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Quote:thanks Aggelakis, i guess i will be using the paragonwiki to see when im thinking of buying parts now.Think Tank head = brain-in-a-jar.
The vampire and medusa are FACES, not heads.
There are two female-only hairstyles.
There's a Chest Detail that's erroneously showing up in Detail 2 under head options.
There's some fish monster gloves and boots. They are a boot type (correct: Boots > Fish Monster), not a subtype of a boot type (incorrect: Boots > Smooth > Fish Monster).
There's a High Collar cape option, a brooch that can be used with any cape whose type includes "Mantle" (e.g. Full Mantle, Half Mantle, etc), and some wings. There's an aura.
http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Halloween_Costume_Bundle -
powers: check
aura's: check
sig arch: Well there is already a post about how hard it is to find contact in game
temp gear etc: check in the mail
costume pieces: where are you at?
For instance i bought Halloween Costume Bundle and now i dont know where it is or where the pieces are. I found so far the vampire male head, Piranha-headed Fish Monster head, and an evil brain-in-a-jar head.
Items i have not found are Medusa, Think Tank head. I'm not sure if it a bug or is working as attended but im thinking of not buying Costume Bundles any more because i have no idea what included or where.
should be listed like this?
head: Piranha-headed Fish Monster, the classic Vampire, Medusa, and an evil brain-in-a-jar, Think Tank head.
body: none
tail: none
right now im wondering if i got everything? -
i agree, i know in one of the pod cast they said that they are looking in to making it easy to find the contacts
yea found it it was hidden from me thanks
ahh hmm i will check another char who already past lvl 10 then
i just made a bug report for the sig arch "sig arch bug no contact or clue? maybe im dong something wrong?"
im lvl 10 but no clue or contact have not tried it on other toons oh -
not sure if this goes here, but the contact is not popping up if it a clue just ran a mission but got no clue for it btw was fighting cot?
im looking to find a place to put my screenshot in, photobucket is ok but im really starting to lean to having a ftp instead. Why because as my photo's grow it seems the best way?
What im looking for:
a place that i can house a lot of photo's over time game and real life etc
a way to organize photo's folders (coh/incarnate photo's etc) i suppose i can do that with ftp
im hoping to reduce the work time oh, i suppose i don't have to do it all at once oh
any thoughts or suggestions?
there was a coh player that had a really good ftp setup too with issue 21 beta pictures but as usually i can not find it lol. -
Quote:had not though of it that way niceYeah...getting hopes up about getting additional enhancement slots is a fruitless endeavor. I'm not sure how many times Castle and others have to say "No more slots" before people understand that.
Incarnate abilities are supposed to, among other things, allow you to keep your current power levels with less enhancements, since their abilities affect ALL powers. That should allow you to free up a slot or two from something you'd normally slot more heavily and put those slots in the three new powers that Inherent fitness frees up. It may not work this way with just the Alpha slot for every powerset and AT, but I'm sure that's a design goal for the near future. -
hopefully it comes out soon like to do some testing before my sub runs out
i like, looks like it will take time to get higher grade gear which is good, hmm now im wondering if you have to go through ALL of Alpha slotting to get the next incarnate beta i think?
Which is not out yet btw future incarnate gear -
well i check out this form in hopes of more info on i19/i20 but it seems there more talk about the pro's and con's of fitness inherent than anything else.
anyways any more info on what to expect since it right around the corner? -
nice that would explain it, since im unfamiliar with trains travel (i walk, or car/truck) so i have little xp with trains
thanks for all the help so far btw why do Japan Rail Pass cost so much for? is it because they are fast you could get from say the bottom of japan to the top of japan in a few hours?
this is for 21 days
Ordinary: 57,700YEN/645.4841usd
Green: 79,600YEN/890.4772usd
i guess if you travel a lot maybe use this? i will most likely use the 7 day pass or the 14 day pass -
Quote:thanks im on itI've been following the blog of an American living in Japan for more than ten years. His name is Peter and he writes about his experiences living in Japan (and his internet business too). If you have nothing better to do and want to waste some hours, read some of his archived blogs.
btw i got this response from the japan embassy:
Thank you for your inquiry to the Japan Information and Culture Center, Embassy of Japan. The following includes our responses to your questions you have asked in the e-mail.
US citizens are exempt for visa arrangement if you stay for less than 90 days for only tourism. If you would like to stay for more than 90 days, temporary visa is required as a permission to stay in Japan for sightseeing, participating in events and visiting relatives and participating in lecture or research. The purpose of the visit must be relevant to apply for a visa. Applicant must apply in person to a Japanese Embassy or a consulate. Some documents are required for visa application.
For further information about visa, please refer to the following link.
< http://www.us.emb-japan.go.jp/visa/main.htm>
and < http://www.jnto.go.jp/eng/arrange/essential/visa.html>
Regarding Japanese citizenship, Japan does not grant dual citizenship.
If you are able to obtain a visa to live in Japan, there are some organizations that can help you find an apartments and houses; however, they are not permanent. Here is a site that can possibly assist you with housing.
< http://www.sakura-house.com/premium/premium_top.php>
The link below is the website for the Japan National Tourism Organization website with comprehensive information about traveling in Japan. The website has sections such as essential information and accommodation information that are helpful to plan your stay in Japan.
I hope you find this helpful.
JICC Staff
Two things to note:
1. no duel citizenship
2. as long as you stay no more than 90 days you do not need a visa -
Quote:lol, yea i've heard they stare if they need something for most people and they dont ask much? btw i know that all of you have said it is really pricey, what are we talking about $ wise.Yeah. They don't hate foreigners, not at all. In fact, they'll be very interested in you: Where did you come from? What was it like back home? How are you liking it here? And so on. They're very curious about foreigners, but it's "rude" to just go up and ask questions. Expect lots of staring.
Being gaijin is a bit liberating though. You're free to act a bit more open in public and just go with the flow a lot easier. They already think you're weird after all so any faux pas you might make is automatically attributed to your ignorance. Of course, that can also lead to a bit of condescension which the Japanese have honed to a fine art.
ball park figure would do maybe what i would avg spend a month? anyways thanks for all the info you people are great. -
thx for the tips, yea im noticing that a lot they seem to not hate foreigners but they have a hard time opening up it seems. im fine for the most part with that but yea i just living in the usa it a bit odd when people at that way.
thanks for the information:
so i'm guessing i should start my three month stay about November if i can so that way i can ring in the new year in japan.
btw do either of you know or can get info for me about duel citizenship in japan i sense that japan is very eyefully? of non Japanese? mainly i would like to know the requirements of getting a duel cit's.
of course japan is not the only country im looking into, btw if there was one place in japan that you would want to spend a month at where would it be? -
i could be wrong but i think this is the right place to post this if not let me know
Kyoto Japan (mainly because it has so many other great places near by and is a modern city.) im basic going to japan because im in a rut here.
I personal like how they tie history/modern together to form something else altogether. It does not hurt they have plenty of training places in japan either.
Now besides knowing a little of the history of japan, ninjas, samurai, history of some other there supernatural stuff. I don't know a lot about the present day japan well a few things.
For instance what is a good hot springs to visit, since im planing on staying for at lest 4 to 6 months or longer is there any place i should stay out for a long time.
Is there anything i should know before going, im looking for people to meet over there too. As for why so long well since im in a rut i have decide that immersion myself into something would help me get out it.
I figure it will take me at lest 3 months to learn the language at the very lest. Breaking it down, being able to write and talk it etc. Still like i said i dont know much about where i could stay or see etc.
For instance: i know they have 4 festivals one in each season but beyond that i dont know much. I also want to drink the Japanese traditional drink i think it called sake.
Also want to drink sake in the hotspring too.........well maybe not i might drown... beyond that i want to test my automated business system while im doing other things.
I know there more i should ask but im at a lost as too what they are. -
the organic armor looks really good but the organic broadsword looks bad
first the organic parts don't look organic on the sword
second the maybe it the sword itself but it looks wrong too fat more like a butcher knife than a broadsword
subjective: maybe have the rulrull (how ever you spell rurluu) sword and those combine to form a organic ruruluu sword -
just tested it myself over all not bad at all the emotes are very good, both custom sets are good. the glowing pieces do not seem to glow much maybe i missed something
Quote:you have where maybe that will help me? oh see what you are talking aboutSeems like I've already read this post somewhere before..... hmm?
well after talking with ncsoft it seems that my problem might of been hidden files so i delete those it still took 9 hours but at lest i now have it on another drive and can update it without having to reinstall it again. -
no luck so far still got like 20 hours of fixing to do and ncsoft has not figured out why yet
ok first that kind of creepy because awhile back i made a post about maybe getting a redname marketing person and here he is like i said creepy.
welcome black pebble