Play on East Coast Server? Have lag? POST HERE!




i did a google search on the and found some interesting results. evidently aion is having major problems as well but it seems their support team is actually acknowledging the problems or so it seems by looking at posts made about it in various gaming forums on this very same issue. And yet all i can get support here to do is assigne me a never ending list of pingplotter homework. and so far my pingpotter has yet to complete the connection past the hop. this is hop #7 for me



My packet loss problem has returned and seems to be worse than before. In a new development, I'm having problems getting the website and forums to load and game login attempts are timing out too. The started some time today after 5:30 AM Eastern / 2:30 AM Pacific. It would be nice to get some official announcement from NCsoft regarding this issue, but maybe they only care about Aion now?



Originally Posted by devast8tor View Post
My packet loss problem has returned and seems to be worse than before. In a new development, I'm having problems getting the website and forums to load and game login attempts are timing out too. The started some time today after 5:30 AM Eastern / 2:30 AM Pacific. It would be nice to get some official announcement from NCsoft regarding this issue, but maybe they only care about Aion now?
I'm also having the login and intermittent forum problems. I think they're connected.

I'm sorry devast8tor. I thought this was fixed.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Originally Posted by Legendary_Gnat View Post
If you press ALT+PRTSCR it will give you the UI in the screenshot. You'll have to paste the image into something like Photoshop or MSPaint though. It doesn't automatically create a file.
Or you can simply enable the UI to be in the regular screenshots found in your CoH screenshot directory by typing "/screenshotui 1"



I've been lagfree since saturday. That's strange, looks like I started lagging while many other folks stopped lagging (monday maintenance) and vice versa.



Like the others have said, Victory was good for a week but this weekend the red is back! What is it with the weekends? Seems like if this happens a lot it might alienate those who can only play on the weekends. Also these lag problems only seem to be happening for those unlucky west coasters who chose an east coast server, at least I asked others who said they had no lag or red bars and they were all on the east coast. Strange...

Edit: Also the lag seems to make loading up the character screen from selecting the server take much longer.



Back to having red grass again

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Same here. Returned to the bad way on Triumph

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
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Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
Same here. Returned to the bad way on Triumph
I did the Hami O raid last night and had no problems... hmmm this is not good.



Originally Posted by fallenz View Post
I did the Hami O raid last night and had no problems... hmmm this is not good.
Triumph during the Hammi wasn't super bad, I was on a TF where we were having some issues and rubberbanding. I was told 2 hours earlier was almost unplayable.

TF today was not the worst I've had, but it was a challenge playing a kin trying to find a viable target for transfusion. I'm pretty sure one death would have been preventable without the lag.

I'm not sure what we can do beyond keeping this thread on the top page. We never received any formal acknowledgement during the extreme issues after I7, but the thread about that issue always stayed on top and the issue was eventually fixed.

My Characters



Sigh...same here. Red spikes are back.

Hoping against hope this is fixed by the time I16 starts.



Has anyone found this to be in any way related to shadow shard specific issues? I run on virtue and am usually fine, but the shadow shard is basically unplayable. Horrible beyond playable rubberbanding constantly with mapserves every ten to twenty seconds.



It's the same in all zones for me.

Interestingly, I have no connectivity issues while playing from my house on AT&T DSL. On the other hand, my friend uses Comcast and when we play from his house we get the red spikes from hell. Last weekend, the problem suddenly vanished (for nearly everyone, it seems). It stayed fixed for a few days then reappeared just as suddenly.

Playing on Freedom from both locations.



I play on Triumph. I was noticing that my lag issues had gone away and was just getting ready to say "Good job!" when I played Saturday and Sunday and got LOADS of red spikes in my netgraph. Very disappointing.

Can we get an update from a redname on the progress on this issue?


Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm ...



It was a nice weekend and monday morning playing without lag. Thankfully monday's maintenance seems to have fixed that, and I am now back in the red spike club. Yay.



packetloss and redspikes nonstop are BACK again.

this is so unfun, it's just ticking me off now.



I have never had problems like this before, but the past couple of weekends I have been having the same issues others have been talking about. Netgraph alternates between lots of thin red and yellow spikes and what looks like big green inch-high blocks with red spikes in between.

I hope they can figure out where the problem is. It happens with either ISP, Verizon (wireless data) or SBC DSL, in different cities - and on different computers - gaming laptop and my main PC, so I am pretty sure it is not me.



I really really hope when we can actually get back online with 16 live the red spikes are gone. and once again no further updatesfrom support nor a redname post even admitting the problem is a problem.



Tested and confirmed on 9/14/09

Red spikes are back on Liberty with a vengence.

Delayed animations, delayed effects.

I am going through Atlantic Broadband in the NE region.

Sorry NCsoft, I LOVE this game...but I don't even play it now. I can't connect to the new characters I made on Champion while I still have things unfinished with my Liberty characters.

I only log in to check the performance now and typically am out in less than 15 minutes.

I am done. I won't go over to the other game because the last thing I want to do is extended beta testing for a rushed game. (the former was my opinion and mine alone, debate it with me over PM's not here).

You could offer me another free month of play, but I would turn it down. What do I want with a free month of play in a game where I can't play for more than an hour or so without a disconnect, horrible lag on powers and graphics, and worse when I am grouped.

Sorry, but the $15 a month I spend will be going to a game where I can actually play as intended.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send out some type of mailers to subscribers who cancelled during the time of this issue.

You fix it, I will return.

In the mean time...I wish you all well and bless you all for your patience...I personally have run out.




Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
Well, that was how it was before... but now? Green grass all the way. I had ONE red spike as I loaded to the server... but nothing after. Absolutely great!
Update on my update:

Itttt's BAAAAACK!! Arg!



Originally Posted by TheOcho View Post
North American Network Maintenance Thursday September 17th

Network maintenance will take place for the North American servers on Thursday, September 17, 2009 and as a result the connection to the game may falter for about 5 minutes between 7AM and 7:05AM Central Time.

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding with this matter.
Could this be related to our issues? I don't remember "network maintenance" happening too often in the past, and don't know what that could be.
Link to official announcement

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Originally Posted by Big_King View Post
Could this be related to our issues? I don't remember "network maintenance" happening too often in the past, and don't know what that could be.
Link to official announcement
I know I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I miss the old "No Red Spikes" game.

Victory PvP Boot Camp 2.0 - Rules Committee Member



got a reply from customer nosupport telling me they are looking into it. cant type what they said because of forum rules but the basic message was they are aware but no eta on solution



Whatever this 'emergency server maintenance' was, it didn't do jack s**t for my connection problems. Still getting ludicrous lag on all servers, East AND West Coast (Comcast, Denver). Support is still giving me the runaround with the usual canned responses—known issue, working on it, please be patient, etc.—while repeatedly asking me to supply them with the same system information I've given them half a dozen times already.

It's been over a month now, I'm out of patience. My sub is up on Oct. 12th. If this issue isn't resolved by then, they've lost a 5-year vet. Simple as that.

"But we are like children, thinking our toys will make us happy and the whole world is our nursery. Something must drive us out of that nursery and into the lives of others, and that something is suffering." �C.S. Lewis



Am I the only person who has seen an improvement? I am pretty lucky. I seldom have lag, rarely dc or rubberband. Grandville was the only slightly laggy area for me, and now that has cleared.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�