no blinds




not naming and shaming, but I was on a lowbie alt the other day and got a blind from a guy, which i accepted, only to have him ask for more in local, i asked in broadcast and got 3 replies. when suggested getting said players, he either didn't know how or couldn't be bothered and passed me the star. i suggested sewers, to which i got told the other players were not high enough lvl. then when everyone we'd gotten on the team was waiting for him he tells me to come to him. while he stands at ms liberty. we were all the sewer entrance. he felt the need to continue to tell us how some of the team were too low lvl (he was 7 or 8) and was very impatient. seemed to think we'd all bow down in worship when he told us "I have vl36" too. when I eventually got bored of him and kicked (after he got "40" enemies after him, and kept telling us, no-one else but my scrapper over lvl 6, to "rez me") he followed us to kings, and when i told him "mate, I'm sorry, we can't take you anymore" he says "you said mate" "you must be my friend. pls invite"
i checked if he was not a native english speaker, to which he tells me he is english, but only 10. i told him to get parental supervision when playing a game with a 12+ rating.

playername does not exist on any US maps.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



Usually when i get blind invites and i accept them i get on car crash pugs. This have made me not accept blinds before 20.
For an example had level 9´s invite me to teams to hollows when im 2 with the assuring words "we will protect you". Yay my heroes, oh wait hollows is a 5+ hazard zone.
These kind of experiences have made me reluctant to accept blinds.

So OP instead of getting angry do this <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>/bind key t $target, Would you like to join a team?</pre><hr />
In the search tool click the name, press the key, enter.
Saves you alot of time



Usually when i get blind invites and i accept them i get on car crash pugs

[/ QUOTE ]

That's why I click accept. Nothing better for a good laugh than a team that is heading down wipeout ally faster than the flash can put on his spandex. Got to love car crash PuGs.



Hey, funnily enough I had a blind invite last night, was on my screen before I had even finished loading. Was a little drunk, and in the mood for a laugh and accepted. I was member 2, said hi, then saw more people joining. When we had about 6 members, all asking what we were doing, the leader gave me the star.

I ended up selecting a mission, although being a level 28 in a team of 25s meant it was tough (especially as it was the lady jane mission, which I have yet to complete on a team) so we bailed and did one of the 25's arcs.

The team creator stuck around for most of it, and had managed to find a very good team, although we lost a few but replaced them with some friends of mine. Turned out to be one of the better nights I've had recently, although that could also be down to the rum.



Not sure if this is gonna help.

I have aproblem with the pop ups two, i used to have a tendancy just to hit the Hospital button as an automatic responce as that screen appears in the middle.

Energy Devil

to get round my own stupidity i moved it to the side where it was less intrusive and it pops there everytime...

or it did. stopped playinf for a while and have onbly just come back. haven't really thought about this so will check it out.

just wondering if the same works for the team invite pop.



Hey, funnily enough I had a blind invite last night, was on my screen before I had even finished loading. Was a little drunk, and in the mood for a laugh and accepted. I was member 2, said hi, then saw more people joining. When we had about 6 members, all asking what we were doing, the leader gave me the star.

I ended up selecting a mission, although being a level 28 in a team of 25s meant it was tough (especially as it was the lady jane mission, which I have yet to complete on a team) so we bailed and did one of the 25's arcs.

The team creator stuck around for most of it, and had managed to find a very good team, although we lost a few but replaced them with some friends of mine. Turned out to be one of the better nights I've had recently, although that could also be down to the rum.

[/ QUOTE ]

Twas a good team even if i was a little out of it. Rum always makes me think of Pirates of the Carribean, Epic films and i cant wait for the fourth.
'But... Why is the rum gone!'

The above is only my opinion, please don't hate me for it
SG: Suicidal Maniacs @Aurealis
GhostRaptor: Server populations have been trending upwards since Issue 13 release. There are no current plans for any server mergers and we're looking forward to Issue 14 and the rest of the year.



Admittedly I haven't read the entire thread here but I'm shocked at the attitude and non-welcoming tone to this thread even in the first pages. People that have replied have done so without even trying to consider the OP's point of view and talking down to the OP like they don't have a clue what they're saying and don't deserve to speak to you.

Personally I can identify with the OP and I even took a break from the game for a bit last year because of the exact same reason. I remember when I first joined the game straight out of EU Beta that you had only to log in and you would get blind invites galore.

Admittedly I don't like the idea of a blind invite when my status is flagged as "not looking for team" but if I deliberately put my search comment or search status to Looking for Team I definitely EXPECT to see blind invites coming my way.

I totally agree with the OP that there is almost a level of rudeness in the players that has been accepted and become as standard and as a result no one in the team wants to be a leader anymore if only because they are standing there all day sending out tells.

At the moment you generally either have 2 options.. you make your own team or you spend 20 minutes sending out tells to other people and wait for an invite.

One aspect of the game I wish would change, and unfortunately it's only us players that can change it...



Admittedly I haven't read the entire thread here but I'm shocked at the attitude and non-welcoming tone to this thread even in the first pages. People that have replied have done so without even trying to consider the OP's point of view and talking down to the OP like they don't have a clue what they're saying and don't deserve to speak to you.

[/ QUOTE ]
/em shrug

I tend to reply to people in kind. If a relatively new player makes a post calling people rude and arrogant because they're spoiling his fun by not handling blinds in the exact way he wants them to, I'm not hugely sympathetic.

Please note that in his first post the OP dosn't seem to be saying that people sent him rude and arrogant posts after blinds. Just that he finds it rude and arrogant that people want tells in the first place.



I totally agree with the OP that there is almost a level of rudeness in the players that has been accepted and become as standard

[/ QUOTE ]

So it's not rude to randomly send people blind invites, regardless of their search comment, regardless of what else they may be doing, without even asking, or a please, or proper speech? Sorry, I find that more ignorant, rude and unmannerly than the concept of being upfront about what kind of invites I want to recieve.

If you think it's acceptable to do the metaphorical equivalent of walking up to someone and demanding they do something without either A) asking them if they have a moment of time b) giving them any details about what you want them to do or c) introducing yourself, or using common words like please or thankyou, then I'm sorry, but that doesn't paint you as the kind of person I'd want to knw in real life, let alone team with.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



if I set my status to LFT, I expect blinds, and usually accept. Nowt wrong with that. Most of the time, even when I am looking for a team (or at least open to the idea of teaming) I'll leave it grey, put the ol "please ask first" comment in, maybe even specify what sort of team I'm looking for.
If someone's set their status to Not Looking, or asks for no blinds, it's just rude to send them one, and could possibly be considered spam.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



Whenever I see the 'mo blinds tab' I know the person is rude and arrogant so I just don't invite.

[/ QUOTE ]

This being the point in question. If they are saying they don't want blind invites they are informing you how they wish to be treated - ignoring those wishes is the arrogant and rude action. What you're statement indicates is that you are judgemental. At least though you show the common decency to not send blinds anyway.
The big problem with blinds is they put a great big intrusive dialog up in the middle of your screen which may mean the difference between surviving a mob and having a trip to the nearest hospital. They may also be expecting an invite from someone else and so end up missing the team they intended joining. In contract a tell allows you to let people know what you are doing and so they can then make an informed decision as to whether they want to join. Its also something that they can delay responding to if circumstances dictate.

Think of it this way - if some stranger barged into your living room, interupting what you are doing and said "Join Us" without telling you why or who they are and wouldn't go away until you stop whatever you are doing and tell them what you want to do - What would your response be - I'd bet it wouldn't be anywhere near as polite as even the most curt responce you get in game.

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant



So it's not rude to randomly send people blind invites, regardless of their search comment, regardless of what else they may be doing, without even asking, or a please, or proper speech? Sorry, I find that more ignorant, rude and unmannerly than the concept of being upfront about what kind of invites I want to recieve.

[/ QUOTE ]

This isn't what I was talking about and judging by later posts by the OP I don't think its what he was either. As is stated in the OP reply and I think mine too, If your status is set to LFT then generally you should expect to recieve blind invites. If you are sending out in broadcast LFT you should expect blind invites.

However, if your search comment/search status is grey/not looking for teams I would definitely say I personally never blind invite these people (90% of the time /sea brings up grey ppl). I also don't blind invite people because gaming culture says its rude and as others have said "lvl 50 wanna team?" isn't hard to type.

However, having said all that, when you are leader on a team you normally aren't participating in the mission as much because you're sending out multiple tells to people trying to get more onto your team. It's understandable a lot of people don't want to be leaders on a team anymore.

The fact that it is so hard to get a team and requires a lot of effort these days is a depressing thing when you've experienced the opposite first hand previously.

But again the attitude a lot of people have responded with in this thread and others, definitely doesn't help to bring out the kindness and respect CoX players are known to treat each other with.

Come on people.

EDIT: 300th post.. woo!



Why do you want to waste my time and spoil my fun, making me stop playing and spend all my time sending stupid messages?

Whenever I see the 'mo blinds tab' I know the person is rude and arrogant so I just don't invite.

[/ QUOTE ]

The OPs post is offensive in the extreme to anyone who puts "no blind invites" in thier comments. This includes myself and quite a few other people on this forum, so under the circumstances I think the response was as kind and respectful as could reasonably be expected.

If your status is set to LFT then generally you should expect to recieve blind invites.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just because you are looking for a team doesn't mean you are looking for any team. Which if more rude, putting a "no blind invites" in your comment or turning down a blind invite without explanation? Which is what I will do if I get a blind invite from someone I don't know, I assure you.

If you don't mind getting blind invites, then you can put "blind invites welcome" in your search comment. You might think that would increase your chance of getting an invite, but I doubt it.

The fact that it is so hard to get a team and requires a lot of effort these days

[/ QUOTE ]

People have been putting "no blind invites" for as long as I have been playing (nearly 4 years now). That hasn't changed, and doesn't have any effect on the number of teams available. they only thing that has changed is when the game was brand spanking new there where more players.

I really should do something about this signature.



Well I'm going to wade straight in here and say that this was one of the few things that PRAF68 and I actually agreed on when I was here last.

Just inviting people out of the blue is rude to me. It is not the etiquette in which we play the game. It's been like that from the beginning and it's took a long time for it to become established. Seriously, it's a better place for not having blind invites.



Apologies on the thread necromancy, but this morning I saw what I would argue to be one of the worst uses of blinds going, and illustrates why some people hate blinds and also some blinds may be bad for the game...

So someone (obviously remaining nameless here) broadcasts on a badge hunting that they have a mission in brickstown to farm for the illusionist badge and asks does anyone want to join them. No response in channel.

About 10 minutes later I get a blind:- OK I've no comment about no blinds on this character and I'm happy to join. Check the inviting character level - 1 level different to mine. I accept.

It's a team of 6 (with me) and is quickly filled with 2 more.

Then I notice that the 2nd person in the team is in a mission, which appears to be in brickstown.

I say hello and some people ask what the team's for/doing. No response or what is either foreign or may just be gibberish attempting to appear foreign (anyone know what esci che devo resettarla ad heroe and minkione parli che me ne devo andare? mean?)

And then the team leader and the 2nd team member (who is in mission) both leave. A few others quickly leave - maybe realising that some idiot was yanking their chain.

I checked the global name of the 2nd team member and funnily enough it was the person who'd been advertising an illusionist farm in brickstown - having no response in the channels they obviously decided that blinds to get fillers was the 'accepted' way to behave...

Ok - I'm marginally miffed that some idiots do this, but what annoys me most is noticing that the last 2 people left in the team when I left were level 1 and level 2... For all I know they have just started the game this morning and one of their first experiences (possibly the very 1st for the level 1) is to be blind-invited to a team by a rude idiot who just wants fillers to farm.

Don't think there's anything to petition them about - sadly plain rude behaviour isn't really against the EULA.


Can those who defend blinds see how some misuse of blinds like this can really turn people off them?
Do you wonder why some people say no blinds and no filling?


By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



No need to apologise, JD. That's exactly the sort of behaviour that turns me off blinds.

2 minutes filling is 2 minutes I could spend doing something for myself in-game.

Hitting "No" on the blind invite could drop my teleporting toon into a spawn that will wipe them out.

I like to know what I'm letting myself in for, so asking for details (even if I just get "L45+ vs praetorians") lets me weed out the time wasters (which I define as "people doing things I don't want to do").

I consider "team?" followed by an immediate invite to be the same as a blind.

But someone inviting people who might have never played the game before, just to fill for a farm, then booting or quitting from the team is extremely rude, in my opinion.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



That's really unlucky, Dave. This kind of things happen unfortunately.

Also as you bring this one up i can add another thing makes me feel uncomfortable... I am saying uncomfortable because sad is too dramatic for this one i think. Sometimes whenever i reply a tell from people, they thank me. Why should people thank for something which is a natural act for a human being? I know there are many people who don't bother to reply but that feels really wrong.

Also one more thing, as we discussed blind/no blind invites and the search function of CoH, I am pondering around the idea of creating a channel for teaming, something like Union Team Link channel(or better make it across Union and Defiant? ) where people can announce their teams, levels and ask for others to join. You know some people like me jump between alts when they have nothing better to do and sell/craft in that time or simply stick to one hero and play solo if they can't find anyone around their level.

Will it work or be abused?



Ooh, thanks, Z. In which case it appears that they had a legitimate reason to go... but telling the team that in Italian on an English-speaking server really doesn't help them get the message across.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



you exit that I must resettarla to heroe and minkione speaks that me of I must go?

[/ QUOTE ]

That's about all Babelfish can get out of it, and my skill with languages is terrible (though I am on lesson 4 of Esperanto now! )



Thanks for giving us a gist Zortel.

Actually more inclined to believe it was cover story - given that the leader was lvl 40 and blind inviting level 1s and 2s when the selected mission was the 2nd-in-teams illusionist farm... And both the top 2 left pretty much simultaneously.

Farmyard smells anyone??

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)






Hitting "No" on the blind invite could drop my teleporting toon into a spawn that will wipe them out.

[/ QUOTE ]

Even worse to me one day last week, the damn pop-up appeared over the nasty lieut my WS was trying to target to mez them. Almost very messy indeed...



You exit so I can reset to heroic.

someone is telling me I have to go.


(Minkione appears to be a name)

I really should do something about this signature.