Uber veterans

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57 months

I have 9 50s. I have 2 mains that serve as badge collectors... a Broadsword/Regen Scrapper and a Bots/Force Field Mastermind. The Scrapper was created shortly (a couple weeks) after I first started the game near release. They don't get played regularly really, as I spend most of my time creating and levelling alts. The only hero AT I don't have at 50 is a Tanker, but I have one at 45. On the villain side, I am lacking a 50 Dominator and Stalker.

Favorite build... probably the original Scrapper. I've played him through all sorts of changes in the game, and he still remains fun. My Mastermind isn't quite as fun due to constant AI issues with pets, though Bots suffers the least from that. I also really like my Fortunata VEAT, probably moreso than the Mastermind.



Last Saturday, I just acquired my 57 month reward. I have 6 50's and my first, a Claws/regen Scrapper is one I will always go back to, after a hard day at work for a quick blat of some poor mob or 5.

1. Mr ? - Claws/Regen
2 Enygma - WS
3 Shadow Questionmark - EM/DA brute
4 Oi You - Ill/Rad troller
5 ELC - Fire/Ice tank
6 Shadow on the Sun - Fire/Fire blaster

I will play any of them depending on my mood, I have others on their way to 50.

I do have a version of myself on Union (30 atm). That I would like to be my 1st 50 there.

Super Scout - A/TA defender

but, as we all know - work is the curse we must put up with, in order to be able to play.



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
48-month badger here...

First toon I ever made was an Elec/Elec Blaster named "MurderOne"... He's lvl 50 now, but I rarely ever break him out to play him--primarily for 2 reasons: I hate how often Blasters die, and I've found another AT I like better. However, I won't delete him for sentimental reasons. He started out on Justice, and I paid to transfer him over to Freedom when I decided to start playing regularly on that server.

Other than MurderOne, the toon I've had the longest (that I actually regularly play on) has been AlienOne. I believe I've had him for (maybe, can't remember) around 3 years or so. By "regularly," I mean I log him on at least once a week or so...

The toon I log on every single day to play is my Warshade VestigeOne, and his human-form build is my absolute favorite way to play City of Heroes. He's been in existence for approximately 2 years, if my memory serves me correctly.

My love for Kheldians has basically changed the way people know me in the game. When I first started playing CoX, people knew me as "Murder". Now, since playing on Kheldians 24/7 is what "defines" my CoH experience, people know me as "Alien."

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!
Recently got Enduring badge (66 months), so, yea, I've been here since Day 1 (though, to be honest, there have been times when I've been largely inactive for several months, but I've always kept my account paid for. Silly, I know, but I always buy 6 months or a year at a time, and my inactive periods have never corresponded with account renewal time).

what toons have you been playing for all this time?
have you played one from when you started till now?
Aren't these two the same question? I don't know how to answer them differently. In any case, the only characters I still have from launch day are....

Silver Streak, of course (originally I had a different forum name, because I kinda didn't want my identity defined by one character. But, he's the only character I seriously RP, and once I started getting interested in RP-type threads on these boards, I changed my forum name. I don't post in-character anymore, except occasionally on my SG boards, but with global handles and all, I've just gotten used to using my main as my identity).

Mrs. Stopheles - another favorite of mine. Both Mrs. Stoph and SS are still actively played. SS, in particular, has more hours logged, by FAR, than any other toon I've got - he's the only one I bother with badge collecting, RP'ing, in-game socializing, etc. When I'm on other toons, it's pretty much just about kicking butt and leveling - or, in the case of 50's, kicking butt and working on improving the build in some way, like finishing accolades or completing IO sets, etc.

Morty Hall - he's a character that was made purely for RP reasons, and so doesn't really get played much at all. He's only lvl 12. Actually, I re-rolled him at some point, so technically he's not the same Morty Hall that existed on Day 1, anyway. He's Silver Streak's agent - I used to show up to RP events with him, and tell the event organizer that they'd have to sign contracts before Silver Streak could show up for their event. Havn't dusted him off in ages now. Oh well.

I made a couple other toons on day 1 that got deleted later, for various reasons.

whats your favourite build?
That's a hard question, cuz I go through phases. I'll be really excited about a particular build, for awhile, and play that character almost exclusively, but then lose interest a little and move on to another one. I think one of the beauties of this game is that there are many different good and fun builds possible - although, I suppose, encouraging altaholism may not be a good thing.

Also, I'm not sure if you're asking, what build do we simply ENJOY playing, subjectively, or what build do we think is most efficient?

Lately, I've been digging my Nova-build Warshade a lot, although I think my interest in that is starting to wane a bit, and I find myself wanting to devote more time to my Willpower/Energy Melee Tank. I would have to say, however, probably my all-time favorite build to play is Mrs. Stopheles - she's a Spines/DA scrapper. I find that build to be both a blast to play, and incredibly efficient. It's got great dps, both single-target and AoE, a ranged attack (without having to dip into Epics), some crowd-control, decent to great defenses (one of the few sets that gives you psionic resistance), a great self-heal, a combat self-rez, stealth - about the only thing missing is KB resistance, but there's plenty of ways to get that nowadays. It's just very versatile.

One thing to be aware about it, in case you're thinking of trying it - the one drawback, I'd say, is that it's a very hands-on build. It's not something you'll want to run on auto-pilot.

Like a Runaway Train!
SS's Crey Profile
SS's Virtue Handbook Page
Liberty League: Leave the Justice to Us!



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?

I guess I qualify, as I have my 57 month and should get my 60 month next month.

My very first character, a Katana/Regen, is still sitting at level 21. Regen is no longer a great Scrapper set -- not bad, but not great. And he is on Liberty, which ended up not being my main server. My second character was an Ice/Ice Blaster on Guardian, who I finally got up to 50 as my first level 50 Blaster. Very fun character. My third character was a Invul/Mace tank, who was abandoned and replaced by an Invul/Axe tank. He was my first Tank to hit 50, but is sitting on the sidelines until I can spend some major Influence slotting him up.

My next Character was Local Man, my Dark/Elec Defender. He quickly became my favorite, and I really liked his name, so when Global Names were implemented, that became my name. Then I tried a Controller, which I had chosen last due to the lack of damage. . . . Area Man was an Ill/Rad, intended to be a side-kick to Local Man, but he quickly became my favorite and my first 50. Illusion/Radiation is still my favorite build overall. I have another one at 40 and a third and fourth on other servers. Controllers are my favorite AT by far -- half of my level 50 characters are Controllers. I have three Illusionists at 50 and four */Rads at 50. Two */Storms at 50 with two more getting there. I have gotten one or more of each Hero-side AT up to 50, except my Warshade is at 45.

My favorite AT is Controllers, and favorite build is Ill/Rad. Area Man has logged the most hours, but lately I have been spending more time on my soft-capped Broadsword/Shield scrapper because he is so good on TFs and upper level content. The Ice/Ice Blaster and Ice/Storm Controller have been getting some time, too, since the slows are especially effective on the ITF. My favorite tank so far is my Stone/Fire, at 48, but he is on Protector so my usual group of buddies don't go there much -- he has soloed most of his leveling, but is an awesome team tank with great aggro-gathering powers.

However, I really spend a lot more time on leveling up alts than playing my level 50s. I'm working on several Villains and getting near my first red-side 50, and also working on a Plant/Kin in a duo with an Elec/Shield scrapper -- tons of fun.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



I am a 60 month vet (about to be a 63 month on Nov. 9th). My first toon was an MA/Regen scrapper took up until about 3 months before E.D. went live to get to 50. My second was an NRG/Elec blaster that was a lot of fun to play, but sadly I have moved from that server so those two hardly see the light of day.

Now on my current server (Virtue) I have fire/kin corr, fire/fire dom, SM/WP, SS/WP, ELM/SA, Fire/Fire brutes, Emp/Sonic, Rad/rad, cold/ice defs, and Arch/MM blaster, all at lvl 50. with MANY others at 40+ or close to 40+. I think currently I enjoy my Arch/MM AoE MONSTER the most, as he is currently my badge man (close to 400 on him).

Honestly in general AT basis, I have to say that the Defender AT has to be the most pleasent to play for me.



At 60 months, would be higher if not for a couple breaks from the game.

The first character I played to 50 was an Emp/Dark on the Protector server, made to play with my husband's MA/Invuln. Ahh... the memories of perma-unstoppable...

After that, I heard tales of roleplay happening on Virtue, so I peeked over there and rolled my Claws/Invuln Scrapper, who quickly became my favorite character, both play-wise and character wise. Roleplaying really sparked my creative juices, and I ended up with two accounts just to hold all my alts, both hero and villain. Of course, after I get a couple characters on the other account to 50, THEN they give us more character slots.

I am trying to get one of each AT to 50. Heroside I need a Tank, villainside a SoA and a Brute.

50s on my main account, all on Virtue Server:

Titanium Falcon: Claws/Invuln Scrapper
Lacey Liberty: Empathy/Energy Defender
Zephyr Starr: Empathy/Dark Defender (xferred from Protector)
Lil Nova: Energy/Energy Blaster
Toxic Marrow: Spines/Regen Scrapper (xferred from Protector)
Red Luna: MA/SR Scrapper (xferred from Protector)
Isaura Darkstar: Warshade
Aurora Lightblade: Peacebringer

Craftswoman: Robots/Traps Mastermind
Black Cataclysm: Dark/Dark Corruptor
Vikki Vines: Plant/Thorns Dominator
Dearth: Dual Blades/Regen Stalker
Operative Grayshade Widow (dual specced Fortunata/Night Widow)

50s on my second account, Virtue Server:

Princess Mera: Katana/Invuln Scrapper (Yes, I love scrappers, and I love Invuln)
Amazing Zatala: Illusion/Kin Controller

15 50s, with a small handful of characters in the mid to high 40s. I have always loved this game, and only needed a couple short breaks due to burn out.




1) I've played a little bit of everything and have a L50 Blaster, Tanker and Mastermind. I mostly play my L50 Blaster, but have a number of Alts I go back and forth between. Sometimes I'll pick an Alt and stick with it for a while, and even ponder the push to 50. Of all ATs, I think I like Blasters the most, but I also like Brutes and Masterminds. Oddly enough, I haven't really been able to get into Scrappers, Stalkers or HEATs. I have a few Controllers, which are pretty fun, and at least 1-2 of all the other ATs.

2) Heck no. When I first started I made numerous Alts a day. It wasn't until I get to my Blaster that I started sticking with a character. I think a big part of that had to do with the fact that I found a great group of people to regularly team with. Without them, I'm not sure I would have ever hit 50. Even while on the long stretch to L50, I'd play another character here and there, just to break things up again. Once I hit L50 on my Blaster though, I found it hard to play anything else and had to force myself to play other characters. Now I've found a good balance that fits my schedule and play times.

3) It would have to be my Ice/Ice Blaster, hands down. It has both great damage and damage mitigation combined with great utility. It's my second favorite MMO character across all games (was my 1st, but I have found something that's just a little more interesting to play). It was hard leveling, as it was the 1st character I really stuck with. As I played more I learned more and got better at surviving. Another thing that was great was that, at the time, there were very few Ice Blasters (and almost no Ice/Ice) in the higher levels, and even fewer that visited the forums (we were the red-headed step-children during the City of Blasters). The few of us that were had fun voicing our awesomeness to the non-believers. Those were the days...

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
Just shy of 63 month badge here. I play more Brutes, Blasters, Scraps, Masterminds than I do anything else but I've multiple 50's of each AT both sides. Least played would be Defenders and Dominators, only one Dominator I had made it to 50. Veats and Heats a bit more than Defenders and Dominators, Heats were quite rough, fun but rough.

My first toon, Inv/SS tank. Second toon an ice/em Blaster. First villain was a rad/rad corruptor then a ss/inv Brute. I normally tank in MMOs like WoW but I find in CoX that people aren't very fast with the damage (imo) so I pick up the slack here. Dragging along teams full of lazy defenders and such while being the primary damage dealer on my inv/ss tank was not fun, hence the blaster.

Hero side I remember enjoying the ever loving **** out of my bs/regen scrapper with 6 damage SO's and focused accuracy, lol. ED and GDN ****** that up good and I never really enjoyed anything else quite like that. Villain side I almost fell in love just as strongly with an EM/Ela brute but hey, they nerfed and ****** with EM to ruin that too.

Currently playing a lot of my AR/Kin corrupter, I love that people think it's terrible combo yet they all love to team with me. Farming merits on a ss/inv brute via oroborous quite a bit and Hero side been enjoying the awesome synergy of sonic/devices blaster. I think the hardest thing in CoX to deal with is going from high damage to low damage toons, you really notice the slowness in contrast.



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
I've tried every AT but one (Arachnos soldier) to at least 10. I switched servers and so my first couple of characters are either deleted or still stranded at 41, but I've got more than a dozen 50s and three or four dozen characters total.

I'm partial to ranged ATs (controllers, defenders, blasters) because you can "see the board" better. Melee characters often miss out on what's going on around them (see: scrapper lock), and aren't always aware when something nasty's going down. I played an empath defender and controller early on, so I got used to watching out for the rest of the team.

If I didn't play a lot of characters I would have quit long ago. I like being able to do something different all the time -- ranged to melee, high to low level, hero to villain, etc. I also like playing all different ATs so that I understand how to work better with them. You can't understand a tanker till you've herded a mile in his shoes (though I'm not a big fan of herding).

One of my earlier characters was a Storm/Electrical defender. I'm still partial to Storm because of the controlled chaos. It's a good all around set with some healing, lots of debuffing and good mitigation. If only it had some -regen...

I still play some of my earliest characters at least once or so a week, but there are way to many to go back to all of them on a regular basis. I'm still doing respecs and second builds on the old characters to try different things. I've put one purple set on three or four characters because I got drops I could actually use, so I got the rest of the set. But it's way too much work to get three or four sets for one character, and they really don't offer much of a variety of bonuses. Really, only +Recharge is all that fabulous.



I'm only a 54mth vet so nothing like some of these guys.

I almost exclusively play scrappers, dark ones at that (DM/DA, DM/SR, DM/SD, BS/DA, SPN/DA all 50)

I have 2 toons which I created when I 1st started. Dagar who is my badge hunter etc etc who is closing in on 3000hrs of ingame time. Took me over 1000hrs to get to 50, those who remeber i3 DM/DA will know why.... The other is a storm/elec who I created for a super team thing who is not 44, I rarely play her as I suck at squishies.

I have 2 favorite builds, 1st is the current one on Dagar which is not 100% max build, but has excelent max end and recovery. Makes DM/DA very much playable and survivable.
Second is the perma-hasten build I'm running on my DM/SR for AV soloing, that is an all the toys no expense spared build. Much fun and very survivable. At some point I may use all my vet respecs and move the IOs to the DM/SD either that or famr all next double xp weekend to get the required ones.

Anyways thats all from me.



I am sitting on 63 month vet badge atm. I have played every at to 50 except a stalker and also many of the powerset variations as well. I still play my 2nd and 3rd 50s a granite/ss and a fire/kin regularly. The question of favorite build is very tough for me. Poliferation and new powers are constantly changing the options.



I'm currently a 53 month vet. I've seven toons at 50; Scrapper, Brute, two Controllers, Defender, Arachnos Widow and a Corrupter. Overall, I spend the most time on my Claws/Regen Scrapper.



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
Closing in on my 51 month badge in a couple days:

1) I started all trollers all the time, but have really gravitated to scrappers. Have several level 50 tanks, trollers, scrappers, blaster, mastermind, dominator, brutes, widow.
2) My first toon was a mace/stone tank. Had no clue what I was doing and deleted him a few months later. First 50 was an Ill/FF troller who was also my badger who only gets logged on occaisionally. Last 2 years enjoyed the heck out of my spine/dark purpled out buzzsaw and the last few months played the living holy hell out of my dm/shield scrapper.
3) Favorite build had to be my spines/dark scrapper until I soft capped my DM/Shield scrapper. Although my perma am/pa Ill/Rad troller was a heck of a fun build also.



Eagerly awaiting my 66 month badge this week:

1) The characters I've played consistently have been Scrappers, Defenders and a couple of Tankers. My first 50 was a Dark Melee scrapper, and I still drag her out of mothballs to try out new additions to the game.

2) Spellbinder, my very first character, was a FF/Psy Defender. Thanks to the Magic Booster and power color customization, she *finally* looks exactly like I always wanted. My Tailor addiction began the day they introduced capes, and she's made semi-regular visits to pester Serge ever since. Like the aforementioned scrapper, I still log Spellbinder on to try new content.

3) Favorite build...probably my Plant/Thorn Dominator. She's been fun from level 1 onward. I love the active playstyle of a Dominator.



dunno about uber but i have been here since launch day. I play whatever takes my fancy these days (horrible horrible alt-itis) but I started with a rad/dark Defender, he is still stalled at lvl 23. I will have to do something about that one day...

My favorite character has to be an AR/Dev blaster, he hit 50 just a couple of months ago and was a "blast" to play. AR/Dev doesn't get much love out in forum land but all I have to say about that is I mostly soloed him home and he is one of the most survivable blasters I have played. It just takes patience and a .. flexible.. approach to certain problems.

All that said there is a certain pleasure to be had taking an Inv/SS tank (with a minor modification of _Havoks_ old superman build, gotta love IO's) out and just laying waste to everything you can see.

NOTE: The opinions expressed here represent the opinions of the author and do not necessarily represent the opinions of those who hold other opinions.



i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
63 months in December for me...

I don't play that much at all any more. A few hours a week is the best I can manage with RL, so levelling up alts is a dreadfully slow process.

1st toon was an En/En blaster and I remember religiously slotting TO's in powers not realising I could slot more than one of the same type. So that was one KB TO in each blast which was amusing running round the Perez Park maze on PUG's. I remember picking up two or three levels in that park maze on my first ever team, and being amazed at how fast the XP was rolling in. Fun times! Toon deleted at 14 after I got flight I think.

2nd toon was an Emp/Psi defender created around an old Champions NPC I used to play as a team filler for my weekly tabletop RPG sessions. I think I hit 50 about 12 months after that. This toon is the one I spend most of my time on now. She's my badger (having all the anniversary badges) and being Emp/Psi, it's quite challenging to get the badges solo. She also has had a fortune spent on her for IO's. Currently picking up day job badges which is one benefit to not playing!

Other toons I'm still playing of note, would be my Ice/Ice tank and Ill/FF controller. Tank is 45 and the troller is 41. They both have the 2nd anniversary badges and have been played on and off for the whole time. I think the Ill/FF troller is now an exercise in pain to be honest and I'm determined to take it to 50 just to prove I have the staying power. Not the most solo friendly toon I have!

My favourite build is without doubt my Fire/Storm controller. Ticks all the boxes. 10/10 for fun, damage, control, team defence, soloability and all-out "save the team from certain death". Hoovers up Banished Pantheon like a Dyson to help fund IO's for other builds.

Interesting to read other vet's thoughts in this thread.





I mostly shelve my 50s but I do play Kid Trance (mind/ff cont), Ms. Impala (emp/elec def) and Red Helen (dark/rad def) now and again. Kid Trance would be the closest to something I've played all the way through since I used to run a Tuesday night group that hit a lot of content over a wide range of levels and I still play him at least once a month. Favorite build would probably be my ice/SS tank (Frost Fist) but it varies from day to day. SR can be a lot of fun when you are in the mood for it.

Glowworm * Brrr * Lilinoe
Kid Trance * Ms. Impala * Red Helen
Pooka Pete



Originally Posted by GarfieldZ View Post
This for the uber vets! I class these as players who have like a 48 month badge and higher!

for these uber vets, i have 3 question! what toons have you been playing for all this time? have you played one from when you started till now? whats your favourite build?
1.) Blasters, Trollers, Doms, Scrappers, VEATs (Bane and Widows), recently Brutes and Tanks.

2.) Nope, My first toon was my first 50 Fire/Fire/Fire blaster, it was a long road, think it took like a year to get there with a lot of on and off playtime, gathered a big dislike for blasters after that. Then I got into trollers and then villains came out and Doms were like the perfect AT for me control with damage My Mind/Energy generally gets the most PT out of all my toons.

Oh and got my love for blasters back after I leveled my Fire/Dev and learned how to play the game.

3.) Don't have a favorite build as of yet but I think it would be between my Dom's if I could find out which one I like the best, but I do have an MA/WP/Weap that I like a lot and a Inv/SS that I am starting to love

"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."

"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."

-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp



Originally Posted by Shadow_Stone View Post
I have done a handful of the task forces, I just don't have the time to play 4-5 hours straight
Just so you know, the great majority of the TF/SFs in the game can be run in under an hour. Almost everything else can be run in under 90 minutes. The only TF that almost always takes 3+ hours is, to my knowledge, the Dr. Quarterfield TF in the Shadow Shard.

Here are some suggestions for ways to achieve shorter completion time on TFs. The more of these you use, the faster things go.

  • Don't fight everything. Skirt past what you can.
  • A subset of the above: stealth your way to the end of missions with clickable "glowie" objectives or to the boss room of "Defeat so-and-so" and his guards. Teleport powers are a boon for this strategy.
  • Bring buffers and debuffers. A team of all damage dealers or aggro managers will work fine for most things, but will plow foes so much faster if you replace one or two of them with someone who buffs, and AVs go down much faster if you're buffed and they're debuffed. A few of the more recent TFs (ITF, LGTF) can actually be hard to complete without strong buffs and debuffs, or at least the right damage types.
  • Play with people you know, if possible. Get a global friends list going and try to include good players. My favorite approach is to try and look for people who look out for their teammates even when on non-protective ATs. It tells me they're really paying attention to their surroundings and not just worried about things like their own DPS. If they happen to have characters who can solo a team spawn, that's a nice bonus for faster TF runs, but by itself that's not always a good reason to want to play with someone.
Sorry for the thread jack.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I started a couple months after launch and taken a month or two off along the way. I will hit 60 month vet on my main account in December.

My first toon was Captain Sammy, though I misspelled it "captian". Also he was a Inv/Ss and damage sucked back then. I also made Magic Master an Ill/Rad (before they were FOTM). They were both based on conepts I had been playing with in my mind forever.
This was before ED and GDN, so I got tired of the bad tank damage and rerolled him as a DM/INv scrapper. (DM being the only 'punch' set in scrapper at that time) I just RP'd away that the dark was actually just a chemical reaction (which is how he got his powers). Now that I can recolor it, its even better.

I still play those characters, though not as much. I have 46 current characters with 4 more planned but not created yet. I have an additional stable of 21 villian AT's to start in Praetoria and bring blueside characters that will created after GR. (which will bring me to 71 on Virtue so I might get a third account).

The one I play the most is Cosmic Heat, my 50 fire/kin on my main account, which i use as my farm/PL/market toon. When you have 50 characters your aloud to PL a little, though I do TF's too alot. (And ToT was a blast).

Favorite Build? Either my main Captain Sammy or my ultra-procced buzzsaw build of my fire/kin. Though I love each of 'my children' the same, as any good parent.



I've been playing from the start.

what toons have you been playing for all this time?

I've played loads of toons and have 50s for all circumstances and rolls within each AT heroside so if I get asked to help with something I can allways switch to the perfect toon for the job with the existing team make up, I have a fair few merged ATs too like tankfender scraptroller blanker, blapper and scraster although most of these are just for fun and non optimal there are some exceptions, my dark/rad/presence tankfender is WAY more tanky than any tank at low levels and will forever have an exemping build, the fire/fire blapper with a FF and a Kin its just the most stupid amount of damage possible. I haven't counted my toons across the servers, apart from Virtue and Justice most of them are just 1 or 2 day server outage toons of low level but I would guess under 100, 23x 50 heroes so far and only 1 50 villain I really don't like being evil much at all.

have you played one from when you started till now?

The first toon I made was PuffCat a claws/regen and I played her through to the level cap at 40, when I hit 40 I made a second toon a katana/Inv modelled after myself with my own name but I didn't play it much before I switched back to PuffCat who I played exclusively untill the third batch of regen nerfs made me so squishy comparitively that I couldnt stomach playing her any more and I changed her build to a flying scraster build which made her reasonably tough again but limited the damage somewhat, I think I played about another issue like that before I shelved her around i5 maybe. I then made a fire/ff controller and played her until at lvl 43 I got in an argument with a team member who told me off for letting his bubble drop during a mish, I was on point and too busy controlling at the time to rebubble but despite not getting hit he made a big deal of it, so told the team I would make sure they were OK and would bubble anyone that got hit but I would not be bubbling otherwise, there was more argument but we went on and during that mish and the next one not only did nobody get hit but none even got shot at apart from me such was my control, realising that at high lvl FF was just dead weight I re-rolled into fire/kin and had a real bad time leveling back up, I rarely had a problem getting a team as FF but nobody knew what Kin dark or storm could do back then and if you weren't an emp healer or FF you were solo, I eventually made it to 32 though and with my gaggle of imps 38 was not far behind then 6 slotted for recharge and FSed my swarm of imps herded me to 50 just before the great controller nerf, when that hit I couldn't face playing that toon either and contracted altitus which I don't believe there is a cure for. When IOs came out I respeced PuffCat back into a scrapper build and slotted her for defence, with 30%+ positional defence she is tough enough again and back in regular play.

whats your favourite build?

My favorite build is spines/DA you can be scrapper, blaster, controller and tank, but unlike Khelds you get to do it all at the same time without having to switch forms and even better you don't even have to think about it too much its more or less just flipping out and killing stuff in scrapperlock but you can do it from range too and with stun/fear side effects to anyone in mele and with those side effects and your AoE damage and damage auras the only things that will out agro you are rain powers and tanks, its a smiley happy build for sure and the only one good enough for me to make it twice, I have a HO build on justice and an IO build on Virtue.
My favourite powersets deserve a mention too and is Dark Miasma for a primary and Kinetic as a secondary. I believe the Most underrated set is sonic resonance, I wish there were more sonic about and that hope like with kin after a while people will twig and start rolling them.

PuffCat claw/rgn scrapper
Painfull Death fire/fire tank
Spiney Slaughter spine/da walkingnuke
And many others including lvl50s of all ATs.
Mainly on Virtue, but Heroes on all servers.
A few lowbie villains on Justice and Virtue



Nearly 60 months here Dec 4th. I started at the very end of Issue 2. My first and total favorite was my INV/SS tanker. But that was to be short lived Issue 5/6 killed her. This lead to an eventual purge of 6 other tankers before Issue 7 and one more in issue 9. I kept the INV/SS and eventually got her to 50 with come coaxing from a friend. Once Issue 5 hit I started working my Kin/Psi and my other Kinetic defenders. Hero side my favorite for the longest time was my Kin/Psi who is now 50. I tried my hand at Blasters and for awhile I did not play them well. Issue 6 came along and I started playing villains. Since then I have played 80/20 villains over heroes. I usually take a few months out every year and work mainly my heroes.

Villain side my main was a SS/Dark Brute but once issue 7 hit and I had no epic END recovery or mitigation she only made it two more levels before frustration set in. IO recipes brought her back to life and she eventually made 50. I had also been playing a Fire/Kin as well. At this time I nearly quit the game over frustration with the Issue 5/6 changes. Poor Dev handling of it and the essential killing of my resistance based INV tanker.

A friend talked me out of it and I made a SS/ELec armor brute. She was essentially became everything my Resistance based INV tanker was and more. Not to mention a whole lot more fun to play. My friends were surprized to see me suspend my altitis and make L50 by September. I have since played the character for well over 200 hrs post L50. She is my main character over all others. My next 50 was my SM/Elec Brute a single target smashing wonder. Around Issue 8-9 I also fell in with Mind control Dominators. My first was a fizzled L18 Mind/Eng from issue 6 I got back into till L34. My next was a Mind/Fire that also suspended altitis. She quickly became my 5th 50.

Around this time I went hero again working my Winterlorded Fire/Fire from the long pasue at L27 to the 40's. Last fall I started a Sonic/MM Blaster and worked him into the 40's. (this week I should hit 50).
I also made a pair of Widows which are just a lot of fun.

Over all my favorites and the ones I had the most fun with (might not be the most uber):
SS/Elec Brutes of which I now have 3 across a couple servers now.
Mind/Fire Mind/Elec Dominators.
Kin/Psi defender really anything kinetic at one time I had 14-18 but have paired that back to about 8.
Fire/Sonic Corruptor

Along the way I have learned that I do not like certain power sets Ice Armor, Stone Armor, Energy melee or Ice Blast much. Same goes for Controllers I have tried several times my latest are a pair of mid 20's Mind/Kin and Ill/Rad but no luck. Yet I love Dominators. Hero side all I really play now are Blasters and Psi Defenders, I have given up on tanks. I rarely play scrappers even though I find them fun.

I have also learned I love Fire melee and blast sets a lot, same goes for Electric in all its forms. They strike a cord visually as well as how they play. Brutes Brutes Brutes I have nearly a dozen on Infinity. Not to mention 5-6 Dominators and 4 Corruptors. Red side Infinity is my main play ground my heroes on Pinnacle only get a fraction of my time. This inbalance means I have far more INF red side.

Arch light L50 INV/SS
Psiberia L50 Kin/Psi
Screaming Mentallica L50 Sonic/MM

Arc Voltinator L50 SS/Elec
Mind Fire Kinesis L50 Fire/Kin
Flaming Screamer L50 Fire/Sonic



66 Month Vet as of Oct. 2009.

What toons have you been playing for all this time?

I've played my FF/EB Defender the longest. Next came my Peacebringer. When CoV came out I began playing a Rad/Sonic Corruptor. When the VEATs entered the picture I started playing a Fortunata. Then there came the Dark/Dark Scrapper as a "I wonder how they play" test. My latest character is a Fire/MM Blaster.

Have you played one from when you started till now?

Yes. My first character (not counting all the Closed and Public Beta characters I had before the game went live) is still my main character. He has over 2,750 hours in-game time, and even more when you add in the time I've played him on the Test Server.

What's your favourite build?

It's a tie for me. The Fortunata is very, very fun for me to play. It has great defenses combined with a rock solid ranged attack set. However, I prefer to play Blue Side, and I can't wait for the chance to be able to change sides with that character. The other favorite of mine is my FF/EB Defender. Again it has to do with the great defense (self and team protection) combined with a good ranged attack set. The enhancement slotting they have tends to contribute to my fun with them.

- Bayne

Crey Threat Assessment: Bayne
Virtueverse: Bayne
The Defenders of Paragon