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  1. My personal choice for most iconic look is Captain Mako. While all Arachnos patrons looks awesome and get their message across, Mako with his unique design stands apart from them. Seeing him first time on CoV loading screen I remember myself thinking "That guys favorite pass-time is blood bathing for sure". Mako looks dangerous, scarry and sexy as hell. Perfect combination for a predator which he is. I have to admit during Statesman TF he is the only villain makes me uncomfortable. I know he is not tough like Lord Recluse or Ghost Widow but still seeing him on screen makes me feel like a prey. Maybe foolish but only when I face Mako I feel like I am fighting for my life.

    Among heroes even I hate Statesman with such passion, he has most iconic look. After Captain America and Wonder Woman best stylized flag costume I've seen. That face-plate gives him a nice edge over other spandex wearing heroes. I hate to admit it but he looks so cool on IP or on comic pages.

    If we also talk about who needs an update desperately among Freedom Phalanx; Manticore and Synapse comes to mind.

    Synapse is my favorite hero in CoH universe. He gives the message of "I'm a speedster" perfectly with his current outfit but somehow his over all look is pale. He needs bolder design to show he means business. Although he needs a serious rewamp over all (like his Task Force, AT (I think being a scrapper suits better for a speedster) etc), starting with his looks is a good idea.

    Manticore has wonderful mask/head design but rest of him... blank? I can't remember if he has any gloves or boots. Just dark red spandex with black blend.
  2. Welcome to the Defiant and I hope you enjoy your stay in here.

    Join "Defiant Events" channel for hottest moments of your EU times.

    See you in game.
  3. I have a regular/SG team going on Friday nights. I will keep an eye open for an opportunity tho'.

    Good luck on your attempts.
  4. Knightly

    Problem Enemies

    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    Destroyer bosses - Dominators and Controllers. Literally cannot even be mezzed by Domination-boosted mezzes. Best bet is to chomp down on insps and rush back from the hospital with more insps before his HP fully regenerates.
    I second that. Also Destroyer Blast Masters are on my first to kill list, especially while teaming. People have a tendecy to stand over their molotof coctails.

    Also Arachnos Lt. (I guess they are called Soldier or something like that) are very hard to mez with a Mind controller. Fortunatas shrug off confuse and other effects easily without Domination.

    With invisibilty/stealth using characters Nemesis Snipers are a problem. Nemesis with stacked Vengeance can annoy Kinetic or Dark Miasma users as their most powers, especially heals can't hit them.

    ** Also not really about taking down first but as a Mind controller there are few critters are on my "not confuse" list.
    1- Banished Phanteon Death Shamans; their first move is summoning zombies which are ain't strong enough to kill Shaman. If you confuse shaman again to kill his minions, he summon a new pack and soon you will end up with zombie army.

    2- Vazhilok Lt. They keep rezzing their minions under confuse effect, even the ones they defeated themselves. So no point in confusing them in a group.
    (As I mostly solo with my Mind controllers or dominator those are according to their personal view)
  5. Hey guys,

    Which nights are you running CoP and more importantly do you need an old Mind/Rad troller in your teams.

    Even I am playing exclusively on Defiant since my come back because of lesser lag, my first home was Union.

    Highest Regards,
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
    Aliens who use power armour or other alien tech to gain their abilities = Technology.
    I ponder about this a lot. Yeah from human point of view this seems hi-tech weapons/armor. If you think about a cave man and modern day police then that police is also hi-tech character, as well as cowboys... heh even a guy with box of matches.

    For the sake of confusing others more I'm throwing in my dominator, Grotesk.

    He is a Mind Control/Earth Assault dominator with mutant origin. Here is how he gained his powers so go figure the right origin for him.

    Grotesk is a mutant with reptile like body and super-adaptation abilities. (Mutant)

    His brain has been replaced by a scientificly enhanced alien brain whose natural abilities were psychic. (Science/Natural)

    And lastly his right arm, left hand and feet replaced with robotic parts to give him super human strength. (Technology)

    Nice ain't it

    Point is; your character is what you see him or how you adapt his background story to one of in-game origins. So any hero can be any origin which is only explainable by creator.

    For booster auras or capes. You have new shinny things to use no matter what origin is your character. More options, more happy players.
  7. My ideas about Praetoria arcs seems to be confirmed by other players it seems. Teaming is fun on Praetoria but even normally I don't care much of the Blue side arcs, Praetorian arc so good and also while teaming you have to skip your solo missions which are the biggest plus of Praetoria in my opinion.

    Best way it seems, as some of you said, rolling solo characters (at least 4 of them to see each faction) to see content. Even if I lead a team I don't have time to read mission briefings while teaming so solo characters for Praetoria is a must.

    Also while having a full team during Praetorian missions most of the maps get insane amount of increased mob size. Sometimes you can't even touch land if you jump. :/
  8. Me? Have too much ideas? Pfft.

    Well yesterday I deleted all the new characters I rolled a day before and re-rolled some, made new ones. Probably will re-roll my tanker girl again as she ain't look as macho as I wish.

    You probably remember my Global Defense SG from Union, I will make a similar one in here. If heroes have a story/history for me they stay away from delete button *points Hymne and Captain Fin* .

    Now just need time to draw them and settle Gena Grand/Raspberry Swirl couple.
  9. Even a bit slow I am soloing my way up to 20 with my Mind/Earth dominator Gortesk (in love with his concept and looks).

    Still can't decide about Mind/Empath one. I had very very bad experiences on my earlier */empath or Empath/* builds. That makes me call it quits. Also that character has good concept and name still pondering if I should go with */Empath or with more secure bubbles or sonic... maybe Cold. Tho' can't shake the feeling a character named Raspberry Swirl must a Mind/Empath. Here's my dilemma nowadays.
  10. For the sake of clearify my statement:

    I was talking about new/low level (1-15) charaters which a new/returning player will see, after level 20 with the Praetorian alts population is healthy. Altho' a returning player will probably jump right in to Praetoria which I did.

    Also two things I can think for not having enough lowbies on Red/Blue side.

    - People are waiting for i19 to hit so they won't bother with respecing their characters out.
    - Because of Helloween events many players tend to run around in their high level characters to collect more badges.
  11. I delete characters every now and then but still missing my first ever character in game. He was a FF/Psi defender named Knightly Defender(which I get my global name). At level 32 I deleted him even my friends said I would regret that... which I did and still doing.

    I tried to re-roll him many times. Maybe 10 or so but as they say, you can never go back home. There is always something missing in him. I still have idea of re-rolling him and keeping a build for him on Mids... maybe someday I will do that but depending on my earlier experiences probably I can't.
  12. Praetoria is the only place you can find many low level characters on both English Speaking Servers.

    Either Red or Blue side not very friendly because of shinny content in Praetoria for new characters. Speaking for Defiant of last night only blue side had 3 and red side had 2, 1-10 level characters.

    Even with i19 coming with big change I still running on blue/praetoria with new characters. Trying to have each of one AT. If you decide to start on Defiant, give me a shout. I will try to help to my best ability.

  13. Welcome back.

    Even I don't want to, I have to admit Synergy has a ring of truth in his words. Red/Blue side seems rather empty. If you want to team on more occasions try Union maybe? Can't be sure about the quality of teams tho'.

    Anyway if you will insist on being Defiant, take Kendai's advice.

    Have fun and see you in game.
  14. Good luck with your studies and have fun in University. Going back to school at 34 ain't that bad, it will make you feel younger.
    See you when you are back.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by preachmoore View Post
    i rolled a mind/icy domi last week, and i have to admit that i am amazed of the mind set too..... and extremelly fun to play
    I am also leveling a Mind/Earth dominator nowadays. Even I'm still seeking for safe play of controllers it is really fun. Heh if that one ain't enough rolled a Mind/Empath troller on Praetoria as well.



    No worries. I have honor of teaming with you here and there. I also want to focus those two mentioned above 'till I get them to the Paragon. Have fun with your trio and give me a shout if you need a filler for starting TFs or other things.
  16. I can join you. I wanted to roll a Plant/Storm troller for sometime or try a MM with poison secondary. (Beware, not tried any real villain AT before )

    Other than Friday and Saturday nights, I am available. For playground I prefer Defiant as somehow Union is still too laggy for me.

    Edit: If you need a better known set by me, I can roll Mind/troller or Dominator. Mind Control is awesomeness in this game.
  17. Apex... Task Force... Those two words enough for me too love it already.

    Nice looking video.
  18. Knightly

    A Sad Farewell

    Farewell Spawnus.

    I hate to admit it but I must, Golden Girl is so right. We all come back one day.

    Have fun during your vacation.

    See you when you can't resist the call of spandex.
  19. Knightly

    goodbye, for now

    Good luck with your studies.

    See you soon
  20. Knightly

    I am back...

    Thanks for the welcomes friends.

    And Moms you will always surprise me I am sure. Extra thanks for native language welcome.

    Hope to see you in game.

  21. Knightly

    I am back...

    I don't know if there is any point in posting this but maybe there are some people who still ain't aware of my return, so here we go.

    I am back ladies and gentlemen, after 595 days of absence. I heard about some returning old players and met some, I guess my timing is very nice.

    See you in game.

    Have fun,

  22. Ah, nice to have a spotlight on that slideshow.

    Take care of yourselves and each other, mates. See you when/if I return.
  23. Knightly


    You are more than welcome mate.

    Also I found time to test somethings during that relaxed run... well apart from that nagging sonic defender *evil grin*

    To be honest AV's ain't Araf's shinning point, I wish I could bring Psy-knight for more smoother run. Never trust shivans for debuffs, other than my first two, others just wander around aimlessly.

    Mrs. M will have another 50 before I return if you continue Circus team.

    Big gratz to you two again.
  24. Knightly


    Good luck on your new job. I'm sure it will be a blast.