Hating the new market interface so far...




Also can search "Invention:" to get them. Don't forget the :



After weeks of tinkering w/the new UI, I've mostly gotten used to the crappy, unintuitive, inefficient new system. That the devs simply ignore this thread convinces me we're stuck with the PoS, so may as well live with it. With that said, can they PLEASE freakin save our UI options? Because I really have nothing better to do than uncheck that "autocomplete" Every. Freakin. Time. I log in. Or the various unhelpful warnings every time I try to drop something into the market. Yeah, I know I can use that Boresight to craft a memorized recipe; I still wanna dump it.

I know I'm repeating myself, but sweet jebus, this is getting old resetting those options Every. F*cking. Time. I. Log. In.

everyone would probably move many, many more crafted generics if they weren't buried like that.
Yeah, it took me a while for me to figure out where the generic recipes were too--in fact, I learned it on this thread. I'm rather surprised I'm moving my crafted generic IOs on redside (while getting my 27th FC), as annoying as they are to find.

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Originally Posted by Myriad View Post

However, my personal opinion on the "all" section is not positive. It is possible to "work" in this section, but it was deliberately made harder compared to the old UI by needlessly throwing the color coding over board. (To be clear: I do not think that the intend was to make it harder. But I don't believe that the color coding was removed by accident either.) And there is some risk involved. Something similar to what Organica described happened to me once when I tried to get an item I bought while being in the "all" section. Only that I didn't accidently remove a bid but an item I tried to sell (which cost me several million inf in fees because it was a purple IO).

Yes, it will solve the problem Organica described. But you risk other problems. For me this is the choice between Scylla and Charybdis.
How did your incident happen ?

How would color coding have made a difference ? Not sure I am following. There is the descriptive text underneath the item names.



Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
After weeks of tinkering w/the new UI, I've mostly gotten used to the crappy, unintuitive, inefficient new system.
same here.

it does a few things really well, mainly facilitating the crafting of IOs, but it's a generally miserable experience.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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So I just came back after 6 months of absence. Some cool things happened. Ultra Mode is neat, even if I can only halfway run it, mailing inf became a reality (**** YEAH!). Some sad things happened, like BotZ getting the nerf hammer and Regen Tissues becoming immune to enhancement.

And then other things just... happened. Case in point? The new Martket UI. I've only used it for a few hours so far, but I don't think it's actually better than the old one. It fixes a whole load of things that sucked, but then broke other things in new and interesting ways.

The main things that really needs fixing is the amount of inf to bid/offer area and the number of items area. Having to click, backspace the previous amount away and then retype the new amount is tedious. Why don't they work like the search field? One click, start typing.



That the devs simply ignore this thread convinces me we're stuck with the PoS, so may as well live with it.
I'm going to sound like a huge Dev apologist here. This thread has been in existence 32 days. I suspect the devs have READ it but not RESPONDED to it. As far as fixes? I don't know how fast the market coder works, but they're probably working pretty hard. [one thing they did since this thread was started: fix a bug I found that generated billions of new inf out of nothing. Yes, it was live. No, I'm not a trillionaire.]

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



I've gotten used to it, but they could of just kept the old UI and just fixed the enhancement categories to be in ABC order.



Originally Posted by Kamina View Post
I've gotten used to it, but they could of just kept the old UI and just fixed the enhancement categories to be in ABC order.
The ability to use tabs to see just your bids, just your stored items, just your items on sale, is also very useful. However, the graphical implementation of this should be changed to make the distinction between the tabs more obvious.

Generally, the interface would be a marked improvement if several smallish user interface tics were fixed.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
[one thing they did since this thread was started: fix a bug I found that generated billions of new inf out of nothing. Yes, it was live. No, I'm not a trillionaire.]
Ful, you're gonna get kicked out of the club if you keep up this tedious altruism!


The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Not being able to right-click and get info on a piece of salvage in the market interface (not in my own inventory) to see which of my current recipes require it is a bit of a pain. The way I used to shop for salvage is that I would start at the top of my recipe inventory, look for the first piece of salvage needed in the invention salvage node, then get info, and see how many more recipes needed that piece. Then repeat as I progress down. Instead, I have to go through the entire list of recipes and count up how many pieces I need, rather than having the game do it for me.



Or you could put the recipes you plan to build in storage, click on them, click "Find", click the link that says "find salvage for this recipe" or something like that, and get all the salvage you need that way. Much faster than the old way. All we need now is to be able to do the same without removing the recipes from our inventory.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



Yes, there is the Find Salvage option, but that doesn't help me determine whether I need I just the one Alchemical Silver for this recipe, or to buy 4 total to cover the other 3 recipes I have that also need it.



If we're talking about actual workflow improvements, it would be ideal to be able to select a group of recipes and generate a shopping list in the upper right hand pane containing each salvage item needed to craft all the recipes in the group, with the amount to buy equal to the number needed less the number in inventory. Also: switch between looking at the recipe and the corresponding crafted item in one action. The main difference between these recommendations and the changes that were made is that my recommendations are based on things that I actually do at the market.

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Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
I'm going to sound like a huge Dev apologist here. This thread has been in existence 32 days. I suspect the devs have READ it but not RESPONDED to it.
Oh, I'm mostly being sarcastic about the devs ignoring us. I'm sure they've at least glanced at the thread. I'm just bitter about their usual refusal to acknowledge this forum even exists, even after the massive thumbs down (surprisingly darn near universal too w/a few notable exceptions) we've expressed. But making sure we can choose to be buffed! Yes, them's some important concerns there.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



I totally get why they never post in here- they know we're right about the markets and they're avoiding the forum trap of trying to defend a ridiculous position.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I totally get why they never post in here- they know we're right about the markets and they're avoiding the forum trap of trying to defend a ridiculous position.
Seems rather like:
It is better to remain silent and thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Silurian View Post
Yes, there is the Find Salvage option, but that doesn't help me determine whether I need I just the one Alchemical Silver for this recipe, or to buy 4 total to cover the other 3 recipes I have that also need it.
find salvage is actually a big improvement over the old non-automated system- it's one of the only things they got right.

I agree it'd be great if we didn't have to physically drag the recipe into the market interface to get the salvage list, but it's not that big a deal.

I've been crafting wholesale lots of set IO recipes lately and it's very efficient- drag to market, click 'find salvage', fill order at NAO prices (when recipes are going for multiple millions I don't care about saving a few K here and there), collect wins, drag next recipe into window, etc etc etc.

I rarely bothered to craft anything with the old interface, unless I need to slot it. It's easy enough now that I'm selling tons while filling up base storage for future builds.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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Originally Posted by Silurian View Post
Yes, there is the Find Salvage option, but that doesn't help me determine whether I need I just the one Alchemical Silver for this recipe, or to buy 4 total to cover the other 3 recipes I have that also need it.
If you bid the same amount for each alchemical silver the market will combine your bids into one pooled bid. So as you go through your recipes and see you need ingredients for them just have a consistent bidding pattern and you will compile bids for all of what you need.

The old interface used to do the same thing btw.



Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
I know I'm repeating myself, but sweet jebus, this is getting old resetting those options Every. F*cking. Time. I. Zone. In.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I just scanned the tags for this thread and got a hearty laugh.

TY to all who contributed.


The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Is it really every time we zone? The base must not count then, cuz I can zone in & out of the base at least and the preferences will stick. In any case, that's just horrible.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
Is it really every time we zone? The base must not count then, cuz I can zone in & out of the base at least and the preferences will stick. In any case, that's just horrible.
I didn't actually notice that the base was excluded, but I can assure you it counts crossing "actual" zones, at least most of the time. When I run missions on characters who can solo high team size settings, I come back to the market every few missions to dump my salvage. As far as I have noticed, every time I do that I am prompted again, even if I have not logged out.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



The persistent bid amount hasn't bothered me so far, perhaps because of a habit I have from using other forms on the web for years. When I select the amount window with the intent of entering a new value I habitually click+drag, selecting the existing value, and then type in the new value over it.

As I say, it's already a habit from using other web forms and search engines, so similar habits may have been why the devs didn't see this as a problem. For me, the persistence is a time-saver since I tend to make bids in bulk.

I will admit that the new UI has taken time to adjust to, but at this point I feel it solves more problems and adds more desired features than it breaks. This kind of change is rarely welcome, as we've all gotten comfortable with what we knew, but I think that new players will find the current WW UI easier to grok than the original.



Originally Posted by Mantic View Post
I will admit that the new UI has taken time to adjust to, but at this point I feel it solves more problems and adds more desired features than it breaks. This kind of change is rarely welcome, as we've all gotten comfortable with what we knew, but I think that new players will find the current WW UI easier to grok than the original.
After a couple of days of markeering I'm inclined to agree. It is, overall better than the old one, and rather more intuitive. If they fix that handful very irritating "quirks", I dare say that it will be vastly superior to the old one in pretty much every way.



Originally Posted by SlyGuyMcFly View Post
After a couple of days of markeering I'm inclined to agree. It is, overall better than the old one, and rather more intuitive. If they fix that handful very irritating "quirks", I dare say that it will be vastly superior to the old one in pretty much every way.
It should come as no great surprise that I'm inclined to disagree, but I'd like to know which aspects of the new interface you consider more intuitive. I find it rather less so, but I am biased by experience with the prior interface - though, as best I can recollect, I was never surprised by the old interface's behavior.

Edited to add: Don't worry about being drawn into an argument on this, at least by me. I don't argue with opinions I solicit.

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