Play on East Coast Server? Have lag? POST HERE!




I haven't been home yet today to test it myself.

But, can anyone else post their experiences following the maintainence today? I am curious as to how it is for folks so far or if it was even related.

I have to believe their silence on this issue belies a lack of confidence in diagnosing the problem and fixing it.

Silence will sometimes lead to wild speculation and if that last statement was such, I apologize.

What else can I do though? lmao



Originally Posted by fallenz View Post
LOCATION: Indianapolis IN
ISP Provider: Comcast
Problem: Alot of Rubberbanding, powers not going off, lag, and some folks on my TF Tuesday night DCing alot.
What happens if this is the case on the West Coast servers as well? It's been that way for quite some time.

We play from Boston, MA. Comcast is the wired broadband provider, and the lag is sometimes so bad it's virtually unplayable. Mapserves are sometimes quite frequent. I haven't checked my packet loss recently, but could as soon as the servers come back up.

I maintain the computers in our house. I can tell you that the machines here are kept CLEAN, regularly maintained, and sit behind a broadband router, and that the wireless router uses MAC address filtering (not encryption) to restrict access. When playing the game, no additional software is running. We all experience the lag at the same time (on 3 separate computers), so it's not a software problem.

I'm running a 64-bit quad-core with 6 gigs of RAM. (Even though COH is a 32-bit game), if it's failing the same way the laptop and the old 486 Pentium are, that smacks of a common environmental cause external to the computers themselves. I've been eyeballing the network for sometime. But all we have is the wireless router and the broadband router. And that's a simple as it gets.



"This isn't actually our problem. That is, this problem isn't occurring on our network. The real issue here is that there's a routing problem with one of our peer ISPs. We have no control over what routes your connection signal takes to reach our game servers, nor do we have any control over what routes your connection signal takes when it leaves our servers on the return path to your location. Since this is occurring with an ISP that we work closely with, our Network Engineering team is in contact with them, presently, to help get this cleared up as quickly as they can. That's the current status.

As soon as we have an update that confirms the resolution, you will be notified via this e-mail support ticket. Until then, you're welcome to play characters on any of the west coast servers since they're not affected by this. "

I filed a ticket on it and went back and forth with NCSoft support. They swore it was originally my connection, but it isn't. The above was one of the latest responses.

But, it would be nice if the powers that be would publicly comment on the problem and try to reassure us that they'll fix this before the next 2xp event. This problem has gone on for 8-10 weeks already, for me anyway.

Hopefully it gets resolved soon.



currently when i use pingplotter to ping the server addresses they sent me in the support email and it still never makes the round trip. it always hit 100% packet loss at hop 7 the hop. yet i ping the and it completes the cycle at or around 21ms consistently. to me that says it is somewhere inbetween them and the coh servers but i am not even close th being qualified to verify my suspicions.



Originally Posted by Zacharias_NA View Post
"This isn't actually our problem. That is, this problem isn't occurring on our network. The real issue here is that there's a routing problem with one of our peer ISPs. We have no control over what routes your connection signal takes to reach our game servers, nor do we have any control over what routes your connection signal takes when it leaves our servers on the return path to your location. Since this is occurring with an ISP that we work closely with, our Network Engineering team is in contact with them, presently, to help get this cleared up as quickly as they can. That's the current status.

As soon as we have an update that confirms the resolution, you will be notified via this e-mail support ticket. Until then, you're welcome to play characters on any of the west coast servers since they're not affected by this. "
I wish we would hear more feedback like this. Even if the problem isn't fixed it's always nice to know they are working on it.



I play on Victory, and I would like to contribute a picture of my netgraph to this thread. This was taken (today) September 18.



Today, Sept 19, on Freedom.

Green grass is back! At least for now...

I won't be holding my breath, though.



HOORAY! Today I has green grass.
Saturday Sep. 19 on Victory



Packet loss problems have cleared for me on Liberty as of this message. We'll see how long it lasts...



*edit - to add some sort of date stamp for when this happened to me. ie. 19th September at 11pm US-EST.

Oh gawd... I just made the mistake of trying to play on freedom, and it is just horrible.

First of all, global lists have vanished into *poof* thin air...
I either have no global friends list at all, or when it does re-appear, I am missing two-thirds of my friends.

I also have a lot of junk in my global list, like channels that I have never been a member of, and bizarre naming conventions for those channels.

It also went and renamed my global friends list to this:

Seriously now, GlobP'Oiend'PRGlobPRiend@NrTGlobalIgnoreTab. WTF?

The second issue, is the horrible amount of chat lag.
That is, you type into chat/tell/channel, 5-10 seconds later, what you typed finally appears. I am not the only player experiencing this, those on my global that I managed to talk to, were experiencing the exact same problem.

And final issue, is server lag. Check out my yellow bar of lag-doom.

Never seen that sort of craziness before.

How do we make support aware of such issues over the weekend?
Seriously this has made the game almost unplayable for me.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.



Originally Posted by CaffeineAddict View Post
Oh gawd... I just made the mistake of trying to play on freedom, and it is just horrible.

First of all, global lists have vanished into *poof* thin air...
I either have no global friends list at all, or when it does re-appear, I am missing two-thirds of my friends.

I also have a lot of junk in my global list, like channels that I have never been a member of, and bizarre naming conventions for those channels.

It also went and renamed my global friends list to this:

Seriously now, GlobP'Oiend'PRGlobPRiend@NrTGlobalIgnoreTab. WTF?

The second issue, is the horrible amount of chat lag.
That is, you type into chat/tell/channel, 5-10 seconds later, what you typed finally appears. I am not the only player experiencing this, those on my global that I managed to talk to, were experiencing the exact same problem.

And final issue, is server lag. Check out my yellow bar of lag-doom.

Never seen that sort of craziness before.

How do we make support aware of such issues over the weekend?
Seriously this has made the game almost unplayable for me.
Yep. I play on Freedom and Global has been crazy for me too. My channels are all named gibberish as well. I'll wait for the Global Server to straighten itself out before attempting to go back in and have conversation. lol

(I wouldn't be surprised if we get a Global rename after this )



Same thing here..freedom laggy as hell, solo. Virtue, perfect.
And as for the lovely bugs with i16...all I have to say is..I called it. When people were talknig about how fun teh new colors etc would be, I said that if they could manage to get an issue out, without huge bugs that affect everyone, I would be happy.
Now lets global, cant enter missions, what fun!
Last issue (or whenever it was) we had the business with tells being lost almost constantly, now we cant get into maps? Gotta say, the bugs arent just consistent, then are getting better! Better at pissing everyone off that is.
I would say excuse the cynical attitude, but after trying 5 times to enter one mission of freedom for the last hour, I feel im entitled to it.
Oh, this just in! I logged into virtue, to try a mission..and dc'd, while standing in the midnight club..doing nothing! Weeee!



I've hardly been playing since the issue came out as I'm constantly losing my globals and can't enter missions. Looking for something else to play for now :P

@MARTy McFly



As reported above, the green grass was back for me on Freedom yesterday from the afternoon on until 6:00pm at least. Crossing fingers that it's still ok today.



Are the problems with east coast servers still there?

whiny woman: "don't you know that hundreds of people are killed by guns every year?!"
"would it make ya feel better, little girl, if they was pushed outta windows?" -- Archie Bunker



Originally Posted by Todd_3465 View Post
Are the problems with east coast servers still there?
Well they WERE gone but they seem to be back again. I just logged in and we're back to the red nails.

Victory PvP Boot Camp 2.0 - Rules Committee Member



After lengthy back-and-forth sessions with Support (which were getting rather heated on my end, I must admit. There's only so many hoops you can jump through before it's @#$! obvious there's no problem on the user end), I finally saw this in my inbox this morning:

Thanks for the update. Our network team has resolved any possible issues with our peering ISPs. There are no current issues with any return route or input route related to our data centers.

If you feel there is an issue with PCCW you will need to ask your ISP to open a ticket with them to have them investigate your lag issues.

Dubious at best, I ran the usual battery of tests. ping still showed 100% packet loss, tracert still timed out at the same hop it has been for over a month now. Logging into the game, nothing had changed: about a minute of green grass and then 400+ ping. So I got on the phone with Comcast straight away. After a good long discussion about it (and mad props to the tech for taking the time with me), it was determined that he was having the same issue I was with PCCW and he wasn't even using Comcast service. Since this problem was affecting more than just Comcast, the problem was somewhere within that hub and that ISP and not with Comcast itself.

Bottom line (at least for me, YMMV): NCSoft has fixed their end. Comcast has determined everything is good on my end. The culprit is narrowed down to PCCW Global. If you're having a similar problem still, I think it's time we start letting them know. Flood their inboxes with all the hard data we've given everyone else and they've given us in return. Even if nothing comes of it, at least an effort will have been made.

I'm still on the fence regarding my subscription, but I for one will stop blaming NCSoft for the problem. They've been patient through all of my outbursts and were genuinely trying to help me, and I can't fault them for that. Time to let slip the dogs of war on PCCW Global.

"But we are like children, thinking our toys will make us happy and the whole world is our nursery. Something must drive us out of that nursery and into the lives of others, and that something is suffering." �C.S. Lewis



What is PCCW Global? The company running the game servers?

whiny woman: "don't you know that hundreds of people are killed by guns every year?!"
"would it make ya feel better, little girl, if they was pushed outta windows?" -- Archie Bunker



Originally Posted by Todd_3465 View Post
What is PCCW Global? The company running the game servers?
No, but a company apparently inbetween the game servers and the particular routes to the group of people having the lag issues. They appear to be stopping and/or hindering their connection to the game servers, and there isn't anything NCSoft or the user can do about it. The servers are fine, the internet is fine, but PCCW's "hop" is saying.. NO!



I've noticed alot of lag on freedom ever since i16 came out. PvP zones seem to get hit the worst with it though.



I actually haven't had any problems lately. Used to be I was DCing at least once per game session.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



I play on Infinity most of the time and over the last 3-4 days it has been getting worse and worse. . . tonight I have been trying for over 2 hours to log in and then get to the black market . . . keep timing out just while trying to log in before even seeing the black market. I know that Wentworth's and the Black Market have given me fits before with timing out and getting the Lost Connection with Mapserver crap but never like this and this is just logging in to my toon. Don't know what is going on but I am not happy about it especially after the weekend with the store problems and people not having access to slots, ect. . . . not building a great customer service base here fellas . . . maybe there is a reason to check out CO . . .

StarSmasher lvl 50 Claws/SR Scrapper Freedom
Ironwill lvl 50 Dual Blade/Willpower Scrapper Liberty
Odin's Axe lvl 50 Ice/Axe Tanker Infinity
Stress Load lvl 50 Brute Justice
Captain Mercury lvl 50 Dark/Shield Scrapper Infinity
Sword of Chaos lvl 50 SoA Infinity
xX Lady Bug Xx lvl 49 Plant/Storm Controller Infinity
Mind Scream lvl 43 Mind/Mind Blaster Infinity
Artic Aura lvl 48 Ice/Electric Blaster Infinity
Chaotatician lvl 39 Robot/Traps MM Infinity
Grace Under Pressure lvl 38 Gravity/Thorn Dominator Infinity
Major Upgrade lvl 15 Broad Sword/Dark Scrapper Infinity
Lunar Blue lvl 22 Sonic/Electric Blaster Infinity
Psychosis Gal lvl 12 Mind/Storm Controller Justice
Plutonium Shaft lvl 39 Rad/Rad Defender Pinnacle
and many more alts . . . .

I am a dangerous combination . . . a badge-***** with altitis . . .



Originally Posted by Them3OtherGuys View Post
I'm still on the fence regarding my subscription, but I for one will stop blaming NCSoft for the problem. They've been patient through all of my outbursts and were genuinely trying to help me, and I can't fault them for that. Time to let slip the dogs of war on PCCW Global.
Nah, I'm going to continue to blame NCSoft. If they can't get their product to you, that's THEIR fault.

It aggravates me that this is not a priority for them.

Triumph was unplayable for me today. I love having 8 50s on a server that makes it a horrible experience to play.



Originally Posted by Zacharias_NA View Post
Nah, I'm going to continue to blame NCSoft. If they can't get their product to you, that's THEIR fault.

I would have to agree. If you order any other kind of product and some other company was hindering the deleviry of said product there would be lawsuits at the very least. How long do you think would allow fedex to intefere with their ups shipments before they launched a huge investigation while reassuring their loyal customers they were not gonna stop untill they got their product as ordered?



Originally Posted by 300_below View Post
I would have to agree. If you order any other kind of product and some other company was hindering the deleviry of said product there would be lawsuits at the very least. How long do you think would allow fedex to intefere with their ups shipments before they launched a huge investigation while reassuring their loyal customers they were not gonna stop untill they got their product as ordered?
Exactly my point. That is my largest frustration in all of this.