drop all of my common salvage in for the same price; 250 or 300 inf. I drop all my uncommon in for the same price; 1000 inf. I also drop all of my rare for the same price (unless the going price is much higher than my default price which is slightly above vendor).

The three features above make this process take less time.
I'm not exactly a super-marketeer, but my use-case is very different. I hardly ever post two items at the same price.

When I'm going for buy-it-now salvage or recipes, I creep up on the prices in reasonable increments, each price is different than the one before. The residual prices in the input fields are always in the way, and the text-editing feature of the game's UI (not just the market, as the AE builders will attest) is not very polished. It has trouble with the forward and backward arrows, with selecting text, with the backspace key, and so on. It takes time to get rid of that prior number, and if it doesn't go away, it'll be powers of ten the price is wrong by.

When I post crafted enhancements for sale, I don't post them all at the same price. I'm usually trying to offer them at low prices so they sell fast, but avoid having a clever flipper find my price and flip my entire supply. So I stagger the prices irregularly within a range. Again, every price is different. Sometimes they're only different by a few digits, and that would seem to suggest the prior price could just be edited. However, the text editing functionality in that field is so poor, it would be faster and more accurate just to clear it and start again.

I can see where the use-case MrNoj described would benefit, but in making that happen, my use-case has suffered terribly. Why can't the interface support both? If only the escape key cleared the field (a common convention in input form), then I could quickly get rid of the number that is always wrong, and the more casual use case wouldn't be affected by it at all.



*Tries whistling three times to summon a red name*
I really get the feeling someone should be reading this. I mean, it's normal for people to hate certain features after an issue goes live...
But it ain't normal for there to be majority agreement on suckage factor =S

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Can anyone explain why they changed the bids/selling to a vertical list...? It's really annoying me that I can only see a few slots at a time. Not to mention how it automatically gives me the data on the current item, which I DO NOT WANT. Keep the "Find" button there and don't make it auto-expand, jeez.

Honestly I would take the old interface if given the option, even if it meant having to crash half the time I try to use it.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
*Tries whistling three times to summon a red name*
I really get the feeling someone should be reading this. I mean, it's normal for people to hate certain features after an issue goes live...
But it ain't normal for there to be majority agreement on suckage factor =S

The old system was booting people from the game before it was considered for improvement. What makes you think displeasure at the aesthetics is enough to get this one fixed ?



The problems with the new UI have nothing to do with aesthetics. Give me the old UI with a dog poo background if you want. The problem is functionality.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
What makes you think displeasure at the aesthetics is enough to get this one fixed ?
But it's not an aesthetics issue; it's a usability issue. While people in the thread have expressed the opinion that new interface is ugly, I don't think (without going back over the whole thread), that is has been the primary focus of anybody's complaint. Most of the complaints, including my own, are primarily related to the degraded user experience, as well as the possibility that there are lingering bugs. Enough people have posted to this thread about having the wrong items put up for sale that it makes me afraid to put up anything really valuable, at least until I've waited to see if a new patch is forthcoming.

On to another subject, though. Has anybody else noticed an issue with a bid delay, that can result in your bid just being cancelled? Let's say I bid 500 each for a stack of 5 Temporal Analyzers. I've noticed that I need to watch my bidding ( or ALL ) tab. If I immediately see it switch to "bidding 2500 inf" then I'm fine. But if it says something like "bidding 0 inf(2500)" I've noticed that after a few seconds, it will just go away, and I have to place the bid again.



Maybe the new interface is the 'Fix' for the market imbalance- make it so WW is just as unpopular as the Black Market...
except this would make the Black Market even moar unpopular

... as for me i'm trying to like the new interface...however i really didnt have much of an issue with the old one except for the lag(me thinks time/influ synch tool).

I do expect some minor/moderate tweaks in the near future!



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
*Tries whistling three times to summon a red name*
I really get the feeling someone should be reading this. I mean, it's normal for people to hate certain features after an issue goes live...
But it ain't normal for there to be majority agreement on suckage factor =S
Despite the fact that the devs never post in here, I'd really like to think they're at least monitoring some of the threads in here, esp one like this where the overwhelming majority are in agreement about a bad feature. I think I counted about 3 or 4 pro-new UI so far and everybody else against, most of us strongly.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
Despite the fact that the devs never post in here, I'd really like to think they're at least monitoring some of the threads in here, esp one like this where the overwhelming majority are in agreement about a bad feature. I think I counted about 3 or 4 pro-new UI so far and everybody else against, most of us strongly.
And some pro commenters are merely pro that people don't crash at the market (which is a very good thing).

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
Despite the fact that the devs never post in here, I'd really like to think they're at least monitoring some of the threads in here, esp one like this where the overwhelming majority are in agreement about a bad feature. I think I counted about 3 or 4 pro-new UI so far and everybody else against, most of us strongly.

Perhaps if the thread were about how wonderful the new market is, a red name would come around say something about how that needs looking into to be balanced lest the market become the FOTM, or that too many people were using it to do things too easily.



Here's another vote for bring back the old interface. New interface has more problems than it solves.

Hey Devs how about building some mock ups for a new UI and posting them for folks to see before you even get to building the back code. Springing it on folks in Beta is just bad practice for new UIs. You need to get the users involved early in the process to avoid fiascos like this.

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Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Perhaps if the thread were about how wonderful the new market is, a red name would come around say something about how that needs looking into to be balanced lest the market become the FOTM, or that too many people were using it to do things too easily.
New Market UI let me soft-cap my defenses at lvl 20!

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



I'm not entirely sold on the new UI, but it does have some benefits. If we could keep some of the new things and restore some of the old, that would be great.

New thing I like:

Enhancements > Crafted now allows me to find a particular crafted enhancement in a set, rather than only seeing all the enhancements from that set. For example, if I go to Enh > Crafted > Melee Dmg > Mako's then I can select the quadruple from there and only see those listed, rather than all the Mako's. Please, keep this feature.

Old thing I liked better:

Typing part of a salvage piece name, then clicking on Salvage and having only salvage pieces that match what I typed pop up. Now, if I type "psi" and click on Salvage, it doesn't single out salvage only. And I don't want to use the autofill feature either, because it doesn't make my search faster. So what do you say devs, can we bring that part back?


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
New Market UI let me soft-cap my defenses at lvl 20!
It auto levelled me to 50 when I used the auto-complete with specific search words!


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
New thing I like:

Enhancements > Crafted now allows me to find a particular crafted enhancement in a set, rather than only seeing all the enhancements from that set. For example, if I go to Enh > Crafted > Melee Dmg > Mako's then I can select the quadruple from there and only see those listed, rather than all the Mako's. Please, keep this feature.
At first, I thought we could already do that w/the old interface, but you're right, that's a legit positive for the new UI. I'd forgotten that you couldn't sort though the crafted IOs, only the recipes, for a specific set piece. That was always a head-scratcher w/the old system...

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Here's another vote for
Someone should set up a Poll thread!

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
Someone should set up a Poll thread!
Winner...now get to work slacker...you have the time since the market is down...o wait(flips coin) ok its not down...but still!



Not a fan of the new market either. Alphabetizing and recipe/salvage warning are nice but thats it for me. I will adapt, yes, but I consider it quite a bit less user-friendly.



Originally Posted by Crystal_Smoke View Post
On to another subject, though. Has anybody else noticed an issue with a bid delay, that can result in your bid just being cancelled? Let's say I bid 500 each for a stack of 5 Temporal Analyzers. I've noticed that I need to watch my bidding ( or ALL ) tab. If I immediately see it switch to "bidding 2500 inf" then I'm fine. But if it says something like "bidding 0 inf(2500)" I've noticed that after a few seconds, it will just go away, and I have to place the bid again.
Yes, happens to me on almost every bid. I klick the button to bid on an item, scroll down to find the entry in the list (btw, it was a moronic idea to add the latest item to the bottom of the list where you don't see it unless you search for it) and watch it vanish again (sometimes it vanishes very fast, but it is always there for a moment at least). Usually I have to bid three times to get one bid through. Since I noticed this I'm monitoring the market messages in the chat channel. And I wait a few seconds between bids to try and compensate for lag. Of course I had it happen that I carefully monitored everything, waited some time after each bid and still had several bids popping up in rapid succession. VERY annoying!