The Really Hard Way -- Thursday, June 28 @ 8 PM Eastern
Going to try to be there with Morgan Chance, but the landlord is supposed to visit this evening and never seems to follow any kind of schedule. Hope to make it but we'll see.
Nope, He fully interrupted any gaming time. Got a little time on late in the evening while my kid was asleep butoerwise the 3rd wtten off evening this week. A very unusual situation for me - outside of that 4 month window where I had no computer and the odd short period here and there where work , a sick daughter or my wife being in the hospital rudely interrupted my me/game time!
Here's hoping the dude doesn't interrupt precious gaming time. ![]() |

I was advised that Tyrant can only be defeated with Footstomp....
My LotG sold for 65mil and I'm spending it all on hats

Blaming others since 2003
Many other servers have given this a go, and to my knowledge everyone who has attempted it, has gotten it eventually. I would love for Justice to be the proud home of some RHW Badges as well.
Who: Justice!!
When: June 28th at 8 PM (Eastern)
Where: Meeting in the Rikti War Zone
Why: Well, because we can...
What: If you have to ask... well...
How: See below
So, hopefully this is enough notice for folks to be able to make it.
First, a bit of semi-required reading:
Okay, now that that is out of the way, let's break this down a bit:
1. For this attempt, I would like to require you to bring a +3 Incarnate
2. Have at least 5 Ultimate Inspirations availble for the final fight. (You can get these from Astral Christy in Ouro, or from the market for... a lot).
3. Lores will be used when we hit the proverbial wall in the Tyrant fight, usually around 30% HP according to other attempts at this. As for Lore choices? Pretty much anything that doesn't do Smashing or Lethal will be fine. Longbow are not required, as it seems Tyrant resists -Regen completely, so that aspect is not important.
4. Hybrid is strongly encouraged. Choices should focus on League support or more damage. These too will be activated at the 30% wall when called.
5. Ultimates last for 3 minutes, so as soon as yours runs out, pop another if we are still fighting. A handy tool to keep track of this will be through the Combat Attributes Window, you can track Level Shifts.
6. Debuffing and Buffing will be essential. Bring your Bubblers, Sonics, Colds, Darks and Kins for sure! However, remember that -Regen is not really a factor. But the league should be as durable as possible, and Tyrant should have as much -Res and -ToHit as we can muster. +Dmg to the league is very important as well.
7. As soon as you see the "The air around Tyrant crackles..." message BACK UP! Move away from Tyrant at that point and keep moving until the Flow Lightning spawns. At that point, navigate around the lightning and re-engage Tyrant. It is critical that melee folks move as well, it makes it easier for everyone to get back into the fray quickly with him not in a pile of damage patches.
If after popping Lores and Hybrid it looks as though there is no chance to get a success of the badge in the time, we will fall back to Plan B, which would be to hit 2 Lights at a time up to a maximum of 12. If at that point we STILL haven't taken him down (which is entirely unlikely) we will continue by extinguishing ALL lights.
Questions? Want to sign up? Suggestions for success? Please post them here.