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  1. Sign me up @Soliton Wave

    Least I'm finally making use of server transfers

    If you can squeeze in a Keyes Loves a Challenge, that would be great too xxxx
  2. I'd like to join

    Pion Wave @Soliton Wave
    lvl 53 Grav/Rad Troller
    T4 Seers Core
    T3 Rebirth Partial Radial/T4 Clarion Radial
    T3 Support Total Radial
    6 Ultimate Inspirations
    Achilles Heel Slotted
    Call To Justice
  3. I was advised that Tyrant can only be defeated with Footstomp....
  4. Maybe some useful communication re badges would be nice.

    People shouldnt have to trawl through forums to find information on the 45+ new badges this issue.
  5. There is no way I'm gonna team up with that noob TA to kill all the humans
  6. I had the same issue for all Rogues/Villains that had The Television as a contact. I would crash as soon as contacts tab was opened.
    This was on an ATI 5870

    For some odd reason, lowering water effects(environment reflections) to the 1st or 2nd setting fixed it for me (starting in safe mode). Rolling ATI drivers back to 10.9 also worked for me then.
    Im assuming you're on an ATI card. From memory this was sorted out in a later driver release. (I had this issue back in Dec 2010)

    Have you tried updating to the current 11.9 drivers ?
  7. Soliton_Wave

    Been a while...

    You havent missed much.

    Merms got a sex change
  8. You'll definately be needing a graphics card.

    I build a new PC for the parents mid last year and threw a cheap Nvidia GT240 into it since I knew I'd would need to CoX when I visited them. I couldnt justify spending bucket loads on graphics on a machine I would once use every few months.

    Having said that, for a cheap card it produced decent FPS on low ultra settings AND this was playing on a ship raid.

    I think its pretty safe to say that any card you buy nowdays within you budget will run the game/video just fine - depending on how uber you want the graphics to be.

    (P.S. flashbacks to 8800GT and thinking OMG amazing)

    Monitor wise, I've always been happy to play on whatever size I had.
    Been running on a LG 24" widescreen for awhile now and cant see myself upgrading until it dies. Sure bigger would be nice but it does what I need it to do. ( I use to think my 22" was WOW THIS IS HUGE)

    Guess all Im trying to say is, spend within your budget and you'll be fine.

    Bit behind in my nerd mags so cant quote latest (low/mid/high) model cards you could be looking at
  9. WB and in 17 days i'll be blissfully unemployed as well

    roll on full time gaming
  10. Sorry - couple days late. Hopefully I'll have more time for the forums when im unemployed

  11. I've had to revert to ATI 10.9 drivers.

    Another option is to turn off water effects. After many hours trying every setting, I found that having both the television as a contact and having water effects on was causing my crashes
  12. I have a ticket open with tech support about this at the moment.

    For me the contact that (appears) to be causing the crash is the television BUT only if water quality setting is on.

    Try either turning off water reflections or roll back to 10.9.

    You can log in with safe mode to close the contacts tab if you are having problems logging onto an affected toon.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Mac View Post
    This could have some merit to it as my affected character did have the television as a contact.

    However as a extended tempoary fix I have disabled the ATI catalyst control centre (using winconfig) which has stopped the crashing totally.
    CS advised me to remove CCC as well. Unfortunately that didn't fix the crashing for me.

    Have swapped to my GTX 275 for the moment and not having issues
  14. Hi all

    I have been having the same problem with crashes on opening the contacts tabs

    ATI 5870 here as well

    I have been able to narrow it down to only toons with "The Television" as a contact crash on opening the contacts tab. (its ok in safe mode)

    Everyone else is fine

    Can you run in safe mode and confirm that the crashes are happening only on toons that have that contact.

    Please log a suport ticket if this is the case. Im sure customer support think I'm crazy.

    Recent responce from them is that no one else is having this problem
  15. Pity this isn't an AE related exploit or it would be fixed already
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post

    The gremlins have to be the weakest pet I have ever had. .
    Im considering respecing them out on my elec/rad troller.

    They just keep messing up my herds

  17. yup - I've been zapped after rezzing in a hosp
  18. hmmmmm - looked ok on my 24' widescreen (and 46" LCD widescreen)

    Oh well. Im sure i'll eventually get use to it
  19. Anyone know why the log in screen and loading screens are no longer fullscreen ??
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mermoine View Post
    its up now

    HEY !!!!! - Thats my line
  21. I blame fanny for.....

    nvm - wrong thread

  22. So we can only pick one ?
    Im trying to narrow it down
    Really hard

    Really really hard
    Ahhh - I think Ive got it
    Love to say who
    Except Id probably get smacked
    Not that I wouldnt enjoy it