Excitment... and FEAR.. about new "End Game" content..

Adeon Hawkwood



Seeing as we know nothing and taking into account the "end game" they've added in the past, I am just uninterested and apathetic.



Lemme just say this,

I know some of you refuse to admit how awesome IO's are. You fear change. You fear not understanding "complex" mechanics. And that is fine. There are other people like you, so don't think "you're the only one". It's ok to just use SO's. We get it. And that is "ooooooooooooook".

As for myself, and my family and friends...


Because we, and yes I can speak for all of them, LOVE to grind for awesome stuff.


Nothing is wrong with you people who refuse to adapt... Its ok to still love the 90's.



Some of us like the 90's and purples.



Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
Some of us like the 90's and purples.
I only want to see you dancing in the Purple Rain.
Purple Rain.
Purple Rain.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
Some of us like the 90's and purples.
Not possible, I looked into it.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Not possible, I looked into it.

true story



Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
I have really enjoyed LOTRO - right up until I hit my late 50s (the level cap is 65 now) and realized that it wasn't just my ability to play and level that determined if I could participate in a raid, it was if I had the right gear. Having to repetively complete one raid to get the gear, piece by piece, to be able to participate in another raid, ad nauseum. Yuck.
In my experience of endgame raiding it wasn't even just playing ability, level and gear - it was also knowing the right people / being in the right guild, being disciplined enough to follow orders absolutely, plus having the kind of lifestyle that permitted the massive commitment required to put in the hours to earn your place on raids and earn the DKP necessary to get that gear you needed for the next tier of raids. If you had all that then you just needed a high tolerance for tedium and lots of persistence to get you through.

I did all that in EverQuest and yeah people burn out on it fast - for me the breaking point was spending 3 weeks solid, every evening for 5+ hours, in the boring corridors of The Temple of Veeshan (basically almost featureless white walls/floors/ceilings) with 30+ people just constantly killing dragons as if they were trash mobs (which made dragons seem rather mundane for me ), for stupidly rare drops to gear up, and when I finally got the chain BP I supposedly needed for my dwarf rogue I suddenly realised that everyone else in the raid seemed happier for me than I felt (I think it was relief more than happiness). I'm just amazed I managed to stick raiding - especially leading the horrid things (I think herding cats must be easier than getting 71 other people on the same page and working in harmony, as I once had to do) - for 2.5 years before I reached that point - the things you do for friends

Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I know some of you refuse to admit how awesome IO's are.
IOs are awesome - I want more purple sets too - but there's a big difference between loving IOs and wanting parts of the game balanced for them. If we want to push our purpled up builds then there are crazy challenges, tough AE missions and higher difficulty levels that allow us to do that - we don't need content devoted to it, nor an endgame that requires it - this is still a very casual MMO. Having awesomely expensive builds is reward in itself, even with no content balanced to require it.

Whatever endgame the Devs add has to be inclusive of everyone, as getting to L50 is so easy that lots of players will want to be able to participate.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I know some of you refuse to admit how awesome IO's are. You fear change. You fear not understanding "complex" mechanics. And that is fine. There are other people like you, so don't think "you're the only one". It's ok to just use SO's. We get it. And that is "ooooooooooooook".
You forgot to mention availability, which is the real bottleneck to participation.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I really don't think the new end game content will be designed around uber fully tweaked builds. I am pretty sure that one of the devs stated that they did not expect players to FULLY IO builds. So to make content that requires it, goes back on the casual gamer statements they have made for the past 5 years.

The Devs tick me off at times, offten here lately, but I still trust them to make this game fun for everyone. Not just the elite who have the time, or stored inf to make uber toons.

I want more power to be the reward for end game content, not the requirement. Based on the game so far, the Devs feel the same way.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



All of the new content should not require extra-ordinary builds, tactics, or teamwork, but I look forward to at least some content that does require some or all of those.

Just like we have now with Hammy raids, Ship raids, STF and RSF -- there is nothing wrong with having somethings be a little more difficult than running in and clicking buttons mindlessly. In fact, I'd be disappointed if none of the new content had an element of difficulty greater than anything we have seen so far.

And if they did make something that hard, I would expect a commensurate reward in merits, HOs, or some other new shiney.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by KingSnake View Post
Anyone else feel this way? I'm excited to no end about the "END GAME" stuff Posi mentioned. Something to plug our 50's into that help advance them and give them fun stuff to do... very very excited... but..


By the time GR hits live... I'll more then likely have... 35 LvL 50 toons. (I'm at about 33 now with 2 over 35 and one just about to hit 30... so maybe 36 even...)

How the heck am i going to decide who should go first?! And.. if it's really involved... who gets neglected and who gets the special treatment... ??

I have over 25 different heros and 10 or more villians.. all of whom i pretty much enjoy playing and like there concepts. If i hadent, they would have been scrapped long before lvl 50...

Infact, this whole "end game" concept has had me scrap my plans for any NEW alts. Once i finish the 3 i currently have over lvl 25, I'm not starting any new ones till i know more about what's going to happen. Anyone under 25 gets there costumes saved and deleted tonight. (just incase i want to remake them in GR...) It's been a slow friday for me here at work.. i've had too much time to think on this topic... LOL.

Anyone else in the same boat?
I lost count at 50 50s. I do however have my favorites (a dozen or so). So for PvE, this is hopefully something fun(TM) to do. My major concern will be around how this will effect PvP and the literally dozens(sic) of PvP'rs left in the game.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Originally Posted by Slax View Post
I lost count at 50 50s. I do however have my favorites (a dozen or so). So for PvE, this is hopefully something fun(TM) to do. My major concern will be around how this will effect PvP and the literally dozens(sic) of PvP'rs left in the game.

Over 50 level 50s?

I let out a little glee when i got 3!!!!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
Well bugger that. The main reason I want Rogue status on all of my characters is from being damn sick of "Sorry, we're all leveling toons on the opposite side you are tonight. No, we're too low to do RWZ content and we're working on badges/merits/etc that AE doesn't give."
Just play villains :P solves the problem.



Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
(Wishful thinking follows...)

Personally I'd like some of the new End Game content to be based around new zones - zones which would be to the current hazard zones what the hazard zones are to regular zones, only more so - active patrols, roaming EBs and GMs, zone events... anything that'll give some challenge to the purple'd out 50s that will go there.

The dark heart of Oranbega? A revamped Shadow Shard? The Rikti Home World? I'd go to zones like that just for the fun of pushing my 50s to their limits. Any further advancement would just be a bonus.
That would, on one single move, bring me half-way to cancelling my account on the spot, and that is a feeling that never goes away. Right now, the "you cannot play this" content in the game is mercifully small, self-contained and, most importantly, does not cut off any vitally interesting parts of the game, other than the Inventions rat race, which is itself well self-contained. But if this is the equivalent of adding a 50-60 game with forced teaming and/or min/max builds that are specifically designed such that someone like me cannot participate... Well, that's too large a chunk of the game I am not welcome in, and it gets too close to making me feel like a second-rate citizen.

Harder tasks, certainly. Hell, I can overlook even proper raids and classical instances. But an entirely separate zone with its own storyline only for the "elite?" No, thank you. Current hazard zones PITA enough.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



It all depends what your definition of 'the game' is. Mine includes inventions, and if it's content that anyone can do on SOs it's not End-Game content, it's just more level 50 content with (perhaps) disproportionately good rewards.

I'm not a power-gamer or a min/maxer. I pick powers for concept and fun, not to make my characters uber. I slot IOs that drop until I hit 50 then I might, just might, try to collect the rest of the sets. Nonetheless, at some point the devs will have to start balancing some higher end content around IO'd power levels, because as it it at the moment I've been on plenty of moderately IO'd teams who will walk over anything short of multiple AVs without breaking sweat.

If doing the new end-game content results is rewarded by increasing the power of your 50s, then it should be designed to challenge those who've already put in effort to increase the power of their 50s within the current game.

And Sam, I'm the last person to advocate forced teaming. Okay, I got a bit carried away with the idea of roaming GMs (I'm not looking for Monster Island II) but I'd sooner see at least some of the end game revolve around a high risk zone or two that anyone can (at their own risk) enter, teamed or otherwise, rather than the 8 man minimum TFs/SFs that I fear we're more likely to get.



rather than the 8 man minimum TFs/SFs that I fear we're more likely to get.
I dont know, talk about end game content doesnt translate to another taskforce to me.

Im expecting something different to be honest. Would be shocked and to be honest, a tad dissapointed if the endgame material is just another taskforce [no matter how good it is].

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
I dont know, talk about end game content doesnt translate to another taskforce to me.

Im expecting something different to be honest. Would be shocked and to be honest, a tad dissapointed if the endgame material is just another taskforce [no matter how good it is].
If Posi has a whole "taskforce" working on the endgame content, it's more than a TF. Yes, that's opinion, but you don't dedicate that much of the dev team (and leave your lead dev position) just to create another TF. That'd be overdoing it.

Task forces may be a part of it (though I do hope it's not the only part... TFs are fun, but I like soloing or not having to form TFs most night), but hopefully other things will be a part.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
...and if it's content that anyone can do on SOs it's not End-Game content, it's just more level 50 content with (perhaps) disproportionately good rewards.

I'm not a power-gamer or a min/maxer. I pick powers for concept and fun, not to make my characters uber. I slot IOs that drop until I hit 50 then I might, just might, try to collect the rest of the sets. Nonetheless, at some point the devs will have to start balancing some higher end content around IO'd power levels, because as it it at the moment I've been on plenty of moderately IO'd teams who will walk over anything short of multiple AVs without breaking sweat.

If doing the new end-game content results is rewarded by increasing the power of your 50s, then it should be designed to challenge those who've already put in effort to increase the power of their 50s within the current game.
Highlighted for emphasis. I think this is the main issue with endgame content. To hard and you just alienate people but if it's too easy then there's no point to even adding it since it won't really be endgame content. The main key is making encounters that teams have to either approach differently than the normal steamroll or in some situations it may require you to hit things full speed ahead.



I may be looking at this from a slightly different angle then a lot of the core forum community here. Since I have been away from the game for a long time. But in any case here is my .02's worth.

I started playing CoH when it first came out. I played until a few months after CoV came out and switched to WoW to play an MMO with some real life friends. I enjoyed WoW and despite what many say about the WoW community met a lot of great people. I was lucky though, what many say about how bad WoW players can be is all to true. But despite the friends I made I burnt out on WoW and decided to give CoH another try.

What made me quit WoW and come back to CoH wasn't the people. It was the whole raiding end game that burnt me out. I was in one of the top raiding guilds on our server for awhile. My main was pretty tricked out in epics. I definitely felt a sense of accomplishment in raiding, but eventually it turned out to be a second job for me, not a game to play and have fun with. Not only was I obligated to a scheduled four hours a night, five days a week raiding schedule. I was also obligated to all the farming that was required for the high end enchants, gems, flasks and consumables you needed to raid. It got to be to much for me.

Well I came back to COH and saw all the new shiny IO's and thought "Oh great, here we go again...". Luckily I was wrong. The two 50's I currently have still do fine when I play them. (a FM/FA/Pyre and an Ice/Rad/Fire). I am also having fun leveling up a couple of new toons with power sets that are new to me (Plant/Storm and a Elec/SD). I can still join TF's with any of my toons and make a decent contribution and have never been turned down from a group because I lack in the way of set bonuses. I plan on getting IO's eventually but am pleasantly suprised I do not feel rushed to do so because I "have to" to be able to keep up with everyone else.

COH is a game I can play for a few hours at a time here and there and actually accomplish some things of worth. Which is something WoW can't say. Whatever new endgame path the devs take with this game I hope they remember that and stick to the same kind of philosophy that brought me back and is keeping me here.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
that are specifically designed such that someone like me cannot participate..
Were something like this to be implemented, the issue would not be that you cannot participate, it would simply be you CHOOSE not to participate by not making the effort to meet the requirements to do so.

It is no different than someone complaining that the game is specifically designed that they cannot participate in a Lady Grey Task Force, when their only character is level 25, then refusing to spend the time leveling their character up to meet the minimum level requirement.



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
New costume options and a new map and map tileset, all shown in that little picture.
Did you see Sexy J's post where he said that was an NPC and not a player costume?

It's hopeless, GP... you can't put a good spin on this!

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
The only problem with that though is then having IOs become almost essential which is what they dont want to do. I too would love a zone like that, but we already have monster island to test ourselves, so a GM zone i wouldnt like.
A theoretical "super zone" wouldn't require IOs... it would just mean that any viable team would be composed of half Defenders/Corruptors for the debuffs/buffs.

That's what happens with any real challenging content in this game. Look at the LRSF and the portion of the team reserved for Corruptors. Look at how any team of Defenders makes difficult content a joke.

There's not a good, easy solution for this, either. You can gut the effectiveness of debuffs, but that would be a major gameplay change that would upset most of the players. That's why improved diffculty needs to include better AI or gimmicks, because "a bigger bag of hit points" will just melt away under sufficient application of debuffs.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
Highlighted for emphasis. I think this is the main issue with endgame content. To hard and you just alienate people but if it's too easy then there's no point to even adding it since it won't really be endgame content. The main key is making encounters that teams have to either approach differently than the normal steamroll or in some situations it may require you to hit things full speed ahead.
The problem with that is, if you make content that can be beaten with careful strategy by most good teams, then a twinked-out team will be able to steamroll through it without thinking. Which will not lead people to conclude "you need careful strategy for this", but "you absolutely need a twinked out team for this and can't possibly do it any other way".

See also the Master of STF badge debacle.

Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
A theoretical "super zone" wouldn't require IOs... it would just mean that any viable team would be composed of half Defenders/Corruptors for the debuffs/buffs.

That's what happens with any real challenging content in this game. Look at the LRSF and the portion of the team reserved for Corruptors. Look at how any team of Defenders makes difficult content a joke.

There's not a good, easy solution for this, either. You can gut the effectiveness of debuffs, but that would be a major gameplay change that would upset most of the players.
I'll just note that Castle has stressed "we will not add any sort of Diminishing Returns on debuffs to any existing content".

Character index



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
I'll just note that Castle has stressed "we will not add any sort of Diminishing Returns on debuffs to any existing content".
To my understanding he meant already existing content. It's possible (but admittely unlikely) for future content.



Sterling's WoW anecdote sounds exactly how I felt when I quit original EverQuest - raids were an obligation but not much fun. Imho raiding endgames aren't that challenging either, except organisationally for the raid leader - raiding is repetitively procedural with little room for initiative, reactive tactics, and very few chances for individuals to excel. It also adds gear grinding and I don't want to see "build elitism" here (like raiding MMOs have "gear elitism") - I say that as someone with four fully purpled-up builds and more in progress. Tons of existing MMORPGs have loot-grind raid-heavy endgames, so it's available if people want that - I don't want it here.

I also agree with Sam - I don't want any endgame content being off-limits to any L50s - it really irked me in WoW that some quest chains needed a raid to complete them and that I couldn't witness the climax of expansion storylines unless I joined a serious raiding guild. Dev teams of raiding MMOs spend most of their time and innovation adding content that the majority of the playerbase never get to see - I don't want that here.

Mental_Giant's point about team composition is well made too - existing hard content leads to teams of Defenders/Corruptors backing up a few Brutes/Scrappers - players of the other archetypes shouldn't feel like they're fighting for 1-2 "pity spots" because the way the content is designed doesn't let them pull their weight. I've had to quit playing fun but "raid-useless" characters in other MMOs to level something else my guild needed that was useful on raids - I don't want that here either.

I hope CoH's endgame doesn't require more than a single team of 8 players (that would be harsh on low population servers) - not unless it's for a few Mothership/Hamidon style challenges that any L50 can pitch in with (as they're great for community building) - in fact I hope the endgame caters for soloers/duoers and small groups. Forcing lots of big raid gameplay into CoH from other MMORPGs would likely mean a decrease in pick-up group availability as more people would only have time to raid with their supergroups, and less time to PuG or play alts, dividing the playerbase (and some of you think CoH's servers are quiet now?). CoH has always excelled at bringing people together - lets not damage that by adding a raiding endgame that divides people into tiers by supergroup or the IOs in their build - I don't want that here.

I do like a challenge - I just don't see how challenge equates to larger team/raid sizes (quite the opposite in fact). CoH's strength has always been customisability, not just in costumes and builds, but in difficulty - we can make missions harder or easier to suit us, and they scale to level and team size - I see no reason why endgame content should be any different (except that it will be restricted to L50s). Give players choices, so that all content is available to all players to tailor the difficulty as they wish (like existing content is) then surely we all win - except for those who want gear-grinds and raiding guild gameplay, as in their case I'd have to say that this really isn't the game for them and it never has been.

CoH is a casual MMO - I hope it stays that way.