Play on East Coast Server? Have lag? POST HERE!




You want to know what will really piss me off? Is if I can't enjoy i16 when it is finally released because of this latency issue.. Really hoping this latency problem gets resolved soon.

Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]

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Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
You want to know what will really piss me off? Is if I can't enjoy i16 when it is finally released because of this latency issue.. Really hoping this latency problem gets resolved soon.
I agree.

No change today as far as I can tell, but I did get another message from support which is encouraging.

They seem to be taking this very seriously. There may not be much mention of it officially on the boards, but I have had at least 4 emails from support giving me updates and thanking me for my patience.

Who knows, maybe I will just stick it out a bit longer here and see what goes on. I hate to say it though, but I have to abandon Liberty for now. I don't know how long I can be satisfied not playing my mains...but...after all this...the name Patience better be available :P

We should all start a SG on Champion Villain side called the The Disconnected lol.



I went in today around noon (West Coast) and had no packet loss and no red spikes on Infinity. No rubberbanding like before either. Im not saying it is fixed, but it was nice being able to play again. I will check back after tonight with some full teams and heavier populations. It might get crazy again then (although population did NOT seem to be an issue before). But this afternood was good. Only one weird packet loss when I was leaving a mish, other than that no dropped packets and like I said no red spikes. Keeps fingers crossed!!

Le Blanc 50 Dark/Dark Scrap
High Huntress 50 Archery/NRG Blast
And a goatload of others. On a goatload of servers.
Official Rickroller of Hero Con 1



Solid yellow netgraph. Can't do anything. I timed it and it took 1m27s to activate a power. Virtue.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



As I posted earlier, having all same issues and comcast is my ISP. I noticed quite a few of us are using Comcast. I took my computer to a friend's house who didn't have Comcast and who uses an ISP, Knology. All green red spikes at all. I get one every 5 seconds at home!

Is this point that customer service posted about belong to Comcast by chance? Or does Comcast run thru that point?

-Listen to my Light!
-MA #1065 "Star Struck"



Originally Posted by Sonic_Moonbeam View Post
Is this point that customer service posted about belong to Comcast by chance? Or does Comcast run thru that point?
Comcast runs through the peering ISP mentioned above. They actually route through a different router for west coast servers on the same ISP and it doesn't seem to be having the same problems.

I'm on a Comcast business connection and am not having any other connectivity problems currently. There is a rumor that Comcast has recently started "traffic shaping" (read: randomly dropping packets) to throttle a new torrent app that is designed to use UDP connections instead of TCP. Since the CoX game server connections are primarily UDP (as are many other games), I can't help but wonder if there may be some correlation between the start of my lag (the first day of double-xp weekend) and the peering problems with the CoX upstream ISP. The fact that this problem does not occur vs. west coast servers seems to discount this possibility though. If traffic shaping were occurring, it would be global for both sets of servers.

I can understand the Technical Support reps feeling powerless to resolve the problem; they probably don’t have any direct influence with the ISP. However, the fact that the problem is occurring with a peering ISP means that Paragon/NCsoft has more influence as a hosted customer than we do. Hey Paragon, if you had me working for you I could have resolved this for you in a few days.

I would post the obligatory “FIX TEH SERVER OR TEH CANCELS!!”, but I cancelled my sub earlier this week. I mention this not as a threat, but patiently waiting for more than a month just isn’t acceptable to me in a pay-to-play environment. I’ve been with CoX since the original closed beta and am going to miss it – I was really having fun again with some new power combos, but I don’t have any desire to pay more money to transfer my Liberty investments over a problem I did not create and have no control over. If the problem gets fixed, I might just come back. Until then, I’ll just keep watching and waiting.



Yes. It was terrible tonight. Nothing but red spikes and dropped packets all the way. This is really getting ridiculous. Whats worse is NO official mention on the Announcements page. Not that I could see anyway. Wanna push folks on HALF your servers to CO, then please, by all means, say nothing. If they will switch my SG and all my Characters to a West coast server, then fine. But this is insane!

Le Blanc 50 Dark/Dark Scrap
High Huntress 50 Archery/NRG Blast
And a goatload of others. On a goatload of servers.
Official Rickroller of Hero Con 1



Pretty much given up on Freedom other than non-combat stuff. Just went to Virtue and played a villain last night. Was very refreshing to have the game work so well for a change. (sings "You don't know what'cha got...til it's gone!")



I'm still having problems with anything East coast. The following is how one SHOULD NOT have to go through all of a Lady Grey TF.

C'mon NCSoft, could you please call PCCW Global and complain some more ?

(if anyone wants to compare traceroutes, mine always routes through tenge13/ as the 1st hop off of Comcast's network - this is somewhere in Chicago.)



"They may be called Heroes, inasmuch as they have derived their purpose and their vocation, not from the calm regular course of things, sanctioned by the existing order; but from a concealed fount, from that inner Spirit, still hidden beneath the surface, which impinges on the outer world as on a shell and bursts it into pieces" - Some 20th Century person.



Originally Posted by Le Blanc View Post
Yes. It was terrible tonight. Nothing but red spikes and dropped packets all the way. This is really getting ridiculous. Whats worse is NO official mention on the Announcements page. Not that I could see anyway. Wanna push folks on HALF your servers to CO, then please, by all means, say nothing. If they will switch my SG and all my Characters to a West coast server, then fine. But this is insane!
I'm just waiting it out for the most part. Good thing I have been really busy lately. I did however, decide to finally check out Vanguard last night. I'm kind of diggin' it. It's like a combination of EQ and UO, but a lot better than both.

~ Infinity Heroes ~
Dark Voltage - 50 NRG/NRG/EM Blaster
Shure Shot - 50 Arch/NRG/MM Blaster
Silent Shadow Blade - 50 Katana/SR/BM Scrapper
Uphir - 50 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster



All of my toons are on Triumph, every one of thm. I notice a little lag if I go to the red side and run around in Grandville. Last night I went to the test server to check out Issue 16. (FABULOUS, I thought.) Interesting discovery....when I ran my MM in Grandville, the lag was all but gone. It wasn't my imagination. I have no answers, but I like it!

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



At the very least they should offer us free temporary server transfers of toons we need untill the issue is resolved.

And once the issue is resolved a free transfer back to our favorite servers.

also credit for unplayable time would be nice on our accounts.

While it may not be their equipment that is the cause of the problem but it is their responsibility to ensure the best possible playing environment for their paying customers and they should be making this a very very high priority up to and including paying for the research and repairs themselves.

In my opinion all effected players should be credited for half the time since the problem cropped up. (most people starting noticing very bad latency at or around the double xp weekend)



Originally Posted by 300_below View Post
At the very least they should offer us free temporary server transfers of toons we need untill the issue is resolved.

And once the issue is resolved a free transfer back to our favorite servers.

also credit for unplayable time would be nice on our accounts.

While it may not be their equipment that is the cause of the problem but it is their responsibility to ensure the best possible playing environment for their paying customers and they should be making this a very very high priority up to and including paying for the research and repairs themselves.

In my opinion all effected players should be credited for half the time since the problem cropped up. (most people starting noticing very bad latency at or around the double xp weekend)

At this point I would be happy with an Official Announcement on the topic. I hate that half their servers are this messed up and they won't say ANYTHING about it on the Announcements page??!! That's just plain wrong. Something this big deserves more attention. This is ridiculous.

Le Blanc 50 Dark/Dark Scrap
High Huntress 50 Archery/NRG Blast
And a goatload of others. On a goatload of servers.
Official Rickroller of Hero Con 1



Yea, west coast is having bad issues today too, but it seems different than the on-going east coast issue. Hopefully it won't take as long to fix.

Why I play on two different servers (one east, one west). Couple of years ago West coast servers were having the exact same red spike issue and it took months to fix.

Right now, both coasts are bad though.



Originally Posted by LetoAtreides82 View Post
The past 40 minutes it seemed as if my problem magically vanished in the Virtue server, unfortunately the red spikes are back with a vengeance, other people in the server are noticing it too.
I think you need to read the entire thread. Today's issue on Virtue has nothing to do with the rest of the thread and I believe is something entirely different. There was another thread started on today's issue already.



Originally Posted by Le Blanc View Post
At this point I would be happy with an Official Announcement on the topic. I hate that half their servers are this messed up and they won't say ANYTHING about it on the Announcements page??!! That's just plain wrong. Something this big deserves more attention. This is ridiculous.

Solo'ing this morning on Liberty was ridiculous. I had to open combat log to see when some of my powers has recharged.

I never paid attention to east coast/west coast when picking servers, so I have no idea how I ended up on almost all east coast servers.

My Characters



Originally Posted by Tatmia View Post

Solo'ing this morning on Liberty was ridiculous. I had to open combat log to see when some of my powers has recharged.

I never paid attention to east coast/west coast when picking servers, so I have no idea how I ended up on almost all east coast servers.
I'm paying attention to which coast servers are on for the first time myself.

A server transfer wouldn't work for me because I've spent years getting my solo SG to where it is now.



Same here Liberty server

LOCATION: Cameron, North Carolina
ISP Provider: Charter Communications
Problem: Lots of red spikes, delays in animations, button lag etc.

Liberty Server
@Energy Aura and @Ill Conceived on Global
Han Solo: [laughs] Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good BLASTER at your side, kid.



Recently moved to a nearby town, wasn't experiencing the east-coast problems with the old ISP (Cox Communcations, Roanoke VA) but am now seeing it bad with the new ISP (Comcast, Blacksburg VA). Triumph is nearly unplayable while west-coast Protector is rock solid. Made doubly frustrating since the new internet connection is significantly superior in all other uses but CoH.

Umber's Hall of Heroes & Villains



I play on Pinnacle and started having this problem Tuesday night - freezing after zoning, delay in animation, a lot of rubberbanding and game nearly unplayable. Net_graph 1 showed huge amounts of red. Interesting thing is that it seemed to exacerbate every time I zoned and get slightly better after a bit (well, yellow taking over for most of the red).

Being on a team made it worse, and standing alone, not in a team on a mission eventually made the netgraph go mostly green with just a few bars. Then, very very late last night it resolved and I was able to play for a while. But the problems are back today, just hovering in my base gave me a steady stream of red lines.

ISP - SBC, Chicago
Problem - red spikes, delay in animation, rubberbanding, freezing graphics

I've also emailed PCCW and gotten a reply, then forwarded that on to NCSoft in the hopes that it will help.



Not trying to stir the to speak.

But, I haven't been able to bring myself to really even log in and see if the EC problem is still there.

Every time I think its gone its comes back.

We have a Double XP weekend coming up, I know I for one would just like to know where we stand...

When I get home tonight I will check the netgraph on Liberty...but how about the rest of you folks....What is the status on your servers? Still red spiking and not getting clean play?


Patience is a virtue that I am not to skilled with...I am really trying though.



It's gotten a little better for me the past few days. I still lose packets, but the frequency seems to be much less. Full teams on busy maps can still hammer it though (ITF).

Actually got a call from an NCSoft NOC person to do some troubleshooting earlier in the week, but on my end it was just running tracert and pathping (never heard of this one, and it didn't seem to do anything) for them. On his end he was tracing my IP. He had a list of people to call and work with so hopefully that helps them narrow the problem down.

On Triumph btw.

@belief, @belief v2.0



Originally Posted by Belief View Post
It's gotten a little better for me the past few days. I still lose packets, but the frequency seems to be much less. Full teams on busy maps can still hammer it though (ITF).
Exactly the same here. I get stretches where it is like the west coast servers almost.

Actually got a call from an NCSoft NOC person to do some troubleshooting earlier in the week, but on my end it was just running tracert and pathping (never heard of this one, and it didn't seem to do anything) for them. On his end he was tracing my IP. He had a list of people to call and work with so hopefully that helps them narrow the problem down.

On Triumph btw.
Should we get in touch with them or just hang tight and wait? I was assuming they knew there is a problem and don't need yet another customer complaint to deal with.



Originally Posted by pheret View Post
I've also emailed PCCW and gotten a reply, then forwarded that on to NCSoft in the hopes that it will help.
If you don't mind sharing, what did the PCCW people have to say ?




"They may be called Heroes, inasmuch as they have derived their purpose and their vocation, not from the calm regular course of things, sanctioned by the existing order; but from a concealed fount, from that inner Spirit, still hidden beneath the surface, which impinges on the outer world as on a shell and bursts it into pieces" - Some 20th Century person.



Just thought I'd chime in that I've also observed the lag problems on Liberty (east coast). I was just playing tonight and it's seriously improved. I had a few red spikes (dropped packets) here and there, but they were very infrequent, and my ping time was better than it normally has been playing on Liberty. Maybe things are finally getting better!