Excitment... and FEAR.. about new "End Game" content..

Adeon Hawkwood



Wow..I can't believe this thread has gone four pages already and no one has stated the obvious. Guess I will have to step up to the plate.


There are better people in worse shape....



Originally Posted by Cylert View Post
Wow..I can't believe this thread has gone four pages already and no one has stated the obvious. Guess I will have to step up to the plate.

I thought the more obvious thing was the "fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering" quote?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I thought the more obvious thing was the "fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering" quote?
Excitement leads to fear, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to the DOOM thread....

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Villains are getting 7 new ATs in GR
Let's see: Scrappers, Warshades.... drawing a blank on the remaining five.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Frankly, I enjoyed the fact that my characters were DONE. It gave me a sense of closure. I just know that this new thing, whatever it is, is going to attempt to make progress infinite, or at least such a pain in the *** that I'm never going to bother finishing even one, thus robbing me of my sense of closure unless I pretend it doesn't exist. And if I pretend a few more parts of the game don't exist I might as well stop playing altogether.
This is exactly the same way I feel, or close. I decided a cool project for me would be to get every Fire Controller permutation to level 50, and every Fire Dominator permutation to level 50, and I've done it over 5 years. That's 16 characters that are level 50 that I played up and enjoyed but that I considered DONE. Sure, I could get accolades and badges and whatnot, but they are finished.

Currently, I can bring any one of my level 50s into any high level content I want, and I'd be useful. Merits from Task forces and cash from Task forces (for affording purples) are perfect for an endgame because someone could do that and go crazy and be better than me, but I can currently take any level 50 character on any task force and be fundamentally useful, if not as good as the guy with 100% recharge. Someone would say "cool we have a bubbler" or "we have a scrapper, great" and not "dude, you are a scrapper with no recharge bonuses. get out". I don't want that to be the case with the new system.

I'm very nervous that the new end game system will be exclusionary or will make me feel my characters are incomplete again. I've been playing to get my stable of concepts that I like done and completed. I like going "which one of my pretties will I take on the endgame content tonight". Changing that for me will be a disaster. It'd be like deleting every level 50 I have, undermining the whole point why I still play.

If the new system is something like being able to earn bonus slots so that you could eventually 6-slot every power you can take by 50, I'd be fine with it. Because a character with ALL its powers 6-slotted would be more powerful, but I'd be able to go on all the same task forces with my currently complete characters. If however I totally cant hang with the content with some level 50 I parked 3 years ago and dont touch ever, or if you have to do a bunch or advancement to get access to the endgame missions, or if its like a new powers system and none of my "done" character need bother trying to get on a team because nobody wants me, I'll be irritated. In that event the new system will have, as far as I'm concerned, deleted all of my level 50 characters because then I can't drag them out for any content for fun anymore.

And right now, I have 40 characters that are level 50, with 1 that is level 48 right now that will probably be level 50 by the end of the weekend.

Excitement: No.
Fear: Yes.
Curiosity: Let's call it Dread, shall we?


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



For no particular reason other than my own imagination, I imagine that the Universal Enhancement Slots will be gained one by one by some process, whether that gaining experience, completing tasks, or whatever.

I further imagined that you would have to make a choice of what to slot to achieve some small but tangible bonus across your other powers. For example, you might gain 3% accuracy to all powers, or 3% damage, or 3% resistance, etc.

I would certainly take my namesake character through any new progression, possibly some others, but certainly not all of my level 50s. I have a lot of 50s, none of them is completely purpled out, although several of them have some purple enhancements. Most of them have at least a couple of good IOs and decent sets.

But a few have only generic IOs and some SOs and I could care less if I ever slot another enhancement in them. It doesn't bother me in the least.

While I can understand and sympathize with the OP's point of fearing to "have" to do x, y, or z over and over to get each of his stable of characters, I can't truly relate because I don't have that fear. I'm just looking forward to new challenges and interesting things to do and see.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I've nothing against more content to do at level 50. In fact, I have a habit of bringing up my old level 50s from time to time to brush up on all the content that has sprung up since they were last active. I very much welcome more to do that isn't just grinding scanners or papers, but I honestly enjoy PROGRESS halting at level 50. I treat this like I treat the "end game" of Carmageddon 2: Carpocalyse Now - the game is over, I can replay all the old stages, do free runs and I own all the cars now. I could possibly brush up on all the engine upgrades I missed out on, too. But I can't expect that a brand new game will open up with ever newer races and ever more upgrades and pickus and ever-newer cars. The game's done. I've seen what I'm going to see. I can just stick around and play it some more, or start over.

At level 50 currently, the game pretty much ends. You can stick around and play, and you can keep on collecting Inventions if you really wanted to, but the character is done. There aren't any more levels, there aren't any more levels by a different name, there aren't any more levels by another different name, and there aren't any more levels presented in such a way that it's not clear that they're just more levels. And there aren't any more levels, either. I'm not half-way towards getting that next major upgrade that has three more major upgrades behind it. I'm done. And I like being done, because I have around 30 other characters waiting in line.

I very much doubt that will be the case when this hits.
It depends on your definition of "progress." Its virtually assured that there won't be any levels past 50, so in terms of combat and security levels, you're done. However, even now there are opportunities to improve the character, for example via inventions. Its character development that is orthogonal to traditional "progress" but it still exists for players that wish to do it.

The end game content will probably extend that option by providing specific challenges designed to challenge those that want to continue to build their character's overall strength. However, those characters are very likely to lose much of that capability under exemplar, which means the only place to show off that extra power might be in the end game content itself. They are not going to want to have end game-boosted level 50s bulldozing Monster Island solo.

I think there's lots of room for compromise here that doesn't create unlimited treadmills yet still allows for significant strength and diversification options for level 50s for players that wish to pursue them. However, in the absolute sense, people who actually *need* progress to halt dead at level 50 will probably have issues with the new end game system, just like there are people who believe the invention system "forces" them onto the treadmill of accumulating purples.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
atleast GR is bringing a whole new 1 to 50 experience. I can always fall back on that.
GR is bringing new 1-20 content and new 50 content

Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
When is the last time VILLAINS got new stuff just for them?
Issue 16 - Pets zone with their owner (okay, technically it applies to non-Mind/ Controllers and to Dark/ Defenders, as well)
Issue 15 - Barracuda SF, Domination revamp
Issue 13 - Pain Domination, PPP switching, Sister Airlia (2 story arcs)
Issue 12 - VEATs (6 story arcs, 5 non-arc missions), Mercedes Sheldon (1 story arc), Ashley McKnight (2 story arcs)




Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
However, in the absolute sense, people who actually *need* progress to halt dead at level 50 will probably have issues with the new end game system, just like there are people who believe the invention system "forces" them onto the treadmill of accumulating purples.
That may be apples and oranges, though.

Feeling you have to have purples doesn't change the fact that my level 50 character with only modest/cheap IOs, or with SOs, can get an invite to the hardest task forces, and the team is happy with me. So a person feeling they HAVE to have purples is simply WRONG, because even without purples they can go on and be useful in ALL the content and desired by any team.

If the new system makes it such that my level 50 Fire/Earth Dominator with SOs can't get on a team because the content cant be completed by someone who hasnt heavily invested in the new system, or isnt welcome on teams, or isnt tough enough, or is shut out in some way, thats a totally different complaint.

As long as the new system allows my level 50 SO only character to GO on all the content and not have the team reject me, then it will be a success. If you can't avoid the new system and still play with your friends, it will be a disaster. If I wanted a game where I had to keep up with the Jones' to expect to be invited, I'd play WOW.


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Frankly, I enjoyed the fact that my characters were DONE. It gave me a sense of closure. I just know that this new thing, whatever it is, is going to attempt to make progress infinite, or at least such a pain in the *** that I'm never going to bother finishing even one, thus robbing me of my sense of closure unless I pretend it doesn't exist. And if I pretend a few more parts of the game don't exist I might as well stop playing altogether.

So, fear: kind of. Excitement: ZERO. Don't care about end game, never have, never will. Far as I'm concerned, "end game" is where the game ends and I start over.
Once I get a character to 50, they are like a trophy. Stick 'em on a shelf, and ignore 'em. Sometimes I'll log into one, just to see if they have piece of rare salvage that one of my other characters could use, but that's about it. I tried once to play one of my 50's, and it just wasn't fun.

I don't have a lot of 50's though. I usually lose interest by 40 if not sooner. A lot of them feel done, once they have their tier 9 in primary or secondary, depending on if its a good or sucky power. I always felt that the 40-50 content wasn't fun.

Adding end game content won't change any of that. Not a bit.

You are free to stop playing your 50's. Even if they add end game content, you don't have to play it. I never had to play the 40-50 content, and originally only did so to unlock Peacebringers, Warshades, Widows and Spiders. I can't see how the existence of an end game could rob you of closure, or why you would need to pretend it doesn't exist. I never needed to pretend 40-50 didn't exist.

Well, to each his own.

If its fun to do, I don't care what level it is, I'll do it.

Recent changes to the difficulty system added fun back into the levels 40-50 for me. Turns out the grindy feeling I had in those levels was from being mezzed and sapped so much. I used to turn the difficulty up because I like to have boss fight in every mission. But doing so made fighting the minions tedious in those levels. Now that I can fight even level minions and a boss, I'm enjoying content that I couldn't before.



Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
That may be apples and oranges, though.

Feeling you have to have purples doesn't change the fact that my level 50 character with only modest/cheap IOs, or with SOs, can get an invite to the hardest task forces, and the team is happy with me. So a person feeling they HAVE to have purples is simply WRONG, because even without purples they can go on and be useful in ALL the content and desired by any team.

If the new system makes it such that my level 50 Fire/Earth Dominator with SOs can't get on a team because the content cant be completed by someone who hasnt heavily invested in the new system, or isnt welcome on teams, or isnt tough enough, or is shut out in some way, thats a totally different complaint.

As long as the new system allows my level 50 SO only character to GO on all the content and not have the team reject me, then it will be a success. If you can't avoid the new system and still play with your friends, it will be a disaster. If I wanted a game where I had to keep up with the Jones' to expect to be invited, I'd play WOW.

I don't know about apples and oranges: there are people that complain they get kicked from teams for not being IOed out now. Others have the exact opposite anecdotal experience. Those two perspectives appear totally irreconcilable. I suspect an essentially identical situation will occur with regard to end game content. Who's right and who's wrong will very likely come down to which of the two a particular player's experience matches.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



i really hope your just WRONG about the level 1 to 20 content being it.

there really had better be content for lvl 21 to 50.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
i really hope your just WRONG about the level 1 to 20 content being it.

there really had better be content for lvl 21 to 50.
From what I've read so far, there'll be level 50 content in Praetoria (possibly 45-50 or even 40-50), but for character starting in Praetoria at level 1, it seems you're forced to pick Loyalist or Resistance (determining Villain or Hero) by level 20. Of course, if the choice is made at 20, then the lowbie Praetoria content may extend up to 25 or 30, but I wouldn't get your hopes up.




Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
From what I've read so far, there'll be level 50 content in Praetoria (possibly 45-50 or even 40-50), but for character starting in Praetoria at level 1, it seems you're forced to pick Loyalist or Resistance (determining Villain or Hero) by level 20. Of course, if the choice is made at 20, then the lowbie Praetoria content may extend up to 25 or 30, but I wouldn't get your hopes up.
I read that too, but I think they just didnt put the rest of the information out yet. I dont know about you, but I have done all there is to do several times over. And the reason I am looking forward to GR sooooooooooooooooooooooo much is because I will have ALL new things to do on alts. I do not ever want to have to go back to Sharkhead simply because there is nothing new to do. Nor do I want to have to go to Talos.

They have been working on GR for a really long time now. I would think they would offer us atleast as much as what came with CoV.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I read that too, but I think they just didnt put the rest of the information out yet. I dont know about you, but I have done all there is to do several times over. And the reason I am looking forward to GR sooooooooooooooooooooooo much is because I will have ALL new things to do on alts. I do not ever want to have to go back to Sharkhead simply because there is nothing new to do. Nor do I want to have to go to Talos.
But at level 20, you will have to leave Praetoria

They have been working on GR for a really long time now. I would think they would offer us atleast as much as what came with CoV
That's posisble - but while CoV came with 1-40 content, GR could quite easily match that with 1-20 and the new endgame system, so there'd be just as much content as CoV, but distributed in a different way.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



So then I should just plan now... play new 1 to 20 content and then power level to 50... ?

That is the big plan?


I am actually quite excited about todays info... but you guys are like serious Debby Downers.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
From what I've read so far, there'll be level 50 content in Praetoria (possibly 45-50 or even 40-50), but for character starting in Praetoria at level 1, it seems you're forced to pick Loyalist or Resistance (determining Villain or Hero) by level 20. Of course, if the choice is made at 20, then the lowbie Praetoria content may extend up to 25 or 30, but I wouldn't get your hopes up.
How much sense would it make to choose at side at 20 and then be banished to the Rogue Isles or Paragon City from 20 to 50? They have only talked specifically about the new "1 to 20 experience" but it's reasonable to assume there is a new path to 50 in Praetoria (or 40, if they save the 40-50 zone until Issue 18). The only previous expansion we've had (CoV) had a full 1 to 40 experience on launch. My assumption would be that the next expansion would have at least as much content... more, in fact, because CoV had 5 whole new ATs and lots of new sets, as opposed to GR's two new sets and possibly no ATs.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
So then I should just plan now... play new 1 to 20 content and then power level to 50... ?

That is the big plan?

I think there may also be side-switching arcs at 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50, as any level is supposed to be able to change sides.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But at level 20, you will have to leave Praetoria
This makes no sense. Can anyone point to something that a Dev actually said that indicates that Praetoria will be a 1-20 and 45+ zone(s)?

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
How much sense would it make to choose at side at 20 and then be banished to the Rogue Isles or Paragon City from 20 to 50? They have only talked specifically about the new "1 to 20 experience" but it's reasonable to assume there is a new path to 50 in Praetoria (or 40, if they save the 40-50 zone until Issue 18). The only previous expansion we've had (CoV) had a full 1 to 40 experience on launch. My assumption would be that the next expansion would have at least as much content... more, in fact, because CoV had 5 whole new ATs and lots of new sets, as opposed to GR's two new sets and possibly no ATs.
Yes, what this guy said.



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
This makes no sense. Can anyone point to something that a Dev actually said that indicates that Praetoria will be a 1-20 and 45+ zone(s)?
They have said somethikng to that effect awhile back, but I really hope, it was just a carrot.



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
The only previous expansion we've had (CoV) had a full 1 to 40 experience on launch.
That's because it was a stand-alone game - it needed 1 through 40 otherwise it wouldn't have been playable.
GR is not a stand-alone game - it requires COH/V - because at 20, you're sent out from Praetoria to the Paragon City or the Rogue Isles.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
The only previous expansion we've had (CoV) had a full 1 to 40 experience on launch. My assumption would be that the next expansion would have at least as much content... more, in fact, because CoV had 5 whole new ATs and lots of new sets, as opposed to GR's two new sets and possibly no ATs.
CoV was not an expansion, it was an "expanshalone". You could add CoV to your CoH account, but you could also have it stand alone as its own game (and only have access to CoV zones and ATs). Going Rogue is strictly an expansion; you must have CoH/V in order to make any use out of a GR code. GR is not a full game, unlike CoV was.




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That's because it was a stand-alone game - it needed 1 through 40 otherwise it wouldn't have been playable.
GR is not a stand-alone game - it requires COH/V - because at 20, you're sent out from Praetoria to the Paragon City or the Rogue Isles.
I still think thats just not even cool or funny.



Then why not just make it ISSUE 17 the content that has been lacking for so long...