Uber veterans

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1) Played since beta, and have played em all, but primarily Ive stuck with Scrappers, Blasters, and Tankers in PvE and PvP. I like the 'in your face' mojo of those AT's.

2) First toon was a Fire/Fire Blaster, and thanks to power customization and a name change, he has now turned into my Cosmic Silver Surferish-Energy hurling badass that I still love to play.

Other than him, I love play my min/maxed Scrapper builds, mainly SPines/Regen, Spines/Dark, and Claws/SR.

3) Wow....picking a favorite is probably tough for every veteran here that has played for 50-60+ months. If I had to choose one toon to play in terms of fun factor and likability, I would still go with my Fire/Fire Blaster. I think its just the sheer carnage he does to both groups of mobs and solo AV's, and the speed at which he does it. It helps that hes nigh unkillable with the way I play him and a 3+ billion build (soft capped ranged defense, great recharge, a self heal, and hibernation if stuff gets hairy), but I definitely cant get enough of him.

Coming in a close second would be my SD/SS/Fire Tank, or my Claws/SR Scrapper. Both of those are great fun, and the Claws Scrap is the bane of all Bosses/EB's/AV's.

Ping me at @Psion or Psion2.



60 month here. Came in just before i3.

My first toon was an Ice/energy blaster named Silvernail who I abandoned at 16 and switched to a DM/regen scrapper, Blacktom that I played to 50 on Liberty before I moved to Virtue. I have dragged them over now with server transfers for old time sake but I don't really play them, though I have gotten Silver to 40 and will probably get him to 50 with a few ITF's someday. I don't really like /regen anymore for scrappers so I'll probably never IO Blacktom out but I can't remake him; he's got history :P

I guess that makes it a "no" to do I play the same toons from when I started, though I have "sort of" played them again with a DM/SR stalker, and a Fire/elec blaster that gave really similar play style experiences but much much better for whatever reason; I'm better, the game is better, the sets were a better fit, all of the above.

It's hard to pick a favorite build, as I have quite a few 50's I still love to play but it's definitely corruptors and controllers that are my favorites now depending on villian or heroside, with Kinetics and Radiation secondaries.

After leveling 3 kinetics to 50 I finally got the hang of it and now my fire/kin (softcapped to S+L) corruptor, Sleeka, is my favorite villian with my AR/rad, Gamma Ray Bill, a close second; both are awesome team support with boatloads of aoe damage, and very survivable.

Hero side my favorite toon is Bothari, my BS/shield scrapper who I spent a fortune on, or any of my controllers.



I think I'm about to get the five-year badge, which makes me sad because I spent six months deactivated long before there was any hint of veteran badges down the road. Like everything else, I blame long-departed Jack for that.

1. Nearly everything. I play heroes about 98% of the time. I prefer to play one of the 50s (22 of them) much more often than I spend leveling new characters. I've played almost every power set to 50, in various combinations (I don't tend to repeat sets). There are a very few gameplay mechanics that I like more on the villain side (mostly related to story arc design), but in general I prefer the more specialized hero archetypes.

2. My oldest character is an Illusion/Storm Controller who I've had since about April 2004, though he was preceded by an Energy Blaster who went into the bit bucket long ago. Since he's been around for so long, his journey from poorly-conceived original build to his current powerful IO-ed incarnation has been very interesting, even in spite of the control nerf back around 2005.

3. Earth Control/Radiation Emission. Lots of hard control, lots of soft control, lots of debuff, with a lot of the location-targeted powers that I adore. I'm also extremely fond of many of the other 50s too, all of the main hero archetypes plus bruting and some flavors of masterminding. I'm not as big a fan of the other villain ATs.


Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.



I joined the CoH community right after i3 went live

I have been playing mostly scrappers, blasters, and defenders for a very long time (however i have 2 level 50 blasters, 1 scrapper, 2 tanks, 2 defenders, one stalker, and 1 controller who was mainly a damage dealer build).

The toon that i play the most i made in my first year playing this game and is my 4th oldest toon. My Assalt Rifle / Devices Blaster. the Connoisseur.

My favorite builds? My first 50 was a Force Field/energy defender (the Greater Good) so it has always been close to my heart. Assalt rifle/ devices blaster, Martial arts/ Super Reflexes scrapper, Claws/regen scrapper, and Kin/Rad defender. I couldnt narrow it down to one build i like the most so i listed my top 5.



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
This'll be fun. I wear my 66th month badge proudly! Ah the days of the first beta *sniffle* It brings back good memories

1) When I first started it was mostly Defenders. I liked being a team support character. I then transitioned into Blasters, then a Scrapper or two. When Kheldians came out I went to 50 with a Peacebringer, then started using Controllers... which is pretty much what I play now

2) I still do play my first character on the occasion. Mostly as a TF toon, as he's been respeced so many times I've lost count lol

3) My favorite build thus far has been either Plants/Rad or Grav/Rad for Controllers, Super Reflexes and Martial Arts for Scrappers, and Storm/Rad for Defenders (as that was my very first level 50 )

Moncton - 50 PB
Borealys II - 50 Storm/Rad Def.
Capt. United - 47 MA/SR Scr.
Storm Pegasus - 33 Storm/Elec Def.
Diamond Nights - 13 DB/SR Scr.

"Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the presence of fear, yet the will to go on."



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
Hello! It's been awhile since I've posted here, but this was just too interesting a topic not to respond to.

I have been on since Beta. I started on a Sunday; the game went live the following Tuesday. I took a month off in there somewhere to move, but vet badge month 66 arrives 12/11 for me, I'm told.

1. What toons have I been playing for all this time? I haven't. I have a linear approach to the game - once a toon hits 50, it 'wins', and it's time to try another toon. I have only recently discovered the joys of playing a toon at 50, even though it doesn't level anymore. However, I try to get a level 50 per year beginning in 2005, and so far, i'm 4 for 4 (2009 isn't over yet).

2. What toons have I played from when I started until now? Most of them. There was a blaster early on that i moved to the test server because her glass jaw was just too much to take, but otherwise, i don't know that i've deleted a toon higher than level 30. I usually know much sooner than that if it's gonna agitate me to keep playing it.

3. What's my favourite build: My 50's were, in order: Tank - inv/ss; Controller - mind/emp; Defender - rad/rad; Stalker - willpower/dual blades. My next will be a Scrapper who is now at 44 - dark/regen. Of those, it was the defender for many years. Even though his blasts were weakish, his ability to slow down and debuff everything in sight - and then hover and avoid all smashing damage - was, well, smashing! However, he was also on a tremendous sg, so there is some context there when i think of him. At heart, I love defenders. What I'd really love to see is some form of hybrid between an emp/rad or emp/storm defender; one that could heal in radius, heal at range, rez, and clear mind... AND slow, debuff, or earthquake/ice slick an area. Thermal seems closer, but the debuffs come very late in the game, and it doesn't have a defender's END discount.

Thanks for the interesting post!

Detour - 50 Inv/SS Tank - on since Beta; Foresight - 50 Controller - on since Summer 2004
Zephyr. - 28 Scrapper - April 2005 1st Place,Victories/ 1st Place, Outcast Nemesis - Steel Canyon - Victory Server- all on Victory.
Catalyst Kid - level 50, Justice server
Wind Racer - level 50, Virtue red side



60 month here

Roughly 25 50s. Played every combo of AT at least once.

1. Mostly I play trollers, Ice/Storm has been my all-time fav. Ill/rad for when I feel like cheating. I did play a PB for a very long time when they were not cool and scarce on my home server.

2. My Fire/Eng Blaster is my longest running toon, I remember powerleveling myself in Bricks by going Inferno on +6 Mobs street sweeping.

3.Fav Build, Ice/Stormie. Love the controls and the visuals.



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
Brutes, trollers and stalkers are my fav, my first toon was a ice/stone tank and second was a MA/SR scrap that ive played to this day along with that ice/stone tank, my fav builds are anything that farms or pvps but usally you'll just find me farming but if I had to pick i'd say my fav build would be SS/Fire its just full of win, lol.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic
I have 139 characters at this point with a total of 2616 levels
I would completely give up on any hope of seeing them all to 50 right now.
I'm not quite sure the purpose of this comment.
Perhaps some elaboration would help.

If I wanted to get them all to 50 as quickly as possible, I'm assuming I could before the game is pulled off-line. I'm sure I could have done it quicker if I was trying to get them all to 50 immediately and if I would have farmed and PL'd while other people were doing so while AE was bonkers.

My goal really isn't to get them all to 50. I don't recall ever saying that I was trying to get them all to 50.

I certainly never thought that I could get all my characters to level 50 instantaneously - aka "right now".

With so little information to go on, I really don't understand whatever point it is you are trying to make.

I will make this one. I make characters that I think that I will like to play. I play those characters as I have time to play the game. If I get tired of playing some kind of character or get an urge to play a certain kind of character ... or a certain server or side ... I have plenty of options to chose from. Though some players have a goal to get to level 50, my goal is to have fun playing the game.
I find the game to be so much fun that I'm still playing it 5 years after it was released. So it seems that I'm doing a pretty good job of "winning" at playing this game.



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
1)Various toons, the thing is time I like something and get it to 50 it pretty much gets nerfed and I have to move on to something else. My heart will always belong to scrappers because I like the solo challenge they provide.
2)No because of the nerfs. My first main and namesake character is perma-retired because invulnerability got nerfed into the ground back in issue 5. It would take too much IO work to get him playable again in my eyes and even then he would be sub-par to my current main.
3)My current main is willpower. Basically it plays like my invul did before the nerfs which is why I like him best. My favorite builds are anything willpower(except stalker version) and ninjutsu for stalkers. I do play support archtypes from time to time but nothing thats my favorite yet.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



I am a 66 month veteran and started two or three weeks after the beta ended, due to a friend who'd been in the beta encouraging me to join.

My first character created was a blaster, I don't remember his name, fire/fire or maybe fire/ice, I never actually played it, just made it to try out the costume creator and learn the tutorial. Then I made a bunch of catgirl characters all called [part of an atom] Lynx... Proton Lynx, Neutron Lynx, Positron Lynx. The only one of these remaining is Neutrino Lynx, who is now level 50 (empathy/dark defender on Infinity). The only other one I recall playing is Neutron Lynx, who was a stone/rad controller on Champion. I have a vivid memory of having great fun with her on a Perez Park street sweep team - pretty salt crystals! - then a Hydra team (possibly the same team, leveling up).

Neutrino Lynx went into hiatus as I joined that friend's SG on Champion and I made several characters there, choosing one (Crystal Siren - storm/dark defender) to be my "main" in his SG. She was based on a previous character Iciss who was a storm/elec defender; I thought storm was tons of fun! But Iciss wasn't on Champion, I can't actually remember what server she was on. Similarly, I made a rad/psy defender on I believe Freedom named Curie - I still have her - and made the same power choices for a character on Champion (Gamma Radiant). These are my longest-played characters.

Then I discovered Kinetics! I liked it so much that my kin/rad defender, Retrogression (I let a friend design her first costume and name her... this friend then joined me playing coh and also still plays) who became my first level 50.

At some point I began to play on Infinity nearly as much as Champion, so made a claw/inv scrapper to play in a duo with my friend's ice/storm controller. We quickly got this pair to the early 30s and my friend lost interest at 33 because Jack Frost was insufficiently impressive. So I was playing my claw/inv solo and got her close to 50, but held off till Retrogression hit 50, then the same day I had my 2nd 50 with this scrapper.

Then, finding Infinity had some fun left in it, I picked up again playing Neutrino Lynx and she got up to the mid 20s in a binge, only to stagnate again for a year or so...

Eventually Villains came out. My friend discovered a love of masterminds and fire/rad controllers that finally got one of each to 50, the mastermind dragging my corrupter along for a spate of Cimerora grinding to get our VEATs unlocked.

Anyway I have dozens more characters than those, but those are my longest played/enjoyed. Most are defenders, next most are scrappers, then corrupters and brutes, then everything else of which I have a couple of each...