Uber veterans

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63+ month vet here as well.

1 - Energyman was the first toon I created and I still constantly pull him out and play with him. He's not ubered out or anything, I have altitis, but he was around pre I1.

2 - Enerygman was the first, Psi-Vox was my second toon and I only recently got him 50.

3 - I used to want to try a little of everything and refused to do powers/ATs I had tried before. However I've since gone back on that because of my love for the Electric power sets. I recently started up my Elec/Kin Corruptor pre I16 and of course post I16 I have an Elec/Elec tank. What can I say I think Elec is underrated and the drain is a great tool if used right especially on teams.

50s - Energyman, Elec^3 Blaster - Light Bringer Prime, Triform PB - OxyStorm, Robo/Storm/Mace MM - Widow Lotone, NW - Psi-Vox, Ill/FF/Earth Control



what toons have you been playing for all this time?
I started playing in July 2004, 60 month badge.

I am an altoholic with 40+ characters I currently play. Because of this my first 50 took over two years and the fastest took five months. You have to understand that to understand where I'm going.

I've tried every AT and powerset heroside at least once. Villainside I've tried all the MMs and a few brutes and corruptors. I tried a dom... once. I would go crazy if I tried to list it all, or even just the currently active characters.

have you played one from when you started till now?
My first character, from which I get my forum name, is an AR/Dev blaster. I play her occasionally still. Not because I don't love her but because the people I joined the game with and played on that server with have mostly moved on to other games. I primarily play on another server now.

I have several characters that date to spring and summer of 2005 that I still play several times a week. I don't find them boring at all. Once I like a character i can't seem to let go.

whats your favourite build?
#1 Energy/Energy blaster

#2 Rad/Rad defender - I've been playing this for 2000+ hours and am no more tired of it than when I started. It would be #1 except that I don't enjoy soloing it like I do the blaster

#3 Widow

I highly reccommend the following powersets as well: Willpower, Energy Melee, Invulnerability, Kinetics, Empathy, Dark Miasma, Dark Blast, Super Reflexes, Martial Arts, Ice Blast, Ice Melee, Super Strength, Spines. Frankly the only powerset in the game I don't like is Stone Armor because of the way it looks and the movement penalty, that's a personal taste.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?

For a long time I had a serious case of altitis, took me over 2 years to get my first 50, a D4. I still play the D4 though I recently just deleted one of my 50's to roll him with a powerset that didn't exist when he was created. I've played one of every Blueside AT until 50. Except scrappers, just can't seem to get one higher that 35 it seems.

My favorite build right now, is my Earth/FF. I tend to get beat on, and drop more often than others on the team, but I've been the only support AT on a few TF's and have never failed one. As someone else phrased it, it's the closest I feel to cheating.

@Payamma Gurl
I'm sorry that your crew was stupid enough to fire on a station filled with a quarter million civilians, including your own people. And I'm sorry I waited as long as I did before I blew them all straight to hell. ~Sheridan, The Fall of Night



I have my 45 month badge. Had I not let my account lapse a couple years ago I would have my 51 month by now, so I suppose technically I would count.

1) Scrappers and blasters top my list. I have a defender that I really like who is almost 50. I have a tank and a controller I enjoy as well. Villainside I have a stalker and a brute within striking distance of 50. I have a Dark/Kin corruptor and an Ice/Icey Dominator I'm having fun with too.

2) My first character I created was an energy/energy blaster, I hated it almost immediately. Next was a sonic/ice blaster, I hated it because I built it screwy, had I known then what I know now he would be 50 instead of deleted a long time ago. My main and namesake was probably my 10th or 11th I created and I just had a blast with him, he is still regularly played.

3) My favorite build is a toss-up. Either Broadsword/DA scrapper, Sonic/Devices blaster, or DM/SR brute.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
American Valor

63+ month vet

Tanks INV/SS and WP/SS

Yes: American Valor INV/SS tank

Good question let me give this some thought...


Of late have been playing lots of alts but I love my tanks.


by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
1) My signature has my lvl 50s. Five tanks, three scrappers, one peacebringer, two blasters, a defender, and a brute.

2) Goldbrick is my main character and his origin goes back to the start of closed beta in 2003. I'm still improving him, bit by bit, as new toys become available each issue.

3) Favorite build? I wish you'd been more specific. The invulnerability/super-strength combo seems the most rugged, versatile, and iconic to me.

Why do you ask?

Goldbrick 50 inv/ss tank
Other 50s: Power Beam, Rocky Mantle, STORMIE Agent, Matchless, Major Will, Knightmayor, Femstone, Space Maureen, Crimebuster Ako, Dr. Twilight, Doc Champion, American Gold Eagle



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
1.) Lots of toons, from Masterminds to Defenders to Blasters...every AT I have played and enjoyed...except PeaceBringers (my PB is lvl 41 atm)

2.) I play my toons if there is a need but usually once they hit 50 I'm "done" with them because I'm leveling up another toon.

3.) I still like playing my main hero (Energizing Ion) a Kinetics/Rad. Blast Defender. I also like Brutes just because I like rushing in and smashing things. MMs are fun because they are "easy mode" in the game (once you hit certain levels depending on builds).

Try 'em all, have fun!

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



5+ years in the game and I still have 2 or 3 "original" characters that I play from time to time. I'd actually have to say the character that I still play the most from way back when is my PB that I created when they first became available. She's been my PvP main for 3+ years (yes even before PB's were buffed for PvP) which has contributed greatly to that character's staying power. It's also my first billionaire.

Since then I've created, played and deleted more alts than I care to think about.

I go through "cycles" when playing CoH still where I get really into a character that had been on the shelf for months and months. Currently I've been playing a lot of Brutes and Tanks - with Shield being my very favorite.



I have over 60 months, so I'll shoot.

  • what toons have you been playing for all this time?
Although I have a few alts, I have foru main characters: my original character Obsidius (Stone/ Axe Tank), Alaestor (Warshade), Iron Reign (Bots/ Traps MM), and Hunting Machine (Crab Spider).
  • have you played one from when you started till now?
I still play all of them semi-regularly. It just depends on what my wife or teammates need to get the job done. Even Obsidius still gets his licks in whenever someone needs a melee character to balance out ranged characters.
  • whats your favourite build?
That's a tough one, because each of my characters has a decent build. I tried human-form on Alaestor but wasn't as happy with that as I was his original tri-form build. But I think the build I'm most proud of is Iron Reign's build - it has good Enhancement slotting, quick keybinds for summoning, and soft-capped Resist. Plus the vet attacks make up for his lack of personal attacks in his primary. He's a wrecking machine.



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
1) The AT I have been playing all this time: Controllers. /Kins specifically. With one or two exceptions I have every type of /Kin Controller at 50. Fully IO'd.

2) My ice/kin controller, Frost Aura.

3) My Fire/Psi dom. Thought I'd say a controller didn't you?

EDIT: Current fav toons though are my VEATs. I have 2 of each--soldier and widow. Both with both builds. 1 NightWidow/Fortunata. 1 Bane/Crab.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Melee archetypes and the HEATs. My two 50s are a scrapper and a PB, with many tanks and WSs making it ot the high 30s, low 40s before alt-itis struck.

My first to 50 took me about 3.5-4 years to get, due to alt-itis and not seeing a need to rush. He is a Spines/Invulnerable scrapper named Red Thorn. Enjoy spines so much, I have a few alts of my main. ;-) I still brush him off and play him occasionally.

This reminds me... I should be getting close to next badge... ah, yes, 66 months on Oct 30.



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?

I'm a 45 month vet on my main account (sig needs updating), and I've been playing/experimenting with a wide variety of toons ever since my wife got me started playing. I've made it my goal to acquire as much knowledge about the game and the different archetypes/power sets as I can, so I try a lot of different combinations and frequently visit these forums.
My first toon was a claws/regeneration scrapper that I still play occasionally. Him and my Fire/Fire blaster are my only 50s thus far, but I've got several other toons in the 40s and 30s, including an Emp/Sonic defender(46), a Mind/Kin controller(41), and an Ice/Ice tank(also 41).
My favorite for pure, unadulterated damage is my blaster. No toon I have takes down baddies faster, and his is the only build I can claim to have almost completely IO'd out. More squishy than my scrapper of course, but I like the challenge that provides, particularly solo.



I joined sometime in 2005 and my second toon ever was a Fire/Fire tank, and guess what...I STILL PLAY IT!!! It's gotta be my favorite build even with all the ******* nerfs lol.

Pinnacle - The Drunk Server!
MAIN: Desi Boy> Level 51 Fire/Fire Tank
Super Group: C.O.R.E.
Tanking since 05'



63 Month Vet.

Believe it or not, I only have one level 50. Since my SG left after about a year or two, I basically play PUGS and solo, and as a father of a busy 3 I play at most a couple of hours a week.

I have done a handful of the task forces, I just don't have the time to play 4-5 hours straight, and that is my one real beef with CoX is the long task forces, (That and the lack of a diversity in maps...I am so sick of that warehouse where you have to go upstairs then down to the big room..you know the one....)

I started in Beta with Shadowstone (my namesake). All of my toons have strong stories and concepts. He was a Energy/Invul tank that just never worked for me. I haven't the heart to delete him. Anyway, after a while it was evident that he was not for me or my play style (I do a lot of soloing). I created a variant Shadow King was a Dark/Regen Scrapper. I was happily playing him for a long time. Back when Regen really sucked, then it got uber for a while, and then comes CoV. A key concept was that I always played stealthed. Around that time came the great Regen nerfing + they added the limitations on slotting, and then made stealth worthless! (At the time we didn't know about Stalkers & hide) and rather than disallowing the stealth pool on Stalkers, they nerfed Stealth so the actual def was suppressed! The whole character concept was just flushed. I was POed. I almost walked at that point. I had invested a good two years into this guy, MOG sucked and now this???? I actually had a few good conversations with a dev and I believe I (and several other convinced him to do something about stealth so the nerf was not so harsh.

However, it still hurts to play him and he sits at level 41 or 42 still with SOs. I recognize it is not a rational thought an otherwise "well adjusted adult" should have, but he truly has become a symbol of a dark time in CoH.

After that I went in a different direction. I started playing a Storm/Dark Defender, Everwind. He is my favorite character and my only 50. He feels super to me, he feels powerful. He feels heoric in every sense of the word. I used to play him a lot, and had a lot of fun with him in the PvP areas until they nerfed Thunderclap and Hurricane to the point it was a worthless power and an exercise in frustration to have your major defensive power be totally worthless. At the time containment was added to Controllers and Storm Controllers outclassed Storm defenders easily. So I sadly left the PvP fields forever never to look back.

When CoX came out I played at that with Mind/Ice Dom who I have recently been playing a lot as the changes to the Dominators have made it a much more enjoyable class for the most part. I more inclined to feel the need to feel heroic so unless I was playing with friends I stayed away from Cox between the frustrations the Doms and the hero issues.

In between I made a Storm/Illus controller (Thunderbright) and a Sonic Blaster I am very fond of (Sonic Falcon). Thunderbright is not a challenge he is so powerful, I haven't played him much and he sits around 38 along with Sonic Falcon.

My middle son loves City, especially designing heroes and villains. I think we have made and deleted hundreds of heroes and villains, got them up to level 10-12 or so, and then went on to make another.

It has been a good ride.

I am not sure how much longer I am going to last, but it is hard to replace and still enjoying flying through the city with my cape flowing in the wind, seeing a hero or bad guy get knocked to the ground in an epic battle.



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
Let's see, hit my 57 month status this month.

My sig shows all my 50's, but I've played alot of the other alts. Still havent gotten a Blaster or Kheldian to 50 to round out my 50's hero side.

I'm still looking for my favorite build however. All the sets have something that makes me go "I like it for this reason" but it lacks in something that makes me cry.

Energy Melee is pretty looking, but it's a very slow using set, and not available to Scrappers.

Tankers do to little damage solo.

What I have found is I like Scrappers and Defenders (though I've never gotten into Kinetics or Empathy) it seems.

VEATS are better than HEATS. If my Crab was a hero, I'd probably play her more often.

Hoping Dual Pistols will be the set that finally gets me gung ho for blasters. Been wanting that set since I picked the box up at the store.

Took me 2 - 2 1/2 years to get my first 50. Claws/Regen. I played her quite a bit after hitting 50, but when I switched servers I stopped.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
My first hero was a Forcefield/Psychic blast defender. I have played defenders from day 1. I still get Psylenz out to malefactor from time to time to help where a lot of incoming damage can be expected.

My favorite build for heroes I would say at this time in my playing would be a Storm/Ice defender.

My favorite build for villains is a Robots/Storm mastermind. I have played masterminds since day one of City of Villains. I see masterminds as defenders with evil pets.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



I started with 8 toons, all of which are 50 now:

Nakoa (my main, my badger): Fire/Stone Tank
Granite (my first toon): Stone/SS Tank
Vandal: AR/Dev Blaster
Siphon: Dark/Dark/Dark Defender
Gendarme: Grav/FF Controller
Eidolon: MA/DA Scrapper
Domino: Nrg/Nrg Blaster
Puce Nonagon (the toon I was working on when I decided to sign up on the boards): DM/SR Scrapper

I still play them all to a degree, but I play Nakoa the most, by far. He was my first 50 and then one I enjoy playing the most. It's not like I have any favorite AT or powerset, I just choose the toon I need for the particular needs of the team. If it's PI AV team that needs debuffs, I'll bring my Rad/Elec defender, ToxicShock. If I'm on a ITF that needs damage, I'll bring Domino. If I'm on an STF that needs a Granite Tank, I bring Granite. If I'm on a team that has one main tank and a bunch of squishies, I love to bring my Ice/Axe Tanker, Agdenes Man, (or Nakoa in his high-AoE/low-defenses build) who is an AoE machine. I farm on my Fire/Kin. Different toons for different needs.

I go through phases where I really want to play a toon more than some others. Right now, it's Domino, who I slotted with some sweet IO sets and now he plays like the least squishy Blaster I've ever played. He's great fun on ITFs. Also, sometimes it's not about powersets. A while ago, I rolled a new Fire/Kin named Doctor Snakeskin whose bio and costume are among the best I've ever done. I'm having a blast with him.

Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

@vanda1 and @nakoa2



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
63 monther here,
1. a large variety, my main is a ma/sr scrapper that i enjoy running, though i have about 60 characters all told. lately have been running a night widow and a crab soldier with friends.
2. rian is a reroll, originally i had strange issues with logging in, but the only difference is he is blue skinned rather than bright yellow and has different horns. so his current incarnation is 6 days short of launch. my main redsider, violet tendencies, is from launch of cov though.
3. im a fan of dominators, they are fragile, but the tools at their disposal for damage and control make them enjoyable and unique. night widows are pretty solid too. Scrappers are fun, but not a lot of variety to play really, run in and beat the heck out of everyone.



I have gotten by playing, not PLing, at least one of each hero-sided AT to 50, which I was pleased with. On my villains, I have one 50 and a few more in the 40's, and my goal is to get one of each there to 50, as well. My current next closest is my VEAT Fortunata.

My first 50 was a DM/SR scrapper, who I play rarely now. My lvl 50 Inv/SS tank is also my badge character, so I've kept that one relatively active from time to time. My first 50 controller I've mainly used on Hami raids when we have those. My first 50 villain as an Elec/Elec Brute, although that wasn't the first I started playing...first I started was a stalker, but I got bogged down on that one.

I have so many alts, though, that I don't play any one character too much any more. It keeps me from getting too burned out.

My favorite build....that's tough. I've tried most things at one time or another, and like things about all of them, in different ways. I have more scrappers than anything else, though, and more of those are broad sword than other primaries. I just really like the huge hitting attack with the pause just long enough for the foe to say "Oh s^(&@!"

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



I'll have my 60 month vet badge in about 2 weeks.

What toons have you been playing all this time?
Depends on what mood I'm in, usually I'm playing one of my two 50s, or messing around on lower level test builds.

Have you played one from when you started till now?
I don't have any from my first year still around, but I do have one that I made just after the 1st Anniversary for City of Heroes, who is also my first 50. A level 50 Fire/Stone/Energy tanker named Kayzer.

Whats your favorite build?
I find it hard to say that I have a favorite build, but if I had to pick one, it would be my Thug/Dark/Mu level 50 MM, definately a heavy damager and good at tanking, but when it comes to things such as speed runs, it just can't do it.

My circle is more like an egg. . .a handicapped egg. - A math professor



50 Some month Vet here, if I would have known about vet badges I'd have probably never canceled my account for a few summers.

What is my longest standing active build? Probably my Kin/Rad defender, Kid Kinetics. All 5 anniversary badges and all that, its hard to beat a well played Kin on a team. I wanted to re-roll him as Kin/Sonic more than a few times but never had the heart too.

What am I playing now? For Teams/TF's I'll usually run support. My Cold/Son with near Perma Heatloss is a real monster. I do a lot of solo farming/mass killing because its fun to me to see just how fast I can do it. Builds for that are Fire/Kin Plant/Storm Elec/SD and possibly my Spines/SR if I get him back up and running again. Psi/Em, Fire/Regen and Ill/Emp for PvP at the moment, but I might spec my Emp/Sonic for that here shortly. Currently leveling up a Fire/SS tank who is a lot of fun.

Favorite build(s)? Tough call. If I have a team its either the one with the most AoE or the one that can cause stuff to melt faster than anyone else. When not playing support its a toss up between my Elec/SD and my Plant/Storm. Both are serious engines of destruction.



63 month. 66 in 10 days.

I pretty much stick to Scrappers, Blasters and Khelds. Sometimes tanks.

I just can't stand playing a archetype where other players believe that "they" should be my primary focus. I want to concentrate on the mission and the opponents, not on watching how close to death my teammates are.

I will play other archetypes but stick to soloing them so I don't get constant complaints that I'm not using them the right way.

I do still occasionally play my namesake scrapper.

No favorite build. I like experimenting with variations from easy mode to downright crippled.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



63 months here (66 next week). I play a little bit of everything. I'd say my favorite ATs are probably Warshades, Defenders, Blasters, Controllers, Masterminds, Dominators and Stalkers. I have Tankers, Scrappers, Peacebringers, Brutes, Corruptors and VEATs as well, but not as many. I have a great many alts but still play many of my old characters regularly, and I also tend to play across many servers.

Yes and no. My original primary character was a Scrapper and once I got to 50 with him I've found that I've been more interested in other characters and have never really got back into melee again since. I do have a few Scrappers, Tankers and Brutes around, but I seem to get bored with them quickly and return to other ATs. Brutes especially I seem to have trouble sticking with.

Hands down, my favorite is my Warshades, with Masterminds coming in second.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Well, 54 mon vet here just a few days shy of 57 mon. I currently have 30 lvl 50s across 2 accounts and 5 servers. 8 tanks, 6 scraps, 4 fenders (1 @ 49 as well), 5 blasts, 2 trollers (& 1 stuck @ 47 for a long time), 2 brutes, 1 corr, 1 stalker, and 1 SoA. I have 1 of each kheld right around lvl 30, 1 dom @ 40, and a MM @ 29.

I have not stuck to 1 single toon until recently. My first 50 was an energy/ energy blaster; 2nd was an emp/ dark fender; and 3rd an Ice/Fire tank. The blaster gets pulled out only occasionally and that fender rarely if ever. The tank comes out every now and then to earn some influence as it is the best farmer I have on that server. But recently I fell in love with a Shield/ SS tank on Guard. Made 50 on Xmas eve and has gotten 730 hrs logged and 3.5 mill prestige. I lost track of how many merits earned.

So fav builds-- I'll go by ATs I have multiple 50s of:

Tank- Shield/ SS obviously but a close second is Invuln/ Stone
Scrap- BS/ Shield
Fender- Sonic/ Sonic or Traps/AR are pretty much tied right now, but Sonic/ Sonic is older and requested more by sg
Troller- Fire /Storm
Brute- SS/ Shield
Blaster- Fire/ Electric



I bounced aound on the hero side at first-Got a Elec/Elec blaster to 30 and a few others high teens/low 20s largely due to the Winter Lord event. Back then, it took a looooong time to get into the 20s--especially runnning solo.

When CoV came out, I made a AR/Trap corruptor and managed to stick with it all the way to 50. Primarly solo and barely any AE content. He only hit 50 like maybe a month ago. He spent alot of time trading the BM as well.

I recently made a MA/SR scrapper my new main. After going 50 levels (Mostly solo) with a corruptor, I wanted somthing that felt powerful solo. Since I never really did much hero content, I wanted to make a hero. Hes up to like 32 now. Compared to my corruptor it's sick how fast he kills stuff.

However, I don't care how FOTM it is, I will make a dual pistol something in 2010. Already workig on a look/name/theme/story.