Excitment... and FEAR.. about new "End Game" content..

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
My response was due to the rampant speculation being touted as fact, when it is, in fact, speculation. GG can winky it up all that she wants, it's still speculation. Sure, something happens at 20 about leaving Praetoria. That seems to be cut and dry. But I'm not going say for sure how that is going to work or say 100% that that's it for Praetoria.

I'd be fine with people being a little pessimistic "oh, they aren't giving us info, we probably won't get anything else," but some of the posting in here made it sound like they were announcing facts about how GR works. When we don't know that at all. That was what my post was about.
That its not optional that Praetorians must leave Praetoria by storyline directive is an unambiguous statement by Positron. It did not appear that he was equivocating or even thinking about that question much, which suggests it really is as simple as: Praetorians cannot stay neutral forever, and when they are forced to declare side they will be forced to spend most of their time on the appropriate side.

That doesn't preclude additional content in Praetoria for other levels. It does very strongly suggest that you won't be able to actually level there exclusively, like you theoretically can within the Architect. There's no real point to saying you will have to leave if you can literally return unfettered ten seconds later. Its very likely that at least initially beyond a certain level you will only be able to enter Praetoria for side-switching story arcs and other special activities (i.e. task forces or possible end game content).

Of course, this does not preclude Praetoria from showing up within instanced missons added to both sides, like the blue side zones show up in the mayhem missions for villains. I would bet that if there is level 50 end game content within Praetoria, there will be mission arcs which lead up to it that exist at lower levels. Heck: technically speaking we *already* have missions in Praetoria (i.e. Tyrant) that I would bet are getting a revamp for Going Rogue.

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Cant we all just agree to Hope that we will get all new content from 1 to 50. No matter how big of a fan you are of this game... the current content is old, and has been done by alot of people - to the point - that they dont want to do it again.

Most people I know, are currently thinking they will not be forced to do all the old content again, nor do they want to.

Their plans for the future not withstanding, this is what most people are hoping for in the circle I travel in. They are not trying to even hear that they will have an AWESOME new 1 to 20 expierience, and then be kicked out to the same carp we have now. They just do not want it.



Define content.

As long as I still get new costumes, powers, and animations, sure. I am all about some new story stuff. If story stuff is going to completely make the things I want go away, then nope we can't all agree.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Define content.

As long as I still get new costumes, powers, and animations, sure. I am all about some new story stuff. If story stuff is going to completely make the things I want go away, then nope we can't all agree.
This is a paid expansion, I really can't imagine paying extra money for a whole expansion and there not be costumes, powers, zones, storyline, etc.

How many times have you played through the game completely on characters without PowerLeveling? Me personally on heroes is like 9 times - complete with badges... from all the badge contacts... and on villains is 19 times - complete with badges from all badge contacts...

When I suggest new 1 to 50 content, I am suggesting, that I wont have to do the contacts I have already done 28 times already 1 to 50. New contacts with new missions. So my next leveling experience from 1 to 50 wont be more of the same. ?



I am sure the paid expansion will have all of the above. My concern is with the shift from stuff to all story, being in the free issues.

I have been plying non-stop for over 5 years. I have played many times w/o PLing. I didn't understand bridging till i8. I get where you are coming from PP, I just don't want to see the aesthetics take a huge hit for story content. If I wanted all story, I could play a MUD.

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I hope people noted War Witch's post on Friday, where she showed a screenshot of a resistance member from GR. New costume options and a new map and map tileset, all shown in that little picture. There's obviously stuff in the works, and we only know so much about it all. That's all I'm arguing for- they have stuff in the works, and we have little peeks at it. No need to get overly rampant with the speculation from there (though I have to say again that little updates every week would keep people focused on what is coming for sure, rather than all of this speculating peole have been resorting to. Get cracking, marketing!).

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
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Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Cant we all just agree to Hope that we will get all new content from 1 to 50. No matter how big of a fan you are of this game... the current content is old, and has been done by alot of people - to the point - that they dont want to do it again.

Most people I know, are currently thinking they will not be forced to do all the old content again, nor do they want to.

Their plans for the future not withstanding, this is what most people are hoping for in the circle I travel in. They are not trying to even hear that they will have an AWESOME new 1 to 20 expierience, and then be kicked out to the same carp we have now. They just do not want it.

I wont mind if there is a SMALL level gap of no content, but would expect there to be a lot of content of the majority of levels to make me want to create multiple new alts to level up again.

I am like you, im not expecting to have to do much current content on my GR alts for quite a while [though i accept i'll have to do a bit]. The most exciting for me about this expansion is the prospect of all that content waiting to be played.

Graphics updates, costume pieces and new maps [everything cosmetic basically] are nice very features obviously, but i would get bored very quickly if i had to spend the large majority of time on my new alts doing content i've done for nearly 5 years. Cov content was and still is the superior of the two brands in quality of the arcs, however the surroundings over there was too dark for me to really get into it. So i am very excited about the prospect of having a lot of good, quality content for myself I really want to be challenged in this game!

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Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
I hope people noted War Witch's post on Friday, where she showed a screenshot of a resistance member from GR. New costume options and a new map and map tileset, all shown in that little picture. There's obviously stuff in the works, and we only know so much about it all. That's all I'm arguing for- they have stuff in the works, and we have little peeks at it. No need to get overly rampant with the speculation from there (though I have to say again that little updates every week would keep people focused on what is coming for sure, rather than all of this speculating peole have been resorting to. Get cracking, marketing!).

To be honest, they must have most of what they want in GR in it already and just polishing it up I like speculation on these boards, it keeps things fresh until we get new information which 9 times out of 10 blows us out of the water.

Like if you look at it really, all we had was Tyrants profile and a snapshot of a costume piece but we're all giddy just over that Must be nice to see so many people so enthusiastic about your product

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Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
I wont mind if there is a SMALL level gap of no content, but would expect there to be a lot of content of the majority of levels to make me want to create multiple new alts to level up again.

I am like you!

Sure! Yes!!! A small amount is fine.

I can not see myself making new alts... only to see them sit at lvl 20 >.> til I get in the mood to powerlevel them to 50 just to experience the rest of GR.




This is easy enough for me... if the new endgame content isn't either

1) Something that would directly or indirectly help me in PvP
2) Something that would allow me to stay ahead of the reward curve (i.e. another ITF, LGTF, STF)

I will probably run it once or twice and then not bother after that, kind of like the Barracuda SF.

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Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
It was too unspecific to say anything reliably. At most, I would say they let you leave at 20, so you don't have to stay in Praetoria if you don't want to. Pretty much all we know is that level 20 lets you have a choice of location.
The real reason you have to leave at 20 is painfully obvious............ Go ask the City Rep or Kalinda.....



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
At level 50 currently, the game pretty much ends. You can stick around and play, and you can keep on collecting Inventions if you really wanted to, but the character is done. There aren't any more levels, there aren't any more levels by a different name, there aren't any more levels by another different name, and there aren't any more levels presented in such a way that it's not clear that they're just more levels. And there aren't any more levels, either. I'm not half-way towards getting that next major upgrade that has three more major upgrades behind it. I'm done. And I like being done, because I have around 30 other characters waiting in line.
Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
I think this is an extreme minority position. Most people expect infinite progress in MMOs. UO, EQ, WoW, EQ2... games with longevity tend to always be adding content and increasing the level cap. CoX has bucked that trend, but it has cost them subscribers in the long run. I know people who left because there was no chance of advancement beyond lvl 50. If Paragon offers some new way to advance "finished" characters, they may retain more subscribers as well as add new ones.
It is a minority position, but I am in that minority as well. Heck, I'm in an even smaller minority for that matter, in that I'm not concerned about feeling "inadequate" either.

I have always considered MMORPGs to be nothing more than the multi-player versions of console RPGs, i.e. a given one of my characters starts at 1, then continues until their story is finished. That doesn't always (or even often) mean they make 50 either, they just have to get to a level where I consider them done. You'll never see me flaunting how many 50s I have, because I have a great many characters that will never get there. Why bother, they accomplished what they needed to do, then they retire, continue patrolling to stop purse snatchers, go back to school, they might open a restaurant or something for all I know. Raiding, fighting cosmic entities, collecting even more shiny? I don't care about any of that, so far I haven't envisioned a character who WANTS to fight cosmic entities, maybe one day I'll get that idea but it hasn't happened yet.

That said, it doesn't matter to me what happens at Co* "end-game". You won't even see me moaning that tired old refrain "I want the devs to focus more on what *I* want!" because there's plenty to occupy me until the devs get around to it. It's one of the benefits of my extremely laid-back meandering smell-the-roses style of "advancing". If other people make it a point to get to 50 and keep on powering up, I don't mind, what does that have to do with me?

(For the record, I have 2 50s, both of which are 50 solely because I wanted access to the EATs. Neither a Gravity/Ice Dom nor a MA/Regen Scrapper is exactly in high demand for anything, lacking debuffs and extreme damage, so they've basically retired.)



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post

But anyways, Please dont speak like you know everything about this expansion. You dont. You only know as much as they have said, and with all the hush hush about this expansion, what they have said to-date is not ALL that we are getting. It's just as bad as straight up lying, to just bot responce what you think is fact. When its not the entire truth, or fact.
I know nothing about the expansion, but Praetorians use Behemoths, Behemoths have to be on maps, maps can be reset..."All I'm gonna do is farm more Behemoths".

Haha, kidding aside one issue is travel. I've gotten so used to shortcuts in CoX: bases, Ouroboros portal, multiple train lines...I don't think I'll do more than be a tourist in Praetoria if I have to slog across multiple zones doing deliveries etc. Hopefully they borrow from the CoV model here and make the zones more compact.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
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Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
I know nothing about the expansion, but Praetorians use Behemoths, Behemoths have to be on maps, maps can be reset..."All I'm gonna do is farm more Behemoths".

Haha, kidding aside one issue is travel. I've gotten so used to shortcuts in CoX: bases, Ouroboros portal, multiple train lines...I don't think I'll do more than be a tourist in Praetoria if I have to slog across multiple zones doing deliveries etc. Hopefully they borrow from the CoV model here and make the zones more compact.
I got a armageddon and a ragnorok last night farming behemoths



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Villains needs its own stuff.

I get that heroes cant handle that side of the game getting any attention. But, yanno... Co-Op
Villains need a lvl 30-35 TF!!!

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I have 17 L50s and I'll be grateful for any new Dev-created content that gives me an excuse to play my favourite L50s again. I only play my L50s occasionally now - on new/holiday content, self-imposed challenges, weekend TFs/SFs, and the occasional raid if I'm in the mood - maybe 10% of my total playing time - for the most part I'd rather be levelling a new character, exploring a powerset combination I haven't played before.

The deal-breaker for me is whether the new endgame content will be more fun for me than levelling a new character - what I don't want is mass zerg drudgery-by-rote, punctuated by boring hang-time and the petty tantrums of armchair dictators, like the raiding endgames in most other MMOs.

As long as the endgame system doesn't take the fun and replayability out of the existing game then I have no reason to dread it. My main fear is that Paragon Studios may become so focused on endgame content that they end up spending most of their future Dev time on it - just like Blizzard have done in the past, even though only a small minority take part in WoW's endgame - the last thing you want is a Dev team spending over 90% of their time/resources on content for under 10% of the playerbase.

Ironically since EverQuest 1 (where I was a serious raider and eventually burned out on it) I've quit almost every endgame-focused MMO I've played within a few months of hitting the level cap. CoH is the first MMO I've played for longer than the 3 years I spent subscribed to EQ1, and until now it really hasn't had an endgame to speak of - which (on the whole) I've been fine with.



I wanted to respond to this as well:

Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Cant we all just agree to Hope that we will get all new content from 1 to 50. No matter how big of a fan you are of this game... the current content is old, and has been done by alot of people - to the point - that they dont want to do it again.

Most people I know, are currently thinking they will not be forced to do all the old content again, nor do they want to.

Their plans for the future not withstanding, this is what most people are hoping for in the circle I travel in. They are not trying to even hear that they will have an AWESOME new 1 to 20 expierience, and then be kicked out to the same carp we have now. They just do not want it.
I can certainly agree to that - I really hope the information that GG keeps zealously parroting has changed since Herocon. I want new content at every level range - fresh high quality story content that I don't have to dredge through a browser in AE to find, set on new tilesets/maps that I don't automatically know all the spawn locations on, with new factions/enemies that I haven't been fighting since 2005, with stories/briefings that I don't know every word of.

I'll also be gutted if GR doesn't have at least as many missions/arcs as CoV had - Mission Architect was supposedly developed originally to let the Devs produce more content faster (before Posi decided to release it to the masses) so lets see some evidence of that in practice, please!

I'm not quite as dismissive of new L1-20 content - sure, we get through that level range quickly, but most of us have also experienced the existing L1-20 content more often than any other level range, just from all the characters we've deleted at low level or that haven't yet made it past low levels. Also the L1-20 content is arguably more important than any other level range because it is the content that new/trial players will see first and probably use to decide whether to buy/subscribe to the game (and in that respect I hope they force trial account players to start in Praetoria, because the existing CoH newbie hero content is not a good example of what this game can do).

Personally I don't dislike playing low level characters, but I've taken to using double xp weekends to rush several new characters to L20ish purely because I'm so tired of the existing low level content (though I still enjoy all the post-I2 blueside content at L15-35, and all redside content at L30+). So I'll be pleased enough if GR caters to L1-20 and then picks up again at mid-to-late-levels, but I'll be blissfully happy if things have changed so that we can now do levels 1-50 almost entirely in Praetoria without ever leaving.



I would have no problem if GR only had 1-20 missions. I would play them on new alts and on my old favorites to get any badges or for the fun of it. But I say that expecting that they would soon add additional content, say level 21-40 in I17 and 41-50 in I18.

If they did something like that, I would be satisfied.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

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My big, A-Number 1, top of my personal list hope for any end-game content they add is that is is solo-friendly. Note, that doesn't mean soloable in this case. It's my hope that they make it open enough that if you aren't part of some gigantic SG (or even in a SG at all) you still have a reasonable chance of being able to get in on the end-game content either via coalitions, pick-up teams or running it with friends. The level of difficulty doesn't matter (well, it does, but only to the point of a reasonable chance of success while being difficult enough to be a challenge) just how open the admittance is.

This was my same problem with the CoP. I was concerned that my small SGs and unaligned characters would have zero chance to run it. None of us had all that great an interest in IoPs (we wouldn't have turned one down, but had no active interest in havign one either) we just wanted to run the CoP for the enjoyment of doing it. In the case of the CoP this became a moot point with it being borked from before the start and lasting about 12 seconds on live, but it is a good example of what I (and others I am sure), personally, wouldn't want to see in end-game content, not that others would have a problem with it.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Really? It is one game. Most of us (if not all) have characters on red and blue. I have multiple 50s on either side. Win, win. Co-op has the greatest chance of reaching the most people. This has been pointed out over and over and over, yet the argument is still popping up.

It also goes back to quality and quantity. Blue side has more, but a bunch of it is crap. Th red side may have less, but it is all good and well written stuff.

Meh, not the place for this argument.

I am sure GR, and issues coming down the pipe will be a mix of both.
My main complaint about coop content is that it really doesn't make sense in the universe it is being presented. So far the only "coop" missions involve villains being heros, period. This means:

1) While some villains might work for the greater good (at least occasionally), others don't. So no new content for selfish villains who play their character.
2) Since Coop missions all involve being heroic, all heros can run them without worrying about "My character would never do something like that."
3) There are no "coop" missions that involve doing something bad, like stealing inventions for personal use or the buring the school books missions, etc. A half the reasons for having missions can't be used and interesting paths can't be followed. Red and Blue side CoH doesn't work for me as a villain.

I think coop could probably be fixed somewhat by having mission arcs with different text for heros and villains.

Hero: Is infiltrating a villain team.
Hero: Is trying to recover some world threatening device and is forced to do whatever it takes to get it.

Villain: Is infiltrating a hero team to try and steal information or item they are after.

What would be really cool would be to remove Villain/Hero identifiers from players and have mission arcs end with slightly different objectives for the last mission so that either the heros or villains win so you have to bide your time before backstabing your teammates. lol THAT is heros and villains teaming up.

I have concerns for end game content too as I have run my characters to 50 then abandoned them. I don't play 50s and I transfer most of their wealth to lower level toons. Some of mine haven't been respeced since Power Diversification. lol I'm really not set up for this.

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



(Wishful thinking follows...)

Personally I'd like some of the new End Game content to be based around new zones - zones which would be to the current hazard zones what the hazard zones are to regular zones, only more so - active patrols, roaming EBs and GMs, zone events... anything that'll give some challenge to the purple'd out 50s that will go there.

The dark heart of Oranbega? A revamped Shadow Shard? The Rikti Home World? I'd go to zones like that just for the fun of pushing my 50s to their limits. Any further advancement would just be a bonus.



Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
(Wishful thinking follows...)

Personally I'd like some of the new End Game content to be based around new zones - zones which would be to the current hazard zones what the hazard zones are to regular zones, only more so - active patrols, roaming EBs and GMs, zone events... anything that'll give some challenge to the purple'd out 50s that will go there.

The dark heart of Oranbega? A revamped Shadow Shard? The Rikti Home World? I'd go to zones like that just for the fun of pushing my 50s to their limits. Any further advancement would just be a bonus.

The only problem with that though is then having IOs become almost essential which is what they dont want to do. I too would love a zone like that, but we already have monster island to test ourselves, so a GM zone i wouldnt like.

However a zone with crazy [and i mean crazy] high amount of patrols/spawn points would be fun, though then again it'ld become highly wanted as a farming zone. A zone which automatically resets spawns?

To me, the ultimate endgame boss would have random powers everytime its started. Whether its possible or not i really dont know, but would add an element of risk and the unkown to it.
Will this guy siphon speed the buff/debuffer? Will he fulcrum shift the entire group? Will he phase shift? Will he self destruct even?

To me, that'ld be fun and a challenge

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Originally Posted by Radubadu View Post
Sailboat I think I understand your concern with the changes... whether it was your intention or not it reminds me of one of the problems and best parts of WoW... there's always something new to do with your main... but there comes a point where even if something is fun it's obsolete.

Example: running through Ulduar (the last raid that was out when I was playing) was fun because it was challenging, got you new awesome gear, blablabla... you could still run through Naxxramus (sp?) which was the one prior to that but you didn't need gear from it and people were all geared from Ulduar to the point that there was no challenge in it to make it fun. Ultimately WoW is simply too easy and unlike CoH there's no way to adjust difficulty so it eventually becomes very monotonous... playing a mage was as simple as hitting a sequence of 2 MAYBE 3 buttons and making sure your positioning was ideal to avoid dying it sounds kinda challenging but after recognizing the pattern of whatever boss it was ridiculously easy.

Having said all that, from what I've seen of CoH thus far I have faith that the devs will not follow that same pattern.
This game isn't loot-based.
With no new tier of UBERGEAR to chase, if old content is fun people will keep running it.

The comparison with WoW's strip-mall approach to expansion doesn't hold water.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
The only problem with that though is then having IOs become almost essential which is what they dont want to do.
When they released inventions, they told us that no existing game encounters would be rebalanced around them. Nothing was ever said about future balancing with respect to the invention system.

Hell, for over a year we've had the rumor of "The Battalion" faction associated with The Coming Storm, which would be on a level of difficulty almost requiring IOs in order to be effective.




More level 50 content? Yay!
Making our characters more powerful? Yay with qualifications.

I play LOTRO. The game does several things very well, but where it falls short in my mind is the level and gear trap. Towards the end of the game and becoming more prevailant at end game is the requirement to have uber gear, and specialized gear for different raids.

I have really enjoyed LOTRO - right up until I hit my late 50s (the level cap is 65 now) and realized that it wasn't just my ability to play and level that determined if I could participate in a raid, it was if I had the right gear. Having to repetively complete one raid to get the gear, piece by piece, to be able to participate in another raid, ad nauseum. Yuck.

I lost interest in playing it when I hit 65 and was no longer progressing and had only gear, gear, and more gear to work on. Replayability, something this game does very well, was the problem.

I have 10 level 50s in COH/V. I expect that I will play my favorites of these through the new content and make them more powerful. What I don't want to see is the gear (enhancement) trap. I'm already getting burned out on IOs since the I13 change to IO drops. I had lots of fun IOing out my and SGmates toons when a recipe dropped for every tf. Not so much now. And purples... I really do not want to see end game content balanced around those.

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