Hating the new market interface so far...




Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
That feature failed me completely. It warned me if a 700k listing fee for a 14M list price, then immediately charged me 7M when I accepted.
Sounds like the new market is being run by CapitalOne.
Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
It's coming back every time you zone, including logging out and back in later. The same issue applies to the new "delete useful salvage" prompt. It's incredibly frustrating.
The feature sure sounded good on paper, but when it prompted me for everything under the sun because I have generic IOs memorized, it's not a feature, it's an annoyance.
Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
If you disable autocomplete, typing in names works just like it did on the old interface - including being a lot slower and loading a lot more info up front, so be warned. Sadly, the radio button setting also does not seem to be persistent.
This is the big one for me. It's persistent where you don't want it to be, like the last bid amount, and forgetful where you do want it to be (autocomplete and window size).



After finally using the new interface a bit this weekend I don't have as many complaints as I intially did. My main complaints are:

1) It is clunky and unattractive. I don't like all the clicking around I have to do to see my various slots. I also don't like the fact that you can't contract something once you've expanded it - hopefully this is just a bug they are working on fixing.

2) The thing I HATE about this new interface is that if I bid on multiples of something and the market only partially fills my order, I lose a market slot until either I pull the purchased items out, or the bid fills completely. Maybe this was done intentionally to keep people from storing so many things on the market, or maybe it's not as big a deal to others as it is to me, but all other things aside, I'd like to see at least this feature rolled back to the way it used to work.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



There are a few things I find annoying, like the price being persistent across bids, and not having a click-to-close option. If the warnings don't have "do not show again" buttons that are persistent then that needs to be fixed as well.

However, and I assume I'm in the minority here, I really prefer the new interface. I think with a few more bug fixes it will be vastly superior to the old laggy, unorganized thing we had before. I hated that interface.



Come back old market UI, all is forgiven...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



whoever thought the vertical listing was a better idea than the horizontal one we had needs to be taken out and beaten. Also, please make it that when I click on something in my postings and it expands, clicking on it again will close it

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
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Also, please make it that when I click on something in my postings and it expands, clicking on it again will close it
It would be a great idea and to me seems like a simple fix.

But I also want the old UI back



Some people have mentioned as a positive being able to click on a recipe, and then easily find each of the component salvage? I haven't figured out how this is done yet. Sure, you can expand the recipe and see a list of the salvage needed, but you could always sorta do that. Is there a way to actually auto-find those pieces on the market? Cuz that'd be a useful new feature.

As for the warnings for selling salvage you can use for things in your inventory... seeing as how all my toons have FC, I have practically all the memorization badges, which means pretty much every piece of salvage is used for *something* in my inventory, which includes memorized recipes. Similary for warnings for too high market fees. Who determines what's too high? 70K? 700K? I really don't think so.

Any applications developer worth his salt should know that warnings that pop up too often will be ignored (or just suppressed after 10 sec). A far better implementation of the two current warnings would be:

1) For the useful salvage, simply let us hover over the salvage in our inventory (or even on the market) and show us what they can be used for that's also in our inventory or memorized list. Easier way to determine if we want to sell/deleted a stack of Improvised Cybernetics.

2) Let us set our own bar as to when a market fee is "too high". I'd prolly set mine at 5M. So if I'm listing anything for 100M or higher, I'd damn well mean it.

Until then, both of those oh-so-useful warnings will remain off in my user interface, remaining useless.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
Also, please make it that when I click on something in my postings and it expands, clicking on it again will close it
^ Yessssssss

Also, are we currently able to sort each tab?
My apologies, if I'm not seeing that option.

IIRC, for each tab on my UI, the latest item (that has just been sold or bid upon, for example) appears at the bottom of the "Sold" or "Bid" tab, which seems counter-intuitve. I would like the option of "forcing" my most recent transactions to appear at the top of each tab.

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Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
2) Let us set our own bar as to when a market fee is "too high". I'd prolly set mine at 5M. So if I'm listing anything for 100M or higher, I'd damn well mean it.

Until then, both of those oh-so-useful warnings will remain off in my user interface, remaining useless.
This. Aside from the fact that telling it to stop asking DOESN'T WORK, the value is set too low. Realistically, there will never be a 'one size fits all' value for this option.

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Some people have mentioned as a positive being able to click on a recipe, and then easily find each of the component salvage? I haven't figured out how this is done yet. Sure, you can expand the recipe and see a list of the salvage needed, but you could always sorta do that. Is there a way to actually auto-find those pieces on the market? Cuz that'd be a useful new feature.
Store recipe , hit "Find" (brings up recipe in upper right
At bottom of the found recipe, there's a grey line that says "Search for salvage used in this recipe".

It is definitely one of the good things in the new interface.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
Store recipe , hit "Find" (brings up recipe in upper right
At bottom of the found recipe, there's a grey line that says "Search for salvage used in this recipe".

It is definitely one of the good things in the new interface.
Ah, thanks, I'll try that when I get home. I'd been looking (all over the place) in the bottom screen where I stored my recipe, not the top where the found recipe shows up.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
2) The thing I HATE about this new interface is that if I bid on multiples of something and the market only partially fills my order, I lose a market slot until either I pull the purchased items out, or the bid fills completely. Maybe this was done intentionally to keep people from storing so many things on the market, or maybe it's not as big a deal to others as it is to me, but all other things aside, I'd like to see at least this feature rolled back to the way it used to work.
How did it work before the new UI?



Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
How did it work before the new UI?
The stack remains single and you can just peel off the # of bids that filled (or cash in the # of posts that sold). I'm actually not sure that the new UI splits the stacks or just makes it look like it does because of the different tabs. If that's really the case, we're talking about potentially halving your slots (worst case scenario, but still...).

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
The stack remains single and you can just peel off the # of bids that filled (or cash in the # of posts that sold). I'm actually not sure that the new UI splits the stacks or just makes it look like it does because of the different tabs. If that's really the case, we're talking about potentially halving your slots (worst case scenario, but still...).
I don't see how it could make them into two stacks. What if my slots are full, and then one of my bids partially fills? It can't make it 18/17 slots or something.



Just thought I'd add my voice to the choir.

After 5 years, I don't play nearly as heavily as I used to, but until i17 I still tended to pop in a few times a week, putter around with the market for a while, and maybe start playing if a friend showed up or the mood took me. I can no longer do this.

The new interface is shockingly unpleasant to use. Like others here, I've made good faith efforts to get over the learning curve, and to separate the predictable new-issue bugs from the fundamental design. And it's now clear that the problems run much deeper than that. For all the reasons others have cited, the interface itself is just a usability nightmare; its basic design choices make it physically inefficient and mentally fatiguing.

On top of which, the ugly, uninformative, all-text layout is so utterly un-game-like that I find it destroys the pretense that my character is shopping at some high-tech auction house, and leaves me instead with the experience of being myself typing numbers into boxes.

I wouldn't have thought that difference would matter so much, but apparently it does. Since i17 I've made about eight attempts to play, and given up and quit within about 15 minutes each time, entirely due to the market. The one exception was my most recent session, when I made a new toon and forced myself to just ignore the market entirely.

Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
As for marketeering, I'm just glad I'm well & retired w/my fat nest egg full of Fulms. There's no way I'd try to make money off of this system now. I realize this is a point of celebration to many who hate ebil. Your day may have finally arrived, but at what cost?
This is exactly where I am. I played the market for fun, not because I needed the money. The thought of trying to do that now just makes me feel ill.



Originally Posted by Golden_Avariel View Post
There are a few things I find annoying, like the price being persistent across bids, and not having a click-to-close option. If the warnings don't have "do not show again" buttons that are persistent then that needs to be fixed as well.
I believe those are 'per character'. I don't believe I've seen them twice on the same character after shutting them 'off'.

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i like that it uses less resources



As a veteran player since Beta, I dont post much, but have always stayed in touch w/ the forums. I find myself wanting/needing to post on this. The new Market UI just sucks. It is cumbersome, too clicky, and such a time sink I find myself avoiding the market. All the warnings are just maddening too. Please give us the option of using the old UI

I find myself avoiding my higher lvl toons just to not have to use the thing...
What has happened to the devs lately? What is the thought process here?

Why did we need a freakin fix for something that was not broke?



Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
The stack remains single and you can just peel off the # of bids that filled (or cash in the # of posts that sold). I'm actually not sure that the new UI splits the stacks or just makes it look like it does because of the different tabs. If that's really the case, we're talking about potentially halving your slots (worst case scenario, but still...).
I don't think the functionality of the stack has changed although the display might...

I just put in some bids for chronal skips and then I hit up some demonic threat reports (x10). Of course the auto entered last value showed up and I hit bid...poof to 8.5M on an item that was going for 1 inf

The last filled bid amount shouldn't be an auto entered default, it should be entered if you hit the up arrow or something.



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
OK... It just did the same exact thing to me again. Except this time it cost me roughly 2-5 million by posting up something for less than it was worth, which instantly sold.

There is clearly something seriously wrong with the market interface. I watched my steps VERY carefully this time to be certain I did not make a mistake the first time this happened.

This time, I had a Numina:Heal recipe sitting on the market, dropped an enhancement onto the market. Clearly clicked on the price box for the enhancement and entered a price of 5.5 million. Very carefully clicked on the Post button, double checking to be sure it was, in fact, the Post button for the enhancement, and watched in disgust as the Numina recipe posted and instantly sold instead of the enhancement.

This is absolutely unacceptable. I am now completely afraid to even touch the market. This time it was a fairly inexpensive item, and a loss of only a few million. I've got a fair number of purples and PvP IO's sitting around, and there is no way I'm placing any of them on the market under the current conditions.
Well, I should have listed to my own advice and completely stopped using the market. The same bug bit me again, this time for a little over 45 million inf in incorrect listing fees. This time it took the listing price I entered for one recipe, and applied it to a whole stack of different recipes I had sitting in a market slot and posted them all up instead of the correct recipe.



Originally Posted by PhaseStalker View Post
As a veteran player since Beta, I dont post much, but have always stayed in touch w/ the forums. I find myself wanting/needing to post on this. The new Market UI just sucks. It is cumbersome, too clicky, and such a time sink I find myself avoiding the market. All the warnings are just maddening too. Please give us the option of using the old UI

I find myself avoiding my higher lvl toons just to not have to use the thing...
What has happened to the devs lately? What is the thought process here?

Why did we need a freakin fix for something that was not broke?
I do feel a lot like you. I think they were trying to add features to the market. But in the process foobared the interface.

They may have cut down the CPU/Memory resorces on the new interface, but so many of us are having to do double checks before hand that the market doesnt mess up.

Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643

Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.



Well, I gave it some time, hoping I'd get used to the new interface.

I can't stand it though...

Really, the only part that bugs me is the bottom half.
It was SOooooo much easier when things went from left to right. This new up to down order is just... annoying frankly.

It's an overly complicated interface for such a simple thing as the market.

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Getting used to it.

Still not liking it.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.