Excitment... and FEAR.. about new "End Game" content..

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
2.) Characters that do not wish to change sides are rewarded by becoming exemplary heroes or villains, and earning rewards not available any other way[/URL]
Well bugger that. The main reason I want Rogue status on all of my characters is from being damn sick of "Sorry, we're all leveling toons on the opposite side you are tonight. No, we're too low to do RWZ content and we're working on badges/merits/etc that AE doesn't give."



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
I'm hoping its a revamp to the shadow shard to make it co-op, cleaned up task forces, and a new raid against Rularuu!!!
I expect you're going to be 100% disappointed. In the Q&A part of one of the Herocon panel discussions, the devs were very specifically asked about a Shard revamp. The devs made it very clear in the Herocon panel discussion that since it's almost as much work to completely revamp an old zone as to create a new one, they'd much rather create a new one. It's a little frustrating that they seem to never discuss things like shortening the Shard TFs without embedding that in the context of completely redoing the whole zone. What they seem to have firmly in their minds is that either the Shard remains completely untouched or gets a Faultline-like revamp. Nothing in between.

So unless War Witch takes things in a very new direction (and given that they've been working GR for over a year it'd have a disastrous schedule impact to do a 90 degree turn), I don't expect any changes to the Shard at all for GR.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Co-Op stuff is just a cop out...

When is the last time VILLAINS got new stuff just for them?

I really hope GR doesnt turn out to be the new villains... redheaded neglected stepchild...



Co-op is the most bang for the work put in. I personally like it better, it allows me to play with my friends no mater the faction they chose. with zone restrictions pulled it is even better.

Types of Swords
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Villains needs its own stuff.

I get that heroes cant handle that side of the game getting any attention. But, yanno... Co-Op



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Villains needs its own stuff.

I get that heroes cant handle that side of the game getting any attention. But, yanno... Co-Op
Really? It is one game. Most of us (if not all) have characters on red and blue. I have multiple 50s on either side. Win, win. Co-op has the greatest chance of reaching the most people. This has been pointed out over and over and over, yet the argument is still popping up.

It also goes back to quality and quantity. Blue side has more, but a bunch of it is crap. Th red side may have less, but it is all good and well written stuff.

Meh, not the place for this argument.

I am sure GR, and issues coming down the pipe will be a mix of both.

Types of Swords
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Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
Well bugger that. The main reason I want Rogue status on all of my characters is from being damn sick of "Sorry, we're all leveling toons on the opposite side you are tonight. No, we're too low to do RWZ content and we're working on badges/merits/etc that AE doesn't give."
We've been specifically told by BaB to not take that survey as a guide to what's coming, anyway.

Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
Every time some of us pointed out the detailed plans laid out in the August survey, many of you were quick to say "Hey that was just marketing folks regurgitating all our wish lists. No way all that stuff is planned!" Let's do a little review:

MA: Check.
Side switching in Going Rogue: Check.
Power customization in i16: Check.

But I'm sure we'll never see a Spy archetype or universal enhancement slots, right? If only they had put items on that survey that the devs were actually planning on implementing!

[/ QUOTE ]

It would be a big mistake to take that marketing survey as a roadmap for future content. I can think of at least 2 things that were on there that were either radically changed or outright cut, and a bunch of stuff that's not on there, but are being worked on right now.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
I expect you're going to be 100% disappointed. In the Q&A part of one of the Herocon panel discussions, the devs were very specifically asked about a Shard revamp. The devs made it very clear in the Herocon panel discussion that since it's almost as much work to completely revamp an old zone as to create a new one, they'd much rather create a new one.
Which is very annoying as piling new content on top of old content that is really showing it's age doesn't make the old stuff look any more appetizing.

Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
It's a little frustrating that they seem to never discuss things like shortening the Shard TFs without embedding that in the context of completely redoing the whole zone. What they seem to have firmly in their minds is that either the Shard remains completely untouched or gets a Faultline-like revamp. Nothing in between.
Agreed. It would do a lot just to go back to the old Freedom Phalanx TFs and shorten them down, remove redundant missions, change many of the defeat all missions to have actual objectives, etc. The same goes for a lot of old story arcs, in which case just having the damn content give us their cell number by the 2nd mission would work wonders on making them seem much less tedious.

Maybe then teams would be more willing to run blueside story arcs instead of scanners all the time, it's much easier to get an arc team running redside despite having less players around just because the arcs are shorter and have much less fedex-ing and zone hopping.



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
We've been specifically told by BaB to not take that survey as a guide to what's coming, anyway.
Haha, yeah, that's why now I always put in disclaimers whenever I bring up the survey and Universal Enhancement Slots. That was my post BaBs was responding to and quoting there.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
First, let me say I know that ultimately debating about an end game that we literally know nothing about is pointless. But hey, it's entertaining so here I go!

The traditional definition of level 50 content in this game is "stuff that any level 50 can do". We know that anything an IO'd team can do, an SO'd team of competent players can also do. Set bonuses or elite purple IOs are not required.
That's actually not true. While no current end game content *specifically* requires things like purple IOs, its never been true that level 50 content was content literally *all* level 50s could accomplish successfully. When the LRSF came out, the devs explicitly stated that while it wasn't intentionally designed to require any specific magic combination of capabilities, it was designed to require *high* levels of capabilities in general. Just because a random group of uncoordinated players couldn't finish it, even if they could *prove* it was mathematically impossible to complete in theory that didn't mean there was a problem with the strike force. It might have simply meant that the team in question was not sufficiently capable to overcome that particular challenge.

It is fairer to say that in City of Heroes, "challenging content" which includes level 50ish end game content has always been designed to not require any specific thing, but often requires some general level of power and ability to overcome. This basic premise of design was even considered to be true for things like Maria's AV-ladened arc. Those missions didn't require a tank, or require a healer, or require a debuffer, but it might have been either difficult or impossible for a team to complete if they literally lacked *all* of those types of tools. And that was considered working as intended.

The fact that some players have figured out how to do these things with increasingly less capability (but more skill) doesn't change that basic equation.

But given that Positron specifically said at Comicon that a key part of GR will be a way to make 50s more powerful, I think that will necessarily create an entirely new class of content. Here's why:

We know from the old '08 marketing survey that Universal Enhancement Slots were summarized as a way to give your character the equivalent strength/effectiveness of a hypothetical level 60, but without raising the level cap. Now August '08 was a long time ago, and they may have a completely different mechanism in mind for GR, but the key part is to realize the design philosophy behind using a phrase like "hypothetical level 60." That means they intend for the new mechanism to convey seriously meaningful buffs, not trivial buffs that would be impossible for a player to notice in action.

That leads inescapably to the idea of there being new, harder, content that is aimed squarely at players climbing the UES slotting ladder, plus new end game content specifically designed for fully "leveled up" characters.

I'd be careful about overgeneralizing the "level 60" statement, especially if it was a colloquialism written by someone that didn't understand the full ramifications of what a hypothetical level 60 would actually be. But extrapolating from the current game system rules, a level 60 would, relative to a level 50, have about four more powers, 18 more slots, 8% more health, and 9% more base damage.

We don't expect level 40 characters to be able to do anything a level 50 can do. If there is truly meaningful character empowerment/progression as part of GR, I wouldn't expect someone who hasn't begun that process to be able to do the same tasks a fully geared up character could. To put it another way, if GR moved the level cap to 60, people wouldn't say stuff like "I shouldn't be required to level up to 60. My existing 50s should be able to tackle all the new content." Well, GR is adding a new way to progress characters, albeit without bumping the level cap.
Now here you're implying something more than just the capability intrinsic in leveling. Level 40s are a little weaker than Level 50s, but the primary source of Level 40s being weaker than Level 50s against level 50 content is the purple patch. At -10, they are functioning at only 3% of their intrinsic strength. Or, another way of putting that is that Level 50s are more than 33 *times* stronger than Level 40s at taking on intrinsic Level 50 content.

I think its within the bounds of reasonable speculation to think that end game progression opportunities might make us 10% stronger in raw numbers and perhaps much stronger than that in certain very specific areas (for example, the Invention system practically oozes recharge buffs). But I doubt Castle is working on an endgame system in which we will eventually become 33 times better than base level 50s.

I believe that the best way to create end game character progress opportunities is to leverage the existing invention system and allow players to create better ways of using it. For example, the universal slots themselves could allow for all new types of universal inventions that allow for character progression capabilities that make more sense for level 50s than other characters. For example, level 50s don't level any more. So any balance constraint targeted primarily on leveling could be significantly relaxed for level 50s. I'm thinking here specifically about travel and endurance. Perhaps we'll have ways to buff our max travel caps (flight?). Perhaps we'll get access to powers with huge endurance costs, but with the ability to buff our endurance recovery to make them credible to use.

Personally, I'm thinking the best opportunities for end game challenges are to put a lot of the game effects into play that are "too annoying" to use prolifically at lower levels, and provide end game progression tools to defend against them or overcome them. Perhaps we'll see significant mez protection for squishies, but more mez in general. Perhaps we'll see more friendly fire problems with rescue missions, but also more powers to manipulate and protect friendly NPCs.

Disclaimer: I'm totally spitballing. I have no information about the endgame content being worked on and haven't asked the dev team about it at all. And honestly, the reason why I haven't is that if I do, I'm immediately prevented from publicly speculating on it or really offering public suggestions about it. Sometimes, its better not to know.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
/em summons Golden Girl to explain how it's not a problem since she only has one character.
Well, that might not be for everyone - not all players enjoy or want the same things

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
You've got some tough decisions ahead of you. Hopefully, you'll enjoy the new stuff enough to make those decisions worth it to you. That is our goal, at least.
However it's received by the players, with War Witch as lead designer, you'll be safe now - you can fall back on the oldest excuse in the book - "the woman made me do it"

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Fear? No.

Excitement? Yes.

Cuiositty? Absolutely.

It all depends on the methodology and implementation of the advanced gamestate.

If it is item-driven (IE You need item X to progress, similar to purples) then the Markets and fellow players will be able to help out.

If it is mission-driven (IE You need to unlock Cimerora through the Midnighter contacts) then I expect grouping to accomplish this as efficiently and quickly as possible.

If it is engine-driven (IE slot progression ingame) then things get more interesting. If "universal" slots are acquired, they will likely be so through some sort of gameplay progression. At this point, you would likely have to choose which alts will progress and which will not, causing a lot of heartbreak and a feeling of "grind" as a new timesink occurs. It looks like the Devs are moving away from "grindy" content (ITF and KTF are short) for the most part, though.

I would hope, or rather dream for an account-wide acquisition protocol, similar to the unlocking of Kheldians and Arachnos Epic ATs upon reaching 50. This may prove to be too "easy", however. If I know the Devs (and I don't, but previous experience shows they can be filthy sadists) there will likely be a Task Force/Mission based unlockable and an Acquisition unlockable. Seeing as how they see that X % of players have increased statistits through items, we may be looking at what Recluse Strike Force was in the day...anyone remember the free gametime offered to anyone that could beat its original iteration?

TLDR: New stuff nao plz, updates nao plz, new info nao plz.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Frankly, I enjoyed the fact that my characters were DONE. It gave me a sense of closure. I just know that this new thing, whatever it is, is going to attempt to make progress infinite, or at least such a pain in the *** that I'm never going to bother finishing even one, thus robbing me of my sense of closure unless I pretend it doesn't exist. And if I pretend a few more parts of the game don't exist I might as well stop playing altogether.

So, fear: kind of. Excitement: ZERO. Don't care about end game, never have, never will. Far as I'm concerned, "end game" is where the game ends and I start over.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
That's actually not true. While no current end game content *specifically* requires things like purple IOs, its never been true that level 50 content was content literally *all* level 50s could accomplish successfully. When the LRSF came out, the devs explicitly stated that while it wasn't intentionally designed to require any specific magic combination of capabilities, it was designed to require *high* levels of capabilities in general. Just because a random group of uncoordinated players couldn't finish it, even if they could *prove* it was mathematically impossible to complete in theory that didn't mean there was a problem with the strike force. It might have simply meant that the team in question was not sufficiently capable to overcome that particular challenge.

It is fairer to say that in City of Heroes, "challenging content" which includes level 50ish end game content has always been designed to not require any specific thing, but often requires some general level of power and ability to overcome. This basic premise of design was even considered to be true for things like Maria's AV-ladened arc. Those missions didn't require a tank, or require a healer, or require a debuffer, but it might have been either difficult or impossible for a team to complete if they literally lacked *all* of those types of tools. And that was considered working as intended.

The fact that some players have figured out how to do these things with increasingly less capability (but more skill) doesn't change that basic equation.

I'd be careful about overgeneralizing the "level 60" statement, especially if it was a colloquialism written by someone that didn't understand the full ramifications of what a hypothetical level 60 would actually be. But extrapolating from the current game system rules, a level 60 would, relative to a level 50, have about four more powers, 18 more slots, 8% more health, and 9% more base damage.

Now here you're implying something more than just the capability intrinsic in leveling. Level 40s are a little weaker than Level 50s, but the primary source of Level 40s being weaker than Level 50s against level 50 content is the purple patch. At -10, they are functioning at only 3% of their intrinsic strength. Or, another way of putting that is that Level 50s are more than 33 *times* stronger than Level 40s at taking on intrinsic Level 50 content.

I think its within the bounds of reasonable speculation to think that end game progression opportunities might make us 10% stronger in raw numbers and perhaps much stronger than that in certain very specific areas (for example, the Invention system practically oozes recharge buffs). But I doubt Castle is working on an endgame system in which we will eventually become 33 times better than base level 50s.

I believe that the best way to create end game character progress opportunities is to leverage the existing invention system and allow players to create better ways of using it. For example, the universal slots themselves could allow for all new types of universal inventions that allow for character progression capabilities that make more sense for level 50s than other characters. For example, level 50s don't level any more. So any balance constraint targeted primarily on leveling could be significantly relaxed for level 50s. I'm thinking here specifically about travel and endurance. Perhaps we'll have ways to buff our max travel caps (flight?). Perhaps we'll get access to powers with huge endurance costs, but with the ability to buff our endurance recovery to make them credible to use.

Personally, I'm thinking the best opportunities for end game challenges are to put a lot of the game effects into play that are "too annoying" to use prolifically at lower levels, and provide end game progression tools to defend against them or overcome them. Perhaps we'll see significant mez protection for squishies, but more mez in general. Perhaps we'll see more friendly fire problems with rescue missions, but also more powers to manipulate and protect friendly NPCs.

Disclaimer: I'm totally spitballing. I have no information about the endgame content being worked on and haven't asked the dev team about it at all. And honestly, the reason why I haven't is that if I do, I'm immediately prevented from publicly speculating on it or really offering public suggestions about it. Sometimes, its better not to know.

Honestly, it seems a really round-a-bout way to to give characters the perception of being more powerful and keep in mind, the Devs still believe that one should be able to play all the content without being dependant on the market to do so. Me personally, I could see our Epic/Patron power pools become something more akin to a third Power Set. With a few more powers, you would already have a full set and being the third set, it would be the least effective of the three. The trick is incorporating it without raising the level cap, but even that could be overcome simply by rewarding them like slottable temp powers.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Frankly, I enjoyed the fact that my characters were DONE. It gave me a sense of closure. I just know that this new thing, whatever it is, is going to attempt to make progress infinite, or at least such a pain in the *** that I'm never going to bother finishing even one, thus robbing me of my sense of closure unless I pretend it doesn't exist. And if I pretend a few more parts of the game don't exist I might as well stop playing altogether.

So, fear: kind of. Excitement: ZERO. Don't care about end game, never have, never will. Far as I'm concerned, "end game" is where the game ends and I start over.
While I see where you coming from, I tend to see my characters as "Heroes-in-Training" and when they finally hit 50 they are the type of comic hero that would get their own comic, because they have come into their own. The only problem is that here, that's where the story ends (TFs and Badging excluded).

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
Honestly, it seems a really round-a-bout way to to give characters the perception of being more powerful
Virtually all MMOs are based on that illusion. You get more powerful, but you're confronted by even more powerful opponents. Keep in mind the most powerful level 49 probably levels slower than the average level 14.

and keep in mind, the Devs still believe that one should be able to play all the content without being dependant on the market to do so.
All the core content, yes. But the notion that the devs are working on an endgame system that doesn't involve character power progression is something I believe has essentially zero probability of happening.

Plus, players always seem to assume that when the devs say that X is not "needed" that they have to mean "not needed to accomplish to your individual liking." If it takes twelve minutes for someone with IOs to do, and twelve hours for someone with SOs to do, its still doable. It could still be working as intended. People forget that while the devs have said the invention system is not necessary they have also said it provides an opportunity for tangible, material improvements in performance over what you could get without it by design. That additional level of performance is considered optional, because the game isn't balanced around requiring it overall. But "balanced" in this context doesn't mean the extra capability in the invention system is redundant. Invention system participants almost certainly level faster on average, have higher combat capability on average, and can accomplish more for a given skill level of the player on average. That's intentional.

Even if you aren't mathematically exempted from being able to accomplish the end game content without the end game progression options, it'll almost certainly be orders of magnitude easier. Keep in mind it was theoretically possible to complete the original +5 LRSF without inventions, temp powers, or inspirations. That doesn't mean any but a handful of players and builds could actually do so. Does that mean it was "balanced" around temp powers and inspirations (it couldn't have been balanced around inventions for obvious reasons)? No: it was designed to be extremely difficult to complete, and failure simply demonstrated its difficulty.

It was downscaled not because it was too difficult alone, but because it was encouraging magic combinations of builds that made it far easier to accomplish than most combinations of builds.

Endgame content could and almost certainly *will* be balanced around players possessing a certain level of offense, a certain level of protection, a certain level of utility, or rather some combination of all of those, and its mathematically impossible that such capabilities won't be far easier to achieve with a team of IOed players than SOed players, and virtually certainly easier to achieve for endgame-achievement players than generic IOed players.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by KingSnake View Post
Anyone else in the same boat?
I'm not excited about End Game content.

I'm certainly not going to delete all my characters that are under level 25 tonight.



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
While I see where you coming from, I tend to see my characters as "Heroes-in-Training" and when they finally hit 50 they are the type of comic hero that would get their own comic, because they have come into their own. The only problem is that here, that's where the story ends (TFs and Badging excluded).
I've nothing against more content to do at level 50. In fact, I have a habit of bringing up my old level 50s from time to time to brush up on all the content that has sprung up since they were last active. I very much welcome more to do that isn't just grinding scanners or papers, but I honestly enjoy PROGRESS halting at level 50. I treat this like I treat the "end game" of Carmageddon 2: Carpocalyse Now - the game is over, I can replay all the old stages, do free runs and I own all the cars now. I could possibly brush up on all the engine upgrades I missed out on, too. But I can't expect that a brand new game will open up with ever newer races and ever more upgrades and pickus and ever-newer cars. The game's done. I've seen what I'm going to see. I can just stick around and play it some more, or start over.

At level 50 currently, the game pretty much ends. You can stick around and play, and you can keep on collecting Inventions if you really wanted to, but the character is done. There aren't any more levels, there aren't any more levels by a different name, there aren't any more levels by another different name, and there aren't any more levels presented in such a way that it's not clear that they're just more levels. And there aren't any more levels, either. I'm not half-way towards getting that next major upgrade that has three more major upgrades behind it. I'm done. And I like being done, because I have around 30 other characters waiting in line.

I very much doubt that will be the case when this hits.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
While I see where you coming from, I tend to see my characters as "Heroes-in-Training" and when they finally hit 50 they are the type of comic hero that would get their own comic, because they have come into their own. The only problem is that here, that's where the story ends (TFs and Badging excluded).
The fact is that CoH is now only limited by our own creative input.
The AE has seen to that.

If you truly want your character to live in their own comic, then we have the tools to write it to be exactly the kind of adventures that you think your character should be having.

I'm pretty sure that AVs and scenarios can be created that will be a challenge to any character that can be build in this game.



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
The fact is that CoH is now only limited by our own creative input.
The AE has seen to that.

If you truly want your character to live in their own comic, then we have the tools to write it to be exactly the kind of adventures that you think your character should be having.

I'm pretty sure that AVs and scenarios can be created that will be a challenge to any character that can be build in this game.
If this were the case, we would simply call AE the End-Game-Content, but the Devs apparently don't see it that way.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
If this were the case, we would simply call AE the End-Game-Content, but the Devs apparently don't see it that way.

AE is all game content but it doesn't mean the devs can stop producing other content because of it. Why some of you hating on the end game content that is coming they already said other content specifically for 1-20 is also coming and my guess all level ranges will get new content so why so down on end game content.



nothing much too say it sounds interesting but in the end i will wait for more info/beta/live which ever comes first until then we will see.

sincerly yours:
Bzald of TopTen



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
At level 50 currently, the game pretty much ends. You can stick around and play, and you can keep on collecting Inventions if you really wanted to, but the character is done. There aren't any more levels, there aren't any more levels by a different name, there aren't any more levels by another different name, and there aren't any more levels presented in such a way that it's not clear that they're just more levels. And there aren't any more levels, either. I'm not half-way towards getting that next major upgrade that has three more major upgrades behind it. I'm done. And I like being done, because I have around 30 other characters waiting in line.
I think this is an extreme minority position. Most people expect infinite progress in MMOs. UO, EQ, WoW, EQ2... games with longevity tend to always be adding content and increasing the level cap. CoX has bucked that trend, but it has cost them subscribers in the long run. I know people who left because there was no chance of advancement beyond lvl 50. If Paragon offers some new way to advance "finished" characters, they may retain more subscribers as well as add new ones.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."