Uber veterans

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Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
1. All except Khelds (just can't get into them)

2. My BS/Regen is the first toon I made when I got the game, my first 50, and is semi-shelved.

3. Brute (WM/SD especially)

currently reading: A Mighty Fortress (David Weber)



*looks at his shiny 63 month vet badge*

1. I have 50's in every AT, both sides, with the sole exception of the Veat. My crab spider is currently lvl 45... meaning, that while not accually 50, i can run any TF in the game with an AT, well, as long as you count the epic at's as one class and not 2 or 4. I only have one peacebringer and one crab. I tend to favor building a concet for my heros instead of having one handed to me. So, i play all rolls. I tend to favor support or dpsing. I don't seem to have a nack for tanking. I can, and i do OK, but i'm hardly good and feel the least confident in my tanking skills. I feel most confedent with my defender/controllers.

2. My very first creation was a controller named Zero G. I rerolled him like, 2 days later on a different server, (Triumph) because.... my brother, who played at the time, like the name better... (I think i was on Champion at first...) Then promply got board of the game and left... So no, my very very FIRST creation no longer exisits, but the hero, Zero G, lives on to this day. My first concet, my first 50, and the one hero i tend to consider my "main". But in all honesty, I don't play him now a days as often as i do others heros i've made. He's a gravity/Kin, and i feel Kins are a little to fast twitch and reactionary for me to play really REALLY effectively. I'm OK with them, but i tend to prefure the debuffers, like my Plant/TA or Ice/Storm.

3. Gah. How to answer this... I'd have to go rolls... because DO have fav heros i play when a roll is need to be filled...

If i have to tank or play meatshield, my Fav build so far is my Invlun/SS tank Carbide. He's S/L capped with resistince, and i'm working on capping his S/L defence with just one mob in range ATM. He's very sturdy, and moble, and is able to keep argo much MUCH better then my willpower tank.

If i'm playing support, prolly my Rad/Sonic defender... or my Ice/Storm controller...

If i'm dpsing, my Fire/ice/lighting blaster... or my BS/Shield Scrapper.

If they say bring whatever, I tend to favor my Rad/Sonic. He melts AV's, and if someone should die, his powerboosted, HO'd out veng makes sure it doens't happen again. I've NEVER failed a TF with this hero. He prolly gets the most play of all my 50's. Thus, i guess, is my Fav build to play.

Villian side, my meat shield is my softcapped Elec/Sr Brute.

Support, either my Thug/Pain MM or my Fire/Thermal Corr.

DPS is prolly my... Bots/Dark MM or my Fire/thermal Corr.

If i get a, bring whatever request... i bring my Crab. He's got double leadership, so it's like having a controller fort, 24/7 on the whole team with me just standing there, decent aoe damage and pets. what more can you ask for? He plays like a sturdy blaster who makes the team better by just standing there, blasting. Got to love it. Prolly going to end up being my go to villian.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



1) I have ridiculous alt-itis, and switched "home" servers due to SG drama back before it was possible to move a character from one server to another, so it kind of prevented me from keeping my main through the entire time. The closest to that (my first fifty, which I do still play with quite a bit) is my Illusions/Sonic/Psi Mastery Controller who is pretty much optimized for running (flying) around the Shadow Shard.

2) Well, answer to 1 answers this pretty well... I have Altitis bad, Reeeeal bad. It's amazing that I do ever run my 50 around with as many lower characters as I've got. (Though, I do have a newer Stalker at 50, pretty much to unlock the awesomeness of the VEATs)

3) Favorite build is fast becoming my Ranged-AoE specialized Bane Spider, with the power to be more blaster than an actual blaster. I would have rolled him as a Crab spider, but too many of the Crab powers overlap the SMG powers (as in, they are mutually exclusive) and I have too much love for stealth.

All that is planned fails. All that is born dies.
All that is built crumbles. This will always be true.

But memories remain, And that is beautiful.



I’m three months shy of 48 and not uber, but still wanted to reply

What toons have you been playing for all this time?
The day I purchased my account I rolled two characters. My fire/storm/ice controller and my Emp/Dark/Power Defender. The controller was my first 50, the defender my 3rd.

Have you played one from when you started till now?
My first three 50s are still played on a very regular basis. Triumph Tatmia was my second 50, she’s an ill/rad controller who I created after playing about a month. I created her specifically to join the my SG. These three characters have never “retired.” I have retired other 50s.

Whats your favourite build?
On a team, I’m most comfortable playing a buffer/debuffer controller, defender or corruptor. I’ve taken everything but FF and pain to at least the 30s. Overall, Dark Miasma is the one set that I can see myself rolling over and over and over again. It's definitely the "jack-of-all-trades" set.

Solo, I love the slobbering carnage of a brute. My DM/FA has been a blast ever since her teens and Claws/WP is already showing signs of being just as much fun.

My Characters



My first character (my main) is my "self" character (Captain Sammy) who started as a Inv/SS tank but the damage sucked (this being Issue 1ish) and scrappers could get the same def/res numbers. So I rerolled as a DM/INV (the one 'punchy' scrapper set.) Since he was rerolled my 'oldest' character is my second 'self' character Magic Master, who was an Ill/Rad BEFORE they were the fad. Both are 50's as well as the a fire/kin, emp/dark, and on my second account a storm/elec.

However, I have 50 Virtue Heroes, using almost every set. 9 Blast, 9 Scrap, 9 Tank, one of each kheldian, 10 controllers, and 11 defenders. A couple are still on the drawing board, but over 45 are currently created and playable. With GR I am going to add a few unique villians and bring them over to add to the group.

The characters are organized into theme grouping with interconnecting backstories and everything. SOmeday I may even write it all down.

My Ill/Rad, having a family connection to the Midnight Squad, went back and did the arc to get access to Cimerora. So he gets used for ITF's. (good character for it anyway).
I play my Main scrapper sometimes for fun.
I play my Fire/kin alot to lvl up my others when I cant find anything else.

while I use farms to do early lvling for my new characters, I run TF's with them as well.



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
1. Uh, none really. I guess my SS/Invuln tanker is still semi-active but he's only level 43. My next oldest respectable character is my Ill/Emp controller, my first 50 in 2006 after finally overcoming my altitis, followed by my Peacebringer who is also 50. I now have six 50s, each a different archetype, and three characters in the 40s, and a whole bunch in the 20s and 30s.

2. Yes, my Inv/SS tanker as stated above. Originally named Not Rhino (as is my forum name) created in June 2004, a short time after I started the game and before the whole Marvel lawsuit news broke. Got him into the 20s and left him there for a while, been playing him a little every now and then and just gained 2 levels with him yesterday, bringing him to level 43. Unfortunately, in 2008 after 4 years of playing him off and on, I guess someone reported me and I was genericed. Changed name to Ceros, and then a while later decided to move him from Infinity to Virtue since Virtue is the only server I play now, and the name Ceros was actually TAKEN on Virtue, so I named him Rhino Rampage instead.

3. My favorite build, tough question. I like most of the characters that I've played through to at least the 40s, they're all fun with the exception of my 45 TA/Archery defender, who dies far too often and doesn't seem to contribute very much to the team in comparison to other defenders, especially when wreckless teammates scatter the groups of enemies making my debuff patches completely worthless. Outside of that, I have fun on most of my higher level characters. I think, having played both Inv/SS and Shield/SS to high levels, I can honestly say I much prefer Shield over Invuln. My damage contribution is simply a lot higher, and I can still tank just fine. Very fun combination, but very end heavy. My ill/emp controller is a one man team, I know it's not a fotm build but, having played a Fire/Rad to 22 I don't think I'd trade /Emp for /Rad, but we'll see. My fire/kin corruptor is, obviously, a a damage powerhouse. Unfortunately, unlike fire/kin controllers, it's very dangerous taking on whole groups as a corruptor, but once Going Rogue allows me to have a Tanker to protect me more often (sorry Brutes, you just aren't as good, and most of you don't even care about tanking, which I completely understand) I imagine it will become a lot more fun. My mostly human form peacebringer is a jack of all trades who doesn't excel at tanking or at doing damage, but man, when the sh*t hits the fan and everyone dies, I know I'll still be alive, solar flarin' everything in sight. And of course, there's my elec/elec brute, I absolutely did NOT enjoy playing him against most enemies, but against Rikti and the like, I can solo +4 groups made for 8 person teams pretty well. Now that I have Energize, I imagine he'll be much better for typical play. Claws/SR is a very fun combination that lends itself well to a speedster character. My PBAOE might not be one-shotting stuff, but I can do it every 4.5 seconds.

Overall, I'd say my SD/SS Tanker is maaaybe my favorite build. I got him to 50 in less than a month doing regular content, while my others took longer. He was an absolute blast to play once I got shield charge.



Vet badges have nothing to do with uber (or otherwise,) honestly.

As far as the questions:
- Playing all this time? Everything. I have 170-some characters. At least one of every AT (except Soldier and Corruptor) at 50, with multiple blasters, defenders, Peacebringers and controllers, looks like doms will be added to that soon.

- Played from when I started to now - well, i still have my original (one of my 50s, Fire/SS tank.) Wasn't my first 50. Wasn't my last. Still take him (my forum namesake) out and run him on occasion, but it's not like it's the "only" one (or even "playing once a week") I play.

- Favourite build? No such thing, really. Warshades, my Mind/Fire dom, my Plant/Thorn dom... I've got quite a few I'll switch to depending on what I feel like doing. Least favourite is probably easier - ill/sonic being right near the top of that list.



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!
For reference, I've been active since release, so I have them all.

what toons have you been playing for all this time?
I have a lot, I have something like 15 50s (I stopped counting), one of almost every AT-- I'm only missing Mastermind, Warshade, and Widow. I think 4 of my 50s are Scrappers.

have you played one from when you started till now?
Sadly, I lost interest in the concept for my first character, an Inv/SS Tanker. But I did replace her with a new, identical in build, Inv/SS Tanker that has a different concept (name, costume, origin, personality).

I do still have one that I started in October of 2004, though.

whats your favourite build?
SS/Inv Brute, hands down. That Inv/SS Tanker will be remade as an SS/Inv Brute when Going Rogue arrives. I 've wanted SS as a primary on a Hero since release.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Vet badges have nothing to do with uber (or otherwise,) honestly.
Personally, I took "uber vets" to mean something like "really long term vets", not "uber players because they have more badges". If you think someone with the 24 month badge is a veteran, you might think someone with the 48 month badge is an "uber veteran".

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



I've been here since nearly the beginning. My first 50, my "main" and source of my global, was Boltcutter (BS/Inv.) I put Bolt on the shelf in issue 5/6, and he sits on the porch and tells boring stories about when he was out heroing and we beat up two, three hundred guys at a time. +4 wasn't nothin'. I tell you kids... you're soft. Blah blah blah.

I've got about 50 or so guys, mostly heroes. Victory, Infinity and Pinnacle are full, with a few on other servers.

For tough stuff, I still bring out my Force Fielders (S-Orbital , FF/Elec, and Deterrence, FF/Rad) but there's not as much call for them as there used to be. Mostly I play "whoever's next"- these days that's Platypiel on Mondays (L29 Fire/Rad corr), and Last Call VLV Tues and Thursday (L36 sonic/dark, because everyone in Viva Las Vegas built a blaster at the same time and the ones who didn't are unanimously Defense based.) I also have a couple others- Orbital Bombardment, who's a 40-ish Dark/En tank, a rad/sonic defender, a Fire/Ice blaster named Bobbi Frost- getting worked up there.

My favorite build... hard to say. The ones that get played after 50 are few and far between. Two fire blasters, my "this is going to be hard, you say? Nu-uh!" Force Field defenders, and an Elec/Inv brute (who normally plays with a Kinetic corruptor... kaboom! kaboom! kaboom!) are the ones that get pulled out most.

What I'd RECOMMEND depends on how and with whom you play. Rad/Sonic defender, or sonic/rad corr, really is very good at almost everything. If you love the explosions and don't mind the rough learning curve, fireblasters. That Sonic/Dark really makes the rest of the team look AMAZING. Force Field defenders are the most benefit for least work of anything, anywhere. Elec/* brutes are slow starters but at 32 they become appalling and delightful. And so on.

The only one who knows what you'll like is you.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
Personally, I took "uber vets" to mean something like "really long term vets", not "uber players because they have more badges". If you think someone with the 24 month badge is a veteran, you might think someone with the 48 month badge is an "uber veteran".
Yep. Before it really took off in the internet vernacular, "uber" was floating around with a meaning like "significant" or "big", or even just "intense". An "uber hot dog" would have been a big hot dog with all kinds of stuff on it.

Once it permeated the internet, it evolved to mean something more like the old "l33t". An "uber hot dog" now would have whipped your butt at Unreal Tournament and then squirted mustard on you.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Or you know, the German "über" meaning something along the lines of "over" or "above" (which to be honest, makes the Internet usage still pretty faithful).

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



While I VERY rarely post, I've been lurking in this game for 5 years now.(only 3 on the boards) I just hit the 60 month badge a few days ago.

The Happy/Angry LiL-Pyro has always been my main character. I now have 4 of him (only 2 are 50) and a total of 5 Fire/ice blasters. I don't know why, it's just a fun combo to play.

The Nightmare Wyvern(3dcorr) was my first 50 though, and first main villain. He is probably my all around most powerful character as well. Yes, that's right, I've played since near release and my first 50 was a villain, not a hero.

I only have a few other 50's some I still play (crab/bane) and some I don't much (DM/EA brute) I never could get into melee characters as much, I prefer ranged.

My favorite build/s is my Warshade by far. Yes I love Pyro still, but nothing matches the diversity of the 'shade. his builds now total over 1.5 bill between the 2 of them, and that is with only 8 total purple enhancements(all of them soulbound for the pets) He will continue to improve as well. I also enjoy my storm/dark defender as well. he isn't "uber" and he's not even 50 yet, but I still laugh every time I pin an entire group in a corner and watch them bounce around.

That's about it, I may not play hours every day, but I still enjoy the game, and probably will for a long time still.

edit* wow, 7 posts in over 3 years.....go me!



Originally Posted by LostHalo View Post
Or you know, the German "über" meaning something along the lines of "over" or "above" (which to be honest, makes the Internet usage still pretty faithful).
It depends on what you apply it to. The first reference I found quickly was from Wikipedia (and has a citation). "The German prefix über can have connotations of superiority, transcendence, excessiveness, or intensity, depending on the words to which it is appended."

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
I joined up shortly before i4. My vets rewards are a bit behind because of a couple of breaks I took from the game, but I did get the 48 month badge early this month.

I started with an Energy/Energy Blaster. I didn't touch another toon until she was 50. My Warshade was the second toon I rolled...about 4 months later.

Since then I've got one of every hero AT to 50, including both Kheldians. I have a second 50 tank, the first is Stone, the second Shield. On the villainside I have a 50 dom, a 50 widow and two 50 stalkers, one Energy/Nin, the other Elec/Regen.

Almost all of my characters are on Justice. I have something like 33 toons on that server.

I still play my original Energy/Energy blaster from time to time. I spent like 6 respecs shifting her from a build with over 40 Hami Os to a build of mostly lvl 50 Invention Sets (no purples), so she's very tough for a blaster and does more damage than she did back in the day.

Mostly though, I will focus on one toon til I get bored or frustrated or get to 50, and then switch to a new one.

It's really hard to pin down a Favorite build.

I can say that heroside I enjoy Controllers the Least, because they have too many things to do and are not very soloable, mostly. Tanks and defs are sometimes weak soloists as well, but at least aren't an exercise in micromanagement. There are notable exceptions.

Villainside I don't like Masterminds that much because of, again, the micromanagement aspect. I also find Corruptors harder to get into than Defenders, I'm not really sure why. Brutes are kind of the same, I want to have a Brute I like, and I have a 37 Mace/Willpower, but the Fury playstyle doesn't really appeal to me. I like Dominators a lot, and Stalkers, since they both can play fairly strategically.

I can say that I think Knockback is the most misunderstood, most fun mechanic in the game. I Love the Storm Summoning set, so much that I have a Storm Summoner of every possible AT. 50 Storm/Elec Def, 50 Illusion/Storm Controller, and still young a 27 Bots/Storm MM and 22 Fire/Storm Corruptor.

Recently I've been playing a Dark/Sonic Defender, an Ice/Elec Blaster and a Dark/Willpower Stalker.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
At 51 months now, so I barely qualify. Disappointing that my last 2 lots of Vet Rewards have been so rubbish

1) Played mostly Controllers initially, my main is Carnifax, an Illusion/Storm/Ice controller. When Villains came along I also started Masterminds and Corrupters. Recently gotten into Brutes, so now I've 3 Brutes I'm sort of levelling at the same time.

2) Nope. Altitis won't let me do that. I switch between characters and Flavours of the Month all the time (in fact it's more like Flavours of the Day sometimes).

3) Overall probably my Warshade, all things considered. I love the flexibility she has. She plays like 3 alts rolled into one anyway so her playstyle suits me. But she's 50 now so I don't play her that much. Currently my fav is my Dark/WP Brute, who is level 43.5 and has just overtaken my Necro/Dark as my highest villain. Doing the RWZ missions with him at the moment, with the new diff setting he feels really epic wading into massive spawns of Rikti and tearing through them. Sorta trying to push him to 50 to unlock Crabs and Fortunas.



This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
I've been in the game since one month after launch, so I guess I qualify although how "ubar" I am in the game is entirely subjective and up to my teammates.

1.) I started with a kat/SR scrapper because they were supposed to be more solo oriented and tough enough to handle someone learning the game. My original scrapper, 9 Red Dogs, exists still on Pinnacle where I log her in from time to time whenever I begin to feel superior, so that I can cringe and be humbled by what I did to her in my newbie ignorance. My husband took over playing the account for a long time, and at the end of that we got a second computer and a second account and migrated to Virtue where I re-rolled my scrapper and began to give her the build she should have had. Unfortunately, I don't like playing melee toons nearly as well, so she still sits at level 40.

Somewhere in there I made my nrg/nrg blaster, Destinee Fable, and despite the fact that I had blaster hate, I got her to 50 and enjoyed the ride so much that I now have 3 other level 50 blasters - fire/ice, sonic/nrg, and fire/MM (my sig is old and I'm lazy about updating it). Between leveling the blasters, I've found time to level a storm/sonic defender to 50 (another surprise build, she was intended to be a throwaway SG alt-night character) and an earth/kin troller who will be moving to another server in retirement someday soon (I'm tired of her and get annoyed when people ask me to bring her along rather then one of my other characters that I enjoy more).

I have two other defenders working their way up to 50 who might be 50 had the XP during TFs lower than your level been in force - they are dark/sonic and TA/Arch.

2.) Since my original character is on a server I no longer play on, I haven't played her continuously though I did re-roll her when we moved to Virtue. She seldom sees play time though even on Virtue which is why she's only level 40. Of my 50s, only Tempered Flare, my fire/ice blaster, and Doplar Effect, my storm/sonic defender, see regular play time. Dop is completely IO'd now and Flare will be soon. Both were made sometime during my second year of play time.

3.) It's hard to say what my favorite build is. Dop and Flare are both charatcers I really like rolling out, but each has their specific uses that I feel they do better than my other 50s. If I had to pick a favorite powerset, I'd say fire blast, hands down. It just makes me feel super when I play it, and it's so fun to draw and avoid aggro.

Currently, I'm working up two baby blasters - rad/fire and nrg/elec, but I found time to break out my level 46 PB and level 38 DB/WP scrapper as well.

I guess my main focus for a while now has been running TFs because I love them, and breaking out an appropriate toon to round out a team has taken precedence to leveling to 50 which is likely why my dark/sonic has so many play hours without hitting level 40 yet.



1) Scrappers, Blasters, Controllers, Defenders, SoA's, Widows, Masterminds, Brutes, Corruptors and Stalkers.

The sad thing? I only have one level 50...

2) Nah, I've re-made my original character at least three times.

3) Hard to say really... I know I *don't* like Claws, SR, AR or Earth Melee

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
My oldest characters are a tank and a defender, but I have pretty much one of everything and played most to at least the 30s excepting a controller and dominator.

I tend to enjoy playing melee more these days. Less aggravation on the mezzing side.

Still here, even after all this time!



1,2) These are too boring people play all different characters
3) Blaster Guns/Ice/Rise of the Phoenix, Lots of AoE attacks, +recharge bonuses, no fitness pool, no penalty for death, can rez others in RoTP invincible time. Mostly do task forces on this guy, I run around and blast things. If I happen to die I just RoTP back up and blast some more. This also refills my endurance bar. Shiver + Bonefire with M30 and AoE megadeath keeps the enemies away from me.

However now the devs made it so you can't do task forces above Heroic diffculty, and now this character would be a complete waste of time to play since he could just pretty much solo the TFs anyway. At least they stuck it to those farmers or whatever they got out of killing the thing I enjoy about the game.



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
I have my 5 year badge.

1) I started as a defender on a regular team with my roomates.. once they quit, I found myself wanting more solo ability. I went with a tanker until I decided I wanted more damage... I went with a scrapper and played scrappers and or brutes (mostly scrappers) for the next 4 years. I do have a blaster who I essentually play like a scrapper.

2) Eh.. ok no. But yes in that I generally play 1 toon at a time... each one for 3-5 months.

3) Difficult to say as it's whatever I'm playing (or more accurately I play whatever my favorite build is)... A few high points: DB/SR scrapper, DM/Shield scrapper, Fire/Mental Blaster. I like to do damage. I've always liked stone melee but haven't played one to 50 yet.

I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.



Just got my 54 month badge a couple of weeks ago. Amazing how much I enjoy now having the Ghost Slaying Axe on a bunch of toons that earlier had thought nothing of passing over it.

I also made the determination to play one each of the ATs to 50; so far I've accomplished that with a Blaster, Scrapper, Tanker, Controller, Mastermind and Crab Spider (Gee,and it only took me nearly five years to do that....). It's more of a stretch goal than anything with a hard deadline: I just like playing the game.

My first 50 was also my first character, an assault rifle/energy blaster. Yeah, I had no idea I was "teh gimp". She hit 50 when it was still standard procedure for a friend to announce in Peregrine Broadcast that you had just dinged 50, and a chorus of "Gratz" followed. Robotrixie still comes out on occasion - she really wants one of those Redding Rifles.

My favorite builds tend to be the non-standard ones. Robotrixie didn't have much use for most of the melee-based powers in Energy Manipulation (save Power Thrust, Build-Up and Total Focus), which allowed some experimentation in the pool powers. She became quite the Swiss Army Knife over the months.

Since the powerset proliferation of I16, villains have been getting a bit more play from me, so I may be able to change that imbalance in my 50s. The claws/electric brute is every bit as awesome as I'd expected, with the broadsword/regen stalker and the earth/earth dominator very close seconds.

MA arcs: #1669, "A New Breed Rising"



My Very first character was a Fire/Fire Blaster. I deleted him because I couldn't see his frickin costume (Stupid video card) and went with an Illusion/FF Controller, which I named Arilou (No relation to the Arilou that posts on these forums) and he was my first level 50.

Oh, and I have my 60 month badge.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



60 months.

Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
what toons have you been playing for all this time?
I don't stick with characters much past 50, so...
Storm/Elec Defender
Katana/Dark Scrapper
Dark/Elec Defender
Stone/EA Brute
Storm/Archery Defender
Thugs/Poison MM
Cold/Ice Defender
Earth/Fire Dom
Dark/Elec Brute

As you can notice, I like Defenders and don't care much for playing direct damage.

have you played one from when you started till now?
Nope. I actually deleted my first 50 due to a lack of slots.

whats your favourite build?
Storm/ Defender is the only primary I've played to 50 twice, with good reason. Favorite overall for teaming, though, is probably rad/rad or cold/ice defender.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Well i'm close to being uber :P i have over 15 lvl 50's and my first lvl 50 was an emp/electric defender. I don't play him much, only when a healer is really needed. I play all my characters, I usually use whatever toon best fits the team i'm in but mostly i play my sheild/ss tanker and my cold/ice defender. My favorite archtype to play is defenders. When i want maximum carnage its my tanker sheild charge is really fun.