Another Crazy Trio...
I must admit it sounds like fun!
It is! Believe me... trioing Romulus is easily doable, Weakened Hamidon not so easy... and GW is a [expletive deleted] on STF... but with side switching is we can also do the villain TFs too.

Thelonious Monk
Ooh that sounds interesting!
If you don't get a better offer, I have a Ill/rad troller and an ice/sonic defender sat waiting for me in Defiant Praetoria at level 2. I was waiting for I19 and inherent stamina, since I was expecting to solo them, but a regular team for either would be nifty. I should probably say that I've never played either combination of powersets before, so I don't promise awesome leetness.
I can play any evening of the week, really.
Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.
I can join you. I wanted to roll a Plant/Storm troller for sometime or try a MM with poison secondary. (Beware, not tried any real villain AT before )
Other than Friday and Saturday nights, I am available. For playground I prefer Defiant as somehow Union is still too laggy for me.
Edit: If you need a better known set by me, I can roll Mind/troller or Dominator. Mind Control is awesomeness in this game.
defiant only
my public list :
Glad to see there's some support for this. I *think* we've got Grouchy involved in the new Trio, but here's an idea... how about you others who are interested also getting another trio started and we can start at the same time and compare notes as we go?

Thelonious Monk
Yes, I'm definitely up for it, and I think we settled on Ill/Rad? If you chose a day and time, though, I didn't write it down anywhere, so you'll need to tell me again :-)
Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.
Yes, I'm definitely up for it, and I think we settled on Ill/Rad? If you chose a day and time, though, I didn't write it down anywhere, so you'll need to tell me again :-)
Monday work for ya?
I'm thinking if we've got you and Notty tanking with your pets and some good debuff... I might go very left field and play something like a rad/MM blaster. Damage and debuffs in one tasty package.

Thelonious Monk
You certain you want to go Left field as I hear the next batsman is left handed
Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
CoH faces
i rolled a mind/icy domi last week, and i have to admit that i am amazed of the mind set too..... and extremelly fun to play
No worries. I have honor of teaming with you here and there. I also want to focus those two mentioned above 'till I get them to the Paragon. Have fun with your trio and give me a shout if you need a filler for starting TFs or other things.
I am also leveling a Mind/Earth dominator nowadays. Even I'm still seeking for safe play of controllers it is really fun. Heh if that one ain't enough rolled a Mind/Empath troller on Praetoria as well.
-------------------------------------------------- Riff, No worries. I have honor of teaming with you here and there. I also want to focus those two mentioned above 'till I get them to the Paragon. Have fun with your trio and give me a shout if you need a filler for starting TFs or other things. |
Thanks Knightly, let me know how you get on

Thelonious Monk
Even a bit slow I am soloing my way up to 20 with my Mind/Earth dominator Gortesk (in love with his concept and looks).
Still can't decide about Mind/Empath one. I had very very bad experiences on my earlier */empath or Empath/* builds. That makes me call it quits. Also that character has good concept and name still pondering if I should go with */Empath or with more secure bubbles or sonic... maybe Cold. Tho' can't shake the feeling a character named Raspberry Swirl must a Mind/Empath. Here's my dilemma nowadays.
Knightly mate you just have too many ideas
Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
CoH faces
Me? Have too much ideas? Pfft.
Well yesterday I deleted all the new characters I rolled a day before and re-rolled some, made new ones. Probably will re-roll my tanker girl again as she ain't look as macho as I wish.
You probably remember my Global Defense SG from Union, I will make a similar one in here. If heroes have a story/history for me they stay away from delete button *points Hymne and Captain Fin* .
Now just need time to draw them and settle Gena Grand/Raspberry Swirl couple.
I'm going to be a little late for the trio tonight -- hopefully I should be able to get on by 6:30, though. Sorry, guys!
Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.
We've been having so much fun running our crazy troller trio that Notty and I want to try it with a different combo - so we're looking for a 3rd person to come join us for a regular night. We're looking at something like a troller, MM & AN Other... so give us some suggestions if you're interested and the nights you can play.
Most likely Defiant but I guess it's possible on Union too and we'll probably start in Praetoria and do the Resistance arcs, and once we get to 50 trio all the TFs
Thelonious Monk