Excitment... and FEAR.. about new "End Game" content..

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
GG, no offense, but you don't KNOW ANYTHING. You're working from what we have, and conjecturing from it wildly. You can go a number of directions with the info we have, and you're going in one direction. I just read through the past several pages, and you're talking like you know 100% what is up. Which you can't--unless you're a dev--and then you should be packing your bags as they're going to kick you to the curb for revealing secrets you shouldn't.

The only thing I feel comfortable saying is what they have said clearly. At least 1-20 stuff in GR, a graphics upgrade option, two new powersets, some new mobs and mob revamps, and some endgame content of some sort. Anything other than that is pure conjecture, and portraying it like it's 100% fact is a really rubbish sort of thing to do.

Look what your posting did to Mental Giant. You made him all sad. And I can't forgive that!
Actually, my recollection of the Herocon video was that Positron stated that Praetorian (players) must leave Praetoria eventually.

Reviewing the video, this is the relevant statement from Positron:

Positron: ...all of the Praetorians will eventually leave Praetoria ... its part of the storyline, yes they do, and yes, they all leave and when they leave they make one final choice of hero or villain.

This was in response to a question about whether Praetorians *can* leave Praetoria. Positron emphasized they *must* leave Praetoria. He did not specify precisely when, so technically its speculation that this occurs at level 20, but its reasonable speculation given other statements about the level range of content for Going Rogue.

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
So you don't think that the quote that Praetoria "adds multiple zones, and it spans an epic storyline from 1 to 20" quote along with the "all the Praetorians will eventually leave Praetoria...it's part of the storyline - they all leave" quote kinda hints that Praetorians are not going to be able to stay in Praetoria the whole time?

OR it could be part of an arc/level progression in that the mission requires them to go to either RI or PC to finish the arc. Multiple choiced missions

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Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
OR it could be part of an arc/level progression in that the mission requires them to go to either RI or PC to finish the arc. Multiple choiced missions
Clever! So they leave, but who says they can't come back right around?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
You know you don't have to do End Game content, right?

There's no way I'll even run half of my 50s through End Game stuff, but I look forward to the opportunity to revisit my favorite characters and play in some type of new, challenging content that I haven't done before.

End Game content is an unqualified good.
I agree Okay so they came up with something new for me to do with my 50 levels (19 at the moment and 9 more in the 40s). I've never really retired any of them anyway. Sure I have plenty of lower levels I am moving toward "END GAME" but when friends get together and want to do a LGTF, ITF, STF, Hami raid, Mothership raid. or whatever I am in a situation where I ask.. "What do you need I have a 50 level in every AT?" My 50 level Taxibot recently started leading Task Forces on Friday night.. I'm talking Posi, Synapse, Siste Pstche, etc assisting other players in earning those badges.

Hey END GAME sounds like fun and give me something new I can do with all those 50 I grew to love as I took them up from the sewers of Atlas to exploring new dimensions through Portal Corp in PI. Will getting the END GAME content on as many as 28 level 50 characters take a while? Sure but I wasn't planning on going anywhere anyway. Hey it's new content. I have been here 4 years and have always heard people screaming for NEW content.. sounds like a good idea to me.

NOW, *grins wickedly* You really want to start a panic have them announce "Oh and by the way we decided to increase the maximumlevel to 60". The dust storm created by all the 50 levels coming out of retirement will block out the sun for months and start a new ice age. Hey there's an idea .. a new zone always frozen, ice and snow, with evil Penquins (the animal NOT the Batman character) and semi friendly Polar Bears drinking Cola! We could add new costume pieces like fur lined parkas with an option for the hood up or down and Mukluk boots. We create some Eskimo contacts and a special contact you can unlock.. some fat guy that hangs out at the very northen most part of the zone. He always wears red, has a white beard and laughs way too much. LOL Okay done kidding around.. but I do see End Game as a good thing but when I complete it on a character .. its still NOT the end of the game for any of them.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



but I do see End Game as a good thing but when I complete it on a character .. its still NOT the end of the game for any of them.
This isnt the end, its just the start of a new chapter

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
GG, no offense, but you don't KNOW ANYTHING.
You can't fight it, GP... she'll crush your hopes and dreams just like she did mine.

/em goes to play some CO

See what she's driving me to!

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I saw this video, and I didn't take it to mean that had to leave at level 20. But now I'm a broken man... I should be happy that they let us stay in Praetoria for that long. /sob

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I've reached the level cap on my 50's.
O rly?



Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
I'll be happy if the new end game is so incredibly fun and, yes, time consuming that it makes us agonize over how we're going to run all our 50s through it all. To me, that's the very definition of "win". It took me 5 years to get all these 50s. If it takes me more years to get them all maxed out and the process is just as fun and rewarding as it was getting to 50, then that's a great "problem" to be burdened with!
That sounds like my attitude.

I mostly play 50s now (at lvl 50 you can play every single part of the game), so giving me even more reason to play them is win. Since I'm still here, I'm obviously not bored. I think I have a better idea than the OP which 50's to start with first...so that's not a worry.

I'm really interested in the idea of adding more slots if that's what this implies. Most of my lvl 50s could really use a couple more at least. I do have a couple that seem to have more than enough, but they are the minority.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Actually, my recollection of the Herocon video was that Positron stated that Praetorian (players) must leave Praetoria eventually.

Reviewing the video, this is the relevant statement from Positron:

Positron: ...all of the Praetorians will eventually leave Praetoria ... its part of the storyline, yes they do, and yes, they all leave and when they leave they make one final choice of hero or villain.

This was in response to a question about whether Praetorians *can* leave Praetoria. Positron emphasized they *must* leave Praetoria. He did not specify precisely when, so technically its speculation that this occurs at level 20, but its reasonable speculation given other statements about the level range of content for Going Rogue.
My response was due to the rampant speculation being touted as fact, when it is, in fact, speculation. GG can winky it up all that she wants, it's still speculation. Sure, something happens at 20 about leaving Praetoria. That seems to be cut and dry. But I'm not going say for sure how that is going to work or say 100% that that's it for Praetoria.

I'd be fine with people being a little pessimistic "oh, they aren't giving us info, we probably won't get anything else," but some of the posting in here made it sound like they were announcing facts about how GR works. When we don't know that at all. That was what my post was about.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
My response was due to the rampant speculation being touted as fact, when it is, in fact, speculation. GG can winky it up all that she wants, it's still speculation. Sure, something happens at 20 about leaving Praetoria. That seems to be cut and dry. But I'm not going say for sure how that is going to work or say 100% that that's it for Praetoria.

I'd be fine with people being a little pessimistic "oh, they aren't giving us info, we probably won't get anything else," but some of the posting in here made it sound like they were announcing facts about how GR works. When we don't know that at all. That was what my post was about.
My guess (which is just speculation, of course): Level 20 is the minumum level for side switching. It's also the level where Praetorian characters choose Hero or Villain and come to Primal Earth as part of the story line (though they can probably go right back if they want, I guess). So, the Resistance vs Loyalist storyline more or less ends at level 20, and at that point Emperor Cole's secrets are revealed... and it stops being shades of grey and begins being good vs evil. The morally ambiguous content in Praetoria (which people who start at Praetorians will be doing) ends, and the good vs evil content (which people who will be doing side switching) begins.

From what I've heard, we'll be going to Praetoria for side switching stuff (mostly, if not entirely), so there can't really be a level cap on Praetorian content since most of the people switching will probably be high leveled. The level cap mentioned for Praetoria is probably for the Loyalist vs Resistance (morally ambiguous version) content that the people starting new characters there will be doing.



*smacks you all*

I think at some point [level wise] you HAVE to leave praetoria and chose your side before advancing in levels any further! Level 20 would be a great time to force people to do that You have gained enough experience by that point to decide where your loyalties lie then!

Chose your side, do an arc or something there [i suppose] and then can head straight back!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



well, i haven't got as many 50's as most people posting here, altitis and rerolls are a hell of a thing, but I am watching the endgame thing with interest. It will be a change to the game, and change always carries inherent risks of not being enjoyable and locking you out of content, or it could be too team centric and wind up being problematic for soloists or small group exclusive players. but with risks come rewards, and endgame does seem to appeal heavily to a segment of the online gamer population.

Of course, to me endgame is just forestalling the eventual, no game can have infinite content, and progression will stop, that cant be stopped with the long running nature of mmos, and any endgame is simply a additional number of steps to the same eventuality, so i dunno, endgame never was the big thing for me. heck, purpling out a 50 without farming is a task in itsself, so i haven't even hit that "endgame" yet. and i have my 66 vet badge.

oh, and damz, smack me again, i have been naughty.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
Of course, to me endgame is just forestalling the eventual, no game can have infinite content, and progression will stop, that cant be stopped with the long running nature of mmos, and any endgame is simply a additional number of steps to the same eventuality, so i dunno, endgame never was the big thing for me. heck, purpling out a 50 without farming is a task in itsself, so i haven't even hit that "endgame" yet. and i have my 66 vet badge.
Well, there are three ways to stagger the problem: make the endgame really slow, make it really repetitive or make it really, really hard. The problems with those are, in order: it's boring, it's very boring, it's really very boring and HIDEOUSLY irritating. And even if you stretch it, it has to end at some point. And this is my fear - that this will be designed to cater to the unrealistic expectation that any game ever made can last forever without any replays. It won't, it can't, and trying to make it do that is just a recipe for terrible content flow.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
*smacks you all*

I think at some point [level wise] you HAVE to leave praetoria and chose your side before advancing in levels any further! Level 20 would be a great time to force people to do that You have gained enough experience by that point to decide where your loyalties lie then!

Chose your side, do an arc or something there [i suppose] and then can head straight back!
This is exactly what I have been thinking. Sure they send you out, but... Then you can go straight back. I dont personally want to do normal stuff, ever again. I am truely hoping that GR will revolutionalize this game >.> I lost my thought mid word. Thats odd.

But anyways, Please dont speak like you know everything about this expansion. You dont. You only know as much as they have said, and with all the hush hush about this expansion, what they have said to-date is not ALL that we are getting. It's just as bad as straight up lying, to just bot responce what you think is fact. When its not the entire truth, or fact.



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
OR it could be part of an arc/level progression in that the mission requires them to go to either RI or PC to finish the arc. Multiple choiced missions
Just before you have to leave Praetoria, you're given a final choice if you really want to continuen with the moral path you've been on since level 1, so even if you've been helping Tyrant 1 through 20, you still get a chance to switch to the right side before you leave.

They way that would probably play out would be that you'd learn more and more of the truth behind the Praetorian lore, so if you were a Resistance supporter, you'd gradually learn about how bad the world was before Tyrant "fixed" it, and if you were helping Tyrant, you'd gradually learn more and more about the evil behind the "utopia" he's made - so your first impressions and loyalties from the tutorial would be challenged as your career in Praetoria progressed.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



But anyways, Please dont speak like you know everything about this expansion. You dont. You only know as much as they have said, and with all the hush hush about this expansion, what they have said to-date is not ALL that we are getting. It's just as bad as straight up lying, to just bot responce what you think is fact. When its not the entire truth, or fact.
Thats what made laugh in all the GR threads. Content wise we have next to no information regarding about whats going to happen or be in the expansion. The only thing that was fact was that we have to leave Praetoria at some point in our career, but really that was understandable and acceptable.

To state actual facts here.

100% new starting zone which you start in Praetoria
All current praetorian missions get the graphics/cosmestic upgrades
At some point in our praetorian career, we have to leave there and chose either RI OR PC, how long we have to stay there in those cities is unknown. However it cant be for a long period of time.
Can chose to be part of two factions within praetoria [their version of good v evil]

IIRC thats ALL the information we have at the moment regarding content.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Just before you have to leave Praetoria, you're given a final choice if you really want to continuen with the moral path you've been on since level 1, so even if you've been helping Tyrant 1 through 20, you still get a chance to switch to the right side before you leave.

They way that would probably play out would be that you'd learn more and more of the truth behind the Praetorian lore, so if you were a Resistance supporter, you'd gradually learn about how bad the world was before Tyrant "fixed" it, and if you were helping Tyrant, you'd gradually learn more and more about the evil behind the "utopia" he's made - so your first impressions and loyalties from the tutorial would be challenged as your career in Praetoria progressed.

I always thought it'ld start off with you as a neutral before you chose PC/RI then when you came back you get to chose either resistance or loyalist. Think they'ld make you chose a side [loyalist or resistance] at level 1?

Edit: Just read that back and it sounded sarcastic, but was a serious question

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
*smacks you all*

I think at some point [level wise] you HAVE to leave praetoria and chose your side before advancing in levels any further! Level 20 would be a great time to force people to do that You have gained enough experience by that point to decide where your loyalties lie then!

Chose your side, do an arc or something there [i suppose] and then can head straight back!
That's how I see it playing out - your career in Praetoria would see you rise through the ranks of the Resistance or Tyrant's goons, which would impress your leader/leaders enough to chose you to be sent to Primal Earth for various missions there.

For example, as you serve Tyrant 1-20, your ruthlessness catches his eye, so at the end of your training program at the Powers Division, where you'd be one of the 10% who survive, Chimera would tell you that the Emperor himself has noted your progress, and send you to Tyrant's tower to meet him - Tyrant would then tell you a bit about his plans to invade Primal Earth, and possibly also how the Resistance are looking for help there too, and that as you've proved yourself, he's sending you there to help the agents he already has there.
You'd then go to Primal Earth, where you'd meet the head of Tyrant's agent network there - they'd have new misisons and arcs that would take place both on Primal Earth, and back in Praetoria - they'd possibly be like the Kheldian contacts - not enough missions and arcs to level only via them, but enough every 5 levels or so to keep you connected to the overall storyline.

The Resistance would also have a network of agents on Primal Earth, to try and get help for their struggle back on Praetoria, and to combat Tyrant's agents on Primal Earth, and possibly have the same storylines, but done form the opposite point of view.

For example, here on Primal Earth, there are several things that could cause tyrant and the Resistance problems - like the psychic blocker Unai Kemen gives out for the Babbage mission on PI - a psychic blocker would be a very serious threat to Tyrant's Seer network, but a very valuable aid to the Resistance - so if you were working for Tyrant, one of the arcs you'd be sent on on Primal Earth would be to steal or destory a psychic blocker to stop it falling into the hands of the Resistance - and if you were working for the Resistance on Primal Earth, you could be sent to get hold of it before Tyrant's agents do.
Your first mission fo the arc would take you to PI, where you'd then find you were too late, and the enemy had gotten to the psychic blocker before you - so your next mission would be to head back to Praetoria to try and intercept it before it was taken to either Tyrant or the Resistance, depending on what side you were supporting.

And there could also be one-off missions, similar to the "Wipe Out Marauder's Cell" mission from Maria Jenkins - only it'd be something along the lines of "Defeat the Loyalist/Resistance Cell", which would send you to a safe house/secret base in Pragaon City.

So even though you must leave Praetoria, I really don't think that's suddenly the end fo your carrer or the overall GR storyline, or that you don't get to go back to Praetoria later.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
I always thought it'ld start off with you as a neutral before you chose PC/RI then when you came back you get to chose either resistance or loyalist. Think they'ld make you chose a side [loyalist or resistance] at level 1?
Positron said you get to choose during the tutorial - so depending on how many levels the turtorial has, you'll be able to start your moral journey pretty early on.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Xaphan View Post
My guess (which is just speculation, of course): Level 20 is the minumum level for side switching.
That's exactly what I think too - even though RPers might have their own backgrounds, as far as the game is concerned, you're a brand new Hero when you step out of the tutorial and into Atlas or Galaxy - so that's way to early to give you the choice to become evil, as you've not had the chance to reach a height of goodness to fall into evil from.

So although your avatar might be an immortal champion of justice who's fought evil throughout the centuries, the game views you as if you've only just found out which end of your sword to hold so your fingers don't get cut.
It doesn't force this view down your throat, so there's enough wiggle room for RPers, but there's no way they'd give you the choice to start turning evil at level 2

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
I saw this video, and I didn't take it to mean that had to leave at level 20. But now I'm a broken man... I should be happy that they let us stay in Praetoria for that long. /sob
Don't weep - I think it's totally unlikely that they're going to create a whole new world, and only let levels 20 and under run around in it
Like I'm pretty sure that the final showdown with Tyrant won't be capped at 20

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



What I really do find odd about the 1-20 thing in Praetoria is that the devs recently increased xp for that range. I'm not sure why they accelerated that if they're planning a chunk of GR around that. Really odd, as it will get us through there faster.

I do hope they have a few different approaches we can take in that range, though. I really do not a "Mercy Island one way or the other" angle for all 20 levels.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory