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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BashfulBanshee View Post
    Then what is the high road?
    You should ask Bleyszen Lord.
  2. PumBumbler

    Fixed Rewards?

    Working As Intended.

    New Participation formula=
    (Amount of Powers clicked during the trial + Number of badges + Number of Global Friends) / (Number of People on ignore + Number of stored items in gleemail + Number of items sold and unclaimed in Auction House) - (Number of defeats x time in seconds spent chatting during trial) - (Number of visits from rednames to your forum profile + number of pets you had out during the trial)

    If this score is over 100 you get an uncommon.
    If this score is less than 99 you get 10 threads.

    anything between 99-100 means you get a random roll.
  3. PumBumbler

    Pookin fo nub.

    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    That and some attempts to paint the net as a den if pervs, rapists, psychopathic weirdos, and sexual deviants (so why would a Good Girl/Guy waste their time?).
    Hey man, don't out me before it's time.
  4. PumBumbler

    MoLambda baby

    Originally Posted by Quatermain View Post
    It's poorly thought out.
    Say it isn't true! There's a mechanic in this game that has slipped through the vaunted QA process and made people angry?
  5. PumBumbler


    Teh forum ninjas. They are everywhere!

  6. PumBumbler

    Pookin fo nub.

    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Farmer View Post
    Yep. A bit behind. My ex-wife and I met in this very game. That was so long ago that she's now my ex-wife.
    Can I have her global?


  7. Do you have the latest Ati software drivers installed on your Windows system?


    Although 10.8 seems to be recognized as being the most stable for ATi Windows machines

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
    Care to enlighten the rest of the class what those contributions might be, or am I to take your word for it? Keep in mind, I'm not the one trying to tear down another player's status by saying "They're no better than me" so it doesn't matter what I've done. I haven't made any claims one way or the other.

    The rest of your response is great backpedaling technique. Kudos to you.
    Lexi is responsible for more than your average player. More than Arcana? Probably not. Lexi has a right to be heard just like everyone else, and ignored too.

    I don't think any player should need to be doing what Arcana does, and asking for her to do the devs' job is a bit much, considering the devs are paid by us to deliver entertainment. Anything Arcana does is unpaid and therefore solely a volunteer effort. As professional as her critique may be, it is still an amateur effort and the players are asking for work from the 'pros'.

    Customers are pretty much demanding that the devs hire someone who can do what is requested of Arcana or do it themselves and be more open and transparent with the results.
  9. I read that as 'he kicked Crystal Meth'... >.>

    Happy Bday big guy!
  10. It's been a while since JackZodiac was on.

    I think Justice needs a new mayor/Emperor/Town Crier.

    My vote is for Zartain.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darkbridger View Post
    Stop kidding yourselves... it's all gutter here... no high road ever. :P
    This is the low road.

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Supermax View Post
    People will always do what's best for THEM, not what's best for everybody. When you go to the store to get some item you really want or need, and you find out that there's only one total item left in stock, would you still buy it? Or would you say "Nah, I don't want to screw over everybody else that will want to buy this, so even though I desperatly want it, I will leave it for someone else"?

    That's a rhetorical question. Everybody already knows what you, and everybody else would do.
    Not always.
  13. Happy belated Bday. Sorry, I was busy rioting.
  14. PumBumbler

    MoLambda baby

    Originally Posted by Mermoine View Post
    Not just the CS either. Alot of the players have been here longer than alot of the rednames we have now.
    Guess they must be afraid of me because they won't even answer my replies.
  15. PumBumbler

    MoLambda baby

    Originally Posted by Radmind View Post
    I've had my run in with CS recently also. I was on a BAF run, just got my Emp Merit, and a Rare roll when I mapserved. I logged back in and my Emp Merit was gone along with my reward table. It took them 4 days to get back to me, they checked the logs and couldn't find out why I lost the rewards.
    I basically got the "oh well.. too bad, better luck next time" routine.

    Is it me or would you guys give the customer the benifit of the doubt and get them what they were missing?
    I could see if I was a serial complainer to CS, but I NEVER use CS unless I have somethign to contact them about.
    You would think that they'd bother to look at the requesting player's history to see if the player was trying to exploit the CS system.

    Someone who puts in few requests and has played the game for years without bugging about rewards should have earned some kind of merit for being trustworthy, yes?

    I'd even suggest that some players here have been with the game longer than most of the CS reps they are dealing with, and as a paid for game, that isn't something to be taken lightly. Or maybe it is.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
    Fort and AB (my best powers) are complete wastes of time
    If what I suspect is true, Fort and AB are worse than complete wastes, it enables your teammates to outscore you on participation, reducing your own personal rewards.

    It would also imply that allowing teammates to faceplant would give you an advantage to contributing while they are stuck in the hospital cooling their heals.

    Transparency ftw.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ra_Ra View Post
    Offering 2.75 Billion for the Gladiator Armor +3 Defense Proc.

    Send me a message in game @Ra Ra

    I am on Freedom Server.

    Your subject title doesn't match the body.

    Can I haz the difference?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    These forums make use of RSS.

    Please, don't troll the feeds.
    Why would Canadian lawyers troll these forums?

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Fanny_ View Post
    Well maybe my advice is just for a very specific audience. =P
    Is your audience Cai?