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  1. Energy_Aura

    Farewell Liberty

    Well it looks like the end is coming sooner than any of us expected. After the rage, then sorrow after reading the game will be shutting down by years end, let's go out with a bang!

    I for 1 will play and hopefully work allowing I will be online when the servers go down for the last time.

    Take time to leave a happy thought or memory here.

    To all the great players, and you too Nena, I wish you all the best and whatever game I move to I will be starting a Guild/League/SG with some reference to CoH, so look for it in the games you all move to. Maybe we will meet again someday....

    Cheers and well wishes...
  2. Energy_Aura

    Magey Mondays!

    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    Yeah I got that same response too Ukase :| Surprised myself, EA or Tax didn't see the light go down....maybe it happened right as the lights get re-spawned...


    If that question was to me Noy....3 stars means I "know" you and like you (can play your toon well). I really don't use the star system that much....

    5 stars is reserved for SGmates.
    OK...Here is this again, and seeing as I never put any input into this "STAR" thing here goes. I realize Noy was just asking, but this has been an issue with some others in the past.

    I have to wonder what the thinking is for people who don't use or know about the star rating? Do they hate you? Do they like you? Or do they not care about you one way or the other and are here to play a game?

    With the VAST amount of ways anyone could set up their rating scheme if they used it, we would all be offended looking at someone's rating of us. And what about a guy who accidentally gives someone only one star not even knowing or understanding they did it? Offend you not offend you?

    As I said, this is in no way directed toward you Noy or anyone else specifically, just an observation of "pettiness" that could ensue because of perceived rating.

    In the past I have offended or been offended by someone in game. IT'S A GAME! In most cases (considering the Nena factor) I team/Trial/TF invite and help out one and all if I can.

    Granted we all have our /gignores (mine is VERY short) and I'm sure I'm on more than 1 here or there, but to me, short term anger and disputes take away from everyone's overall game play and degrades our community on what I feel is a really great server.

    <End of commentary, stepping off of my soap box and smashing it with a sledge hammer>
  3. Energy_Aura

    Magey Mondays!

    After doing a Really Hard Way and not getting awarded the badge for the whole league Ion and company come back and do it a second time...The second time awarded the BADGE...

    Thanks to EI for leading this...

    I won't be running and hiding because I have my badge, I'll be out every Monday supporting others getting their badge...WAY TO GO LIBERTY!!!
  4. Praetorian Hamidon has yet to be addressed, but with SSA 1 concluded can we count the Shadow Shard out of the fight? I'm sure a race of extra dimensional creatures would like a shot at Praetoria and another swing at Primal Earth.
  5. I have notified the lead for Mids on this...Looks like it's an Incarante handling issue...
  6. Energy_Aura

    Wacky Wednesdays


    Here is the upcoming schedule of events for Wacky Wednesday
    I understand not all the events will appeal to all the players
    So we have put together a schedule of events for the next several weeks
    More details will come out on each event the week prior

    July 25 iTrial Ladder (Lam, BAF, Keyes, Diobolique, MoM and Magi)
    August 1 Fire Down Below (Sewer Trial)
    August 8 +4/8 ITF
    August 15 Pantheon Pummel (DA)
    August 22 iTrial Ladder (Lam, BAF, Keyes, Diobolique, MoM and Magi)
    August 29 KIA TFs (Sister and STF)

    I hope there is enough variety for everyone
  7. Energy_Aura

    Wacky Wednesdays


    Hosted by
    @Tax E & @Energy Aura

    Remember the days of side kicking to another player?
    Remember PLing in a Wolf Farm or Running Boxes in a BP mission?
    All of this WAY over at Portal Corp...
    And how did we get there?

    WE RAN ! ! !

    So this week we are RUNNING from Atlas Park to Portal Corp
    Level 1s only please (Rabbit Costume optional) any AT welcome (except you sneaky Stalkers)...


    Because it test skills, it tests knowledge (Hmmm how do I get there?)
    Because mindless leveling and iTrials are BORING
    But most of all, IT'S WACKY ! ! !

    SEE YOU THERE...But watch out for cars, don't be ROADKILL
  8. Best bang for the buck is 3 Damage/ACC HOs and Heal/End, Heal/Rech and Heal from whichever heal set you require bonuses from. Puts all numbers (Heal, ACC, DAM) over 90%...

  9. Congrats to everyone...

    Hopefully I will be around the next time there is an attempt...
  10. Energy_Aura

    Wacky Wednesdays

    This one IS WACKY...It's not even on a WEDNESDAY...


    WHAT POWERS? Dual Blades or Dual Pistols...

    WHAT ARE WE DOING? The Summer Blockbuster Event...

    WHEN? After the HAMI RAID (Hosted by @Tax E) on Saturday, June 30th...
  11. Energy_Aura

    Wacky Wednesdays

    Looking at 7:30-7:45pm EST gather in FF and launch NLT 8:00pm. We will be able to run multiple teams and can make it a race to add extra wackiness!
  12. I think the talk of perma "snap snipe" shouldn't be the BIG NEWS here. +Regen/Heal/Absorb. That's news. For most of us, unless you build specifically for the Snipe, it's just going to give you no down time on your first attack (being Sniper).

    Another thing is upcoming Water Blast has no Snipe and has a Heal in the set (level 12), so neither one of these changes really make that much difference on the Blaster set EVERYONE will be playing SOON™.

    Bottom line, I don't think playstyle or builds are going to need to be changed as much as it sounds. Guessing we will know when this hits BETA...

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Both really excited, and a little worried. I don't see how the sets without snipes are going to be desirable without significant changes.

    But as far as I can see, Devices just became the best secondary. Good thing I have two of them!
    I disagree...You would be taking a secondary for 1 power. I see more + in Energy Manipulation due to Power Boost and Boost Range. I think the Snipe trick will be fun, and I like the idea, but I don't thnk TD will make my future Blasters all Devices...

  14. Quote:
    Clarification is always nice, no need for the overuse of capital letters.
    CAPS always feel left out...I like to give them their PROPS...
  15. Quote:
    Oh and...

    I23 LIVE...SWEET
    Meaning that it's going LIVE today...I didn't say SERVERS UP...

  16. In addition to a "Primatives Zone" how about giving us a Praetorian Hamidon Zone...DE rule their would so let's go beat them silly...

    Oh and...

    I23 LIVE...SWEET
  17. Here is the link to my SG forums. I think this build will be what you want your Stalker to be. Mine is using this build and is leveling like crazy (currently 42).

  18. I've got a level 42 Staff/WP Stalker and she rocks! I played around with KM/Nin but that was Pre-PvE changes. Staff might be new, but it's a solid set and Guarded Spins +melee def and the high amount of knockdown add to Stalker survivability. I find my WP Stalker is more hardy than my WP Brute (also Staff). Can't comment on any of the others for actual play, but looking at Mids, I see some other Stalkers in my future.

  19. SO server managers didn't set their watches forward...And server page still says "UP"

    Good news is got a Purple drop seconds before servers went down!!!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    There will be no "oh, that toon is taking a break" cover-up/flat out lying about what I'm doing. Not like you, sir.
    You must be mistaken me for someone else...I don't "cover-up"...I'm very public with my dual boxing...I.E. HAMI RAID!!!

    And just out of curiosity, why would you dual box (pad) and quit? Like you are stealing merits from someone?..Oh what, they all get same...Guess padding and quitting is what the envirormentalist players do to save energy, other than that I would say it's STUPID to pad and quit as you are actually WASTING merits, but that's just me...


    <eyes wide shut>
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    if worse comes to worst, I'll bring my alt account on just to let 7 others play - but I think I'll be bringing my emp or my kin. Probably the emp. The emp has rez, where as the kin does not.

    Honestly, I don't see this as being that big of a deal. I'm going into it expecting it to be challenging. If we wipe, we wipe. Not that big of a deal, I'll be on my 50, which makes debt meaningless. :P

    Noy will be leading the later raid that evening, so that's when some may get an evil eye.

    I've got a level 46 earth/cold troller that needs some overdue attention. I'll find some way to get all my toons the attention they need.
    And yet dual boxing by others to fill a TF is bad? Double standard much?
  22. I would say Invuln. If you use the +Psy Resistance from Crushing Impact with Impervium Armor and build to plug Psy Hole, you will find a very SUPER hero...And Brute for sure...

  23. I'm glad the Dark Wolf pet is SO rare...I have enough worthless do nothing pets on my tray when I respec. I pray that I NEVER get it. You can have my Redcap/MekMan/Rikti Monkey/Clockwork/Demon and my Mini HVAS too. Then again I'm not one to stand around in Atlas Park admiring how much worthless crap I have like some do.

    How about a TF?

    Or a Help Channel DFB...LOL
