Play on East Coast Server? Have lag? POST HERE!




Nice, not a red bar in sight on Triumph this evening!

Umber's Hall of Heroes & Villains



<<< Begin unsubstantiated rumor HERE! >>>

About the time of my last post the connection problem, whatever its cause, reportedly was bad enough to cause issues with people being able to access the CoH forums. It also apparently spread to cause the same issue on the new NCSoft MMO "Aion".

Lo and behold the next day, things are noticeably better.

Of note is that the IP for is, and the IP for Liberty is, meaning the boards are apparently hosted in the East Coast datacenter. *EDIT* Just for giggles, I checked the IP address for, it is - that places our boards and theirs in the same network.

Above info based on people talking in several global channels that I am a member of.



"They may be called Heroes, inasmuch as they have derived their purpose and their vocation, not from the calm regular course of things, sanctioned by the existing order; but from a concealed fount, from that inner Spirit, still hidden beneath the surface, which impinges on the outer world as on a shell and bursts it into pieces" - Some 20th Century person.




I just logged in to check and see if this was resolved. I only checked Infinity, but it seems to be resolved now. That could change though.

~ Infinity Heroes ~
Dark Voltage - 50 NRG/NRG/EM Blaster
Shure Shot - 50 Arch/NRG/MM Blaster
Silent Shadow Blade - 50 Katana/SR/BM Scrapper
Uphir - 50 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster



I can't decide which is more suprising... The fact that my lag issue appears to be fixed (after suffering since the first day of double xp weekend) or the fact that no one claimed the name Dr. Lagmore on Liberty. The change for me has been dramatic. I went from 4,602 lost packets during my last 45 minute session on Liberty to 6 lost packets over the same time period tonight. Liberty ping times have also returned to normal so... account reactivated!

ISP Provider: Comcast Business
Server: Liberty
Problem: Resolved?

Thank you to all of the people working on this issue both on the forums and behind the scenes.

PS. Thanks for the e-mail Steele. We can haz teaming nao?

PPS. You apparently lose access to your forum account if your game account gets deactivated. Bad forum integration, no biscuit.



Originally Posted by devast8tor View Post
PPS. You apparently lose access to your forum account if your game account gets deactivated. Bad forum integration, no biscuit.
Slight aside, that has been the case since I have been here, and from my understanding since day 1.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Could it be NCSoft rolled out AION without ample bandwidth and/or equipment to handle two games??? No matter what...I hope they have it fixed or under control. Monday (9/7) was horrible...couldn't run a team of two on Victory (COV side) without yellow and red bars the size of my thumb or larger.



Originally Posted by CodeJunkie View Post

I just logged in to check and see if this was resolved. I only checked Infinity, but it seems to be resolved now. That could change though.
Thing is, for me, the issue wasn't just binary. Was playing over on Freedom for a while this weekend and everything was fine.

Then, around 3PM CST, things would go to pot for an hour or two. So bad that I'd have to log on to one of the west coast servers to be able to play.

This behavior was consistent for me Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday of the weekend.

I'd give it two hours and come back and everything would be fine again.

And I don't think we're looking at server population load issues here either. A (not so) quick trip (and a couple lag-crashes) through every zone red and blue side showed that none of the zones had a second instance.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



^ This has been my experience as well.

I'm still getting terrible lag right now, even in the middle of the day in Europe on Triumph (at which point there is about 50 players on the whole server, vill + hero side).



Originally Posted by devast8tor View Post
I went from 4,602 lost packets during my last 45 minute session on Liberty to 6 lost packets over the same time period tonight. Liberty ping times have also returned to normal so... account reactivated!
Tell me about it. It's like a whole new game again playing without that lag. And for those lucky enough to have never gotten this lag count yourselves lucky because I'm no exaggerating when I say it's like a whole new game.

Victory PvP Boot Camp 2.0 - Rules Committee Member



Location: San Diego, CA
Server: Infinity
ISP: Time-Warner Cable

Update: Much better for me tonight. The netgraph shows it's still not perfect. A couple red lines, but it's much more playable. Thank goodness.



Originally Posted by Vanum View Post
Tell me about it. It's like a whole new game again playing without that lag. And for those lucky enough to have never gotten this lag count yourselves lucky because I'm no exaggerating when I say it's like a whole new game.

Got on yesterday and it was like that feeling you get when you get over the flu. You have a whole new appreciation for "normal".

Many thanks to whoever was/is working on this problem. It is appreciated.



I still think they should have made an official announcement about this problem and made good on people like me who have had this problem since 2 weeks before the last double xp weekend. Instead we got told it was out router or isp. That was a long time we were denied a viable playing experience due to issues not in our control.

And while my netgraph is alot better i still have the unexpected redspikes that cause severe warping though the disconnects seem to have subsided.



This is getting ridiculous on Freedom for me. Again, a maintenance that adds more and more lag and problems. Now I'm not a techie guy, but is that really the point of maintenances ?

Instead of short red spikes making the game incredibly tedious to play, now I'm getting huge yellow spikes lasting for 10-20 seconds during which I can't do anything serverside (can still move and so on clientside, but of course I'm warped back when the lag ends). It doesn't seem to be just me either, other people around me seem to get stuck at the exact same times. It seems to be on a cycle, for a few minutes everything is fine, then the yellow spikes hit during a whole minute or two. Seems to affect login servers too, as I'm getting "can not connect to servers" messages (loosely paraphrasing ; it's the one you get while servers are down) sometimes.

I know I'm being whiny, but the total lack of official communication on such an important issue is unacceptable.



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
This is getting ridiculous on Freedom for me. Again, a maintenance that adds more and more lag and problems. Now I'm not a techie guy, but is that really the point of maintenances ?

Instead of short red spikes making the game incredibly tedious to play, now I'm getting huge yellow spikes lasting for 10-20 seconds during which I can't do anything serverside (can still move and so on clientside, but of course I'm warped back when the lag ends). It doesn't seem to be just me either, other people around me seem to get stuck at the exact same times. It seems to be on a cycle, for a few minutes everything is fine, then the yellow spikes hit during a whole minute or two. Seems to affect login servers too, as I'm getting "can not connect to servers" messages (loosely paraphrasing ; it's the one you get while servers are down) sometimes.

I know I'm being whiny, but the total lack of official communication on such an important issue is unacceptable.
I'm on Freedom and didn't any issues this morning after Maintenance. The issue seems to definitely be location-related, and I'm pretty sure there have been posts discussing NCSoft's involvement of getting in touch with a 3rd party company inbetween the game servers and your homes that's actually at fault.

You're right, if it hasn't already been officially posted, they should at least announce their progress of the communications with the other company so the people having issues know what's going on without having to hunt for the answers on the forums themselves.



From the posts you mentioned I'm getting the idea each party blames the other. However, what I notice is everytime new lag problems appear for me, it's right after maintenances (and I don't mean "approximately", I mean I'm logged 5 minutes before it shuts down and it's fine, and then logging 5 minutes after maintenance is done there's tons of new problems). So maybe there's something that I'm missing being unexperienced with network issues, but given the information available it seems more likely to me that NCSoft is at fault seeing as the problems always pop up after their maintenances.

I'm getting so much blank pages and error messages trying to navigate on the forums or even NCSoft sites, if it keeps going that way the problem might sort itself as the loudest complainers like me won't even be able to complain or read the forums for any eventual information or progress report (yeah right) on the problem.



I have Defraggler, and it actually shows the files and frag numbers for each. Immediately after an update or maintainance, the CoH files are messed up. So, now I do the Defraggler thing before I log in. I haven't experienced the horrible lag (some rubber banding once in a great while) or dc's that so many people are. I am on Triumph exclusively. I am hoping that some of you will try this and see if it helps. I would really like to find out if I am just lucky, or if it might help others. Love some feedback on this. (I run an older HP puter, AGP 7900GS video card, WinXP. Seettings are maxed in game DoF.)

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Logged into Freedom this morning.

After about a week of nice green grass, it's BAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!



my pinnacle experience has degraded again also. mine looks worse that the pic posted above me. much worse.



Yeah, I watched it go to hell again this morning.
It's worse than ever (Infinity, Atlanta area).

How do I get the UI to show up in a screenshot?



If you press ALT+PRTSCR it will give you the UI in the screenshot. You'll have to paste the image into something like Photoshop or MSPaint though. It doesn't automatically create a file.



Originally Posted by Legendary_Gnat View Post
Logged into Freedom this morning.

After about a week of nice green grass, it's BAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!

Same on Liberty. Virtue is unaffected.

Edit: PM sent to Positron. I sent one last Saturday and it was fixed an hour or two later. Timing or intervention... who knows? Anyway, brought it to the Boss's attention.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



This looks even worse than before it got fixed

I'll try to PM Posi.



After 5 days of playing the game without the lag it is back.. Shame I was really enjoying the United Powers base renovations.. I guess I'll find something else to do to occupy my time until it is confirmed that the latency issues are resolved.

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The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]

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Originally Posted by Legendary_Gnat View Post
This looks even worse than before it got fixed

I'll try to PM Posi.
Mine looked even worse. It was like a bar code in red.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Back for me on Victory as of this morning too. Not even a full 7 days without. Was finally fixed late Monday after nearly EVERYONE was complaining about it and now it's back to like it was. *sigh*

Victory PvP Boot Camp 2.0 - Rules Committee Member